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Look into the past - 1975

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That explains it. Makes sense as once SOD started all the other magazines that provided in depth synopsis folded, most going around 1976. DSN was the last hold out and I guess was gone by the end of 1978. I guess the reduction was the only way they could compete. Such a shame. 

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I hope so too. They are out there


As a side note - I was curious as to why Snapper took off to fight Cholera in Ethiopia and was gone for a month. Turns out he was filming the Star Wars rip off Starcrash. From what I have seen, it is truly awful.

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New schedule beginning on Monday, December 6th.






11 :30 – 12 :00 am



Love Of Life



12 :00 – 12 :30 pm



The Young And The Restless



12 :30 – 1 :00 pm


Ryan’s Hope

Search For Tomorrow



1 :00 – 1 :30 pm


All My Children


For Richer, For Poorer


1 :30 – 2 :00 pm


As The World Turns

Days Of Our Lives


2 :00 – 2 :30 pm




2 :30 – 3 :00 pm


One Life To Live

The Guiding Light

The Doctors


3 :00 – 3 :30 pm


Another World


General Hospital


3 :30 – 4 :00 pm




4 :00 – 4 :30 pm


The Edge of Night




 All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

On the morning of the day that Dr. Jeff Martin was to be best man at Frank Grant's wedding to Caroline Murray, he learned that Frank's ex-wife Nancy Grant's suspicions that she might be pregnant with Frank's child had been officially confirmed by Dr. Calder. Nancy refused to accept Jeff's insistence that Frank had a right to know, maintaining that the child was hers alone; that she was determined to have and keep her baby. Jeff sadly observed that when Frank did learn eventually about Nancy's condition, he was likely to believe that the baby's father was Carl Blair, the man Frank believed to be Nancy's lover, despite her denials in the past. Nancy rather bitterly conceded the logic of what Jeff was saying, but moments later confided to Jeff that she felt sure that when Frank saw the child, he would know it for his own.

Ruth Martin had accepted Paul's proposal that he visit Ray Gardner personally, in Texarkana, with the $5,000 Ruth had promised to send, to represent Joe and Ruth as their attorney and make sure that Gardner signed papers which would clear the way for the legal adoption of Tad, the son Gardner had previously abandoned. In the meantime, Gardner had become impatient when he failed to receive the money in the mail and he borrowed plane fare from the woman he was living with, intending to abandon her once he had gotten his hands on the promised sum, and more.

Kate Martin was shocked to find Gardner on her doorstep and she and Ruth tried to stall for time in Joe's absence, in the face of Gardner's insistance that he see his son one last time and his story of being broke, without shelter, and unsuitably dressed for the Eastern climate. Kate was tempted to allow Gardner to stay for the night until Paul returned by the first available plane, but Joe returned from the hospital and refused to hear of it or to provide funds for Gardner's lodging elsewhere, Kate believed that the decision about Tad's seeing Gardner should be up to the boy. When Tad was asked, he reacted with terror, and Ruth and Kate promised him they would not allow Gardner near him.

Gardner showed up at the Thornton cabin, having struck up an acquaintance with Edna at a local diner, and when she agreed to allow him to get some rest for a few hours, she woke the following morning to find that he had stayed overnight on her couch. Just then David phoned and Edna had to hang up when she feared that Dottie would mention "cousin" Ray's presence to David.

Ruth and Joe Martin were called to the phone at the Grants’ wedding reception to learn from Dan Kennicott that Tad had returned from a stay at a friend's house to find Gardner waiting for him at the Martin home. They rushed back to find that the boy had not been hurt, other than being cuffed around, but that Gardner hds attempted to intimidate him into urging that Ruth and Joe did as he wanted. 

When Ruth recognized the number Gardner had left where he could be reached as the telephone at David's cabin, she went there. Edna insisted that she was alone and told Ruth that Dottie was very ill, but at first rejected Ruth's offer to look in on the little girl, saying that after she was unable to reach Christina Karras, she finally got another doctor to see Dottie. - Edna's efforts to reach Christina resulted in suspicion about Chris' whereabouts which were confirmed when she called David and recognized Chris' voice on the phone from his hotel room in the Carribean. Overriding her bitterness was Edna's genuine concern for Dottie, and with David's promise to return home, she followed his advice to have a Dr. Quinn see Dottie in the interim. –

Gardner immediately stepped into the room as Ruth and Edna came from seeing to Dottie and though Ruth was unconvinced about their story of old friendship, she promised to get together the money Gardner demanded by cashing in an insurance policy. - Ray had upped the ante, tearing up Joe's check and insisting only $10,000 would compensate him for not seeing his son again and his treatment at Joe's hands. - Gardner told Ruth he would get in touch with her when he had found a room somewhere so as not to burden "this lovely lady" – Edna - any longer. He mentioned that he had found work so that Ruth would know that he intended to stay around for awhile. - Unknown to Ruth, Nick Davis had bought Gardner's sob story of being a widower whose son was being cared for temporarily by a very reliable local family; true, if somewhat distorted. He had hired Gardner on as a kitchen helper at the Chateau with Gardner's promise that he intended to settle down in Pine Valley for a good long time. –

When Ruth told Joe that she felt she had to give Gardner the money in the face of his threat to stay on in order to get rid of him, Joe told her that some of the things she had been doing were absolutely irrational.

Benny Sago had been instrumental in putting an end to Phoebe Tyler's scheme to buy information from Billy Clyde which he had guaranteed would mean the end of Chuck and Donna's so far happy marriage. Acting on a warning from Benny, Chuck, Linc and Phil Brent walked into the roadhouse where Phoebe and Billy Clude had met and sent Phoebe packing. Chuck then warned Billy Clyde that if he ever tried to cause trouble for Donna again, he would see that he was prosecuted for the episode in Center City when he drugged Donna. After Chuck and Linc left, Billy Clude told Phil about the operation which Ty told him he had performed on Donna by his "house physician" during surgery for appendicitis, and that even Donna herself was not aware that she was sterile.

When Phil told his wife Tara about Billy Clyde's claim, Tara insisted that Phil tell Chuck despite his doubts of the truth of the story. She was frightened that if Donna couldn’t be pregnant, she was showing symptoms of something else, and to allow those symptoms to continue to mask Donna's true condition might be endangering her health and even her life.

Phoebe Tyler had called her son, Linc, to urge him to appeal to the judge who sentenced her to three weekends in jail for reckless driving. She claimed that after having spent one weekend locked up, the palpitations she had been experiencing should be taken for proof that she was too ill to serve out the remainder of her sentence. When Linc told her that the judge insisted that upon her recovery she would be expected to continue her sentence, Phoebe lurched out of the room and fell down a flight of stairs.

 Phil reluctantly set up a meeting with Chuck, which was cancelled when Chuck had to attend his grandmother, Phoebe, when she suffered her fall while drunk. When Phil finally told Chuck, he was told that Chuck was convinced that Billy Clyde was a liar, just out to cause trouble for Donna, and that he himself was sure that Donna was pregnant. Chuck insisted that Phil promise not to mention it to Donna, and Phil, feeling that he had done all he could, agreed.

