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General Hospital: June 2023 Discussion Thread

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KM has been sidelined since she deliberately tanked her reunion with Steve’s Jason because she wanted to act all day with her real life partner. Up to that point, while not as prominent as before, she was still in the mix.

It’s a waste of Dante, a waste of high $ contract, and of screen time.  Limited though it may be. They can’t be hanging on to her because of Dancing with the Stars after all this time!

And I feel crazy for harping on this- what the hell is up with Lesley Charleson?  I completely understand if she is done/ready to retire- good for her!  But if the intention is to see Monica again can they comment on something?

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I think her pregnancies might help her keep her job, but also royally screw up her stories so it's a little of both?  I have said that I like Sasha more than Willow and I don't think she ever would have been saddled with the dead baby storyline or a full on romance with Brando without her real life pregnancy.  Nor do I think this Cody/Sasha pairing and conservatorship would be stalling out so badly if she was due to go on maternity leave either.  I don't know, I always thought the original idea was to make Sasha a bit more of a bad girl to contrast Willow and now they are the same character.

I would quit the show if Gladys became more heavily featured.  After many years of mob shootouts, rapist/hitman killers, aliens, etc-Gladys becoming a lead would be the thing that breaks me.

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Sam was a popular character for years, so I guess that is more of a factor than DWTS. I'm not entirely sure she or Dante serve a purpose at this point, but I'd keep him over her. 

I'd guess Leslie wants to keep her health private and the show is leaving the door open for her. 

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Honestly, Kelly Monaco has been checked out since the D.U.D. storyline (Dud of Day).

They probably are not commenting because they do not know. When Leslie Charleson made her surprise phone call during the Epiphany memorial, you could absolutely tell she was reading off the page as she spoke. Given her age and the fact she fell off of a horse, my guess is that she's likely not in shape to be on set or filming at this time.

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The actresses that play Monica and Audrey will never appear on the show again. The other players will talk about them as if they are around. When these actresses die, their characters will then die on the show and we will get tribute episodes for them.

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This Ned thinking he’s Eddie Maine stuff feels like a Ron Carlivati story. 

Austin and his pain in the ass cousin just need to go away. They have no purpose and this storyline isn’t going to give them one.

I do like how messy this Portia/Curtis/Jordan/Zeke storyline is getting though. 

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She's the only likable one out of the whole Black Bunch if you ask me.

Lisa LoCicero and Jane Elliot are working overtime to make something out of this Ned amnesia plot point. The Tracy/Leo scene was very sweet and very Tracy.

The writing for Nina is so bad.

BLQ: My dad think he's Eddie Maine, he doesn't even know I'm his daughter!

Nina: So--so you're saying he doesn't remember what the initials S. E. C. stand for?

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Rena Sofer's Lois better be coming back to play opposite Eddie Maine.  Seeing Tracy, Lois, Brooklynn, Olivia and Eddie/Ned all together would make for a great reunion.  Coincidentally, I just started watching Lois' December 15, 1993 debut as this current story starts!

Weird how Jordan already mentioned she was deputy mayor several episodes ago and now Laura is asking her to be deputy mayor.  I guess they must have re-shuffled scenes for episodes, but that's a continuity error.

I don't understand how this show can tediously and pointlessly have Sonny & Nina on every day saying the same things over and over again, but then let promising newcomers like Cody and Esme appear only 1-2 times a month, letting their stories just wither on the backburner.

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I am really confused as to what Ned does remember.  He didn't remember Tracy was his mother.  Did he just create a whole persona in his head?  I don't get the difference between Ned having amnesia and Ned thinking he's Eddie Maine.   It's like the show just went with the fact Eddie was his stage name, but it doesn't correlate with anything Eddie Maine did as of yet.

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I don't get the difference either, @carolineg.  IIRC, "Eddie Maine" was just a stage name; he wasn't a split personality.  Ned was still Ned, and he still knew who he was and who his family was, too.

In my mind, Ned is playing a game with this Eddie Maine stuff, so he can lull Nina into a false sense of security, only to lower the boom on her later (preferably, during her and Sonny's wedding).

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