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Any Capitol Fans Here?


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An Italian viewer was kind enough to chronologically upload the first few years of the show, albeit in Italian.  I watched anyway and having some knowledge of the plotlines it wasn't too hard to follow along. It was nice to see all of Carolyn Jones' and Marla Adams' episodes. I didn't realize that Carolyn actually came back and did a few more episodes after Marla's stint.

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I am vague on the details now, after almost 40 years, but IIRC, Bell balked at the idea of CBS expanding the show to an hour, and Conboy, who was enthusiastic about the idea, went to TPTB and suggested they fire Bell and replace him with a writer who would not resist the expansion. Bell made his distaste for Conboy apparent in his Television Academy interview (available on youtube).

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Can someone clarify the Y&R and B&B ownerships for me ? I thought Sony (previously Columbia Pictures) owned Y&R and licensed it to CBS.  But does CBS own B&B ?  Regardless of CBS' motivation for giving Bell another show, my preference would have been to keep Capitol, get rid of Lipton as HW and hire a HW who could have salvaged the show.  Certainly, Lipton's storylines contributed to Capitol's decline.  


Agreed, this was one of the better reunions.  Alan admitted he was a fan of Capitol so hopefully he will bring us more.  Would love to see Nicholas and Jess Walton reunited.

Edited by gimmetoo
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Capitol would have been better to have kept Slesar as headwriter, but I guess affiliates dropped the show causing the ratings to drop..and he.was blamed and axed.


His and Peggy O'shea's stints were the strongest, Corrington's was so-so (they fixed the stories not working so I bbn viewed them more as interim writers).. lipton was plot driven while the creators stint was boring.

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Been rewatching the few English language episodes I can find on Youtube.  Wish there were more...


I'm struck by how sublime Todd Curtis' performance is.  He's so natural and perfect as Jordy...never a false note. Of all the young (and inexperienced) actors who started w/ Capitol he really stands out.  Superb casting.  



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So glad you have these articles, especially the guys photo shoot! I had been looking for those photos and finally found them here! Capitol had the best looking men on daytime, especially Nicholas Walker, Bill Beyers and Jeff Chamberlain! Mostly though I just loved Capitol and the political intrigue! Carolyn Jones put her heart and soul into Myrna and Marj Dusay did a fine job taking over. CBS were fools to take it off in favor of B&B. Although B&B has been popular, Capitol was doing quite well and deserved to stay on the air.

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Courtesy of The Soaps of Yesterday Tumblr


Poor John Conboy tried to get some helpful PR out of a very expensive party


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Only to get this headline from an uninformed editor


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Is there a date for this article? I’m wondering if this was Tyler’s hero’s welcome home party from the show’s first week. I recall reading that the set they built for the gala was at the time the largest ever created for a soap opera. I believe OLTL’s great hall of Eterna later claimed that distinction.

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@SFK Its from January 1984 and the party marked the inauguration of the mansion set for Mark and Paula Denning

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See my Soaps of Yesteryear thread for other examples of editors making headline mistakes

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