 Charles had told Mona Kane, his secretary, that he believed that Phoebe was malingering but he and the staff were giving her the benefit of the doubt for the present. After Charles left the office, Phoebe called to ask Mona to come to her room at the hospital and begged Mona as an act of "Christian charity" and by way of a Christmas present, to forgive her all the unjust things Phoebe had done to her. She told Mona she was convinced that she has only a few short months to live and wanted Mona and Charles to be happy, with her blessing, if Mona would "give Charles back to me" for the few brief moments that remained. As Mona protested that she couldn’t "give" Charles, Phoebe overrode her words, going on to say that Charles could help an

Mona’s daughter, Erica, had confided to her that Nick Davis had asked Erica to move in with him, asking Mona in the name of her friendship with Nick, to appeal to him to put aside his wariness at marrying again. Mona saw Nick, but came away with the conviction that whatever his reason, ultimately Nick was right that marriage between himself and Erica would be a mistake. Erica was furious with her mother and pushed her out of her house bodily, but after she let Nick know how disappointed she was that the beautiful pearl necklace which was his Christmas gift to her was not an engagement ring, she said she was still in love with him and wouldn't dream of breaking off their relationship.

Dan Kennicott had finally broken off with Brooke English after she had once more lied to him about dating someone else. Though they had left it that each would date other people but would continue to see one another, the cooling process had set in and Dan had begun to see more and more of Devon Shephard. Devon's mother, Ellen, had continued to see Mark Dalton, telling Devon at one point that she was dating Paul Martin. As Paul was out of town, intending to see Ray Gardner at the time, Kate Martin was warned by Devon's grandfather and became part of the conspiracy to permit Ellen and Mark to see one another without Devon knowing. The need for deceiving Devon gave way in the face of a letter Devon received from her father, announcing that he had married the young woman he left Ellen for. After the first shock, Devon apologized to her mother for the months she had been bitterly maintaining that the blame for the split-up was Ellen's and she could mend the marriage anytime she chose. After reviewing her conduct and attitude toward her mother, she told Ellen that she had no right to dictate to her and wished her all the happiness she was capable of finding with whomever she chose.

After talking with Tara and letting slip her relationship with Nick and its duration - going back to before Erica's divorce from Phil Brent, Nick's son -, Erica staged a slightly hysterical scene for Tom Cudahy and got the day off. She phoned Nick and arranged to cook an intimate dinner for him, insisting he be at her place early. After she hung up, she finished packing a suitcase.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Iris Carrington Bancroft, having learned from husband Brian that her father Mac Cory, wanted to divorce Rachel, his wife, because he believed he was the father of the child his housemaid Regine was carrying, arranged to see Mac at his office and tried to talk him out of it. Mac felt he had to do the honorable thing by Regine. Iris then realized that in her attempts to drive Mac and Rachel apart, she might have trapped her father in a worse fate — marriage to Regine, who was under the power of the evil Sven. Sven had previously refused to be paid off, so then Iris, with the help of the Countess Elena de Polignac, managed to be alone with Regine and offered to pay all Regina's expenses, plus provide an allowance for the baby, if Regine would leave town. Regine was tempted, but refused because she was afraid Uncle Sven would harm Helga, her mother.

Desperate to save her father, despite Brian's imprecations that she stay out of the whole mess, Iris went to see Rachel. Iris told Rachel that Mac loved her, that he only wanted Rachel to get a divorce so he could give Regine's baby its father's name. Rachel, who had lost one baby by Mac, and had been thwarted in bearing him another child by his then-cured sterility and their identity problems, was devastated to learn another woman was bearing the child she wanted so much. Iris begged Rachel not to divorce Mac. Lawyer Greg Barnard arrived after Iris left and found Rachel in shock. Greg's interest in Rachel went beyond that of a lawyer for a client. He asked if Rachel would get an out-of-state divorce. Rachel asked, "Why should Mac have everything he wants?" Mac dropped by to try to explain his position, i.e., as soon as he could, he would resume his relationship with Rachel. Rachel told him she knew why he wanted her to get a divorce. Denying they could ever have a life together again, Rachel told Mac, "I can never think of you as my husband again." Mac left. Greg put his arms around Rachel, but she wanted nobody at this time. He left.

Meanwhile, a business crisis had developed in France, demanding Brian's immediate presence. After trying unsuccessfully to reach Iris, Brian left, sans luggage, telling Mac's assistant, Liz Matthews, that he would get whatever he needed in Paris. When Iris learned Brian had gone without telling her, she assumed Rachel had talked with him, that he had left her for good because she got involved in Mac's life again. Rachel, to gain time to think, went to visit Amy and Austin Cushing in Point Claire. Greg went to see Mac, asking what Mac's intentions were regarding Rachel. Mac wanted Rachel to get a divorce. He would then marry Regine, give the baby his name, then divorce Regine and resume his life with Rachel. Greg was astounded, but realized there was great love between Mac and Rachel, even though they couldn’t seem to overcome their differences. Mac couldn't find Rachel to talk out his ideas, finally learning her whereabouts from Greg, who, revealing his feelings about Rachel, had to get them together to talk, if he had ever to have a chance with Rachel. Mac went to Point Clair. After talking with Mac in Point Claire, Rachel decided not to get an immediate divorce.

Iris, unable to stop Mac any other way, finally told him the truth about her collusion with Sven to keep Mac and Rachel separated. Iris warned Mac about Sven. Mac was devastated, telling Iris he didn’t know if he could ever forgive her. Mac fired Sven, but Sven continued to hang around to make certain neither Helga nor Regine told Mac that Regine was really carrying Cliff Tanner's baby. Russ finally examined Regine, who acceded only to please Mac and Helga. She was four months pregnant.

Jim Matthews didn’t like Charley Hobson hanging around Ada McGowan, so he arranged a dinner to introduce Charley to Liz, hoping to kill two birds with one dinner; give Charley an interest other than Ada; give Liz an interest other than him and the family. Charley and Liz hit it off well. But Ray Gordon had to close his burgeoning insurance office to fly to California to make arrangements for his sons when his mother was taken to the hospital. Charley began to think about opening a small repair shop instead of selling insurance. Jim was upset to learn Ada had offered her garage. Liz was upset to learn Charley would consider such "demeaning" work. Jim finally expressed his feelings to Ada, who stopped him, saying she was happy with their present relationship.

Pat Randolph returned from Paris, where she, too, was on company business. Brian returned shortly thereafter. Iris told him all that had happened. Brian reassured her of his love, hoping she had learned a lesson.

Wilis Frame and Gwen Parrish had guessed the reason Molly Randolph had missed a lot of work lately was because she was having an affair with Cliff Tanner. Molly knew Cliff only turned to her because of his recent rejection by Regine. Molly's step-mother-in-law, Olive Randolph, also knew aboutMolly's affair, having given Molly a key to a cabin at the lake to meet Cliff. When Molly refused again to be any part of Olive's scheme to divorce John, Olive went to Molly's husband Mike and told him Molly was having an affair, offering as proof a key to the cabin that would be in Molly's purse. Mike found the proof, and he and Molly broke up. Molly moved in with Willis. Deciding hers shouldn't be the only marriage to suffer, Molly warned Olive she was going to tell John Olive was having an affair with architect Evan Webster. Olive gave Molly $10,000 to leave town and start a new life. Molly took the money and left, but changed her mind.

