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That is a funny picture. All I can say about that image is... one hustler recognizes another hustler. 


So now I'm reading that Trump has stock in the company that is building the Dakota Access pipeline!! Yes, that Dakota Access pipeline that is drawing the protests. 

It just gets worse and worse.

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They are underestimating Paul Ryan. I think he's going to be pretty successful in gutting some of these social safety net programs.  Knowing that he received social security benefits as a child after his father died makes me despise him even more. How can you benefit from a system and then plot to take it away from other little children who need it? I just don't understand people who know what it's like to be vulnerable and then try to screw others out of the same help they received.

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Paul Ryan worships Ayn Rand, who was nothing but a miserable person who promoted being selfish above all other things. Overhauling Medicare will fail, because it's political poison and there will end up being some Republican in both houses who quietly help kill any overhaul. If there is anything that would actually lose control of the House in 2018 for Republicans, it's ruining Medicare.

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Democrats tend to cave a lot, especially Schumer and Hoyer. Harry Reid wouldn't let this happen, but he's retiring. Democrats have 48 seats in the Senate - the real question is if this comes up to a vote (or some variation of it), will all Democrats hold firm? Or will the Joe Manchin types cave? Will the Republicans who try to give the impression they have half a brain (Collins, McCain, Heller, Flake, among others) go along? 


Anyway, not to take away from the above, but this is a writeup on the continued Secretary of State battles and how it may lead Trump to pick Patraeus instead:




Something will have to give with this mess of two very divided camps - I have a feeling in the long run the Breitbart group will lose clout, but not until after all the damage is done. And of course Pence and that ilk are as bad, or worse, just in a less blatant way. I guess at least Pence has the sense to see that Rudy is a ridiculous idea. 


I'm not surprised to hear that Rudy's ego and big mouth are dragging him down. I hope it keeps on coming. 

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I figure they'll try to make it a voucher system and raise the eligibility age starting with people under 40 or 50. Whatever age it is that people still believe being old is a problem for other people. I'm guessing they will try the same with social security. I used to be allowing people to invest a small percentage of their SS money, but at this point it's hard for me to get on board with any plans the Republicans have for these programs.

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Videos on Twitter are posted of Cubans in Miami are celebrating over the demise of Castro. At least they have something to celebrate now till another dictator, Trump that is, comes into office in a few weeks. 


Speaking of Don the con, allegedly, the Secret Service might be paying $12 million to rent rooms in Trump Tower:




This is truly getting absurd and he needs to be stopped. 

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Good riddance.


The only positive thing he ever did was help with the ending of apartheid in South Africa and his relationship with Nelson Mandela. He's even still to this day considered a somewhat of a hero in South Africa. As a kid in school in the 90s, I was definitely taught that he was some sort of "misunderstood martyr" while Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan- two people I have no use for- were the "evil villains". Judging by the South African twitter response to his death, that's something that's still taught and it's rather disheartening. 

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What is boggling my mind at this moment are the White Cubans [in Miami] that are cheering for Trump as if he took Castro out or will be any worse. 


I always knew Cubans were Conservatives and didn't appreciate Obama lifting the embargo, but why the f-ck would they like Trump when he stayed insulting Latinos? 


You know what--never mind. I'm so over stupid ass ppl that it is ridiculous. This man did f-cking business w/ Cuba during the embargo and these people like Trump. 

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I think there's always been a big divide between older Cubans and other Latinos. With that said I know some claim Trump never was as unpopular with Latinos as most major Republican candidates. I find that hard to believe, given the vile things he said, but I don't know. 


I understand Fidel was a monster to many who fled Cuba, but I wonder if it's just symbolism for them at this point, as his reign seemed to be over a long time ago. Doesn't his brother run the country now? 


I saw a few comments saying it's ironic he died on the main day that celebrates captalism...

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(re: Latinos) I am finding what you said more common, but with older Latinos. They seem to brush off what Trump said but whatever. I just can't understand how they can celebrate the demise of one monster (Castro), but celebrate another monster (Trump) as if he is some something special. 


Yes, CNN has said that his brother has been really running the country since 2008. I wonder how long that'll last before someone tries to overthrow him (*coughs* Trump *coughs*). 


I too found it ironic Castro passed on Black Friday. I bet that'll get people even more riled up and eager to shop today. Especially, Trump supporters. I'm surprised Trump has tweeted yet even though it'd be a lie. He'd probably 'bash' Castro even though he most likely adored him as he did business with him. 


This year just keeps getting weirder and weirder. 



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There was an article out earlier this year about how Fidel was stirring backlash against Obama's visit and any new US-friendly policy. I guess that was one of his last gasps. 




I saw some joke tweets saying the CIA had tried to kill Castro hundreds of times, and taunted 2016 that it couldn't do it. And sure enough 2016 did...


I was reading a bit about the 1980 boatlifts that brought over 100K to Miami. They sure were lucky Carter was President then. I can't imagine what the reaction would be today. 

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