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GH: Fall Spoilers

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I saw that too. I do think he may be remorseful early on. But I think he will harden even more once Nikolas rejects his remorsefulness and possibly don't want anything to do with him. Nik will kick him out and I think that Nik may be the one that ends up pressing charges against him. I could see Spencer being hardened and wanting revenge, not really having much in the way of growth or movement after he's exposed as the stalker. I also don't like how the other teens are putting at risk two people that he loves just to try and get him to confess.

Them exposing him may stop him being the stalker, but it doesn't do much of anything else. As Esme is still running around, with Spencer being loyal to her, Spencer will be angry and be out for revenge, and I don't think we will get much in the way of Sprina at least for a bit.

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I will say that, for me at least, someone who is fine with Spencer but not a huge fan, him staying loyal to Esme without telling the audience why - it certainly isn't played as love so what is it? - is going to wear thin very fast.

Especially if he ends up resenting his father for exposing what he did without having told him it wasn't entirely his doing. What is he expecting his dad to say and do about it if he doesn't even provide the minimal attenuating circumstances that would happen to be the truth?

I'll wait and see but I am not super delighted about those spoilers.

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I agree that they need to give us more info about Esme. Right now she is very one note. She's really obsessed with stalking Ava and driving her out of town... why? Spencer usually seems really annoyed by her and there's not even a hint of romance or affection there. Even Joss noticed how "off" they are. Give us some sort of idea what her deal is because right now this is just a random girl glued to Spencer's hip and it's annoying. 

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AND we don't understand why Spencer is putting up with her which is almost as big a mystery to me and quite relevant if he is going to "protect" her when he is exposed. 
I can live with not having the entire Esme backstory for a while but they need to give us tidbits here to at least understand the dynamic between the characters.

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Yeah, I'm not caring for it for a lot of reasons. And I don't think the way they've gone about the reveal is really pushing stuff forward. The truth about Spencer being the stalker comes out but what good does it really do (besides reunite Nva), if he's just going to continue to plot revenge against them and possibly the other teens as well.  He just spent months plotting revenge against them and will continue to do it, without any sort of good payoff. Also, I think they will continue to be stingy with Sprina scenes.

Spencer/Trina haven't had an alone scene since the scenes which was almost a month and half ago. I don't really think we are going to get much in the way of scenes with them for a while. I think that the show may have Spencer at odds a bit with the other teens, while still holding onto Esme, believing that she loves him, while she runs amock in Port Charles. I actually don't mind her still running around causing drama, or even Spencer staying with her a bit longer.

But I do think that we will continue to not get much with Sprina. I feel like they should have been given more moments to bond, before the reveal came out. That would have given more weight to it. But today they had Trina say she barely knows Spencer, while Spencer seems to be acting more boyfriend-y with Esme. Spencer and Trina should be given moments/scenes together (including some alone) that shows that they are still drawn to each other. But they haven't been really given any of that since his party.

Only bright spot I can see with this reveal if Cam/Esme interacting more. IMO, they have chemistry. I heard that the actress that plays Esme is on a three year contract, so it will probably benefit her that she has chemistry with Cam. Especially if she has some sort of connection to Joss.  


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They need to play her with Cameron. Josslyn/Cameron need a spoiler too and I could see Josslyn 'exposing Esme' and Esme stealing Cameron away (while Sprina get closer). But we'll see. There's potential here. 


But like we're talking about in the September thread, they seem to be dragging their feet on a lot of things. It really just reeks of micromanagement from you-know-who.


It probably wouldn't hurt to add a third guy to the Joss/Cam/Trina/Spencer/Esme group. 

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I think they should have added another guy from like PCU to make Spencer jealous over Trina.

Also, I wonder where they are going with this ongoing Spencer stays angry at Nava storyline. He's already stalked them and will be found out. And now he's going to be out for revenge. NC said that in SOD that's it about to be War, due to Spencer's feelings regarding being exposed and Nik kicking him out. I wonder how long that will go. I kind of wish they would go one of two directions, either maybe have Spencer try to really better himself and really fix his relationship with his father, even if Esme tries to get in the way of that.

Or maybe just have straight up cut ties from Nik and have him be his own man. Courtney had money from saving that lady's dog (though she used at least some to start a foundation), maybe some of that is around in a trust for Spencer. He can get access to that and be free of being dependent on Nik. Or maybe something comes out of him going to college, or becomes an intern at ELQ or something. A strained/mostly severed relationship with Nik could be a long ongoing thing, heck it's already been kind of happening for years.

Nik has shown multiple times before and during this stalker storyline that he doesn't put Spencer first. He kept putting Ava first and she even called him out on it. I think he will do it again, after the reveal which will fuel Spencer's anger. But I don't really see things being that interesting or really pushing things forward if Spencer just continues to be angry and try and get revenge, which won't work out for him.

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Here are some upcoming daily spoilers from ontvtonight/TV Guide Spoilers:

October 11 2021- Jax and Sonny forge an unlikely truce. Jason catches Carly about to do something she might regret. Brando and Sasha get interrupted by a visitor. Ava advises Nikolas, who is deeply troubled about Spencer. Shawn tells Alexis he’ll stop investigating if she asks.

October 12 2021,Sonny lays down the ground rules with Nina. Carly makes an unexpected choice. Austin tries to win Jason over. Brook Lynn takes things to the next level. Exasperated Britt isn’t sure what to do next.

October 13, 2021-Sonny confronts Jason. Carly and Josslyn have a heart to heart. Trina’s surprised by her feelings. Austin cautions Maxie. Britt weighs her options.

October 14, 2021Sonny and Carly talk about the future. Spencer is forced to make a choice. Esme makes an emotional appeal to Nikolas. Britt seeks help from an unexpected source. Robert unearths a shocking discovery.

October 15, 2021 Curtis reveals more about his past to Portia. Spinelli confirms Jason’s suspicions. Anna and Robert make a surprising decision. Sam and Dante are thwarted. Victor dictates malicious commands.


It's nice to see Robert's back again. I hope we start to get more Sprina scenes again. Maybe the scene about Trina being surprised about her feelings comes from a scene where she gets to interact with Spencer alone again. I wonder what emotional plea Esme is making towards Nikolas. It could be to drop the charges that are against Spencer. Maybe she makes that plea, Nikolas actually does that and Esme gets credit for helping with their relationship. It also looks like Sonny may find out that Carly/Jason had real feelings for each other and will confront him about that. Jax and Sonny forging an unlikely truce could be interesting. 

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I wonder if their alliance may be about keeping the peace between Carly and Nina. Maybe they will kind of grudgingly agree to try and work together to help things not escalate more between Carly/Nina because they care about both women. They might also intend to keep the secret about her having feelings for Sonny under wraps for as long as they can. Maybe the Sonny lays ground rules for Nina plays into this alliance as well.

Though, I would like to see Phyllis. She has good chemistry with Sonny and I liked her scenes with Jax as well. I don't like how it seems like she's been dropped (at least for now). She was a good friend to Sonny, and her life was left in shambles, with losing Lenny and the Tan-O. Sonny should bring her to town and look out for her. 

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