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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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<p>I'm with <strong>Lainey</strong>. Tracy is less interesting without Luke, and they need to put that relationship back together. I can't support anyone who is the constant recipient of the lesser-end-of-the-stick, and if that's what people find entertaining about the Q's, then just stop at the next port and I'll disembark. At least with Luke, no matter what level of interaction they had, he was always around to help her have some 'wins'. It wasn't perfect, and more than a few times I wanted to bash Luke up the side of the head, but he was her rock and biggest supporter. In addition, Luke came with Lulu, giving us TraLu - which should be happening in a big way right now, but isn't at all. By putting Tracy back only with the Q's, and dismantling the Spencermaines, Tracy is now the lowest on the barrel again, and a roll in the hay with Joseph just made her look even more pathetic.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>A woman of strength can be a bitch, but a bitch isn't automatically a woman of strength. Tracy may be getting air time, but IMO Guza still gave her more respect as a character than these jokers.</p>

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^^ AGREED!!! I mean this honestly would've never happened if they hadn't divorced (what was the point in that?!) or if they hadn't set-up for AnaL to be together(who thought of that?!)! I would say more but there's really no point in stressing this more than it already is....mellow.png

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Yeah Ms.Q I remember we had some pretty memorable conversations about your family and how your mom hated Tracy, etc. Do ya'll ever talk about GH now?

My mom was a stay at home mom for most of my childhood, and she watched ABC soaps. I don't think she hated Tracy, but I don't think she really liked her, either. She hasn't watched a single soap at all that I know of though, since she and my dad retired over five years ago. I think that says a lot about why ratings have declined. First, there's the technology. You don't even have to have a television now, to watch GH.

Secondly, so many people back in the heydey of soaps, were stay at home moms-and there weren't nearly as many channels to pick from to watch. There have been times when I've been off work and gone to their house in the middle of the day, and if they are home, sometimes the TV isn't even on. I never thought I'd see the day my mom didn't give a crap about her soaps. She was one of those who REALLY got emotionally invested in them. She'd shout at the TV sometimes, LOL.

And now? It's really weird that she couldn't tell you the first thing about any of them, although she knows OLTL and AMC were cancelled.

I think Tracy is interesting with or without Luke. More interesting without him, because he made her far more pathetic than Joe ever did.

Joe was bad-but he cared about her.

I still have trouble sometimes convincing myself Luke ever gave a crap. The last interaction they had, does not help.

Again...my issue with Tracy is not whether she is supporting or lead. It's the content of the material. It's the fact that it has a strange feel to it. As if they don't really know who she is. She isn't PC's answer to Dorian Lord. Just because they are both rich, spoiled, and around the same age-doesn't make them the same people.

I don't think saying they are trying to make Monica/Tracy the Vicki/Dorian of PC is a compliment at ALL. Maybe quite simply because they are NOT Vicki/Dorian. Just like Tracy isn't Dorian-there are little similarities between Monica and Vicki.

They can write them as frenemies if they want-but they should write them as they ARE-not as the writers wish for them to be.

As far as Tracy and AJ-they are Q's, of course they are rivals. But she never "hated" him. Hated the things he did, yes. Wanted to get one over on him, yes. But hated him? I don't think she could truly hate her brother's flesh and blood.

Resent? Yes, of course. But-that was before AJ shot him in the back. So maybe I can justify the hate now-but I hope they don't really go there.

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I have to disagree...I'm sure Guza would have killed Tracy off if it hadn't been for Tony

He had zero respect for the Qs or the Q actors

The Qs wouldn't be in the state they are in if it hadn't been for Guza killing them one by one

And I hardly would say Tracy is only with the Qs now. She has had more cast interaction in the past few months than in years. Scenes with Anna, Mcbain, Joe, todd/carly/johnny, been at parties, dante, patrick/emma, etc. She has scenes with sabrina and liz coming up and is being asked to sponsor the nurses ball. Tracy has always been the one to take the brunt of the Q stuff. Its part of her character history so that doesn't really bother me.

I wish they had luke/tracy paired up too and agree the divorce thing was so anticlimatic and there was no good reason for it other than I think they had that whole solieto story planned that got scrapped and they needed her with AZ for that story), but the reality of it is they aren't likely going to go there again and at least now they are good friends which I'd rather see than Tracy being a jealous bitch to anna and trying to do things to break up luke's relationship. I think they used the joe thing also to segway them into a better place than tracy framing luke for az murder when she was jealous and trying to screw him over for rejecting her. I think being all into Joe made her get over pining for luke. Clearly anna doesn't want luke and with robert back and duke around I think luke is not going to be the victor there in any way shape or form. I do think Genie is going to be back this time being that the 50th is coming up and she is now free from Y&R and they are bringing every other 80s character back and RC has said many times he is a big luke and laura fan. I sure as hell woudl rather see luke/tracy as friends when/if laura returns then luke and tracy back together and luke ending up leaving her for laura. Because lets be real...there is no way GH is going to end without luke/laura riding off. Whether they get renewed in april or not.

