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Enjoying all your takes on the show.

It is interesting to look at this and the decisions that were made in rebooting.

The time given over to discussing Samantha and what went wrong and how Carrie felt was an interesting choice as it drew attention to the fact she wasn't there rather than just a quick 'Samantha is living it up in London'

Introducing all the new characters and have them all being 'diverse' seemed a little desperate in trying to be relevant.

Would Carrie really want to do a podcast with those two and would they really be interested in having her on?

And then Carrie was blasted by Che (?) and took it  to heart instead of just giving it the eyeroll it deserved.

Miranda's clutzy faux pas with the professor and the equally painful follow up was cringey. Miranda was a high powered lawyer FFS and knows how to handle herself.

Everything had to be explained eg Big and Carrie and the music. 'We started doing this during lockdown etc '

Overall,I thought the tone was wrong. These successful wealthy women wouldn't really be so concerned with being 'out of touch'. Either they wouldn't give a damn, or have managed to take stuff on board over the years.

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Some things should just stay dead, and this is one of them. I have never enjoyed Michael Patrick King's take on the original series, and I still feel the same. I much prefer Darren Star's original concept that seemed hijacked and diluted as the original series progressed. 

Edited by BetterForgotten
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Totally. The real-life beef between the two came to light after Parker decided to perform her 'niceness' on social media when Cattrall lost her brother, and Cattrall told her to stop using her family's painful time to shine her own halo.

And now we have a story where Samantha stopped speaking to all the women 'for no apparent reason,' but Carrie is sending her messages every week. Because Carrie is Nice, can't you see how nice Carrie is being?, and Samantha is Mean. The SL is all about SJP's hurt feeeelings after Cattrall shut her down. 


S1 was grittier and more real, that's for sure. Candace Bushnell wrote anthropologically about the cut-throat NY dating world, with men and women belonging to different 'tribes' (modelizers, wannabe suburban couples, etc). Many episodes were directed by female-focused directors like Susan Seidelman (Desperately Seeking Susan) and Nicole Holofcener.

The show eventually evolved into a soap opera with comedic elements (which obvs I have no problem with), but then devolved into a Cinderella fantasy featuring Carrie and her shoe collection. 



Bwah! BTW, have we mentioned how the character of Susan Sharon ("Am I the only one who remembers how shitty he was to her?") is supposedly based on Dorinda Medley of RHONY fame and her first marriage? Candace Bushnell and Dorinda have been friends for some years.

Edited by Cat
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Like you said Carrie should be hosting her own podcast. Perhaps Che could've been a producer of the series who tells Carrie they need more of a diverse audience, so she needs to step it up some.

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If anything, I would rather see Miranda starting her own law firm that specializes in civil rights. And Charlotte should've been the one who decides to go back to school or decides to open her own art gallery. Realizing that both Lily and Rose our getting older and won't need her much anymore. 

I doubt Carrie Bradshaw was bringing in a lot of revenue for Samantha's PR firm. They should've just said Samantha is expanding her business in London and let that be it. 

I did like the series adding music from the first movie with Big/Carrie. Though like many other viewers were wanting Carrie to call 911 or get his nitro out of the drawer to help save his life. 

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And, if SJP has anything to say about it, it probably never will.

I'll just stick with my "Golden Girls" reruns.  At least there, when Blanche goes on about how gorgeous she is, even Rue McClanahan is in on the joke.

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See, this is why it works for me - no, not the notion that Samantha was so offended by Carrie dropping her as her PR, but that Carrie is completely oblivious to Samantha's feelings and is all about how SHE is being SO nice and how SAMANTHA is being UNREASONABLE to HER, the GREAT Carrie Bradshaw. I'm sure that's not how SJP thinks it comes across, but that's exactly how it does to me. Carrie was always an adult brat and often lacked understanding of other people's point of view so it suits her character in a way.

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This is also why it works for me and why I'm watching. Honestly, I'm interested to see where Smug Carrie and some of the characters go from here. 

And interesting what you point out, that SJP is as oblivious and self-involved as her character is. 

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