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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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If I didn't know any better, I'd say people aren't huge fans of Eastenders on here. Lol...


Kidding aside, after giving it a cursory glance and struggling to finish the last episode broadcast and when examining the state of this unrecognisable show that has the name and theme of Eastenders (whilst agreeing with the comments that came before mine) it occurred to me that I went through the same thing with another once powerhouse soap that I have stopped watching... The Young and the Restless.


Both shows have veered hugely from their identity and what made them what they are, both have characters that are basically Teflon, neither are in any immediate danger of being cancelled, both have suffered in recent(ish) times from a succession of writers and producers who just don't get it, despite what they say to the contrary (though 'credit' to Charles Pratt, he more or less said from the start he was going to do his own thing), and both do not have a hope in hell's chance of getting their next appointment correct. 

While ITV (certainly Coronation Street) have a (moveable) structure in place, and a resource of at least serviceable parts, the BBC do not, at least not regarding soaps.


I do not trust Casualty and Holby City Executive Producer Oliver Kent as far as I can throw him, radio soap The Archers programme editor Sean O'Connor has done TV soaps with mixed success (he made a minor, insignificant dent in the Eastenders story team years ago, was railroaded alongside Liza Mellody by Phil Redmond and Jo Hallows at Hollyoaks, and had the legs chopped from under him at both Family Affairs and after the reasonably well received Series 3 of Footballers Wives)  and the Producers of Doctors Will Trotter, Peter Errol Lloyd and Mike Hobson, only deal in 'cosy' afternoon soap.


With those in charge of Eastenders now, they had a real gem of a producer who joined with Dominic Treadwell-Collins, left fairly quickly and who's departure coincided with the wheels falling off. And that was Alison Davis. Unless I missed a specific reason, I'm unsure why she left. History (Family Affairs revamp in 2003, stabilising The Bill in 2005, even when Paul Marquess was still the EP of the latter) has taught us that she is more than capable. 


The only other person I would have recommended no longer works for the BBC and hasn't since 2011, and that is former Holby City producer Myar Craig-Brown. She is now a big wig at ITV Drama and she only produced one series of Holby but after the shift to HD and the high profile departure of previous head Tony McHale in 2010, she took over and created characters such as Henrik Hanssen and Antoine Mallick. And Sahira Shah was liked in some quarters. Lol


Off-tangent I may have gone but the point is there. Soap-wise, the BBC are fairly snookered unless they find a hidden gem or put their trust in a 'writers producer' again such as McHale. 

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That's a wonderful writeup. I'd love to hear your thoughts on current Emmerdale, and Kate Oates and the incoming producer (who apparently still isn't there yet...even though she's left...???) too.


What do you think of Alex Lamb and Sharon Batten? I know some fans blame them for DTC's issues.

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That's incredibly generous of you, though it relies a lot on the past. I'm not as 'in' on anything recent. Lol. I'll voice my opinions (and I always go to great lengths to make them only that) on Emmerdale though I have very little to gauge Iain McLeod on off-hand. I can't shake this uncomfortable feeling that we won't like the changes he will bring.

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I was tempted to watch yesterday's episode but I guess I'll skip. I think I might skip the remainder of this Dean arc because I am over watching these people play victim when they've (i.e. Mick) have nearly done worse. Again, it is sad that I am pulling for Dean's character. I just wish they'd go ahead and kill him off and move on. I think only then we'll see if the Carters are destined to be this great family that DTC has in mind or if they'll sink, which I think will happen. Once Dean is cut out the picture, I think the Carters will be like every other family on the Square--sleazy and grimy as hell, but to what extent, I don't know.

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I've not watched much EastEnders this year, but we tuned in on Christmas Day and I thought it was horrendous. After the heartfelt festive feel of Emmerdale, it just seemed to be full of coarse shouty harridans (twas ever thus, I guess), and as for Ian and Jane -they are absolutely disgusting. The way Ian was threatening Sharon enraged me. And as for the show hinting that we'd see a child killing another child - seriously, is that entertainment?!

I know that this is the show that years ago had a Christmas ep with a man pushing his wife's face into her roast dinner (Trevor and Little Mo), but at least that was a believable extension of a story which made a real impact. 

I haven't seen Fatboy's exit, but it sounds completely vile. Why do that to a character who was well loved by so many, it's just sadistic.

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Ugh. What a dreadful New Years Day episode of EE. 


The climax of Dean was so stupid on so many levels.... *sighs* 


Also, I thought Mick didn't know how to swim? Now he's able to save Shirley and Dean? :rolleyes: Talking about overkill of an attempt to prop a character. It only got worse when they still decided to get married and Mick, instead of wearing his now drenched tux, thought it was cute to marry in a pink robe and slippers. <_<


I guess we can assume that Dean was arrested and will be sent to prison. Oh well. I'd rather him be out of DTC and his flock of writers' toxic reach anyways. 


