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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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Ok, So I love Erika. I do. But she cried during EVERY eviction her season. And I thought, well Erika, that's nice. She cried over Rob a lot. I thought she was a nice, sensitive, emotional person.

But when I saw her cry over Alison, I really do have to wonder how well Erika can turn on the crocodile tears or not. I understand what Erika was saying about this made her vengeful and she doesn't want to be like that and feels bad about it. But this girl screwed you out of $500,000. How can you feel bad about this!?!??! OY!

The popularity results are in from CBS.com

1. Kaysar - 33.4

2. Janelle - 26.9

big drop.

3. Howie - 9.4

4. Will - 6

5. James - 4.7

6. Marcellas - 4.3

7. George - 2.5 - GROSS.

8. Erika - 2.3

8. Nakomis - 2.3

10. Jase - 2.2 tie

10. Alison - 2.2. tie

12. Danielle - 1.7

13. Diane - 1.6 - how the hell did she get America's Choice!?

14. Boogie - .6 HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes. THAT'S RIGHT. POINT SIX! Lowest rating for a BB person EVER!

Also, Janelle is the #1 pick for winner. I know I voted for her. Kaysar is #2.

There's a big mistake on Janelle's Bio page. It says she was evicted tenth on BB6. But she was actually the 13th eviction.

1. Ashlea

2. Michael

3. Eric

4. Kaysar

5. Sarah

6. Kaysar

7. Jennifer

8. Rachel

9. James

10. Beau

11. Howie

12. April

13. Janelle

If you don't count Kaysar's second eviction, then she's the twelth person. But still, that's not ten!

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the popularity results are tallied differently than last year. Before everyone was judged on their on scale out of 100. This year everyone is judged against each other and the results show overall percentage of the entire house. So really when judged against themselves, like last year, these numbers would definetly be closer and higher

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the voting is also different. Last year you could vote for everyone on a scale of 1-10 and the averages were tallied out of 100. Thats why someone like Kaysar and Janelle's numbers were in the 90s bc they got mostly 9s and 10s. This year, you can only vote for one person and its your favorite housemate. Naturally, the S6 would get the most votes. This doesnt mean that the lower scored HGs aren't liked. It means they arent as popular as Janelle and Kaysar. Like I said before, if the voting was like last year (which I thought was more fair and better representative of viewer opinon), you'd probably see some people, like Will and Nakomis alot higher on the popularity scale.

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I'm glad he put Nak and Diane. Nak is the biggest threat to S6 in mental competitions. She must go.

If S6 wins HOH next week, I think they'll go after Mike/Will to split them up.

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Well, that's what I don't get. I don't get why fans and Chilltown think Nak and Di are drifters. I don't see them as drifters at all.

There are/were the following alliances in the house.

1. The Sea Six Alliance (I won't use Sea Sick since I like them obviously. ;) And I can't use Sov's without missing Rachel! Haha.) - Janelle, Kaysar, Howie, James, Marcellas

2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance - Nakomis, Diane, Jase

3. Chilltown - Will, Boogie

Drifters/Floaters are people who don't commit to an alliance and drift back and forth between the ones in the house. Going on that definition, The floaters to me are George, Erika, and Danielle. I don't know A ) why Nak and Di are considered floaters? B ) I don't know why Will and Boogie think they are so powerful in this game. They're not. They're both obnoxious fools. Kaysar shouldn't have wasted this HOH week on Will and that SCUM OF THE EARTH, BOOGIE. (Honestly, I can feel his ghonnereah floating into my body just by watching him on screen. He is disgusting to look at it. He grosses me out. Oh and along the shallow lines, I don't think Will got fat as I originally did when I first saw him. I just think his face is swollen/different from plastic surgery/botox.). And he definitely shouldn't have taken Howie's suggestion and put up one from Chilltown (PS. I accidentally just typed children instead of chilltown. Hmm, I wonder WHY!) and one from Mr. and Mrs. Smith. As far as I am concerned Mr. and Mrs. Smith would have or is or will merge with Chilltown ANYWAY, so they technically, in my opinion, DID put up Chilltown people.

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IA with KR. Nak and Diane are NOT floaters. They have the SAME numbers as Chilltown so those 2 fools need to STFU. The floaters right now in the game are Erika, Marcelas and George with Jase and Danielle playing all sides. Nak and Diane are threats. Diane was the most dominant player in her season while Nakomis was the smartest and most clever. Those two together were a threat and they were going after Janelle and Kaysar.

Nakomis can win competitions and came close to getting HoH 2 weeks in a row. People need to remember that you dont mean [!@#$%^&*] in this game unless you can at least win HoH. Chilltown can talk all the crap they want and vigoursly hate on Kaysar and S6 but if they cant win HoH, then they have NO power in this game. Everyone in S6 are great competitors who can HoHs. Janelle, Kaysar and Howie have proven that. James can get them the vetos they need to secure their power status. Out of everyone left in the house, Nak, Diane and Jase are the ones that pose a real threat in the competitions so its best to go after 2 of them now. Kaysar made the BEST move for his team

Diane's already in with Boogie and Mike. The show only showed a few seconds of a conversation, but she was talking strategy to get rid of S6 with them early last week. Right now Boogie, Will, Diane and Nak are out to get S6 out of the house. In that sense, they have an unofficial alliance under a common goal
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