Molly returned town and told Mike all about Olive and Evan. They started to search for John to tell him, but Olive learned of their plans, and managed to keep John with her, at the same time satisfying Evan's demand that John be allowed to share the new house, so things would look normal when he and Claude Kelly set John up. Olive thought they were planning to set John up with a girl in a compromising situation so she could divorce John on adultery.In reality, Claude and Evan were planning to kill John so Olive could collect his insurance money. Evan was to have John at the side of the road, then push him in front of a hit-run driver hired by Kelly. As insurance of John's cooperation, Kelly gave Evan a gun. Evan got Olive out of the house. At the appointed time, John was reluctant to go outside, so Evan pulled the gun. The two men struggled and the gun went off, killing Evan. Meanwhile, Olive became very concerned when Kelly found her at the old house, asking for Evan. She went to the new house and found John in a confused state. couldn’t figure out what happened. When Olive discovered Evan's body, she lashed out at John, accusing him of murdering the only man she ever loved. John went into an almost catatonic state of shock. Mike arrived, looking for John. He called the police, then John's partner, Greg Barnard, who arrived almost simultaneously. Olive kept screaming that John murdered Evan, while Mike insisted it must have been an accident. The police took John in for questioning, but only Mike could get him to even move.

Marianne Randolph arrived that evening from Amsterdam to spend Christmas with her family. She was distraught to learn what had happened with her father but Pat assured her she was not to blame.

Quentin Ames, aware of friend Gwen Parrish's love for Russ Matthews, arranged for Elena to take a more active role at the Gallery he had opened with her backing, thus giving her less free time to spend with Russ. Quentin then was asked to become a full partner in a New York gallery, so he asked Elena to take over their Gallery 285 full time.

John was taken to the hospital, finally, for psychiatric evaluation. He was unable to talk about what happened, hampering Greg's defense. Greg had to then start to work with bits and pieces others provided him about John, Evan, and Olive. Pat admitted to Mike that she still loved John.

When Alice learned from Ray that Liz was encouraging him to think there could be a reconciliation, she demanded Liz stay away from her and out of her life. Ray had to go to California indefinitely to see his boys, and asked Angie to accompany him, to no avail. Angie insisted that Willis would come back to his senses and come back to her. But Willis seemed content in planning his future with Alice, hoping against hope that she would someday be free to remarry.

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Lisa Colman was so depressed when Grant turned down her invitation to Thanksgiving dinner that she refused to go out of the house. She finally decided she was only hurting herself and returned to work at the bookstore. She asked Bob Hughes to help her by telling Grant that Tom's injuries had brought them close together last summer and he had given her reason to think they could get together again. Bob said it would be a lie and he wanted nothing to do with it, so Lisa told Grant the story herself.

Grant knew that he had an attraction to Valerie Conway at this time and felt that his indecision wasn't fair to any of them. He told Lisa that it was all over. He thought he couldn't bear another failing marriage, but there was no love left in their marriage. Bob asked Valerie about her feelings and was assured that she had done nothing to break up Lisa and Grant's marriage.

Lisa was again depressed and her mother advised her to tell Grant the truth. Alma said that if she told him that Bob rejected her and she needed him, Grant would feel sorry for her. Lisa tried this and it worked. Grant told Valerie that he had to talk to Lisa again. She knew that Lisa would say anything to please Grant, just as she had done. After a long talk Grant told Lisa that he thought if they worked at it, they might have a good chance to save their marriage.

Dr. Alexander Keith fluctuated between praising Dr. Susan Stewart and criticizing her for her emotional handling of Mark Lewis. She felt it was best to let Mark know that her feelings weren’t the same as his. She wanted him for a friend, but couldn’t be involved beyond that. Susan and Alexander's first meeting outside the hospital was unsuccessful, but dinner the second time was more enjoyable. When Keith heard that Mark was planning on having Christmas dinner outside the hospital, he did not wait for Susan to explain that he came up with the idea on his own and she tried to reason with him without coming right out and telling him that he was not getting well.

Dr. Keith’s other antagonist was Dr. Dan Stewart who was offered the position of Chief of Surgery before Keith was brought in. Keith resented Dan's popularity and found many things to rub him the wrong way. Dan resented the fact that Keith tried to pull his wife, Kim, between them. The last straw came when Keith took away Dan's teaching assignment and gave them to himself without asking. Dan thought this is to pay him back for being right earlier on a case. Although Kim and David, Dan's father, both suggested against it, Dan went over Keith's head to Dr. Endicott. They felt Dan should give on small things to make things more peaceful. Dan won and was given his classes, but Keith defended himself by saying he was lightening Dan's load before it became too much.

Mark Lewis became so depressed that they felt he was losing the will to live. Just as he was about to give up, the lab discovered that he was improving. Keith had the tests run again to make sure. He rushed first to tell Susan and then to break the news to Mark. With his spirits lifted Mark felt raring to go. Susan had Christmas dinner with him and gave him a nice pen and pencil set. Mark had Dee Stewart pick out a pendant for Susan. A pain in his chest led him to believe that he might have overdone. Marian Connelly noticed his cough and told Dr. Keith that she suspected pneumonia.

Dr. John Dixon was recovering physically from his injuries received in the fire, but his mental condition was keeping him from improving. In straightening John's apartment for the painters, Mary Ellison discovered that John never sent his manuscript to the publishers. She asked Dr. Keith to read it. John and Alexander had heard of each others' reputations and John took his word for it when Alexander said this was the textbook surgeons had been waiting for. John wanted to revise a few things and asked Mary to take notes and do the typing for him. She agreed because she felt obligated. Kim Stewart and Marian Connelly felt Mary was too naive to deal with a person such as John. Kim suggested to Dan that they waited a while before speaking to Mary.

Annie and Beau Spencer were enjoying married life in their studio apartment but spent much time refusing help from Beau's wealthy mother. They did accept a country club membership for Christmas, but turned down a trip to Aspen because they wouldn’t take time off from work. Jane saw Annie as a woman with determination and Dick Martin said Jane should know.

Joyce Hughes had no time to help her mother-in-law prepare for Christmas because she was having their new house completely redecorated. Since Natalie Hughes had left town, Joyce renegotiated some of the items in their contract with Ralph Mitchell. She was still trying to rind a sponsor ior their membership to the country club and promoting a friendship with Jane Spencer. She finagled an invitation to Jane's party and wanted Don to tell his client they wouldn’t be attending his party because Joyce was ill, Don asked her to be considerate of him and go to the Mannings' with him. Joyce announced she was going to Jane's.

Natalie Hughes’ departure from Oakdale had caused problems for many people. Ralph Mitchell had been offered a job by the Gar Kramer Real Estaze Agency, but Kramer's gloating over Natalie's misfortune sent Ralph to his friend Kevin Thompson. Ralph would like to take over Natalie's office but needed some money to back him. He was not surprised that Kevin wanted to think it over, considering the reputation he had when he was running with the jet-set. Sandy was surprised that Kevin considered this business when Ralph was such an old friend. Ralph was about to accept Kramer's offer when Kevin and Sandy asked him to dinner and told him they were investing in friendship.

Kevin and Sandy liked Natalie's apartment, but wanted to make sure that their renting it wouldn't upset Carol Stallings. Carol was reconciled that Natalie was not coming back and was glad that friends were moving in.

Jay Stallings blamed Carol for giving Natalie a check for her commission plus the money he still owed on the property and suggested that her concern over Natalie's health drove her from town. Carol felt it was Jay's refusal over Natalie's financial prob-lems that made her leave. Carol decided to take Nancy Hughes' advice to talk the problem out, but Jay was too busy trying to figure out how Pete Larson managed to steal from him and they fought again.

Melinda Gray asked Jay to stop by her apartment for dinner, knowing he and Carol were having problems. Jay said he would be working late to catch Pete. After a fight earlier in the week when the police had to be called, Jay finally had taken his lawyer's advice to fire Pete. Jay saw what they had been overlooking all this time. He pounded on Larson's door and was let in. Instead of going home after his visit to Pete he had dinner at Melinda's and then heard on the car radio that Larson had been found dead. He called subcontractor Fred McGill and asked for an alibi for the evening. Jay told Carol he thought better of seeing Pete when he was so mad and spent the evening with widower McGill. This was the story he told the police detectives.

