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I don't think anyone short of Carl (take a bow) could have anticipated this.


I'll pray for victory but all I can say is we've been somewhere like this before, and not just in my lifetime. If the worst happens I believe we can and will find our way back, but it will take time, work, non-complacency and a lot of willingness to see through to the next month, the next day, the next hour, the next minute, the next second.


That's how I've gotten through a lot of bad times in my life. It's how I got through the Bush years. It's how I absolutely believe we can do again. I just wish we wouldn't have to do it like this.


We'll come back. It's awful, but we'll come back. That's what America does and that's what I do. I don't know how to give up so I just keep going. Take a night, take an hour, cry, scream, whatever, then keep going. The alternative is nonexistent.

Edited by Vee
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Very well said. As always. I always respect you and what you have to say. 


It will be bad - I'm too numb to really cater to the doomsday brigades at places like Daily Kos (now I remember why I stopped going there), but it will be bad - but there are also a lot of strong people who will help us through. 


If anyone knows anybody out there struggling with their mental health, maybe give them a call, because I've already seen people saying they may attempt suicide. 

Edited by DRW50
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I have to apologize to Carl because never in my lifetime did I ever believe this could happen but I guess all the signs were there. The most chilling statistic is the percentage of white female voters who apparently voted for him. I can't fathom that one bit. And no this doesn't go on the heads of any POC or minorities it's on us.


This is 100 times worse than Bush. We will get through this but it's going to lead to a wave worldwide that's already begun in some places. It's just hard for me to believe that we elected President Obama 8 years ago and this is the result of that underlying resentment and hatred, because I don't buy the economic anxiety crap or the being fed up with Washington, when most of the people running for the Senate and House were re-elected.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I think we all fear those things. I feel like we not only let the country or Obama down, but people like my mother. She is in her seventies and was campaigning vigorously for Hillary all over. She is far more of a worrier than me, but I insisted we'd be fine. I feel like I failed her. She lived through the '60s as a radical, she worked on Capitol Hill many years, and as a young woman she was going to work for RFK. Then he was killed.


Still, she gave her life to service and though she's in very good health I abhor the idea that she'd have to leave this world while the country is still like this.


I think we'll come back as we always do, in time and with hard work. That's the only way I get through tonight, or tomorrow, or whenever.

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We are going backwards to hate ....division between whites vs Latinos and African Americans.....a sad night.

I can't recall the name of the guy who predicted HRC was in trouble and might lose Michigan said that those that voted for Trump were in for a huge awakening because he was going to make America worse.

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I am Black and a Woman. I cannot hide my skin color nor my gender. I have felt the sting of discrimination even in the best of economic times. I have had ignorant comments told to me as if they were compliments. I have been harassed and called names, men whispering nasty things in my ear and yelling them in the street. I've even been grabbed by at least one rando.


Just two houses down, there is a man who had a Trump/Pence sign on his lawn.


I have a friend who, over the weekend said she was afraid to leave her house on Election Day. Also a Black Woman.


Show of hands, how many people have felt/do feel what I'm going through?

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