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Thats too bad...cause I had a major crush on him especially his first 2 years on the show. I didn't care for previous Steven...forgot the actors name...was kind of fugly...but when he returned to the reunion...damn did he turn out fine...lol

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Jack always seemed uncomfortable when ever they had Steven with men. Jack even said in an interview that he liked it better when Steven was with women

Kinda funny cause Al quit cause they wanted Steven to marry Claudia and be confused about his sexuality. Al wanted Steven to remain gay.

Edited by John
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Jack was never good, not just when it came to being with men. He's a decent actor but he could never make that writing and the static acting directive work.

As for Al Corley, the very reason he wanted to play Steven was because he was gay. The "tenderness transcends gender" bullcrap the writers pulled was insane.

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There was a lot of negative talk against Al Corley and PSM for leaving a hot property (and I realize with PSM it was also due to some in the industry likely not caring for her attitude/behavior/what have you, not just her leaving Dynasty), but I tend to think they made the right decision. The show had no idea what to do with Steven or with Fallon after the first few seasons. Emma Samms only had good material in her last season, and while a part of me wishes PSM had been there for that, it wasn't worth the 3-4 years of absolute trash Emma had to play.

I guess you could say that Heather Locklear stuck it out (while doing other properties) and earned a lengthy career in the industry, but she may have been an exception to the rule.

I thought Claudia was an interesting character. I liked that she looked like the average woman compared to some of the others, and that she had all these longstanding neuroses which were consistent on a very inconsistent show. I liked that she was fragile and not able to just be written via catfight and dramatic exit from a room. I even liked her opening credits scene. Steven angrily undoing his tie is the one that always got on my nerves.

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