A break in the case came when a neighbor said Larson had a visitor at six o'clock when she retrieved her paper. At six-thirty the neighbors heard fighting. She identified Jay. He told Tom that he saw Larson and told him he knew how he was stealing. Pete admitted he had trouble in Chicago and asked for a few days to get the money. Pete was alive when he left. He didn’t mention Melinda to save her reputation and his marriage.

Dee Stewart hoped that Tom Hughes would ask her to go along to Jane's party since they were both invited. She considered not going, but realized that Annie was counting on her being there. Annie and Beau were the guests of honor at Jane's party, but Annie was unsure of meeting Jane's friends. The small party had turned into an extravagant event.

Tom had asked Melinda Gray to Jane's party, but told his father that it was far from serious. He still remembered what he missed out on because he and Carol were too young to make a marriage work.

Joyce and Don compromised by agreeing to attend both parties. Joyce asked to attend Jane's first with the intention of never leaving. She dogged Jane, complimenting her on everything and introducing herself to Jane's friends. She was unhappy when Don dragged her away to the Mannings'. That night Joyce put down the Mannings' taste and talked about the class Jane had. She told Don that she wanted more out of a social life than the Mannings could give.

Jane watched Beau and Annie, commenting to Dick that they were very different people. Beau was very animated and dealt well with people while Annie seemed to be on the fringe. At home Annie said she really enjoyed herself. She had gone to the party with some reservations and found that some people were boring, but there were others she liked.

A mystery woman entered Bob’s life by giving Frannie a gift at a department store. She had left a strong impression in Bob’s mind and he was very intrigued.

Days Of Our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Dr. Marlena Evans, watching her twin sister Samantha come apart in the court room during her arraignment on charges ranging from practicing medicine without a license to assault and battery, was once again confronted by the depth of her sister's illness. - Sam, an actress, dependent on uppers and downers, substituted Marlena for herself at Bayview Sanitarium and took over Marlena's identity. Found out after several months by Marlena's lover, Don Craig, Sam went back to Hollywood, but Don brought charges and Sam was extradicted. Deprived of her pills, cigarettes, and alcohol, Sam came apart on the stand. - The judge ordered psychiatric committment until Sam was able to stand trial. Their parents took Sam to a sanitarium near their home in Colorado, following a tearful farewell between the sisters.

Marlena was delighted to finally feel well enough to resume her practice and bid goodbye to her own therapist and former lover Paul Whitman. She and Don then slowly resumed their former relationship, culminating with Don's moving in with Marlena. Their paradise was threatened, however, when Don received a call from Jim Bradley, the state chairman of the independent party. Jim and the powers-that-be wanted Don to run for State Senator! Don was flattered. After a dinner with Jim, in which Marlena was displayed as the candidate's woman, Marlena told Don she didn't like being on display or being taken for granted. - Don had told Jim he and Marlena would be married soon, to Jim's relief. - Marlena wasn't ready for marriage. In working through the problem, Don admitted he'd like the post, but didn’t like the idea of campaigning or anything that would take him away from her for long periods.

Bill Horton and Kate Winograd were fired by the hospital after the Board of Inquiry. - Fred Barton fell down the stairs in his apartment house. Bill, dining with brother Mickey and sister-in-law Maggie, at their apartment in the same building, had Fred rushed to the hospital. Chief of Surgery Walter Griffin was too wrapped up in his own problems at the time and ignored Bill's pleas that Griffin keep close tabs on Fred, as Bill suspected a subdural hematoma. When Bill's fears became reality, Griffin was at home and assigned a second year resident to perform surgery. Rick Stevens had never done such delicate brain surgery, so he froze at the table, then left the operating room, despite Bill and Kate's pleas to return. Bill performed the surgery, although listed on the staff as a resident in anesthesiology. Bill was a surgeon until he lost the use of his right hand, which he had been subjecting to physical therapy regularly. The surgery was successful, but Stevens claimed Bill ordered him out and Fred claimed to be paralyzed from the waist down. Thus, the Board's ruling. - Fred used his "paralysis," thought to be hysterical by Laura Horton and Marlena, and the firing to file a malpractice suit against the hospital, Bill and Kate. Mickey, a lawyer, pointed out to Greg Peters, chief of staff, that the full story wasn't heard, that nurses in the OR weren't called to testify, that it seemed fishy that Stevens had moved to another hospital. Greg decided to reopen the case, but ended up offering his resignation to the head of the board of trustees, when Bruce Jamison insisted the judgment had to stand in order to protect the hospital in the malpractice suit. After talking with Tom Horton, Greg decided to withdraw his resignation, and stay and fight for Bill and Kate.

Tensions between Bill and Laura mounted as the severity of the malpractice suit set in. Fred wanted $2,000,000 from Bill, of which the hospital's insurance would satisfy $1,000,000. Laura pointed out that her working - head of psychiatric services -, severely bruised Bill's ego. He also rankled that she could function as a doctor and he couldn’t. Bill and Kate spent a lot of time together. Griffin invited Kate over, and Bill suggested she take anything he offered to get herself out of the mess. Griffin offered to go to bat for Kate if she would just tell the Board the "truth" — that Bill ordered Stevens out. Kate angrily pointed out that it was Stevens who lied.

Greg Peters was eloquent on Tom Horton's behalf, and the Board of Trustees waived the mandatory retirement age in Tom's case, allowing Tom to resume his post at the hospital as head of internal medicine.

Patti Griffin offered her services as Mike Horton's assistant in shop classes he had set up at the teen center at the David Martin Clinic. When boyfriend Ron Garvey pressured Patti to "go all the way," Patti found Mike was the only one she could think of to ask advice. - Patti had a crush on Mike. - Mike answered that he felt it could be right or wrong, depending on committment between the two people.

Trish Clayton Banning began singing at Doug's Place on weekends, a move not enthusiastically endorsed by husband David, who didn't like the idea of men coming on to his wife. However, he knew how much singing meant to Trish, so he went along with it. Mike, meanwhile, took Margo Anderman to Trish's opening, which was also attended by David. - Mike and Trish were in love until she found herself pregnant with David's baby, the result of one lonely night when each had had a fight with his respective love. David talked Trish into marrying him, and they had been making a go of the marriage, their love for each other growing. - Trish and David fought that night, but when each remembered what they had already shared, a son, they made up. Trish was able to overcome her feelings of insecurities when Danny told her and David that Valerie was returning for the holidays. Trish suggested that Danny and Toni – along with Valerie – get together wher her and David ! Danny and Toni seemed to be building a loving, steady relationship. Toni loved her work at the Shelter, had a darling daughter, and seemed ready for a man in her life.

