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Days: June 2023 Discussion Thread

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Very true.  I just find Johnny in particular wanders around with no purpose.  Johnny's whole goal in life the last year is to pursue to women that were also seeing other people.  I am definitely personally more invested in Johnny because of who he is.  I don't need to see Johnny work, but he could at least work at DE off screen to get closer to Wendy or something. 

I think that's what Johnny is supposed to be-or at least how he was initially created.  They seemed to have soften his rich boy energy and now he's just a bland character.  When I can honestly say Tripp has much more personality than Johnny we are in trouble.

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I'm also not writing Johnny off yet because so much of his introduction was intertwined with the possession story that I feel like we haven't gotten to know him.

Unfortunately, I think the actor's persona is influencing the writing of the character (the one true weakness of this writing team is their inability to write a well-rounded character inspired by something other than the actor's social media profile).  I like the idea of a Brooklyn Beckham/young EJ type.  But, he lacks the sophistication of those men (not to imply that country music enthusiasts can't be sophisticated, but you know what I mean). 

In a perfect world, the love triangle would be between the responsible, earnest Tripp versus the fun-loving, impulsive Johnny, yet those traits haven't been developed. I hope he'll emulate Tony and be a romantic suave dude, he just needs to find his Anna, because early Tony and Anna were some of my favorite times on the show.

Edited by j swift
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I was on Twitter thirsty for politics and I guess I have a weird newsfeed already. Anywhoos, before I get carried away, I think SoapHub gave recognition to Deidre Hall and Mary Beth Evans as Best Performers of the Week for their 80's retro performance or whatever it was. I've never heard of SoapHub until now. Is it like a Daytime Confidential or a Soap She Knows?

I guess I appreciate how these online magazine sites (like SON) respect the genre and they try to keep it alive somehow. I'm sure it's hard and dilgent work, but I could never name a Best Performer of the Week on soaps unless it's GH. Soaps just don't grab my attention like they used to back in the day. 

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I have heard of SoapHub, but have no idea about it's legitimacy or popularity.  I do feel bad they couldn't find a single performance on all four soaps this week that was better than that camp.  Ned tripping and falling into the pool on GH was better camp than whatever DH and MBE were doing.   I think there are still good performances on soaps overall, but I think they are just done by the same people consistently, so I am sure they try to spread the "accolades" around lol

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Ya know, I had no idea you could knock somebody out just by hitting them on the back

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Seriously, Megan could have gotten a little closer to EJ’s head. 

Looks like another storyline with so much potential is going to be rushed again. Hopefully, I’m wrong because there’s so many different directions that this storyline can go in, especially since Li is apart of it. 

Considering all the previous posts about Johnny, this could have given him something to do as well. Have Wendy find about what Megan and Li are planning and tell Johnny about it. And then he ends up being the hero. All of that could have some effect on the triangle with Tripp as well. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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That story was in 2011 (around the time of the MarDar "reboot"). Abe first ran for and became mayor in 2008, though. It was around the time that Theo was diagnosed with autism, and there was some half-assed story about Lexie not liking the attention that his campaign brought upon the family because of Theo's diagnosis or something.

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This is a show that had Will in Ben's wedding lol.  Even friendships they try to establish like Julie/Paulina are forced.  I completely forgot Julie and Paulina were friends because they never interact.  It would honestly be better if characters intentionally say they want an intimate wedding with no guests or wedding party because that's what we invariably get.

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DAYS takes a unique (not a compliment) approach to character growth.

I was thinking while watching this morning that Tripp started as an angry young man whose traits resembled Patch's rebellion and Ava's insane reactivity, but he was quickly neutered and now is just a generic nice doctor (BTW who paid for med school if he gave up all the Vitale fortune?)

Paulina was offensive and overbearing, and now she has a panic attack over the mere idea of threat.

It feels as if there is an ethos that no character can be unlikable.  Whatever happened to creating characters that the audience loves to hate?


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I think Tripp got some sort of scholarship to attend school in LA.  They mentioned something during the super exciting triangle he had with JJ and Hayley Chen before Lucas Adams left the show.  I agree Tripp completely lost his edge, but I don't mind him being a nice guy.  I'd prefer Johnny to be more of the schemer.

I also agree with your take on Paulina.  Every time she has a panic attack I think, "what happen to her?"  She was tough as nails and her decline started when Lani's father came back.  She's practically scared of her own shadow now.  I understand stress and events have taken their toll on her, but much softer characters like Marlena and Kayla barely bat an eye at trauma and Paulina just crumbles which feels specifically off for her initial character.

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Don’t have much to say about today because we’ve all seen it before about a million times in the last 6 years. Btw, I’m really starting to hate that secret room. 

I do think that Gwen is going to be in for a rude awakening when what we all suspect about Dimitri is finally revealed though. And in some ways, I am kind of looking forward to it, even though I still think that Dimitri can do better lol 

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