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DAYS: August 2021 Discussion Thread

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It was always going to be a problem from the jump with the two of them.  It just was never a good idea to pair her with him.    And VK plays Ciara really on the obnoxious side.  I think she's almost as unlikeable as him (without the murder and stuff).  She has no anchor without Bo/Hope and she barely interacts with Shawn.  Idk, I am not verbalizing this right, but I can understand why the have fans and why they have such detractors as well.    I was never a big Ciara fan and don't remember her being terribly bright or smart although I like the little girl that played her for awhile.  I think Ciara has been a mess since she was aged and VK plays her very smug these days.   But I do see how they are popular with younger fans.

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They are so forcing this couple on the audience. Especially when you have Allie who went through her own psycho drama helping another psycho be with his prey. That's so creepy and wrong. Its just terrible writing. 

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This being Days I am surprised that if the show wanted RSW back the show didn’t bring him back on Ben’s twin brother. That way they could have still played out certain elements of the character such as their being great apprehension towards him for being related to Ben & Clyde, him being haunted by his own mental demons trying steer clear of his family’s history afraid he’d end up just like Clyde & Ben, sheesh we could’ve had the story where Ben escapes and impersonates his twin while holding his twin hostage in dungeon in true Days fashion etc. That way they could have fresh and still edgy character without all the baggage. 


I barely watched 2016-2019 after Ciara’s disgusting rape but this one of Higley’s last brain dead ideas before she left? Wouldn’t surprise me if it was. 

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Villain is one thing, but why a serial killer? You can’t really come back from that. One you go there, you have to commit, and that character either has to die or go to jail. You can’t call an “oopsie” and make him a romantic hero.

Edited by Faulkner
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I still firmly believe that most Cin fans are younger, newer viewers who have never seen Ciara pre-Ben (she was so much better) and didn't watch when Ben brutally murdered multiple characters on screen. I have a hard time believing that people who have watched the show for more than a few years and watched Ciara grow up (and Ben kill) are into this crap. 

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I think Days just fell into something.  I am not sure why they ever brought RSW back as Ben.  And shooting approx. 7 years out ruined it.  Vk and RSW had really good chemistry and it was like 'what now'?   It was too far out to change things so we just accepted a very poor written couple that makes no sense on paper.   And like I said, it's a shame because it's probably one of the best younger couples in the last 20 years as far as chemistry goes. 

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It is an age-old problem for all the soaps but it is particularly pregnant at Days because it has had so many "supercouples".
If you yield to fans around couples and chemistry, you are driving yourself into a storyline deadend. Satisfying the audience emotionally might make them happy for a minute but it hurts not just the show but the characters themselves over the long run.
Jarlena is the best example: the fandom got what they wanted. The show yielded and kept them together ... in storyline-free boredom. 
Bliss does not a soap make. And not all characters who have chemistry should be together. And not all actors who are popular should be kept on if their character has outlived their usefulness.
The chemistry is undeniable. And RSW is a beautiful guy. But there are plenty of beautiful guys who did not play a serial killer VK might have had great chemistry with and made everyone forget about Ben. They instead lazily yielded to the vocal fans and wrote themselves into this hideous situation.

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Jarlena is a good example, but I think Brenda/Sonny on GH is better.   Sonny was trash, but CL gave him a lot of layers to work around the fact VM/MB just had random crazy chemistry.  I think that is a very similar situation.  Sonny was basically peddling drugs and underage stripping and then had a scene or two with Vanessa and it was like 'should we keep him"?  And RSW never got that depth or backstory to make it viable so I do understand that.  And Ciara was underdeveloped as well.  It was just a miss on Days side because they never put in any work.  It was all hot sex and smoke and mirrors on this couple. 

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This is pretty much why I've said that they should've made Jordan the real killer after the time jump (something-something Jordan's psycho something-something Rolf yadda-yadda) if they were so hell-bent on keeping Ben as a romantic lead and I usually hate  dodgy ret-cons. But there's really no way around it. I'm sure RSW is a nice guy, but maybe it's time for him to explore other career options.

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The Ben/Ciara stuff was again the low point today, especially with RSW playing the argument scenes with this weird flirty energy, like it gave him a boner to hear Ciara yell at him about how she wanted to marry another man. But I did appreciate Ciara's sarcastic little "maybe you and the car have a 'psychic connection'" line at the end, and I liked her line about being grossed out over getting a sponge bath from a serial killer. (You and me both, Ciara). 

I really liked the other storylines though. Nice that they finally had Jake talk to Ava about working for the Vitale crime family. And great confrontation scenes between Nicole/Sami and Lucas/EJ. 

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