Julie Williams, since buying Doug's Place and reopening it, had been having arguments with Robert LeClair, Doug's maitre d'. - Doug was refused a renewal of his liquor license when he purposefully forgot to mention a felony conviction on the application. After unsuccessfully trying to turn the supper club into a coffee house, Julie bought the club. However, Doug was forbidden to set foot in the door. - Unbeknownst to Robert and Julie, the new busboy, Arlo, was being paid by Larry Atwood to keep him informed of ways to disrupt business to force Julie or Doug into near bankruptcy so that Atwood could force them to put gambling in the club. Doug couldn’t stand being around idle, so he accepted an out-of-town singing engagement. The night he opened, the kitchen help, followed by other union members, called a wild-cat strike. Unable to think of anyone else to call for help, and not wanting to disturb Doug, Julie called Atwood, who straightened it all out. Atwood then tried to convince Julie to change vendors, people with whom Doug had done business for years, on the pretext she was being overcharged which resulted in a fight with Robert. Robert pointed out that Julie was coming up with ideas for the club that were very expensive, while trying to cut the quality of their food and service. Meanwhile, an agent in Detroit convinced Doug to return to cut a demo which was unsuccessful. Atwood arranged for Doug's hearing before the liquor control board to be delayed. Julie realized that Jeri was interested in Atwood. He then refused to let Jeri Clayton sing at Doug's Place, pointing out he had her under an exclusive contract and his backers wouldn’t permit her singing anywhere else.

Mary Anderson was falling in love with diamond-in-the-rough Chris Kostichek. Seeing Mary and Chris together bugged Mary's step-father, Neil Curtis, with whom Mary had an affair. One night, Chris asked Mary to make love. She refused, saying she was badly hurt in an affair recently and wasn't ready yet to accept sex as part of their relationship. Chris was very understanding until Neil asked to see him and let Chris know Mary's affair was with him. Chris was furious! He broke with Mary, not telling her why. Neil did the honors, constantly insisting he couldn't let Mary continue with Chris because he knew Mary loved him, Neil, something Mary vehemently denied.

After a time of sulking, Chris realized that he had been acting foolishly, and decided to apologize to Mary, as he really loved her. But, when he went to her home, he couldn’t find her, and, concerned, dropped in on Marlena, who only lived down the road, to see if perhaps Marlena had seen Mary. Marlena was in a towel, straight from the shower when Chris knocked, and she only changed to a bathrobe to let him in, and that didn’t look too good to Don when he stopped in for a visit! Finally, Chris went over to the Pines, Larry’s club, to mull his situation over with a drink. He called Mary again, but she refused to accept Chris’ apology and hung up on him. Finally, depressed and at wit’s end, Chris talked to Jeri, who told Chris that if he really loved Mary, he should go right to her home and told her. Chris decided to relent and give Mary a chance to explain, he found Neil at Mary's and jumped to all the wrong conclusions. Mary fought Neil off, then managed to send him away.


Mary’s troubles weren’t all personal. Linda Phillips, her father Bob Anderson's executive assistant, had been by-passing Mary's PR department on promotional things. Linda was deliberately setting out to make herself indispensible at work and after saying she would not mix up business and pleasure, Linda ended up in Bob's bed, hoping to snare Bob into marriage. Linda hoped Bob would pop up the question before Mary would stop her. At work, Chris stood up for Mary. When Linda came around when Mary called in sick and tried to usurp Mary’s position, Chris put the conniving Linda in her place and she backed down. When Mary returned to work, having lost the love of Chris, she also seemed to have lost the ambition in the business and told Linda she could finish her project.


Since being released from the hospital, Fred Barton had been even more abusive to to wife Jean, whom he used to beat. Feeling guilty because Fred fell down the stairs while chasing her, Jean had become even more a slave to Fred. Unable to abuse her physically, Fred had turned to verbal abuse, constantly telling Jean she was worthless. Although Laura, Marlena, and Griffin all felt Fred needed psychiatric help, he refused. Maggie could no longer get throught to Jean and neither could Ruth, Jean’s mother, who had come to stay awhile to help while Fred was incapacitated.


When Bill worked at the Clinic over Christmas, it added tension between Laura and him, especially when it turned out Kate worked the same weekend. Bill missed the annual Horton tree-trimming party, and Laura pointed out he always seemed to have time for Kate, but not for her. Bill had taken up drinking. - He swore off liquor after the night he raped Laura and conceived Michael. – Bill went to visit Kate and gave her a locket as a Christmas gift and kissed her. He immediately apolozied but the feelings that made him want to kiss Kate in the first place, were still there.


Patti Griffin decieved Walter into thinking she was spending the weekend with a girlfriend to spend it with Ron. However, realizing Ron might only be using her, she avoided all his overtures and demanded to be taken home. Ron had been drinking and they had an accident on the way. After being checked out at the clinic, they were taken to the police station. Kate intervened with Griffin, who finally was able to level with Patti and she with him.


Mike and Margo Anderman seemed to be happily humming along. The silly-but-sweet Margo seemed to have ingratiated herself with the entire Horton clan!


Jeri confided in Trish about her feelings for Larry. Trish tried to talk some sense into her, but to no avail. Jeri continued to let Larry wine and dine and they made love. Meanwhile, Valerie was back in town and she saw David at the hospital when he was there with Trish and Timmy bhe she stopped by at the apartment when David was home – alone. Feeling uncomfortable, she left.


Julie was unhappy that Doug was at a the ski lodge for Christmas but Doug assured Julie that she and Hope would visit him. He finally canceled the gig to be with the women of his life. Although Doug stayed home for the holidays, he left soon after Christmas for a New Year’s singing engagement in Wisconsin. When Atwood found out that Doug was singing at Twin Falls, Wisconsin, he put in a call to an old crony there, and asked him to do him a favor concerning Doug. Mickey had told Doug that his hearing before the Alcohol Control Board had been reset for January 13th.


On the last night of his singing engagement, Doug called from his dressing room. While he was on the phone, a pretty girl from the chorus line came in. Although Doug and the girl were just acquaintances, Julie was a little suspicious about the girl. The showgirl was part of the “favor” Larry was on the phone about concerning Doug. When Doug went on stage, the girl planted cocaine in his dressing room, then tipped off the authorities who found the drug, and took Doug in for questioning ! When Doug realized he wasn’t going to make it back to Salem as planned, he rang up Julie and made some excuse about having to work longer since he cancelled out on Christmas to be with her and Hope. Julie sensed something was wrong.


Don launched his campaign while Marlena was in Colorado with Sam. The sisters worked out their difficulties and it was clear to Marlena that Sam was on her way to good health.


The Doctors


Written by: Mel & Ethel Brez

Produced by: Chuck Weiss


Tom Carroll, following an incident in which he almost threw a pot of boiling water at ward Ricky Miner, left the apartment he shared with Ricky and new bride, MJ Match Carroll. Tom was aware he was a child abuser, but didn’t know how to control his impulses. MJ sent Steve Aldrich to talk with Tom at his old apartment. Steve pointed out that MJ and Tom loved each other and had to deal with this problem to give their marriage a chance. Tom was too upset to consider contacting Parents Anonymous. Realizing Tom had to come first in her life, MJ went to him, and persuaded him to give them another chance. She convinced him to go to PA by volunteering to go with him. Their first meeting was an eyeopener for Tom. He gradually learned the patterns in his life that had led him to this crisis. His father used to beat him unmercifully; thus Tom learned the way to deal with frustration induced by children was to strike out at them. MJ found she was also partly to blame for not confronting Tom when she suspected, for keeping quiet. When Tom felt well enough to return home, Ricky rejected his overtures of friendship, but Tom was not angry.


Steve and Carolee Aldrich bought a house. Their troubles with son Erich seemed to be waning until one night when Erich deliberately set fire to papers in a wastebasket in Mona's livingroom. Steve caught it in time. He and Carolee talked with Erich and found that his rotten behavior recently was a test. Remembering Carolee's long absence, and blaming himself, he was fearful she would leave again. So, rather than live with the anxiety as to whem she would leave again, Erich was attempting to drive her away with his behavior. Carolee reassured Erich by pointing out she only left before because she was very ill, that she didn’t ever intend to leave again.