I think Luke will be there for her in the ELQ stuff and her helping him these past few weeks and him saying I'll make it up to you or be there or whatever he said was sort of a set up there.

Clearly everyone sees everything their own way and that's cool and what makes the world go round!

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I don't know if you're replying to me or someone else, but I don't remember saying the Q's and/or Tracy were better off under Guza. I don't think that's true. I also didn't say Tracy is only with the Q's. But again, I don't know if you're replying to me or not. If you weren't replying to me, ignore my rambling...

My issue is that her material feels like "filler" to me. It isn't about airtime. It's just a niggling "something" that I can't describe. You know, when something doesn't feel quite right. As if her scenes add up to nothing, for lack of a better description. They don't really affect plot. At least, not thus far. Joe and Tracy's interactions-while hot, and sweet-add up to nothing if there's no fallout. If Monica had truly thrown Tracy out or Tracy's actions caused Edward to have another heart attack-that would be fallout. But Monica and Tracy have a very mild fight and that's that. Joe would have shot Bernie and died whether or not he and Tracy were involved, so her saving his life didn't even matter. Him saving her life didn't matter either, because the one man that treated her as if had no agenda in caring for her, is no longer around.

It just feels like it all has no substance or lasting importance. And it's not just Tracy's scenes. It's pretty much everyone's. Trey is supposed to believe Sonny killed his father, and he isn't even angry anymore. But nothing's happened to take the animosity away. It just disappeared.

I am glad the new regime has made changes. It is a much more watchable show, in spite of all that I have noticed. And I'll leave it at that.

I do like Luke and Tracy as friends, but unfortunately, I agree....in the end, if they get Genie back-and I can't see why they wouldn't-they will do Luke and Laura again. It may be the last episodes of the show, but they'll end them that way. If they didn't, I would be extremely surprised. Which is why I rooted so hard for Tracy and Joe. That's done and over, however.

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Do we know who the guy behind the mask is?!

Tracy's airtime the last 3 days has not been good...

Is she on Monday? I know she is on Tuesday, when she is escapes.

I think Guza made Tracy the butt of a lot more jokes than the current team has... She was made foolish for a long time under Guza...

ILTQ, we do sometimes, but like I said, I am more easily able to let things go now in regards to GH... She can be like "Their scenes are boring," and I don't feel the need to provide evidence to the contrary. Also, my Mom judges characters based on their stories... If she likes the story, she likes the character... So, sometimes, she likes Tracy - haha.

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Im totally confused. Is Duke really there? I mean is there the real Duke and then a guy pretneding to be Duke who isnt Duke in Switzerland? Like is there another faker or is Duke really there and once again framed and in the same hospital as Robin or is Robin dreaming or something? This is so totally confusing?!

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My mom thinks its faison.... Let me say how happy I'll be if that's true. Haven't heard anything about this reveal yet so I don't know. Those are some mighty long posts up there so I can't read them all. I kinda skimmed so if someone said bit already sorry. I missed it

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Sneak Peek Week of November 12

This week on General Hospital, Robin's plight in captivity reveals a shocking truth.

Get ready to find out the truth about what Duke Lavery has been doing in Port


Meanwhile, get ready to see a familiar face as Robert Scorpio returns to help

get to the bottom of Luke’s suspicions about Duke! And with the help of Olivia's

hallucinations, he finally comes to an answer. Patrick got that call at the end of last week that he doesn't know was from Robin -- the

question is what will he do about it?

Meanwhile, Sabrina and Britt continue to vie for

his affections. Britt wants to spend the night together with Patrick, which causes

Sabrina to get bummed out and admit her feelings about Patrick to Elizabeth ... but

Patrick overhears!

Carly is freaked out at the sight of A.J. alive, and her immediate reaction -- that being

to call the police and have him thrown in jail -- does not sit very well with Michael.

Look for Michael to be incredibly conflicted, especially when Sonny gets involved.

He's going to be torn between his biological dad and the dad who raised him. Tough


Meanwhile, Tracy is on the warpath when it comes to A.J., and she intends to keep

him locked up in jail. Obviously, she'll have to go to war with Monica about this.

Look for Monica to put up the Quartermaine mansion as collateral to get her son out

of jail. Which is just what Tracy wants ...

all this, plus Maxie moves in with Ellie, but she also makes a decision. She's going

to just bite the bullet and tell Spinelli she loves him -- just as Spinelli and Ellie

decide to have sex! Plus Dante and Lulu decide to seek a surrogate to carry their


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