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DAYS: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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J&M don't really remind me of Tom and Alice.  I think Doug & Julie or even Mickey/Maggie were a bit closer to Tom and Alice.  John/Marlena still have their own stories and ups and downs and aren't as wholesome.  While I am sure people in town admire their love and ask their advice, Marlena isn't exactly making donuts in her (non-existent) kitchen either.  I am sure people will disagree and I have heard the T&A and J&M comparisons, but I think John/Marlena are just different in vibe entirely as a couple.

Lol!  Rebecca.  Was NL playing someone bad-ass with that?  Or was she just wearing more eyeliner and chewing gum?

That being said I didn't mind her as Taylor.  She didn't even get half a chance.

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I did like that Elizabeth affair confrontation.  I really don't mind NL as much as most people here.  I never particularly cared for her Emily, but she also didn't bother me either.  It's still a shame they killed Emily off.

I still think her Taylor was a better fit than Tamara's.

Honestly, I think even Deidre has made comments saying she thought John and Marlena were the next Tom and Alice, so it's not a crazy notion.  I just don't see it.  I don't think Days ever tried to mold another couple like Tom/Alice, so to me there really isn't an heir apparent to them.  It's not a slight to J&M.  They just stand on their own as a couple. 

I would assume Julie will now take over that "Gran" role after Doug's passing and Doug and Julie will now be revered in a similar fashion to Tom/Alice.  I still think Maggie would have fit better in that role, but that time has come and gone.

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I like that Maggie gets to be a bit sassier than Alice.  Although, Alice demonstrated some sass toward Bo while he was dating Billie when Hope first reappeared, and she enjoyed seeing Julie taken down a peg when she was being too highfaluting, she was generally benevolent.   I pump my fist whenever Maggie reminds Alex or Xander that she is not easily conned.  I appreciate that she prioritized Sarah over Konstantin.  And, overall, I enjoy that she's not a pushover, which is a consistent part of her character.  And, that what's made her attractive to everyone, from Neil to Victor.  Many people, from Linda to Bonnie, have underestimated Maggie due to her rural upbringing, but they've never succeeded against her. 

Overall, I think they've once again done a poor job with pacing the story by having Theresa head over heels for Alex for the past six months.  But, after spending one week with Brady (and his aforementioned 90s R&B beard) in the police interrogation room, she is suddenly back in love with him.

Have Theresa and Sloan had any interactions?  Or Theresa and Ava?  The three of them need some gal time to hash out their respective issues, now that Nicole is out of the picture.  Days always feels a bit claustrophobic to me when they don't change up scene partners now and then.  Theresa's got potential, she could design Chanel's wedding gown, or commensurate with Ava.  She's just got to get out more often.


Edited by j swift
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To me, When Deidre refers to John & Marlena as the next Tom & Alice, I think she means that they're the anchor couple on DAYS, not that they're like T&A.

A couple like Tom & Alice is a throwback to decades-past, and I don't think today's soaps have much room for them, let alone use. Years ago, DAYS could have turned Doug & Julie into a Tom & Alice-like couple, but decided not to.


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Yes!  Anchor couple is totally the phrase I was looking for.  Thank you. 

I still think Mickey/Maggie were the closet bet on molding that type of couple, but there is way too much history and mistakes on J&M's part for them to be revered like an ideal couple.  I think they are a #lovegoals type of couple, but they are just too modern to fit into the Tom & Alice role like you stated.  I even think Doug/Julie were too.   

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Not much happened today, but I like that there was so much follow up from Friday. 

The stuff with Konstantin is annoying and I hate that history is being rewritten to tell it. And, wasn’t Marlena able to break through John’s mind control and get rid of it for good?

I liked the Johnny/Chanel scenes though. The conversation about Allie, and Chanel’s attraction to women was something that they should have had a long time ago and I was glad that it finally happened. I hope Johnny’s fears about a Dimera curse end up coming true somehow. It could be a good story for him and Chanel. 

And yeah, it’s time for Tripp to throw his mother out of his apartment lol. As much I’d like for Tripp and Wendy to have their own storyline, I do kind of  like Tripp’s dislike of Stefan. That, along with Stefan and Ava having sex are added dynamics to this storyline that could lead to something interesting. 

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Trigger warning:  One character commands another character to shoot himself.

This was in the promo for week of Feb. 5th.
They put that in the promo without any hotline info.

This scene airs in episode of Mon. Feb. 5.
They don't go through with it, but still...

Here is crisis hotline info if anyone needs it:

Dial 988

Crisis Text Line International

USA text HOME to 741741

United Kingdom – Text SHOUT to 85258

Canada – Text CONNECT to 686868

Ireland – Text HOME to 50808

Edited by janea4old
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