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Loving/The City Discussion Thread


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Nov 4th 1986 SOD summary

Despite a visit from the bishop, Jim is determined to leave the priesthood. The bishop says Jim has a calling so the two are at a standoff. Cabot is worried about Shana-memory block or not,Jim is still a priest. But Shana is too besotted by the idea of marrying Jim after all this time to listen.

Kelly is dreading Lorna's Welcome to Corinth party, especially after Jane tells her the worst - Zack gave Lorna an engagement ring.Kelly is determined to make things hard for them and begins by inviting Rob, a punk classmate. Zack can't deal with Kelly's companion while Lorna tries to be gracious. Jane hopes the engagement will be broken. Kelly then decides to run away. Rob tells her she doesn't have to follow through-the threat should be effective enough.

After Kelly made her scene,Lorna's party begins to fizzle. Trisha heads for the casino and spots Steve and Cec. Steve reacts by gambling and losing a lot of money while Trisha seeks out Nick and lets him make love to her.

At the party Curtis had to deal with Ava on Linc's arm. Thoughts of his ex wife cause him to crash his test car at the track.

Zack is livid with Kelly but insists he loves her.She agrees to go with her Dad. Rob isn't pleased to be a part of Kelly's games but Miss Conway assures rob she will break up zack and Lorna.

In light of all that is happening, Zack is confused. Jane suggests he needs to think seriously about his future with Lorna.

After a talk with Rob,Kelly tells zack she'll give Lorna another chance. Jane isn't pleased by this turn of events and urges Kelly not to give up. Zack is therefore confused when Kelly suggests Aunt Jane is the woman for him.

Gwyn goes in search of Trisha and is shocked she slept with Nick-a gangster!! Thet're interrupted by Ann who informs them of Curtis' accident.

Curtis will be fine,Ava arrives,saying she still cares about Curtis despite what Gwyn may think.Only Jack and Lottie know Curtis is still hung up on Ava.

Jack is worried by eye problems and dizziness.While playfully boxing with Curtis,he stumbles but insists to his cousin it's nothing to worry about.

Shana is shocked to learn from Jim that cabot ordered him to stop seeing her. Cabot admits it's true. Doesn't Shana worry what will happen if and when he regains his memory?Yes, Shana falters.

Later,when Jim is approached by a woman who thanks him for saving her son from being hit by a car,Jim uses the woman's name.Shana points out that his memory might be returning.

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And you are right about Dave's name :)

Reading all these storylines again I really miss Loving. I had forgotten all about Nick Dinatos, the Greek mobster who was involved with Trisha and whom Cabot Alden murdered. Before Nick it was Hunter Belden (played by B&B's Jeff Trachta; Thorne#2) and later Jeff. Trisha was always involved in a triangle and one of the guys was crazy.

I remember Charles Hartman in the hospital and I am still certain that his nurse was Victoria Rowell, in a non-speaking part. Could be wrong though.

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July 25th 1989 SOD summary

Trucker returns from Rome and tells his sister he and Trisha are back together.He's mellowing his stance on the Todd Jones situation.Trisha phones Gwyn with news of her marriage and the accident and Gwyn is crushed.

As she heads to the airport,Trucker arrives,demanding to know why she set him up.Gwyn simply alerts the police. Clay also wants Trucker arrested for violating parole by going to Italy.

Trucker pleads with Hindman claiming the Aldens are against him.

Trisha admits that she shouldn't have married Jeff and that her mother lied.Jeff is evasive about his role and Trisha realises he was a co-conspiritator.Trisha won't make any decisions on this marriage until he get's better.

Jeff is paralyzed, perhaps permanently.Trisha is hostile to Gwyn and Clay and wants nothing to do with them.

Rick promises he'll play it straight once he marries Stacey.Rose tries to dissuade Stacey and Jack reminds her of the good times,which brings them both to tears.Juliet tells Rick she'd like to speak with him and Clay advises the only way to deal with blackmailers is to call their bluff.

Alex tells Ava to keep away from Clay.Ava questions what debt Alex has to settle with Clay but he distracts her by making love.Ava calls out Clay's name which upsets Alex. Ava covers by saying he used to get upset if she called him Alex.

