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DAYS: November 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Sigh... a little bit of effort goes a long way. If only they'd dress these folks more appropriately to reflect what time of year it is. Add to that, whenever they are supposed to be outside, why can't they add in a track of ambient outdoor noise? They'll do it occasionally but not consistently, and it's usually too low in volume. 

That would be good to see. I've always loved the complexities of Nicole being her own worst enemy, giving into impulses that she knows are ultimately wrong,  and sometimes biting off her own nose to spite her face. I can't hate on Nicole for overstepping and strongly hinting at Jada aborting the baby because that's a real-life thought process that anyone would secretly wish for; she just happened to blurt it outloud. 

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I know Nicole will get the brunt of the blame (and she deserves some), but the whole situation was handled poorly by all parties involved.  I know it was early in the pregnancy and things were changing quickly, but Eric wasn't communicating with Nicole properly nor did he really have a plan.  And of course Jada is making a bunch of quick decisions without telling Eric (I assume she's still pregnant though).  Frankly, if Nicole/Eric were planning on being together the three of them should have just sat down together and discussed the pregnancy and plans before any decisions were made.  But that wouldn't be soapy, so I guess we are on to break up 1 million for Eric/Nicole.

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Is there any wonder why I keep praying Greta or Taylor Come Back? And Colleen Brady Please, we need some fresh scheming, and EJ needs a Woman, I wanted for Nicole to marry him and go full villain Boss Bitch Lady but I no longer see that happening

Edited by Joseph
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I am excited for the confrontation too.  I still think Nicole is going to get way too much blame.  She was wrong and ridiculous, but if Jada was that easily swayed to have an abortion by one conversation with someone she doesn't like or respect it's clear Jada wasn't fully committed to the pregnancy.

The thing about Gabi is she was wearing a weather appropriate, cute coat, so I am not sure how the dress/tunic/shirt she was wearing got past wardrobe.  The dress is not only seasonally off it's completely skimpy and ugly.  It's not only ridiculously short, but completely open with some sort of lingerie showing lol.   Even if CB is dressing herself-someone should have stepped in BTS even if it wasn't costuming lol

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Ben aside, which agreed.  He did ruin her.  The way Ciara would dress would take me out of her scenes a lot and made me almost dislike VK because I felt it was her choice to look that sexy when the scene didn't call for it.  That actually makes me kind of petty, but I don't need to see her boobs to know she's beautiful and hot lol.  Marci Miller was the opposite-dressing super dowdy and prairie.  Everything MM, CB, and VK wore/wear are on trend, but they don't fit the character they are playing.  I think Chloe and Chanel are two characters that dress very on trend but still appropriate for their characters. 

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That's ironic because I while assume that Jada is still pregnant, my reaction was that I would be so disappointed if DAYS wrote a story about a woman lying about an abortion because it is so politically incorrect, especially after she used the line, "my body, my choice."

It's a much more powerful story if a former Catholic priest and a POC argue over her right to choose, the economic and cultural realities of raising a biracial baby while being a single mother, and their responsibilities to use contraception, rather than it all being about a middle-aged, privileged, white woman manipulating a man into her seventh marriage.

Edited by j swift
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Yeah, I immediately though she was still pregnant just by the last scene yesterday.

I don't get the feeling Jada necessarily wants Eric or wants to manipulate him exactly.  If she is still pregnant she is just doing that old self-sacrificing trope to protect everyone as the reason for her deception.  If she is still pregnant it would have been a less inflammatory choice for Jada to say she had a miscarriage.  I think this is Days trying to be edgy or progressive here.

The show didn't seem to be going there over the right to choose to begin with.  Eric instantly accepted it was her choice, but he didn't like the circumstances or how she went about it.  I thought there would have been a little more push back from Eric too.  I find Eric's beliefs and behavior rarely line up with the Catholic Church.  In fact, Eric doesn't seem particularly religious lol.

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