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General Hospital: March 2023 Discussion Thread

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I blame the writing. She could be great. I would pair her up with Dante for awhile, probably nothing too serious but fun. Chase is hot but comes off and behaves like a little boy. And I'd give her fun mystery stories, chick lit or classic Lucy/Kevin-type stuff, and let her pick up the Maxie-type story slack when Maxie finally GTFO.

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I agree it falls more on the writing.  She is certainly more viable than Maxie as a character.  I just want her to be more quirky like her mom and her mooning over Chase is boring.   I think this is a case where GH took a decent pairing and decided to drag it out way too long. 

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@Vee don't read this.

Honestly, I don't see it for her either. I thought Amanda Setton got a raw deal during her OLTL run but this milquetoast sad sack Brook Lynn is not it. And for me it's not just the writing, her acting feels off. BL's got no umph!

Spencer and Trina kissed once a month ago. They've barely spoken one on one since. Let's get fücking to it!

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It has improved.  She isn't wearing as many boxy jackets lol. Idk, Amanda Setton is my age and I think she dresses so old as Brooklyn.  Maybe I dress too young or something, but her wardrobe seems more suited for a 50 year old.  Anna dresses more current and it's odd because in my mind Brooklyn would be more fashion conscious because Lois had so much style.  It's a petty thing to complain about, but if I rag on KS's wardrobe I might as well call out AS.

She may be a friend of Frank, but AS has had a valid career.  I remember thinking she was a casting score when she was hired.  She just hasn't quite delivered.

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She was wearing the same giant jackets they still often put poor Laura (or hell, Viki on OLTL) in. I do think her wardrobe has youthified? youthened? more in the last six months though.

I think AS was a major score too. I blame the creative handling of her on the same old things at GH: Risk aversion, coasting on safe material and fearful of being too edgy with what they believe is a predominantly senior and conservative audience. It affects all people under 50 on the show, Setton is no different.

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I hate the way Laura dresses too, but they have been styling her horribly since she was in her 30's with her weird floral hippy dresses.  It's like any time Genie gains a pound no one knows how to style her lol.

I think AS being a score in my mind is why I have been so disappointed by her.  There is a difference between being conservative and matronly and GH seems to have no idea how to walk that line.  Not every 30 year wants to settle down with a house full of kids, but that tends to be the only goal on GH.

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The best she was dressed since the '80s IMO was when she came back in '08. Of course, Genie was also at her slimmest then and the wardrobe department wasn't asleep. You're right that they've never bothered to really modulate her wardrobe. There was a brief time in 2013-2016 or so when it wasn't so bad, or at least not as consistently bad. Now they have the excuse of her job to keep her in formal suit jackets.

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You are spot on about how good she looked in '08.  I highly suspect GH dressed her older to make her look closer in age to Tony and dim the fact that she was still young and sexy.  I was shocked to realize she was in her early 30's in the 90's.   Of course styles change and look dated, but Genie is only 5 or 6 years older than Vanessa who was playing a teenager lol.   

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I mean, the only comparison is Adrianne Leon and I guess she's better than that, but AL's Brook Lynn (changed the spelling 

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) had horrible writing too.  She was actually Nik's hired girlfriend and scrounging around New York trying to get free pretzels and date rape Dante for money.  The bar is low.

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