Maggie Powers’ problems with daughter Greta weren't so easily solvable. At 16, Greta was becoming increasingly aware of her sexuality. Much of her conversation with girlfriends and will Billy Aldrich was about who was using which method of birth control and where to get it. Billy had noticed Greta's increased hostility to Maggie, and Greta finally told him that she thought Maggie was having an affair with architect Kyle Wilson. - Last year, while Matt Powers was under indictment for the murder of Joan Dancy, charges which were subsequently dropped, he became so depressed and angry that he couldn't accept love from anyone and turned away from Maggie, even leaving their bedroom. After months of this rejection, Maggie spent one night with Kyle, who made her feel like a woman. Since then, Maggie had rejected all overtures from Kyle. However, Greta overheard one such conversation and had jumped to the wrong conclusion. - Unable to figure a way to help Greta by himself, Billy asked Steve for advice. Steve suggested Greta had to confront Maggie. Greta refused. Finally, when Maggie was at wit's end from the strain and hostility, Carolee told Maggie what Greta believed. Meanwhile, Matt returned from the hospital early one day and found Greta and Billy involved on the living-room floor. He forbade Greta to see Billy for awhile.


Maggie finally confronted Greta with her knowledge of the source of Greta's hostility and explained her side, insisting, truthfully, that it was over with Kyle, that it never really began. Maggie promised to tell Matt as soon as possible. However, after Matt found Greta parked outside with Billy, when she was supposed to be at the library, the whole situation exploded and Matt heard Greta's distorted story first. Maggie tried to explain her feelings, the circumstances surrounding that one night, but Matt's pride was too hurt to enable him to listen. When he said he was moving out of the bedroom again, Maggie begged for his forgiveness. Matt stood resolute. Maggie told him she couldn’t stand it again and gave him 'til morning to change his mind, promising to move out if he didn’t. Matt felt their marriage was built on trust, and with that gone, so was the marriage. In the morning, Matt allowed Maggie to leave. Before leaving, Maggie assured Greta she didn’t blame her. Mike Powers tried to persuade Matt to bring Maggie back so they could work through the problem, but Matt stood unmoving on his wounded pride.


Barney Dancy, realizing the $875 wife Virginia had to spend on daughter Nola's wedding to wealthy lawyer Jason Aldrich wouldn’t provide the kind of wedding Nola wanted, began dipping into the funds to bet on the horses, hoping to raise the ante. He lost constantly. Finally, Nola opened her heart to Virginia, who would let Jason pay for the wedding. That day, a long-shot paid off for Barney, and he and Virginia had a sum that would get them started in a small business of their own. Barney said the money came from a friend who bet money Barney loaned him years ago. Virginia found it interesting that one could win $5000 by betting on the horses.


One of the conditions Doreen Aldrich gave in signing the divorce papers for Jason was that Jason contact her father, Evan Fleming, and take the entire blame for the foundering of their marriage. Jason had been unable to reach Evan. Doreen was flabbergasted when Evan appeared at Andre's after reading an item in the Dallas paper. Doreen painted Nola as a tramp. Evan went to see Jason, who took the blame for the divorce and defended Nola, to no avail. Evan and Nola met at Mona's, where Nola and Mona were to go through the house, Mona hoping Nola and Jason would live there with her. When Evan called her a tramp, Nola defended herself, pointing out the deception Doreen had lived all these years. - Doreen and Jason had had a very open marriage, each pursuing whoever and whatever had taken his fancy, by mutual agreement. However, neither had let word of his escapades reached Evan. - Mona backed Nola's story. Evan disowned Doreen, devastating her. In revenge, Doreen told Nola that Jason knew, even collaborated with her, to have agent Earl Rogers offer her a big chance in New York. Doreen further implied that Jason never thought Nola had talent, that he had always felt sorry for her. When Nola responded that she didn’t want anyone's pity, Doreen waltzed out the door, commenting that Nola shouldn't knock it, as it was one way to get a man.


Angry and humiliated, Nola confronted Jason with Doreen's statements, but didn’t believe Jason didn't tell her about Rogers to protect her. Nola felt Jason and Doreen conspired behind her back, laughing. Consequently, Nola called off the wedding. Both then believed the other didn't love him. Jason planned to give up his practice in Madison and move somewhere; Nola planned to go to California. Unable to see her son in such pain, Mona went to see Nola. Finding Nola loved Jason, Mona told Nola that Jason also loved her, but he wouldn’t come to her because he thought that Nola didn’t love him. Nola arrived at Jason's office to reconcile, but almost left when Sara reported Doreen was with him. Sara flung open the door, telling Jason that Nola was there and to come out immediately if he wanted to marry her. Nola and Jason reconciled and finally eloped in Mexico.


Greta and Billy made love while he was trying to convince her she was not to blame for Maggie's leaving. Maggie told Carolee she wanted to go back to the house, as there was no chance of working things out while separated from Matt. Matt wasn't enthusiastic, crushing Maggie. Billy was scared when he learned Greta wasn’t on the pill and he convinced her to see a gynecologist. Kyle had gone to Mike to try to explain but Matt would hear none of it. Matt contended that his wife had an affair, gave her body to another man and Matt wanted nothing more to do with the situation.


Mike was falling more and more in love with Sara Dancy. He seemed ready to pop the question but Sara didn’t seem to be in the marrying mood. Since she quit working for Jason and was at the hospital, Sara only hoped that someday her dream man would come along but he held little resemblance to Mike.


Steve and Carolee were worried about Erich’s condition. Matt diagnosed an irregular heartbeat and Erich felt weak and dizzy.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Since Mike Karr admitted in court to the murder only he knew his daughter Laurie committed, Laurie's sanity was settling. Mike had received a suspended sentence and Laurie was willing to see a psychiatrist and stay at Silver Hills Hospital. - When an evil Beau Richardson forced Nancy to separate from Mike, Laurie could not cope with the insecurity of this. She put an end to the strife Beau caused by shooting him, then traded her husband and son for the fantasy world of a child once again under her father's wing. - Mike was willing to sacrifice his law career for the one-year suspension in order to protect Laurie. He weighed the future she'd have if he let her confess ... there was no alternative. Monticello's reinstated police chief Bill Marceau visited Mike. Laurie intruded and blurted out to Mike, "how much do I tell at the hospi-tal, about Beau? Do I tell them I shot him?" Bill then had his suspicions confirmed. Mike's attempts to cover for Laurie were fruitless, he asked in defeat for Bill to forget what he heard. Nancy stopped Bill's headstrong goals by revealing Laurie's attempt to commit suicide because of her inner guilt, enforcing her need for protection.


Steve Guthrie, restless about breaking the Drake case wide open, went to Silver Hills to hear Laurie's story for himself. Mike and Draper barged in disgusted at Steve's nerve but Steve stopped them cold with his break-through after listening to Laurie's confession. She told Steve Beau was on the floor when she ran out after shooting him once. The police - and Mike - had found Beau in his chair with three gunshot wounds; therefore, when Laurie had run out, Beau was still alive. With this new evidence, Bill and Luke Chandler confronted Ray Harper about the murder details. - Ray was an uncanny look alike to Mike Karr and was a known associate of Beau's. - Harper laughed in their faces, confident no one would believe the words of a mental patient. Bill had the last laugh as he reported to Harper that there were carpet remnants found on Beau's body, therefore, he was on the floor before he was found dead. Bill was happy to give Mike and Nancy an early Christmas present, both Mike and Laurie had been cleared of the Richardson/Drake murders. Ray Harper confessed.


