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They've already shot themselves in the foot by constantly proclaiming this their last best chance to get it passed. Tom Cotton's running around telling them not to send it to the senate. Rand Paul's out leading Koch brothers' funded demonstrations against it. Then there's that "incredibly brilliant" plan to just let Obamacare collapse and blame it on the democrats because they didn't make that public knowledge so we'll never know.  I think incompetent is way too kind of a description for them because they're taking it to whole new levels.


Then there's that foot in mouth leader of theirs and his bunch of surrogates who seem to be supplying their own rope. I now think that he will tweet, talk and brag himself into a hole so deep that his apologists won't be able to doublespeak him out of. He told his clapping seals yesterday that this nation's border has never been safer so what's the wall for?  He's the walking definition of ignorance.


The Irish PM is reportedly going to ask Trump about this today. This is just another example of how complicit the media has been for years in pushing the narrative of the undocumented immigrants as border hopping Mexicans. Their anchor baby song has exclusively been about how Mexican women come over here and "drop" babies so they can stay while they ignore the big business of Chinese women and others who pay to have babies here for the same reason. Making money from it must make it seem like legitimate business.

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I love her so much. Sam Bee is almost single-handedly making this presidency bearable for me (well, almost). This is from last night's show--and it's important that Democrats like me listen to this, too. (Mainly the overall message about showing up and voting, but also that it's probably NOT a good idea to show white people rapping a song about a candidate in a special election in Montana. That's important, too.

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Thanks for sharing that. I do think it's a positive result and I am actually encouraged by the gains made by the Greens but the battle really starts now. How do the centrists and leftists align. The traditional Labor Party in The Netherlands appears to be dead so what's next. The disturbing aspect is how many seats Wilder's movement now has. Maybe if the Dutch can navigate on a way of uniting the centrists with the left, it might help us learn from it.


I actually agree with the comment someone there made about Brexit, although I do think like the electionhere, anti immigrant sentiment helped push Brexit through, some of the other principles behind it are legit reasons why they wanted out of the EU.

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"This proposed budget isn't extreme. Reagan's proposed budget in 1981 was extreme. This budget is short-sighted, cruel to the point of being sadistic, stupid to the point of pure philistinism, and shot through with the absolute and fundamentalist religious conviction that the only true functions of government are the ones that involve guns, and that the only true purpose of government is to serve the rich."





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That's going to have to be the answer for all of us who oppose this madness. Our JCC got a bomb threat yesterday. It struck me as especially sad because an old age home is attached to the main building. So in addition to scared little kids they had to evacuate the sick and old. I'm looking in to volunteering there on weekends, since I don't know what else I can do. As DeeeDeee said it's going to be a long four years. 

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I guess I just find this type of behavior to be very shallow. To be honest, as cynical as this makes me sound, my first thought was he didn't even vote and he just wanted to get in front of a camera. I do see what you mean though.

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