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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I have to go to my art class, but am definitely going to need to discuss today later at like 9pm central???

I hope tracy didn't cover up the rick webber thing with scotty years ago. But she wasn't even in port charles then right? I was getting very nervous when she was talking to edward about that if she hypothetically knew alan did something....I can see luke finding out she and scotty conspired and laura took the fall years ago. I mean scotty wouldn't have framed laura for murder as he loves her, but hmmm....I am all confused now and so hoping this is not going to break luke and tracy up eventually!!!! Say it isn't so....

She did get a bunch of scenes today....nobody really got huge amounts of solo airtime though. I liked monica's defense of alan. Can't wait to see luke and lucky jump out the window to help save alan and tracy thank him. Of course she doesn't really speak to lucky ever even though he is her stepson like lulu is her stepdaugther right????

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I have 2 reasons for the "ugh."

Reason #1: Genie returning means NO LuNacy. It's sad for us, but it's true (at least IMO).

Reason #2: Why, why, why did GH have to bring back all these cast members for Luke to interact with? Seriously. When Skye/Luke were paired, it was ALL Skye/Luke, ALL the time (and I enjoyed them, I really, really did). But then Tracy/Luke get paired, and I enjoyed them even more, so of course, GH brings back Robert, Holly, and Scotty and gives them all of our girl's screentime!!!! (not too mention, Luke is also occupied with his kids...) Anyone see what I mean? Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but...I'd hate to see JE/Tracy get the shaft again. :( Hopefully, Tracy will still get to hang out with Scotty/Luke. And if not? Psst...Tracy, go find Jax.

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How about 8:30 central? Or slightly before?

I am on my way home now and should be there about 8:15 pm.

I can't chat long unless it's later, stuff to do...but I'd love to talk.

I haven't seen today so I can't comment on Tracy's remarks to Edward, although I remember thinking at the time Tracy made a point of saying she wasn't there in town when Rick died, as kind of....odd.

In spite of certain annoying posters at SZ..yeah go ahead and go over there and check my posts, you'll know who I'm talking about...I could totally see Guza wrecking Tracy. I mean REALLY wrecking her. All for LnL.

See me, I don't have a problem with Lacy breaking up in theory.

It's HOW they break up that makes the difference for me.

Will they remain friends? Or will it end badly?

Will more importantly, Tracy slink out of town again, with a whimper and not a bang? Will she get airtime if she stays in town?

THESE are the things I worry about.

Cause I can live through Lacy ending as long as Tracy isn't trashed when it happens.

Because when you get down to brass tacks, Luke isn't very nice to her most of the time.


And as long as Tracy doesn't target Laura, I would not mind a hook up with Scott to scheme and plot against some others.


I must stay away from SZ when my script is over after this month.

I will need you guys's help.

Cause trull...some Ka-RAZY folks over there. Some are okay, but as smirks said once, it's a whole other kind of fandom.

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Hookedongh, one step closer! I figured out how to save the clips the way I wanted! Hopefully I will have some time in the next day or two to get something posted. Whooo-hoooo :P BTW, they are just some random clips from my old tapes.

And for the record, ILoveTracyQ, Larry would love Tracy unconditionally the way she is today, cause he always has and he always will. Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


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lalalalaaaa...not paying attention to Guza's GF wet dreams. I could care less. I'm sure Genie is a lovely person, but it isn't seriously bothering me one way or another, as long as Tracy is still on my screen.

And in that vein, I took one of Pink Popsicle's fabulous screen caps and had a little fun. :)



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I'll be here 8:30-ish for the chat.

About LuNacy ending: I should have clarified. In the event that LuNacy do split up, I'd be upset at first 'cause I love and adore them: They SPARKLE! They just FIT! And there's a ton of potential that Guza would be throwing out the window. However, I also agree with ILoveTracyQ and MinervaFan. Couples on soaps don't last forever, and as long as TQ still got airtime, I'd get over it. But, as it stands, LuNacy is her ticket to screentime because unfortunately, in Guza's little world, Tracy is basically NOTHING without her man. :(

Oooh, pretty, MinervaFan!

*gets excited about Lady Ashton's clips*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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First of all... I'd love to see those old clips of yours, LA!

Second... I was also thinking of it while she was saying the "if she hypothetically knew..." about her saying she was out of town when Rick was killed, if they make this like when they rewrote history for Laura last time I'm going to be a very unhappy girl. Not to compare more to Laura, but I just used that as my example of their unbelievable faux pas. Hope it doesn't happen.

Hooked, hope you have a good time at your art class.

talk to you all later

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**lainey walks up to mic**

**taps softly, and then says in a quiet, but FIRM voice***

"Uh.... excuse me, but..Uh.. Ummm.. WTF DID TRACY KNOW ABOUT RICK WEBBER'S DEATH, AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?!?!?!??!?!

I am not asking for a lot here, folks.. I'm not asking for LuNacy forever (though that would be nice).. I'm just asking for some hot monkey sex and for Tracy to get herself a man who loves her, and is her equal... at least for a little while.

But what happened today, folks.. that is not good. Not good at all. It implies that our girl knew something about Rick's killer, and if that is true... well it's not good for luNacy, not good AT ALL ! :angry:

I remember the day Tracy threw Lulu off the scent about Monica killing Rick, and I thought something was up that day. Something was up. Tracy knows something. This is NOT good. NOT GOOD. :angry:

Ugh.. anyway, I'm off on vaco early tomorrow morning, which means this week should be JAMMING for LuNacy fans. You already got some great stuff today! If you ask me, her facial expressions were PRICELESS. Her slack jaw when Monica was talking about her second affair with Rick, was great. The expression when Alice said, 'you hope,' well.. that just cracked me up and blew my socks off.

I'm tired of this Guza crud. Tired of it. Give Tracy her man already.. GIVE HIM TO HER . Just for a little while. COME ON!!!!!!!!

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