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Desperate Housewives: Discussion Thread

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The only stories that deeply interested me tonight were the teens and the stuff with Edie and Carlos. Austin just HAS to have brother or someone who is gay so that Andrew can get some too. I like the pregnancy storyline with Danielle, Austin, and Julie, but Andrew getting another boyfriend would be the perfect accompaniment to it all.

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I can't believe I'm saying this now but I'm a Jaustin fan now!

It's true.

I just wonder where this is heading. I mean, is the actor really off the show? And if not, I hope Austin doesn't continue to deceive July. Would it really have been so bad to tell her the truth? He's leaving her anyway, presumably forever, with the dramatic good-bye! Besides, she already knows he slept with the slut (forgot her name -- whoops!) so why not just tell Julie he got her pregnant? It's not any worse...

I just don't get it.

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Honestly i'm just so excited that Eddie is finally getting a story...I had no idea her son was so young....Nicolette did a good job tonight with the scene where she told Carlos she was a realistic mother..Too bad it takes Marcia Cross going on maternity leave to squeeze in a story for eddie..

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I really wish Marcia was on bc I wanted to see Bree's reaction to the pregnancy. Im surprised they had Bree there and wrote around her. I thought she and Orson left for an extended honeymoon last episode.

The mayor thats hot for Gabi played a congressman on Sex and the City and was hot for Carrie. Gabi did look amazing in that red outfit.

What is the point of Carlos? He is useless without Gabi

I like Ian and liked that he won but I know eventually it will all go back to Mike and Susan

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I thought it was a great episode.

There was finally some drama to contrast all the camp. The scenes where Carlos told a drunken Edie she could get her son in the morning and the follow up the next day reminded me of Season 1 when the show balanced dramatic moments with humor.

I still love Susan & Mike so I was glad to see them finally get some airtime. I thought the poker game was highly suspenseful and I laughed out loud when both Orson & Ian tried to change the subject when Mike mentioned his hospitalization.

Danielle's pregnancy is intriguing. Too bad Bree wasn't there to react to it, but this story has the potential for ramifications for years down the road if Austin returns to town and dates Julie again. I still don't care for them as a couple, but I like the setup of the story anyway.

Gabrielle has finally met a man who is just as devious as she is. I'm glad she's not going after teenagers anymore.

Once again, Lynette had my favorite story. Tom's plans were so romantic, if unrealistic for a straight man, but still I found myself caught up in his dream. It's nice to see a married couple who still love each other and can withstand anything together.

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IA with you... I didn't find this episode boring at all. It was nice of them to focus on characters and let them drive the story instead of the constant (and repetitive) campy plot twists. This reminded me of DH in the early days before all the big events. I loved it.. .ALL.

And I have always disagreed with the Susan hate and I am really invested in her and Mike and Ian's story now after this eppy!

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The show was kind of boring last night, and I'm not one to say that. I'll focus on the positive though.

LOVED Edie's story. I kind of want her to be with Carlos now.

Lynette/Tom was interesting.

As of last night, I HATE MIKE!!!! He does NOT know what he was talking about. Ian had planned on proposing to Susan anyway. He said so at the morgue. Just because he sped it up when he saw Mike's ring doesn't mean he loves Susan any less. What an ass hole.

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The whole episode seemed boring and off as others have said. The only part I enjoyed was Danielle's pregnancy and Edie's son being re-introduced and Carlos going off on her. God I am so sick and tired of the Mike and Susan merry go round. This will go on the entire series I am sure of it.

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