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That list of GOPers are against Trump for the Muslim ban, however, they'll still vote in favor of Trump's appointees for Cabinet positions. 


While I've never cared for John McCain's politics, I've always had some respect for him. I lost it when he didn't speak out against Trump once Trump dissed him about being captured. Instead, he fell in line with him and will do so going forward. 

Don't know if someone post this article or not but Vox has released a list of all the GOP in Congress & Senate, who have taken a stance on the Muslim ban: 




I suggest calling those f-ckers in your state and chewing their ears off. I plan on doing so with those in GA. 

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^ I don't think much of Republicans on domestic social issues, but this EO goes to the core of American values.  I'm not that surprised that some of them are standing against this. I'm glad, but it's only one of the terrible issues coming our way.  Every day it's some new nightmare. I guess I'll have to call Sasse tomorrow and thank him for doing something decent though.

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Yes, when I read about it, I couldn't help but feel demoralized. Just seems too much, that it happens just after the PM of Canada declared the country open and welcome to those turned away by the U.S. The timing is uncanny.

People in their houses of worship are vulnerable as well all saw illustrated in the massacre in the Mother Emmanuel AME Church in SC. Just like in SC, I hope there is justice and comfort for these victims, the survivor and their families.

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