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GH: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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It's exhausting to watch Nina once again try to tell Carly something of importance only to have her take too long and Carly losing interest in what Nina is trying to say. This has gone on since the phone call from NF.

They need to just stop having Nina interact with Carly if they can't get the point across that Nina is trying to come clean. Whether a fan of Carly and/or Nina or not, it's just too tiring to watch the same sort of dialogue end with Carly walking away because Nina can't spit it out.

Also, Spencer and Trina are just too ridiculous. Trina turns down a chance for sexy time with Spencer because she has to run home to her mother and Curtis? In what universe would a young woman not take the time to have a quickie with her hot boyfriend before running home to her family, even on Christmas Eve? They should be at the point where they can't keep their hands off each other (like Joss and Dex). Have they only had sex the one time in NY? Please.

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Again I ask, have they only had the one sex romp when they were in NY? Spencer made it sound like that when they were talking. I just don't get the pull of this couple. I kindly disagree that most new young couples are not exactly sex-crazed, but they DO take most opportunities to get with each other when they have private time.

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Starting today December 27, Nicole Paggi temporarily appeared as Maxie Jones.  Don't know if this continues for additional episodes or not.
fyi, Kirsten Storms is in BTS pics for a mid-January episode, but I won't elaborate because this is a nonspoiler thread.
Just sayin, it would seem KS won't be offscreen for long.
(I don't know anything more than that)

Edited by janea4old
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Are there spoiler threads here somewhere?

Someone here recently posted that outbreaks of covid had happened on several filming sets and some shows (or studios?) had to shut down production because of it. Not GH, but maybe some actors will be off temporarily if they are sick again.

Edited by Beachstorm
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Greys shut down & they're next door. 

Friday morning of the Emmys Finola tested positive. 

Monday morning I was told that both Frank & Jane tested positive & some other unnamed folks. They're on hiatus now, as of last Thursday. NLG said she was sick enough to wish she had her mommy but that she tested negative. There's a lot of respiratory ick going around, as well as this current strain of covid and the flu. 

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