In commemoration for a deed well done, Steve had been promoted to "Detective Guthrie," a position well earned according to Bill Marceau. All Steve needed to know was where did he stand with his girl, Deborah.


The wedding day of Kevin Jamison and Raven Alexander had arrived. Raven had not been a model fiancee, though she was a beautiful bride. Just the night before she was to tie the knot with Monticello's new appointee to the Crime Commission, Raven was on Logan Swift's doorstep, eager to greet the sunrise with Logan. Logan, giving in to a sudden attack of moral conscience, quickly refused to allow it. Geraldine Whitney was all jitters before the ceremony and only Kevin knew why. He had told her he was sterile and disagreed with Geraldine that Raven had to not be told before they married. As is the custom, Geraldine had commanded and Kevin obeyed. As was the tradition, the bride threw the bouquet and Geraldine won again.


To ensure the fate of the bouquet did not affect Geraldine, Danny Micelli insisted he pay back a favor he owed Geraldine. Since he heard of a romance brewing between Geraldine and his former employer, Tony Saxon, Danny wanted to set her straight about the "backroom politician." He cautioned her to check Tony out and see how legitimate he was, he liked Geraldine too much to see her get hurt. Geraldine heeded his advice, then dug for a repeat on Danny's last compliment to her. His reply, "you'll always be the classiest broad I know" left Geraldine beaming from head to toe. Before the bridal bouquet had had time to wilt, Tony proposed to Geraldine. After a long line of negatives, Tony only wanted a marriage with love, she returned his feelings for love by accepting.


Tne newlyweds’ marital bliss ended when Kevin tried to set new groundrules, demanding to know Raven's whereabouts at all times. She argued so much that Kevin pushed her out the door just to get her off his back. She went directly to Logan. Logan advised Raven to give Kevin a chance to be a husband to a grown up woman instead of a spoiled brat.


There was no more holding back, Nicole Drake was seven months pregnant and in labor. Since the day she was admitted to the Claremont Hospital early in her high risk pregnancy, the Claremont's chief of staff, Dr. Miles Cavanaugh had watched over Nicole. He saw her through the tests to determine her baby's health, through the murder of her husband Adam, and through her fight to stop early labor. Miles' jealous and possessive wive Denise saw Miles through all this also, never passing an opportunity to throw accusations in Miles' direction. The birth of Nicole's son had been received with mixed emotions at the Claremont. Denise saw it as a relief, to get the beautiful widow out of her husband's life. Miles was saddened by the task of signing Nicole's release forms. Miles prefered his medical responsibilities to those of hospital administrator. However, Denise and her father continually nagged Miles about the need to pussyfoot potential supporters - $$ -. In such a case, Miles had to suffer in the company of his father-in-law's cronies. Instead of following the rules, Miles told this moneybagger to take his millions and put them into his friend Dr. Dave Roper's ghetto clinic — where the money was really needed. To make peace with Denise, Miles agreed to a dinner party where he would apologize to Mr. Crimmons for his verbal assault. Poor timing had interfered and, breaking his promise to be there "no matter what" to Denise, Miles ran out to be with Nicole during her difficult labor. Denise was fuming in an empty house, Miles was in Nicole's room. While she slept, he sat on her bedside and told her he loved her. Denise read Miles the riot act for misbehaving. They screamed insults at each other, Miles ending it with blasts that her daddy could take his office back and with that, Denise hit the nail on the head, Miles was broken hearted he was going to lose Nicole. Denise couldn’t conceal her disappointment when Nicole chose to stay at the Claremont until her baby boy, Adam Junior, was able to go home also. Perhaps a subconscious act of defiance, Denise broke the toy rattle that was Nicole's first baby gift — from Miles. Thanks to her friend Geraldine's efficiency, Nicole took her son home to an apartment complete with a nursery and baby nurse.


April Cavanaugh was so happy to be in love with Draper Scott, she chose to ignore her heart problems, living only for the present. She wouldn’t allow Miles to reveal to Draper that she needed surgery if she was to have a normal heart again. April believed if Draper knew, he'd drop her. She feared if the surgery were unsuccessful, she'd lose out on a life with Draper. During their tree trimming funtime, April had yet another fainting spell. She was not rallying as she should, so while she slept, Draper called Miles. Raven had made another timely call on April, this time catching her still woozy from her fainting spell. Raven had figured out April's heart condition was serious and couldn’t rush over to Draper fast enough to "warn" him April was "dying." Draper told Miles he knew of April's illness and Miles explained April's fears. He informed him that April's heart condition, mitrostenosis, was getting progressively worse and without the surgery, her life span was limited to a few years. April guessed that Draper knew everything and was furious.


Tony Saxon’s new right-hand man, Raney Cooper was then a frequent visitor at the Saxons'. On one occasion he asked Deborah, Tony's daughter, if it was her boyfriend, officer Steve Guthrie, who sent her after him, probing for his connection with the Richardson/Drake murders. She assured him she had stopped playing detective. He warned her not to play games, he was a real bad sport. Having access to Tony's bookkeeping records, Raney found a name that rang a bell. As a "concerned citizen" he wrote an anonymous letter to the Monticello Trust regarding a bank account in the name of James Armstead, which he wrote, would give them "the goods" about Tony.


For Richer, For Poorer


Written by: Tom King

Produced by: Paul Rauch


The revamped version of “Lovers And Friends” premiered on Monday, December 6th on NBC airing from 3:00 to 3:30


The Cushing and Saxton households were in states of high excitement as Megan Cushing and Bill Saxton were to be married the following day. Also, Lester Saxton, an alcoholic, had an interview for a job, the last chance. Lester stroke out with a management position because he had to be laid off his last job for drinking. Mr. Noland offered to put him on the list for semi-skilled work, which Lester refused. He began to drink and appeared at the rehearsal dinner drunk. He embarrassed everyone but Megan with an eloquent toast. The family hustled him out. The most embarrassed person was his daughter Eleanor Kimball, wife of lawyer George Kimball, who had gone out of her way to provide an elegant dinner on her climb to social prestige.


Lester left the house very early the following morning. All the guests were present, when Lester finally arrived at the Cushing house to act as son Bill's best man. However, the first person he met was Ellie, who drove him away by saying his drunkenness only embarrassed everyone. An uninvited guest also arrived — Connie Ferguson, Bill's ex-fiance, who had vowed to her father that the wedding wouldn't occur. Making her way to Megan's room, Connie asked Amy Cushing, Megan's sister-in-law to leave. Connie then told Megan she was carrying Bill's child. Megan threatened to confront Bill immediately, but was forestalled when Connie asked to be the one to tell him. Connie had waited this long, thinking about an abortion, but couldn't go through with it. Megan called off the wedding, making no explanations, although she assured Bill of her continuing love. Amy told Austin, Megan’s brother about Connie’s visit before the wedding but she didn’t know what Connie could have said to push Megan to cancel the wedding. After resisting a bit, Megan admitted the truth to Austin.


After time had passed, and Connie hadn't told Bill, Megan told him, as he was on his way to see Connie, who had finally decided he had to know. Bill admitted to Megan that it was possible he was the father, but that there was no chance for Connie and him then. Bill told Connie that he would support her and the baby for the rest of their lives, because a baby needed a father. Connie replied that the only way for Bill to be a father was to marry her. Bill refused.


