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-90% of what's considered good acting on soaps, isn't.

-A charismatic model is not the same thing as a talented actor.

-Mumbling, stuttering, stammering, et cetera is not naturalism. It's annoying and amateur.


-Jacob Young makes me want to punch something. Namely his oversized jaw.

-Camera Whore is on

-Jackson Montgomery is a boring windbag.

-If Michael Nader hadn't lost his damn mind, he'd still be right where he belongs: playing Dimitri, Erica's true love.

-Ex-Colby was the lesser of two evils.

-I am so glad that we are rid of Leven Rambin. Can't you just imagine the major eye-rolling and mutual looks of disgust whenever she left the makeup room?

-Ya-Ya? Na-na.

-Rebecca Budig has the most beautiful brown eyes and I want to kiss her face.

-Bianca was annoying and Eden Riegel would try to hold her eyes open to make herself tear.


-Claire Labine sent Dorian Lord into a tailspin and Dorian has never recovered from JFP. (The Dorian Lord of the mid-'90s was riveting and is sorely missed.)

-I get that awkward embarrassed feeling when I watch Erika Slezak play Niki Smith.

-DID is Viki's story and Viki's story only no matter how doable Bree looks with that teased hair and those full painted lips. I can accept Eterna and the Old West, but Viki's daughter having DID too is just some garbage to me.

-Leslie Charleson deserved the Emmy in '94. Slezak deserved it (and got it) the NEXT year.

-Victor Lord dead was 10x's more interesting than half the living characters.

-Kentucky Fried Cassie DePaiva will never erase the image of Mia Korf as Blair in my brain as hard as I have tried to resolve that issue in my soul. DePaiva should have been cast as another hitherto unmentioned daughter of Addie.

-I really don't know what to make of David Vickers these days. If he'd been so campy from jump street that would be one thing, but whenever he's on now, I feel like I'm watching Tuc Watkins at the playground. Though cheesily entertaining at times, why not invest some of that energy into giving Robin Strasser some real material?

-Roxie is overrated.


-I don't mind the way the show looks. I mind the way it is written. Poorly.

-Tom Pelphrey was good, his bag of tricks was better. He fooled a great lot of you who were accustomed to soap stars with no training.

-Kim Zimmer thinks way too highly of herself--her ability, her contribution. The show has been quite fabulous in her absence.

-Marj Dusay is a fabulous mess who doesn't always seem to know her lines. I say that with love. She is fun to watch, I adore her. But she's not an Alexandra, she's a Myrna Clegg, or better yet, a Vanessa Bennett. Vanessa is the only soap role she ever created and it is her true soapy masterpiece.

-Beverlee McKinsey did quite a bit of phoning it in as Alex. It's okay though. She was tired. Iris is her true soapy masterpiece.

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I have the same feeling these days whenever I watch ES play just Viki. In both big and small ways - neither of which I could begin to explain, really - Viki just does not "feel" like Viki to me anymore. She walks, talks and even sounds different from the Viki (and Niki) I grew up watching in the early- and mid-'80's. (Yes, I am aware that Viki is not just Viki anymore, but an amalgamation (sp?) of all her alters...but that isn't the only reason, I think. Besides, I'd argue that Viki hasn't been Viki since the end of the Paul Rauch era, and that was before the emergence of Jean, Tommy, Peggy Lou, Peggy Ann, and whatever other personalities have cropped up, lol.)

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Here's a big one I just thought of...

- Although there were many exceptions to the rule in the first 30 years of soap operas, soap acting as a whole improved ONLY after Executive Producers got rid of cue cards in the 1970s/1980s.

- The woman that played Eve Stapleton on GL was horrid!

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