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Aww let me guess your friend is a white male right? Listen I am a teacher in Chicago Public Schools are there are justifiable reasons kids are asked not to wear certain color combinations or emblems much more serious than your friend outlines. And the police. Please. Can we quit pretending there hasn't been racial bias for years(the police force originates from the KKK slave police) and admit this has been going on for years, and just got noticed because people now have camera's and phones capturing what's going on so it can't be denied.


There is a totally different world between white males and the rest of us in this country. Maybe if more people on both sides acknowledged that we could get a real dialogue.


And it amazes me as to the attacks on the democrats when no one wants to ask themselves why the GOP picked a man who can't beat the seemingly unelectable democrat. There were a zillion other GOPers running against trump including allegedly normal Kasich, and Trump got the nomination

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He is a white male, but white men exist too.  I am not saying I agree with everything he says (although deporting murder gangs sounds pretty ok to me) but white men are allowed their point of view too and it is real.   And all these little things start to form a narrative.   Trump speaks to this guy, and he is a college educated white guy who isn't a religious zealot, isn't into guns, has no problem with gay rights or being friendly with people of color...he just has a world view Hillary does not seek to address.  

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Trump has bled but he never recovers, not fully. That's why Hillary remains well ahead in most polling. That's why the latest polling today has her way up, and that's why most of America (again, according to national polling) sees him as a nutjob who can't be allowed to be president - listening to Ann Coulter is insane. Pretending he can be normalized is a fantasy that's been dead for months, as is the insane idea that somehow Sanders would've done better. The numbers speak for themselves. Hopefully people will retire this [!@#$%^&*] when Hillary wins with a commanding lead, but I'm sure I'll hear 'oh, but she could've done better.'

And BTW, people had heard of Obama well before 2008.

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Can we also expel these Oregon militia and those of their ilk who break the law and believe they are in the right? (oops did I say 'right'?). 

And can we please acknowledge that there are Timothy McVeighs, not just 'Islamic terrorists' lurking in this country? There's been little to no coverage of the Kansas terrorists, whose plans were every bit as malicious as others who profess their belief in Islam... why is that?


As for education level, we know that the majority of Trump's followers are either Whites who are over 60 and those who are younger have a High School diploma or less. Those who are college educated are in the minority of Trump followers and they have been polled to be quite intolerant. 'Don't mind gays or minorities' is far from comforting to so-called minorities (who, like or not, America...will soon be the majority) or gays.  It's like saying the slavemasters didn't mind raping their slaves. It has nothing to do with the course of equal rights or fair justice. Frankly, it doesn't mean a hill of beans to this minority.


Yes, I am judging Trump supporters because it speaks to who they are in their heart of hearts. Trump's father Fred was aligned with the KKK (he was found to be at least one of their rallies where mayhem broke loose, where he was arrested; also Fred Trump was known to do business with Klansmen).  Trump himself has made statements that have shown him to be a racist, sexist, xenophobe and there's no denying it.


So to me, Trump supporters have no problem supporting a man who not only has a racist, sexist, xenophobic worldview, they are willing to overlook the fact that he has swindled people and is in thousands of litigation cases- one of them an upcoming rape trial.


So yeah, me and a Trump supporter would never be friends. I would probably have to 'tolerate' them as well.

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I met my first Trump supporters out in the wild this morning. An older American tourist couple on the train were basically shouting about how great is he and that he's going to turn America around (this was when they weren't complaining about why they couldn't find a Starbucks and their dismay at there being a lot of African and Asian immigrants in Sydney since they thought Australia was "all white"). The husband then started going off about how Hillary is  like Hitler and that they're moving to Canada if she wins (everyone who can hear them snickers). 


The whole thing just left me sad. The world already has such a negative view of America and Americans in a lot of ways and this business with Trump really isn't helping. I'm not proud of some of the comments I heard from some of fellow Australians when the Americans got finally off the train but I have to assume that's the way a lot of people around the world are feeling while watching the clusterfuck. I know I personally feel embarrassed and just kind of dumbfounded.

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So he's wealthy and doesn't want the tax increases for people over $250K most likely. As for gang problems, I live in Chicago so no one needs to explain to me about gang problems and gang colors and emblems and such. But who is against sending illegals back and how does he even know the gang members are illegals? Most illegals here are working for companies who the Feds no longer go after for employing illegals thanks to St. Ronald Reagan via 1986.. And under Obama there have been more illegals deported over his tenure than those coming in. As for mftg jobs, what's the plan in bringing them back. The person saying this makes all his own products, supplies his hotels with products made outside the US. But the biggest fallacy is that more mftg jobs have been lost to robotics and advanced technology than have left the US. So what's Trump going to do about those. I expect someone who's white and college educated to at least make an attempt to know these things to know it's a pipe dream by a known liar. And if this person has daughters, I'd think he'd be concerned about the sexism and misogyny that seems to be unleashed with this candidate. But other than the tax issue, none of this seems to impact him directly so of course it doesn't matter. And a white college educated wealthy male isn't  going to be the one who will suffer. It will be the same white working class people plus many more women and minorities, the same people who are suffering now. Let's just be honest. Someone like this was never going to go anti GOP no matter what. Not a criticism just a fact. Actually I take that back. My brother fits this profile to a T but he has 3 granddaughters and doesn't want them growing up in a world where they matter less.

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What exactly are "murder gangs"?



I hate to generalise people but yes, I've sort of come to that realisation. I know heaps claim to not be racist but by openly voting for and endorsing him, you're at the very least saying you're okay with his racist views (not to mention that he's also a sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, misogynist, and idiot).


No, Canda won't want Trump and his kind. No one outside of the Putin loyalists in Russia and the Le Pen loyalists in France will want them. 

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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