Ava dreams of making love to Clay and awakes to find Alex missing.He's gone to see Egypt. and asks his ex if Clay and Ava had an affair while he was gone,but withdraws the question before she can answer.When he returns Ava is distraught but can't bring herself to tell Alex the truth. Alex is assigned a public defender.

Masters visits Cabot to ask him to rethink the Jack/Shana situation.clay and Cabot are angry,especially when Jack drops by with a gift for Stacey and realises Jack and Alex are friends. When Jack returns home,he finds Abril waiting in bed.

Before the wedding, Juliet tells Rick she wants another job at AE or she'll come forward with the teacup.

Gwyn returns home to tell Clay they've lost Trisha and that Trucker plans to tell all re the hit and run.In Rome, Jeff tells the police the knife wound was an accident.The doctor tells Trisha Jeff will never walk again but his recovery will be determined by her support.

As soon as she's home Trisha visits Clay to confirm her rejection and rushes to see Trucker.

Rick panics upon seeing Juliet enter with a gift as he recites his vows.He and Stacey are wed, They open the gift to find a single teacup. Juliet mails the teacup fragment and lab report to Stacey.

Abril tells Jack she managed to escape. Jack isn't sure what to do and consults Alex,who suggests Abril stay with Kate. Ava is jealous and Alex reprimands her.

Trucker tells Alex he's going to the police and Alex insists they have proof. Trucker should put his deposition on tape with witnesses.Ava alerts Clay about this.Ava takes her clothes to a thrift shop and makes $1500. Egypt buys them and runs into Ava and Clay.Mrs Masters is telling Clay that if he wants to know what Alex is up to he'll pay for a good lawyer.

Ward Farrell buys Tempest.Trucker agrees to Rocky seeing Todd on a probationary basis.Rocky shows Jolie a picture of Trucker and Jolie is happy to see it's the guy she admired at the diner.As the new owner of Forbes, Rick plans to bleed Todd and Curtis dry for the renovation at the depot.

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Thanks, Carl.

1987 sounds bad. I think Nixon wrote through the summer, and then Ralph Ellis took over during the fall Nixon previewed the Marty / Jim story in the papers and then returned to "All My Children" in the summer of 1987.

I don't think I knew Cece had been pregnant with Steve's child. It's a shame the child didn't live as custody of the child after Steve's death could have been messy.

Reading the Curtis / Lotty story summarized, it seems to confirm my thoughts that this was Nixon's take on the Jonathan / Edy story. Neither story seems strong enough to carry the show.

April the teen hooker is another clunky story. I think it would have worked better had they set it among the college set. Why couldn't April been hooking to pay to attend Alden U? Alan should have been tied to the Alden clan. His parents should have been friends of the family and this could have been used to explore the family's backstory.

The December 1984 synopsis highlights how dense and complicated the Jonathan Maitland murder mystery was. So many names and so much backstory. Yikes.

The other stories in this synopsis sound fine. Maybe a bit run of the mill, but I think the show seemed fairly good overall. I love that Isabelle didn't want Shana's identity revealed.

In the Feburary 1984 synopsis, I didn't know Clem / Roger knew Shana. It only adds to my belief that Marland would have paired Roger / Shana when Roger returned to Corinth. The Shana / Ann rivalry would have escalated once that happened.

Mike / Noreen's divorce is a bit sad. Mike was so damaged. I guess Nixon liked them enough to reunite them before tossing Mike.

1984 in review was nice. I don't think I knew I knew Noreen / Warren went to New England or Lily / June went to Oregon. Tony / Lorna seemed to be rushed; it's a bit of a precursor to modern soap.

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Thanks for reading them. I am sorry for not getting them up faster. I was wondering if you mind if I don't post them in order? I was trying to get mine together relatively chronologically but if you're not worried about that I can post them a little faster.

I was surprised at Isabelle's reaction to Shana. I guess I thought of her as more of the warm matriarch. It makes sense though. I'd love to see this scene.

Do you think they had bigger plans for Cec? Having her take a bullet for Steve is pretty big.

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