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Y&R: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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It was definitely a treasure to dig that episode out of the vault! They really need to put the unedited version on their YT page! 

i always try to figure out their reasonings of selecting these classic episodes and my only guess is that it heavily featured Amy/Nathan/Jazz/Tyrone? With Amy’s return story and connection to Nate’s father I’m guessing that could have been the reason they picked this classic Christmas episode over others? Not complaining but just observing. 

I hate to offend some people but I think I prefer a lot of the 80s Newman family and Newman family Christmas scenes pre SORAzing of Victoria and Nick….lol. (Well, more so just Nick) Little Victoria saying “Merry Christmas Everyone” and slightly looking into the camera is just very heart melting to me!

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the scene with Matt and Victor was very sweet too! 

Poor Lauren… I don’t even know if viewers were really suppose to feel for her during the church scene when Shawn appears instead of Paul but my heart certainly went out to her, TEB played those scenes very well. 

the budget this show use to have with the singing children’s choir! You would never know today with how cheap everything looks today! Even though Ed Scott coming back is definitely an improvement so far. 

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Phil Morris (Tyrone) currently on CBS Friday nights as Eve's father on Fire Country, as of Dec. 13.  It's up on Paramount Plus, season 3 episode 8.  Haven't watched it yet but will check it out for him!
(thanks to @slick jones for mentioning it)

Great tie-in that he was in a 1994 Y&R repeat today.

Fire Country has great actors except for the lead character who is a marysue(garystu).
I watched the first two seasons but I just can't stomach the lead character "Bode",  so I haven't watched Season 3 at all.

I love the character Eve, so I'm curious about Phil Morris playing her father.

Edited by janea4old
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TPTB at ABC need to take note of the phrase "classic". This was just an all around great episode. Long undervalued characters like Brock, Gina, Amy, The Jackson Brothers, Andy, Mary and Paul (back before DD screwed himself with social media) getting full scenes with a nice mix at the ranch/Victor- Ashley. Not to mention especially how much this Victoria was adorable!. Meanwhile ABC airs the episode highlighting a character most long time fans cheered to see go.  This was classic Y&R. Right down to Danny's voice returning and psycho Sean standing between Lauren and Paul! 

Morris' character hates the Donovan family, and they have yet to bring on Eve's mother. Season 3 episode five introduced her brother, Elijah (Jeff Pierre). Their dynamic is interesting as well. She also had a (prickly) cousin introduced in the episode with Phil Morris (season 3 episode 8).


I do find it curous that Damian's (Amy's son) perceived father was named Jackson.  Is Josh Griffith that lazy that he didn't realize Amy was torn between two Jackson brothers BITD, or just didn't care?


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He probably thinks all Black men have the surname Jackson.  lol.  

I figured that was the reason it was selected -- so we could see Amy with Nathan.  

When this episode aired in 1985, I assumed all the way through the episode the "Xmas miracle" would be some kind of mini-reunion between Lauren and Paul.  I remember being surprised when Shawn sabotaged that, and instead we got a resolution on the Shawn/Danny storyline.  

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There was also Christmas Eve 1987 that features Amy (her last Christmas in GC till now) and Nathan quite a bit. When they were helping out at the orphanage i think and this time It’s Nathan who surprises a little boy by dressing up as Santa. I guess someone must have reminded someone over at CBS they reaired that one already years ago and they dug up Christmas Eve 1985 instead.


Shawn to me is interesting as I don’t look at him and think “that guys a psycho” because he just doesn’t look the part…I guess that’s what worked though for the story. 

I honestly thought that Danny realized he could sing again when he had to perform a solo at church ala Carol on that Christmas episode of “The Brady Bunch” it was still a nice scene but it’s not like it was totally obvious that Danny’s voice was all there or not because the choir drowned him out. 

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The irony is that the Jacksons, Nathan, and Amy were probably actually "filler" in the 1985 episode.  Bill Bell was clearly advancing the Lauren story, the Danny story, and the Ashley/Victor/Nikki/Matt storyline, while he appeared to just throw in Jazz dressed as Santa or whatever it was to fill-up the hour.  (I didn't watch yesterday, just remembering it from 1985, and it seemed to me he wanted to show Ty and Amy, but didn't have much for them to do.)  

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They could have re-aired the 87 ep just so we could see “Take this BEAST off my head!!!!”

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Agree about Shawn. I also forgot that Cramer was Shawn #2, I seem to recall several years ago of a clip surfacing of Shawn #1 and he came off a geek, not one to get obsessed. 

Back to the present, today’s Chance & Summer scenes were a highlight. Defiantly enjoy seeing a mature conversation between the two of them.

So Ian & Jordan will use Phyllis and the discard her? Perfect! Also I’m down for more blood to be spilled if it ends with Billy, Chelsea and Nick dead by the end of this. 

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If Y&R fans want to see a pitch perfect episode with all the main characters, perfect dialog, acting, directing, hair/makeup, music.  I love the pacing of the episode with some main characters not appearing until the second half but tying into the plots introduced in the first half. This is classic soap. I saw these episodes when they first aired which is why I'm a little sick inside when I try to get through an episode of Young or Days or GH.  For all the children out there who think today's Y&R is watchable, please watch a real soap episode....

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The Newman and Abbott household being dressed up for Christmas felt like classic Y&R. Strangely, the set the caught my eye - the Society entrance  - it used to look like a dark alley, but the lighting, the snow, etc. make it interesting.

Anyone else feels like there's too much love for Cole? Victor accepts him with Victoria, he takes Claire out for her first ride, Victor offers him a job(!). IDK - my soap instincts are kicking in.

Who would've thought that SW return was actually the missing piece to unifying the Abbott family in terms of storylines. Jack as a patriarch trying to fill the John role just didn't work until Diane returned. There's enough history and tension with Ashley, Traci and Kyle to make the Abbott house interesting again. Almost like when John/Jill were in that role.

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The one thing I felt like past regimes failed to realize was how right Diane & Jack do fit together; I had a glimmer of hope for it when Maura West was in the role, but Maria Arena felt the need to immediately land Diane back into the Newman web with a short-lived (hot) affair with Nicholas, and then re-marrying Victor for 2.5 seconds.

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