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DAYS: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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Well, yes. I've said previously that I think the headwriter is just a part of the problem, but not the whole issue. Before Ron really went off rails I even pointed this out that it might be better with a devil you know, rather than one you don't. However, the Body & Soul story eating up the show for months really solidified that he had to go, but if I had to choose... so would several other people too. 

Then there's the fact that they're trying to do big stories on a shoestring budget... I think the reason why the EJ raped Sami reveal is good because it's a story that doesn't require a big budget (even if we'd all prefer to have certain people back for it, ie Sami and Allie, but soaps produced on shoe-string budget have had to make do in the past and so can DAYS).

I will say that I think DAYS have good breakdown writers who usually do the best they can with what they're given to work with. 

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Welcome back, Shane… maybe.

This is speculation, but I think it’s gonna turn out that this is really Drew, and that he kidnapped Shane and took over his life, and also had a part in John’s disappearance. The way he was speaking to Marlena and Steve didn’t sound like Shane at all. But I really enjoyed Marlena today, and how tough and persistent she was. The fact that she suspects “Shane” is holding something back also fueled my speculation that this is really Drew. And it could also explain why he ignored Theresa for most of the episode. And why he called her Jeannie at the end. 

Speaking of Theresa, I really preferred her scenes with Xander over her scenes with Alex, mostly due to RSW’s portrayal lol and because there’s much more story possibilities where Xander is concerned. I wouldn’t mind Theresa having a part in the Kiriakis family storylines. I can say the same thing about Joy. I don’t feel that she’s completely necessary but I don’t mind her being a part of all this

Xander overhearing that Philip and Stephanie are keeping a secret from Alex could be interesting too.

Unfortunately, Stephanie was written pathetically again though and that’s sad. She needs to get her drive and strength back and hopefully she gets it back next month. 

But I enjoyed Roman and Kayla’s conversation. Josh Taylor sounded better today lol and Kayla had a really good point; as much as I love all these old guys, maybe it is time for them to pass the torch on and let somebody else be the hero

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Andrew, Paul, Will, Sonny, Tripp, Joey, Shawn, JJ. There are plenty

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Color me shocked that Theresa actually apologized to Xander for what she did to him and Maggie. I was also kind of annoyed at Xander telling Theresa that she needed to stay away from Maggie, Sarah and Victoria. Seriously, if Maggie wants to continue having a relationship with Theresa and is willing to forgive her, (I don't know if that's the case at this point), then why should Xander interfere? She's clearly a grown woman. 

I was even more shocked that Alex actually didn't yell and scream at Theresa and called her an irredeemable piece of garbage like I thought that he was going to. Although I think Theresa should've apologized to Alex too. Are we sure that Ron is actually writing this stuff??? I highly doubt it. This has GOT to be the new writers. 

Edited by MissPhoenixGirl92
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I haven't seen today's episode. I really don't care for the character lineup.

But Xander shouldn't be telling others what to do. Xander forgets all the hurt and damage he has done to others. He shouldn't talk or throw any stones.

Stephanie, Alex, and Joy are useless characters. They should just have been written off, and I do love the actress playing Stephanie.

How RSW stinky ass acting has lasted on this show so long is mind boggling.


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Kidnapping is arguably worse than fraud, (even if it was only for a few minutes) so I get why Xander and Alex reacted the way they did, even months later.

But which crime actually landed Theresa in jail—was it the kidnapping or the fraud? Because if it was for the kidnapping, the Salem Parole System seriously dropped the ball by not informing Victoria's parents that her kidnapper is out.

As for Philip and Joy, I like them, but let's be real—they're such losers. Always the second choice, never the favorite, and definitely not the most interesting siblings. Now they're stuck in this desperate also-ran routine, pretending to co-parent. It’s beyond pathetic and ridiculous to keep the kid a secret from Alex, especially since neither of them even respects him. Plus, they’ve just committed to a non-intimate, awkward arrangement for at least a year.

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Emily O'Brien's accent was all over the place today, but other than that (and her horrible wig) her scene with Xander was the best of the episode for me. I look forward to her returning as Gwen where she can just talk normally. And what a treat that Mary Beth Evans was actually given the opportunity to act again today. She was probably more emotional than normal because of real life circumstances, but it was refreshing to remember what she's capable of when given even the tiniest of material.

The show came to halt when it was about the Joy/Alex/Steph story. Joy should not actually be pregnant, and Abigail Klein can not pull off acting. If she has no haters, I'm dead. It's tiresome when I'm rooting for the two pregnancies on the show to result in miscarriage. 

When Shane or potenitally "Shane" said Estonia, all I kept thinking about was the Conan O'Brien joke at the Oscars.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Caught all the way up to yesterday.

I despise Kristen’s mother. It appears she got the RC special. Bring back an old character and write them completely out of character to suit his needs, because who cares right? He’s using history!

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The Ava of the past would laugh at how meek and pathetic Ava is today. She now has to get a gun from Melinda of all people to handle an old woman who’s been living alone for 30 years in a rundown house.

It’s actually refreshing to see the EJ rape come out and the scenes were done well. It never sat right with me that the show and some audience members tried to call it a freaking seduction. Even EJ tried to place the blame on Sami . It does suck that Sami, Allie, and Lucas are all of canvas for this story though.

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