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Here's another case of wrongdoing- Trump administration has halted the student loan forgiveness program. We're talking about students who were deceived in loans, likely via, for-profit schools.

Betsy DeVos anyone?

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Report: Student loan forgiveness program has halted under Trump


And while we're detailing other heinous things the Trump cabal are doing that affect many of the young, they're also defunding programs and research toward preventing teen pregnancy.


The Trump Administration Is Gutting Funding to Prevent Teen Pregnancy


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Back in the '70's, when "All in the Family" was still the number-one show on TV, there was a tongue-in-cheek "Archie Bunker for President" campaign.  I didn't think it was funny when I first heard about it, and I definitely don't think it's funny now.

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Carroll O'Connor would be spinning in his grave at the thought of a real life Archie Bunker in the White House since O'Connor looked at Archie Bunker as a figure to be scorned and pitied in equal parts.


Speaking of people to be scorned-


Check out this thread in which Scaramucci has apparently called for the FBI to investigate Priebus. 


What a s*hit-show this administration is.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Trump misspeaks, decrying '17 years' of ObamaCare

BY JACQUELINE THOMSEN - 07/24/17 04:49 PM EDT 398
Trump misspeaks, decrying '17 years' of ObamaCare
© Twitter

President Trump appeared to misspeak on the age of ObamaCare on Monday, saying in a speech at the White House that Americans have endured the Affordable Care Act "for the past 17 years."

Senate Republicans have been struggling to fulfill their long-standing promise to repeal and replace ObamaCare, which was signed into law seven years ago. In his speech, Trump called on GOP senators to move beyond just talking about repeal and find a way to action.

“For the past 17 years, Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent, hardworking Americans,” Trump said during his statement.

MSNBC quickly fact-checked the claim with a chyron that read, “Trump: ‘For the last 17 years ObamaCare has wreaked havoc’ (Law signed in 2010)."

Social media users also quickly picked up on the mistake. 


Edited by victoria foxton
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I was at a meet and greet with Chris Kennedy who is running for Governor here in Illinois(we have several viable decent candidates in Illinois) and he eluded to this but put it in a more politically correct way, tying it to their feelings of being left behind. He also told stories of his grandmother Rose who's father was the first Irish mayor of Boston, faced discrimination. Jobs open but not to "micks" were signs typically on display,


It's hard to be thankful for Trump, but he did say imagine a much more qualified and adept person with his so called beliefs as president, someone who on the surface pretended to reach across the aisle and reach out to others. Trump's ineptitude in some ways is a blessing because someone much more astute politically(see Reagan) we'd be in real danger.      Look at the damage Reagan led.

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This morning I read an article about a couple who live in rural Colorado who are desperate to sell their "Mom & Pop" grocery store as so many others in rural areas have done.

The man's family (descended from Spanish settlers who came with the Conquistadors) had owned that store for about 100 years and if that store closes, it will essentially leave the community as a 'food desert' but he cannot afford to keep it up. He allows many of his customers to buy on credit, has supplied foods and goods for gatherings such as funerals and many of his customers use food stamps to buy groceries.

Many fear that Trump's proposed cuts, which not only include a drastic cut in food stamps but also reductions, as well as all out elimination of grants for small business owners (few people have mentioned that this was also a part of Trump's proposed 2018 budget) like these grocery store owners would be disastrous for small business owners like this couple.


It's a shame that people don't realize the other side of 'economic instability'.


And yes, ineptitude can inflict serious, long-term practice. Just ask anyone who has had to live with a botched surgery or misdiagnosis/medical malpractice.  


Not to be condescending or anything but the danger of a Trump seemed pretty clear to many of the people from the "ghetto" who voted in 2016 and it goes beyond race, it also encompasses economics. Some groups just didn't trust Trump and felt that his so-called economic 'fixes' had the ability to undo progress, and that includes economic progress.


It's unfortunate that some of the people in these rural areas don't understand that they stand to lose as much, perhaps even more than other under a CEO president (I thought we understand that CEO presidents don't work well after George W. Bush who first claimed the moniker, tanked the economy) whose sole purpose it to deficit-hack.

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Rod Stewart is awesome!



Rod Stewart Funds Families’ Trip To D.C. To Protest Medicaid Cuts

“I’ve just seen something on CNN that’s heartbreaking,” Stewart told his manager.


Archie definitely had a big heart, the scene's with him when Edith died OMG. Carroll O'Connor nailed Archie's love/devastation/heartbreak in that scene.


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