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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I know that was a whole lot of blather to go through so I appreciate you reading it and your kind words. I know most of that would never get on EE (probably for the best), but I do think some of those ideas could work and the cast would deliver if given the chance. 


I also wanted to write a fic on Walford Web sometime so at least this has reminded me that I should do so.

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No I don't mind reading it at all!!! I hope they eventually will bring back Vicki because Sharon needs more of her family around more than ever. And they might as well go ahead and recast Zoe because Michelle Ryan doesn't want to come back. 

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I've been so far removed from EE every since they had Bobby kill Lucy. But if I did have one suggestion, it would be to get rid of anything and anyone with the last name MITCHELL. 


Phil would die. Ben would take Callum and his seed and go far away. 


Raymond would be the only "Mitchell" left, but he'd grow up in a loving environment thanks to Denise, Patrick, and whomever else is in the Fox orbit.


Dare I say it but I'd scrap the Beales too minus Kathy and Peter. Ian is too heinous at this point and Bobby would be sent off too. Sharon can go too. 


I would prefer if the show went back to being about family and community, which is what captivated me when I first started watching.

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I have to agree, I lost interest majorly over the Bobby killing Lucy garbage. It's been a struggle to get back into it over the years. Continued poor writing doesn't help ... lol


Phil feels *very* tired (beyond tired). And it seems like they're kinda desperate throwing Phil and Kat together (not sure where they stand I'm not up to date on the last month or so).


Denise seems to be in constant misery which gets really old. I'd love something different for her. 


I like Sharon being more of a bitch, personally. But she still has a heart. Channel more of her mother. But she feels damaged.


The canvas feels stale too. I'd start bringing some popular characters back and shake things up.

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And isn't that not good seeing as BBC is like PBS--a tax payer channel? And with EE bringing in ratings like that with their big budget, wouldn't they have to start trimming folks then if they don't get any better? 



When the show brings back popular characters, they ruin them in no time flat. I'd be all for the show bringing in new families or digging into the annals and digging up characters that we haven't seen in decades. In regard to the Beale family, get rid of Ian's crew and bring on some of Kenny or Maggie's kids. 

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Seems shock value plots and misery are wearing thin


Yes we do!


Yeah, I think Ian's family is worn out. I have no interest in Peter. Bobby is .... and Lucy is dead. I'd keep Kathy of course. But you're right. They do seem to ruin them. I would dig deeper too. 

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I was thinking about him the other day as I was watching some episodes online from his time. I hope he receives help as well. 


I'm trying to watch regularly now ... some thoughts ...


Like I said in the Corrie thread, the UK soaps were feeling a bit lethargic and cash strapped like the US soaps but EastEnders seems to be able to have more extras and feel more 'normal' if you will than Corrie does ...


I like Sharon/Kheerat


Ben/Callum has decent conflict I suppose.


Phil and Kat is unexpected but it actually kind of works and Phil isn't *as* toxic as he was.


Sonia finding her father Terry works for me. 


Martin not being a raging thug for five minutes goes a long way.


Thoughts on Sharon having another brother in Zack? At least this time he's blood related. LOL. I still lowkey cringe when she talks about Dennis as the love of her life. I get it but eww. LOL.


Mo's gone again I see? Mo leaving Jean a garage full of pot is hilarious. I love her. Is Jean dying? Cancer? I missed some details here. I'm assuming she starts lighting up? YES PLEASE.


I like the use of Kathy. Could be a little better but it's fine. Ian really isn't needed anymore. Peter and Bobby fill that spot fine.


I never cared either way about Kush simply because I didn't develop a fondness for him from watching. I really haven't watched much of his time on the show. I did like him with Whitney and it was sad to see him shoved under the train by Gray. It's time to wrap the Gray story up, no? Talk about milking a villain.


I also feel like they kind of ran the gamut with Kush. Storywise I can get the decision to dump him. I know Whitney is popular but couldn't they have just written them out together for a while?


I feel like I started watching the UK soaps again regularly as they were just coming off interesting things. I can't say they set the world on fire this last week.

Edited by KMan101
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