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It's debate night again.


Are you ready for the media to tell us yet again that their prize stud Marco won and please, please please start supporting him because they've spent 6 years fapping it to him and the public just doesn't seem to be sharing the love?


I would not be surprised if they try to do the same with that pig Christie as well, especially given the desperate "Comeback in New Hampshire!" lines they still keep trotting out. 

Edited by DRW50
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Well, to be honest, I sort of wish people would take an interest in Rubio. I find some of his policies appalling, but compared to Trump, I'll take it. People keep telling us Trump can't win, but if he gets that nomination, I'm not so sure.  A scandal here, a bombing there and we could be the laughing stock of the world even more than we are right now.

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I disagree re Rubio but it's whatever. 


Im surprised the Democratic debate yesterday wasn't a completely disaster of chaos but then again I was basing my expectations of Politico who's beyond thirsty for a complete blood bath on Hillary Clinton. 


Martin OMalley becomes increasingly nasty and dirty with his comments. I'm glad HRC didn't pay no mind 

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That's fuckin scary.  


My bible thumping brother put something on FB the other day that people "from both parties" are tired of Washington insiders, thus the reason for Trumps popularity.  I had to comment, there are no self respecting Dems supporting this bigot, thankyaverymuch


Its funny how the right is trying to drag the left into their train wreck 

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Trump unfortunately is a legitimate contender.  Assuming six months of polling is legit, he is a big factor indeed.  I don't think he can win but I do think if he were the republican nominee he would lose a lot of republican votes but pick up a lot of disaffected yahoo voters who wouldn't vote otherwise.   I can see the theoretical appeal of a candidate who says all politicians are bought and paid for BS artists and no one in washington is capable of fixing things, but Trump is not the guy.   He might have made a decent Secretary of something and they could have put him in charge of modernizing airports, bridges and highways.   He'd probably be good at that.


I do find his blunt ways very refreshing.   No other politician would say something like "Hillary would like to run against me?   Ask Lyndsay Graham how much he liked running against me, ask Bobby Jindal",   and his comment to Bush about if he gets any further to the periphery of the debate stage he'll be off the air was so funny, honest and real.   Trump is insane but his insanity is very understandable and he at least acts and thinks like a human.  Other than he and Bernie Sanders, everyone else is prepackaged and fake.

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I won't disagree. Anyone who thinks a little girl who is raped shouldn't be allowed an abortion is a pso, imo. I'd still pick Rubio over Trump though. 


Is Trump a legitimate contender? I don't know how anyone can say he isn't, although some of the Republicans in my life are still trying to deny it. He's as much of a contender as Jeb or Rubio, that much is certain.  I agree he probably can't win the general election, but again, that really depends on what happens in the country.  People are drawn to authoritarian types during times of trouble.  Right now, the media is still building Trump up with any luck they'll soon start knocking him down. What really shocks me is the awe in the voice of certain CNN anchors when they talk about him (I'm looking at you Wolf Blitzer). Maybe it's the rating they're in awe of. IDK, but I find it disturbing.

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Pataki wasn't a horrible governor, nor was he spectacular.  NY is a pretty corrupt state where the legislature makes sure nothing gets done.   He would have made a better president than the rest of the bunch.  He's pro choice (or was anyway) pro gay rights (or was anyway) was for expanding medical coverage to the poor.  He was a tax cutter, but NY is a high tax state that has lost a lot of its allure.  When Wall St is booming NY is healthy, but when the bust comes, NY gets his especially hard because all the employees are no longer working and paying taxes.   NY is a tough state to govern and he didn't destroy it.   He stayed too long in office and eventually wore out his welcome, but so did Ed Koch and Bloomberg, and Cuomo, and Rudy, and three terms is a long time.  Better him than Bush, Cruz, Rubio or Trump if you ask me. 

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