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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms Q, we still call my oldest son "Flounder" from time to time because when Ruah was younger she was totally obsessed with mermaids and used to be Ariel in all of her playing. One day she just dismissively said to Shiloh "You be Flounder" and forever that was his place in life - to follow her around and do her bidding. He still plays that role. God help the boy who tries to come between those two.

I really love it when actors pour love on other actors. There's something so real about that level of admiration and respect, especially when it comes from someone who normally doesn't say anything on the matter. We all have heard the word "love" used far to frequently and it's lost it's value from many a person, but true appreciation is to be admired.

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Heading back to Calif this am with my son on what i'm sure is one of our last few trips together just us to look at schools. Guess I won't miss much tracy, but there should be some very nice sma/monica/edward stuff this week that leads to Q bonding. Edward is supposed to call sam jason's lila. I would bet jasam get married in lila's rose garder...which would be good than because tracy would hopefully be there to snark!

Heading back to Calif this am with my son on what i'm sure is one of our last few trips together just us to look at schools. Guess I won't miss much tracy, but there should be some very nice sma/monica/edward stuff this week that leads to Q bonding. Edward is supposed to call sam jason's lila. I would bet jasam get married in lila's rose garder...which would be good than because tracy would hopefully be there to snark!

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wait.. waitt

tracy came off 'back burner?'

when? anything worth watching?

what's up with monica-- anything up there?

when is luke coming back? is he going to be sober? Will LuNacy be reunited?

is gh really gonna kill Jax? (here's hoping!)

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Tracy has been off the backburner for a few weeks. LOTS of good stuff to watch. The best were the Tracy/Monica scenes and the Tracy/Skye scenes. However, there are one or two with Lulu as well that were nice. OH! And one with Edward! Then she's also had lots of snarking at Michael, who is working at ELQ...So it's definitely worth it to check it out!

Monica scenes are great. She had a few scenes with Tracy, where Tracy told her that Jake was her grandson. Then she had some scenes with Jason a few days after that and some with Liz a couple days after that. You should check those out as well!

I don't know about Luke. RUMOR has it Jax is going to fake his death.

Edited by SoapBoy94
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Tracy Monica Jake reveal got stand out scene in Sid this issue

Also nice interview with Leslie in Sid where she doesn't mince words. She ssid she knew she was done when she didn't rank an invite to lunacy wedding but was on set that day anyway that day found one two line scene with bh who was reeling cause she had just been fired

She said she was embarrassed to be tapi g such stupid inane scenes but now is so hopeful with new writers.

When they called her they were like we want u back and she was like am I gonna want to hurl my script against the wall? Lol

Tracy Monica Jake reveal got stand out scene in Sid this issue

Also nice interview with Leslie in Sid where she doesn't mince words. She ssid she knew she was done when she didn't rank an invite to lunacy wedding but was on set that day anyway that day found one two line scene with bh who was reeling cause she had just been fired

She said she was embarrassed to be tapi g such stupid inane scenes but now is so hopeful with new writers.

When they called her they were like we want u back and she was like am I gonna want to hurl my script against the wall? Lol

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Lainey, my guess would be about 3 weeks ago. I would search YouTube for anything that happened "in the last month."

Tracy/Anthony Zacchara shared scenes on the pier, at ELQ, at the MetroCourt spa, and at Johnny's place. Basically, Anthony wants in on ELQ and also wishes to pursue a relationship with Tracy. Tracy is not interested on either account, but that doesn't stop Anthony from flattering her and sending her flowers.

Tracy/Monica shared scenes at ELQ in which Tracy accidentally revealed that Jake was Monica's grandson.

Later on, Monica confronted Jason ("Tracy shouldn't have said anything." "She shouldn't have had to." Right on, Monica!) and when she was at the hospital, she intentionally let it "slip" that she knew about Jake to Elizabeth.

Tracy/Edward/Michael/Abby/Asher (ELQ businessman) shared scenes at ELQ in which Tracy was dead set against Michael and Abby having any part of the company. Tracy had a lot of scenes this day.

Tracy/Lulu also shared heartfelt scenes at Lulu's place in which they discussed Luke.

Tracy had her own part in a montage. She was shown at the Haunted Star packing Luke's things up. Based on dialogue, she loves him, but she know that men leave, and so she considers starting a new chapter.

Tracy/Edward/Skye and Tracy/Skye shared scenes at ELQ about Skye's sudden return and what she was up to.

If I had to guess, you would most enjoy Tracy/Lulu,Tracy/Monica, and Tracy/Edward/Michael/Abby.

Hope that gives you a good idea. :-)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I am with you on Skye, Lainey. She is so annoying. All we know, as of now, is that she is connected to AZ. He told her to come to PC and to bring a bracelet with her. The camera showed us the bracelet. It seems to be a clue that she is on his payroll. He has said he wants to invest in ELQ so he can use the company as a front for laundering money. So, he is using her to distract Tracy while Asher, an ELQ executive whom he is paying, runs the company into the ground. That is my guess, anyway. We haven't had a scene yet detailing why AZ is using Skye or vice versa. Since she was broke last year, it is a good assumption that she needs more money after going through all of Lorenzo's money, which she got last summer with Jax's help.

AZ is also running a prescription drug ring and had a dealer shoot Lucky up with drugs to keep him from solving the case, which Mac gave to him despite reservations about his history of addiction. Spoilers are saying that AZ is going to put a hit out on Siobhan because she overhears AZ and the dealer discussing Lucky.

It will be interesting to see to what extent Luke and AZ will battle each other when Luke returns to town. AZ is sniffing around Tracy, messing with Lucky, and possibly killing Siobhan. Taking down AZ could be a redemption story for Luke. The hero returns!

Edited by Linnierose
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Well, I remember reading somewhere that Skye is going to be treacherous this time around. So, she is probably playing Anthony and everybody else. She is going to let him think she is on his side, but then turn on him when it suits her. GW has set it up to look like she is turning on the Quartermaines, but all is never what it seems in these stories. Maybe she wants to gain control of ELQ for herself and is playing AZ.

Edited by Linnierose
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Skye is a bitch, plain and simple. Now, she still can be seriously schooled by THE bitch, but she's a bitch nonetheless and has been on AMC, OLTL, PC and GH. Bringing that out in her is really getting her back to her old self. What I find interesting is how she tried to use Luke's absence to needle Tracy - obviously knowing nothing that transpired for Luke in the past 8 months - and Tracy didn't bite.

She is also - whether we accept it or not - considered a Quartermaine on GH, so that is in keeping with GW's claim that that Core Family will be built up. It's a short term gig however, so she's only here to stir the pot.

Whatever happens in connection will be interesting. I was re-reading one of GW's earliest interviews with regards to Luke where he said "I was handled a puzzle". Translation - "I was given a dog's breakfast in place of a legendary character and now I have to make him work again". He also went on to say in follow-up articles that LuNacy was a great combination to play, so given that, I can see Skye helping bring Luke back to the stage indirectly along with AZ, but LuNacy is definitely the couple to root for (regardless of LnL hardliners who are hoping that AZ will pave the way for Laura's return).

What will happen? Who's to know. Apparently GW has better control on leaks than Guza ever did and he wants there to be lots of secrets - Skye and Tracy both having been said to have huge ones in their own right. The word that Tracy's potential former step-granddaughter is coming to PC just adds to the suggestion that AZ is bringing out the heavy artillery to go after Tracy/ELQ and Luke being Tracy's "hero" would certainly help clear up a lot of the crap left attached to the character before TG left.

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