I don't understand the need to bring Glenda back for this cameo. All so that she and Ronnie can spar. Please. We have enough characters she could've done that with already on Square. Talk about a total waste. 


The only thing remotely interesting about this episode of Lucas contacting Denise. In one sense, I am intrigued because it'll give Denise something to do; otherwise, I am scared b/c anything that come from this won't be dealt delicately and correctly. Instead, it'll be made into some hot, campy mess. 


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I haven't watched for a while, but did see one NYD episode, and was surprised to see Glenda back. Love Glynis Barber. Love Glenda. The show (and Ronnie) needs someone like Glenda. But of course EE disappoints. Glenda makes an unnecessary one-ep guest appearance, yet we were subjected to 3 months of the awful Elaine. And Jack's back for no real reason, only to disappear again, only he'll be back, b/c Scott Maslan is permanent. Why can't they pace story properly on this show?


I have nothing to add to the mess that was Mick/Dean/Shirley or the disappointing wedding. NBA has already said it.


Why is Sharon so pathetically weak? What's with the awful writing for her and Gavin? She texts him she misses him, too, complete with kisses, then acts petrified when he randomly shows up?! She shouldn't want anything to do with him; she certainly shouldn't be sending sweet texts to the man she's literally just met, whom she knows is a nasty piece of work. What an awfully silly character Sharon has turned in to.


Also, how much more of the awful, tedious, repetitive Bobby/Ian/Jane story are we going to be subjected to?


The only positive thing on the show is Denise (and possibly Shabnam bonding with Jade, but that could easily get over shadowed by the mess around it), and she's stuck in a possibly dead-end story. Don Gilet (Lucas) is contracted to Holby City, and while both shows are with the BBC, thus allowing him to do double duty for guest appearances, I can't see this going anywhere important due to that fact. Plus, I think they've pulled Lucas out of the woodwork just b/c they don't know what to do with Denise.

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I think Lucas' brief return is a set up for a recast Jordan. Denise will get about a weeks worth of episodes out of the reunion before he's predictably sent off to become Vincent's minion in his war with the Mitchells, leaving Denise with nothing more to do other than hand-wringing. Of course, the recast will probably turn out to be Dexter 2.0 and be gone within 18 months....

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It's great to see you here again, Ben. Now I have more reason to scan some of the Inside Soap magazines I got this year...


I have a feeling Jordan will also clash with Ben. I tend to wonder if he and Jay will fight over Louise. I hope not, as Louise is only 14, but who knows with the show these days. 


I've heard a lot of fans praise the NYE/D episodes but I just can't bother with the Carters, especially Mick. Egomaniac Danny Dyer was going on about how people said he was going to fail. Well he HAS failed, compared to how the Carters were hyped up as EE's saviors. Hell, he couldn't even beat Emmerdale actors for most of the fan-voted soap awards this year.

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That's exactly how it'll all go down. This Jordan story has failure/predictability written all over it. I really don't get why Denise is such a difficult character to write for? DTC puts more effort into Kim than he does Denise.

Thanks Carl. I stopped coming here b/c I got busy, dropped B&B (I couldn't take any more of the awful Steffy/Liam/Ivy/Wyatt mess, or the equally bad Ridge/Caroline/Thomas garbage), and the soaps became mediocre/started to really suck, so I had nothing to contribute. I did miss you guys though. I'm loving Neighbours ATM, and will try to post more, even if it's just to criticise EE and ED (although, ED is in a more healthier place than EE). LOL


I really hope Jay's major story is not going to involve a love interest. I have a feeling it isn't going to be as major as the hype suggests.


They were silly episodes. The whole stunt was laughable. Mick was scared of water and can barely swim, but he manages to dive down and rescue both Shirley and Dean like he's been swimming all his life, and no-one bats an eye; Buster randomly and pointlessly jumps in, instead of just helping Mick out of the water; Linda's dress got so dirty it looked like she had been crawling through the mud, despite her staying glued to the same spot throughout. I hate how badly plotted the Mick/Shirley reunion has been, and how he's already calling her 'Mum'. The wedding was kinda sweet, but it was ridiculous how Mick changed into the pink bath robe - what was that even doing there? And all the guests stayed glued to their seats despite the drama unfolding directly outside. All of it was so hollow.

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I'm never going to buy Shirley and Mick as mother and son. She's a vile piece of trash, and the idea that she gets this happy ending (which knowing her she will throw away for Phil's wizened old tiny meat) she deserves with Mick, Buster, Jade - unearned, unearned, unearned. 


DTC also said that Paul would get a "major" story, so I tend to think you're right that Jay won't get much, as I doubt Paul will. It's lip service. 


I know it would be trash but I wouldn't mind seeing Jay and Paul hook up and have Ben lose his sh!t over it.

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