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I finally cancelled my subscription to the NYT this morning. I am not really sure why I have kept it to be honest. I am all for fair and honest news but they are not. After that tweet from that hack Maggie Haberman late yesterday about how disrespectful people were being of Mike Pence, enough is enough. A paper that collaborated with US intelligence to promote the Iraq war. I never should have. And while I was not looking for anyone cheerleading Hillary Clinton, the amount of front page coverage over her foundation versus doing some real investigative journalism into perhaps our PEOTUS's ties to foreign entities like how much money he owes.( Put aside the fact we now have to rely on the intelligence from our foreign allies to determine what Vladimir Putin has on Trump versus our own intelligence services).


Anyway some of the local papers such as the Miami Herald and LA Times have actually done some decent reporting. But I wanted to find out if anyone knew of good unbiased news sources out there. I have been following Al Jazeera now and Politifact, Pundifact, and The Week and The Nation primarily because Ari Berman is the ONLY ONE who was reporting on voter suppression. I also think non conventional media sources are going to become even more important. I have tried the Intercept but their journalists are so damn condescending it's hard to stomach them.


I am done with the Beltway media for the most part. Most of them are sycophants who are out of touch and are all just now regurgitating the poor rural white man story.

Edited by JaneAusten
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When you mentioned Haberman, I know exactly what you're talking about. Haberman has taken to Twitter and has been scolding people who booed Pence last night.  

Someone on twitter named PropaneJane (is that you

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?) really read Haberman and I had to agree with every word. She asked Haberman where were her scolding words when people at NASCAR booed Michelle Obama?  Where were Haberman's words when our current President Barack Obama was shouted down at the State Of The Union address with "You Lie" on national television? What about the numerous instances of disrespect and name calling that the current President and First Lady have quietly endured throughout their 8 years in the White House? Where were these scolding words when Trump himself insulted the President as well as various groups of people- NYT and Haberman were strangely quiet then.


I don't blame you for cancelling your NYT subscription @JaneAusten, I read some of their online articles free through my library card but I haven't been happy with the way they reported many of the stories this election season. They backed away from following up on a lot. Perhaps they were afraid of being seen as not objective but their reporting was soft on the GOP candidates. One report on the contaminated soil in Indiana, no follow up on the HIV epidemic outbreak in Indiana both while Pence is governor. They went into Hillary's relationship with her mother, father, money, etc.-- no angle was dropped from the story of Hillary. Suddenly they got "brave" when it is too late to have any real impact.


The bitter irony is that they've benefited from this election and its result because Trump tweeted out bitter words directed at the NYT after some article and someone has been using Trump's threats as a marketing tool. Yesterday, someone tweeted that NYT has gained thousands of new subscription over the last week or so. So, to paraphrase Les Moonves, it may be bad for the country but it's good for CBS...and clearly The New York Times.


This thread moves so fast (I might be one of those reasons why, I post lots of posts and articles) and maybe sometimes people may skim posts as a result, leading to some misunderstandings.


Also, it's just been a brutal election season, in a brutal year.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I wish I was @Propane_Jane. I've been following her for months and her posts were part of what gave me optimism and hope and she's mad as anything. I saw that tweet from Haberman and that was all it took after months of terrible reporting on the part of the NYT. And those who feel I need to continue my subscription when they still have been reporting, softening this Trump BS and telling people to give him a chance, can use their own money. I have issues with the Post but at least they seemed to try the impartiality even if they did fail miserably. The Times made no pretense and then we have Haberman telling people that Pence deserves respect? Where the hell was all their reporting on Pence and the failures of his own attempts to implement his ideology in Red Indiana? He would have gotten beat and beat badly if he re-ran but I didn't see the Times have any reporting on how the HIV epidemic is up in Indiana while he diverted money onto electro-shock therapy to "cure" homosexuals. Or him wanting to jail women for failing to bury their miscarried fetus's. So yeah I get to decide that the NYT and Haberman(who beat down Clinton for months) are not worth my time. And thanks for the pep talk. This election has really brought out strong emotions and stress in all of us.


Oh and by the way here is that hack Haberman saying as VP-Elect Pence doesn't deserve disrespect. Yeah she and the Times can take a flying leap after staying silent for YEARS of disrespect towards President and Michelle Obama.



He's also the VP-elect. A level of disrespect twitter.com/ditzkoff/statu…


Pence getting booed at Hamilton bums me out. Whatever you think of him. He’s trying to engage. Could get ideas from far worse places.

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I believe they do listen to some.  The problem is in treating groups as monolithic.  Not all latinos/hispanics have immigration on the top of their lists of concerns and not all black people have racism on the top of their list of concerns.  Times are changing but the Democrats are carrying on as if everything is basically the same and all they need to do to protect their positions is march in place.  They are not offering anything to younger generations at all.  I am sure some of them have children and understand how different it is to be a young adult now than when they grew up and yet they don't seem to understand that they need to adapt in terms of platform, messaging, etc. 


And I also think they underestimate the "uneducated" man's ability to think as well.  Today's Eliza Doolittle does not need the professor.  She can make it happen on the internet, so all that dependency that worked for them in the past won't fly as well now.  It doesn't even matter if the little people don't understand world affairs and the like because the American way has been sold as make more money and then make more and knock over whoever and whatever you need to, in order to make it.

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I know. He's such a candy ass.

The Jeff Sessions appointment is probably about the most dangerous thing he's done so far. Watch this, it's got Jane Pauley and the full report from March 17, 1986. It's best to see these things in their entirety for those who are too young to have seen it first hand.


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You know how petulant some children become when you even threaten to take away their toys.  With Trump, it's no different.


At the very least, I'd love to trick Pence into going to a drag bar.  Who knows?  His hair might even change back to its original color!

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Trump is about to be the most powerful man in the country, who is going to take his Twitter from him? Why would they take his Twitter from him, he won and credits social media with his success.  All the crazy things he's said aren't hurting him because a good chunk of the population agrees with him.  And yeah, I find that depressing as hell, but I can't really deny it at this point.

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This whole stirred up controversy is all to obscure the fact that Trump paid out a $25 Million settlement for fraud!  He said he would fight vigorously months ago, but before this even made it to court, he settled! 


For all we know, he sent Pence there, knowing the likely reception he'd get from the audience and the opportunity it'd present for a 'controversy' so that he could divert people's attention away from the fact that Trump University was a fraud!



Maybe several months from now, some of those tweets will be presented as exhibit A in a trial.

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