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DAYS: January 2024 Discussion Thread

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Do you think the plots are coming from the fired guy or do you think he installed a scab head writer?

Also, Sheri Anderson is on the writing team but not as head writer so that may explain why you’re enjoying the dialogue more. 

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Another good episode. That's three good ones in a row.


I fast forwarded all of Leo scenes.

I wish someone else in Salem would find out about Sloan's secret so they can blackmail her and tell Leo to F U C K OFF!!

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I just don't understand Leo's anything.  You are going to bleed Sloan financially dry so you can have nothing but expensive sweaters?  There is no logic behind his actions.  If she runs out of money you have nothing to blackmail her for.  

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I guess calling Ron his GH nickname “the writer” is supposed to be disrespectful but I think it’s just silly.

Nothing Ron has done actually warrants all the hate he gets. There are far more destructive writers in daytime: Gary Tomlin, Christopher Whitesell, Dena Higley, Chuck Pratt, Josh Griffith, Megan McTavish, Mal Young, the boys currently writing GH, etc. 

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Casting news belongs in the Spoiler Forum. 


I noticed the scenes have been longer lately, like the Wendy/Melinda scene last week.  But today there was a 5 minute scene with Chad/Julie, and again it was just two characters talking.  Soaps need to have more long scenes like this more often. 

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Really enjoyed the Chad and Julie scenes today. Super well done.

EJ really could put a stop to all of this so it makes him look like an idiot to not. Ava’s also a moron for not using her connections to kill Clyde either. Hell if Stefan told Chad, I’m sure they could work together and get Clyde offed. Really everyone looks like an idiot for letting Clyde have this much power from prison.

Ooo that has to be why I enjoyed it so much!

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Ashley Puzemis talks about the scenes that just aired a few days ago with Holly's overdose.  (no spoilers).   She talks about researching this and preparing to film it.  And she became inspired to get certified to administer NARCAN in real life, in case she encounters someone who is ODing.
Great interview:

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Is there a source that you can share? 

@Lye-C  If you defend Ron, do you think he is some perfect example of a HW? Or do you just think other people are too hard on him? 

Example: The show had tons of potential in Challie & they totally bungled it! With 1. the writing & 2. the use of the characters & 3. isolating them so they had no support. 4. Using them more for titllation & male fantasy than actually treating them like the couple they held them out to be. 

Example: Murder of Abby & Murder mystery. Worst ever! The murder & death were written very slipshod & then the murder mystery did not really exist for the longest time & then they just weirdly made it Clyde, 

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Agreed, which is why I suggested that Stefon should be using Everett to put pressure on EJ through the press.  It is a sad day when we realize that Gabi was the brains in that operation.

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