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Days: March 2023 Discussion Thread


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Agreed.  They pushed the Brady/Kristen pairing for way too long and then paired Brady with some real random ladies (Eve, Melanie) as well. 

I like Chloe with both Phillip and Brady, but she's had some real odd pairings too (Quinn, Lucas, Daniel) and most writers had no real direction for her character.  Sometimes she was evil, a prostitute, a cheater, baby stealer, etc and sometimes she was the heroine like she is now which I prefer.

Unfortunately, I think Brady is a character that is pretty burnt out and could use a break though.

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Agree. They did to her what Y&R did to Sharon's character...rather than make her the heroine she was meant to be. And just like Sharon, it took the writers years to rehabilitate her character after so much bad writing. 


I liked a few of the other pairings for both of them. But it seem like right when a writer would start to write toward a reunion for them something would always happen...whether it was an exit, a writer leaving, a new character...it was like everything but the kitchen sink.

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The fact that I can even pick on Brady a la Brooke just means that he probably could use a break. They have plenty of villains so no need to turn Brady to the dark side...which outside of the Chloe pairing...is where EM usually took off. Cuz he as a romantic lead is kinda played out. 


What a time. 

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I think Brady is pretty played-out romantically, too, but I could also see a use for him as more of a middle-aged dad. SORAS Tate, bring in Parker, keep Brady and Chloe together trying to make this crazy blended family work (with that little demon Rachel in the mix). I like EM a lot -- they've just thrown a LOT of love interests at him. To his credit, he's made most of them work at least somewhat, but it's resulted in a character without much of a throughline or evolution.

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I think Brady should have transitioned to be more like John years ago.  Pair him with Chloe or Nicole for the long haul and have him be part of more of the adventure stories.  Lord knows Steve, Roman, and John can't fight mastermind criminals forever.  When Drake/John was the age EM/Brady is now he was firmly married to Marlena for years (on and off), had grown children, and grandchildren.    I am not saying we should saddle Brady with grandkids, but he needs to get off the romance merry-go-round.  I have never understood why they have concentrated so much on Brady/Eric's love lives and never had either of them more part of the action stories.

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I don't dislike EM either. And while he might be how he looks on PASSIONS, I still find him quite attractive. Moreso honestly. That said, it's a testament that he (and NB) have made some of those pairings work. But when one thinks Brady and relationships that have gone the distance...Chloe, Nicole, and yes even Kristen come to mind. Otherwise...as a romantic lead he is played out.


I do love and think he would be great if they would take him in the directions both of you suggested. Either Dad mode or Adventure Dad mode. 

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Well, I sure am going to miss this dream come true 

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He really did breathe new life into Sonny and the chemistry that he had with Chandler and his co-stars was off the charts. He even made Alex (somewhat) likable

It sucks, but considering what was probably in store for Sonny had he stayed, this is the better option. I’m sure we’ll be seeing him again, for visits at least.

As for the rest of today, I see the show tried to make us have sympathy for Gwen… but it’s not gonna work.

And also, I saw some chemistry between Alex and Stephanie… and I didn’t like it I really hope they don’t make Stephanie the villain in this storyline. I’m looking forward to tomorrow too. I hope Maggie puts Alex in his place. 

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Sonny's exit episode - the potential for time discontinuity had been bothering me. I'm glad they addressed it. He explained that he stayed behind in Salem for a couple of days to finish things up at Titan. 

But grrr.  How to ruin things:
Why did they have to make Sonny's exit episode all about Alex? Alex's needs, Alex's wants, Alex's ambition, Alex's ego.

And a side plot of Leo being his obnoxious self, writing a gossip column stating fake scandals about Sonny and Justin which *he* thought was hilarious.  (It's NOT.).  At least Gwen won't print fake garbage.  She'll only print true garbage. So then Leo writes a gossip column about Alex, Allie,and Chanel.  Because apparently the episode has to be about Alex.

Edited by janea4old
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The only reason I'm going to watch. I love that pic of him.  The rest is blah.

I read a spoiler about Stephanie and Chad that isn't good. I shouldn't be surprised since Alex is Carlivati sex toy.

I could've posted his backside from his Amazon episode appearance. 

Sounds like a horrible episode!

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