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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Diane should be going ... ugh.

Putting Diane up and keeping her is like putting Alison up and keeping her.

It should be Boogie and Diane, and then if one of their partners manages to win veto and remove them, the other partner goes up and they are separated.

Boogie should be going. Dammit.

Nothing's set in stone yet though ... nominations and food competition happen today. We'll see it all in Sunday's show.

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There plan to evict Nakomis is so stupid. Diane is much more of a bigger threat.

If Nakomis leaves Diane will just be out for Major Revenge and join Chilltown.

If Diane leaves I really can't see Nakomis joining Chilltown and Nakomis is way more mature to hold a grudge.

But Howie (Who I can't stand this season) will screw everything up for the S6. Nakomis will go and Diane will win the next HoH.

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it doesnt matter who leaves, Nak or Diane. If Nak stays and wins, she will go after S6. If Chill Town wins HoH and nominates S6, she will vote out a member of S6. I think Nak comes off as smarter than Diane and thats why they might be scared of her, but really either could go. Im hoping its Nakomis bc she's boring to watch

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I disagree, darrah. Nak and Diane both need to go. They're both gunning for BB6 already so it really doesn't matter. This is the second HOH challenge in a row Nakomis did REALLY GOOD AT. She was the only person to knock TWO people off the pedestals - and they happened to be James and Howie. She's good too.

And I definitely disagree with you, Shawn. Boogie shouldn't be going before Nak or Diane. He's a weasel. He's got no balls. And he sucks at challenges. He's got no passion, brains, or determination. The fact that he is on All-Stars is a travesty. I just hope he KEEPS sucking at the challenges.

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