Since Richard Cushing’s death last summer, the Cushing stock brokerage firm had been run by Roger Hamilton, an interim appointment until Austin Cushing took his rightful place as the firm's head. Austin, however, had refused his inheritance and the firm, preferring to be an artist, with wife Amy's full support. Austin had already sold two paintings in Bay City. Edith Cushing confided in her close friend, Viola Brewter that she feared, Jason Saxton, a recent member of the firm, would destroy Cushing and Sons. He had already commandeered Richard's clients and was moving in on clients of other brokers in the firm, causing Roger and Edith, Richard's widow, concern that he was trying to build an elite clientele that he would then take from the firm.


Roger told Edith he planned on leaving Cushing and Sons very soon. As executor of her late husband’s estate, he gladly took over the reigns of his business, by the was beginning to feel his own investment banking firm was starting to suffer. He was finding it more and more difficult to divide his time between two thriving business and was in the porcess of soing an executive search to find a new president for Cushing and Sons. Edith rushed over to Austin’s apartment to plead with her son to return. Austin wanted to be an artist but he agreed to return part-time. His wife, Amy, was distressed. She feared this was the beginning of the end of his artistic career as Edith would never let Austin leave again.


Desmond Hamilton, Roger’s son, had recently married Laurie Brewster, whose mother Viola had to go to great lengths to keep up her appearance of wealth since her late husband had gambled away their holdings. Viola had demanded Laurie make sure the stock Desmond promised her as a wedding present was in her own name. Jason, Laurie's ex-boyfriend, had asked Laurie to let him handle her stocks, as Roger was both too conservative and too busy to have the funds grow. Jason promised almost instant wealth. Viola encouraged Laurie to go with Jason; Desmond approved the transfer when Laurie said Roger was too busy. Jason's interest in Laurie had not waned.


Connie visited Jason with a tip. She offered him Megan, telling Jason that Megan and Bill were through and Megan was very vulnerable at the moment. She explained she would take Bill out of the picture because of her pregnancy. When Jason seemed uninterested, Connie pointed out that it would be a good business move, since Megan's family owned the firm.


Lester had disappeared before the cancellation of the wedding. Josie Saxton sent her son Bentley and son-in-law George to find Lester, to no avail. Josie finally received a call from a bartender, revealing Lester's where-abouts. But Lester had overheard the call, and was gone when Bentley and George arrived. Lester couldn't be found, then appeared one morning at George and Ellie's apartment, dirty and disheveled. He'd been arrested for loitering and public drunkenness, waking in the drunk-tank, without knowing where he was or how he got there. The judge had released him because it was his first offense. Lester felt nobody wanteds him, but George pointed out that Bill needed him desperately since the wedding had been cancelled. After showering and borrowing a shirt, Lester returned home. Recalling George had told her pressuring him might be one reason Lester drank, Ellie went upstairs to see him and apologized for her behavior. Lester refused an offer of money, saying he wouldn’t take any more from her. - George and Ellie loaned the Saxtons the down payment for their house. - Josie got a job as a clerk. Bentley told his sister Tessa he might have to quit college for lack of tuition money. Lester began searching for any job he could get, but was fearful his recent arrest might hurt his chances.


Megan had decided to give up on Bill, feeling he should marry Connie.


Edith and Viola were both vying for Roger's attentions.


General Hospital


Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Out of the $10,000 which changed hands at the time of the adoption of her baby Stephen Lars by Peter and Diana Taylor, Heather Grant had received a check for $800. Mrs. Hadley's warning about how "expenses" - including forged documents - would eat into the settlement lawyer Wallace had arranged was well founded. After the first shock Heather was resigned, not questioning the fleecing she had received in the face of her belief that Steven Lars couldn't have a better home. She announced that she had decided to try her luck in Hollywood, saying she could be a waitress there just as easily as she could in New York. She argued that she knew Jerry Sherman - a director - and would at least be giving herself a chance at a career in films.


Shortly after this, in Port Charles, Jeff Webber told Dr. Steve Hardy that the money Steve had advanced to Jeff for the services of a private detective had paid off. Heather Grant had been located, living under the name of Heather Richmond. Jeff told Steve that he called right away but the landlady told him she wasn't in. Steve wondered if the call wasn't a mistake and urged Jeff to take time off from the Hospital and show up on Heather's doorstep in New York before he lost touch with Heather and his son, Stephen Lars again. - Steve Hardy was Jeff Webber's father and the grandfather of Steven Lars, though he had never been able to bring himself to tell Jeff and only Audrey, Steve's wife, knew the truth. –


Jeff’s call sent Heather into a panic and Mrs. Hadley arranged for Heather to spend some time with a friend, a good looking, youngish woman, who apparently had room at her place to provide temporary shelter for unknown acquaintances of Mrs. Had-ley, provided they were not in any trouble with the law. Heather, grateful, left to go back to pack up her things and Mrs. Hadley's call to her "friend" reminded her she would expect her usual percentage of "what she gets."


Before Mrs. Hadley’s visions of a supplement to her income were realized and before Heather got back, Jeff appeared at the apartment door. Mrs. Hadley told him Heather had left, and despite Heather's previous objections that she could never do that to him, added that the baby was dead, a victim of pneumonia. She said that she cared for the baby while Heather was very ill with the flu, but a sudden turn took the baby's life before the doctor they'd called in could do anything.


Jeff called Steve and the number he located him at was the Taylor's where, ironically, Peter and Diana were having a Christening party after the baby they had been told was named Peter had been baptized Peter, Jr. At Steve's suggestion, Jeff returned to see Heather to get some details of the baby's death, but Heather was so broken up, he didn’t have the heart to persist. He offered Heather the apartment in Port Charles which he had asked Audrey to prepare in the hope that he could bring Heather and Stephen Lars back, but she refused and said it was best that he forget her. When one more attempt to get work results in a pass at an audition, Heather left town with a note to Mrs. Hadley that she would send any further money owing when she got where she was going. - Heather was extremely upset when Diana called her and she heard Stephen Lars crying in the background. –


Lana had been hospitalized once more and was overcome with jealousy when Jeff left her to his brother's care to go to New York in search of Heather. Her abrupt changes puzzled Dr. Peter Taylor, particularly her references under hypnosis to a Simon. She successfully fought off revealing any more at the time and Peter told Jeff she treated the whole thing as a joke. Peter, Dorrie and Jessie had remarked that Lana herself was like two different people. Lisa's personality had fought unsuccessfully to emerge when she was convinced that Jeff was in danger from Lana. - At one point, in delirium, Lana said that if Jeff walked away from her, he would have to pay for it as Simon did. - Lana told Jeff that Lisa had broken her and Simon up and she came looking for Lisa after the hurricane in the hope that Lisa was dead and would leave her in peace.


When Lana learned that Heather had returned to Port Charles and was staying temporarily with her mother, she resolved to distract Jeff by staging Lisa's death. She had a telegram sent to Jeff, charged to her number in Canton, New York, purporting to be from her aunt Carrie Shephard, saying that Lisa had died while visiting with her and asked that he be notified. At her apartment Jeff was shocked when she revealed a callous attitude at the news of Lisa's death and she quickly broke down in tears, pretending that her remarks were a cover-up for her real grief. When Jeff told her he intended to get in touch with Carrie in order to obtain some medical details which might be helpful in Lana's case, Lana insisted that her aunt was an eccentric and asked for a few days so that she herself might contact her, promising to get the information he sought.


Pushed by Laura so they might have a place to be alone, Scotty Baldwin had taken an apartment, but until Laura could obtain a renewed prescription for the pill, she managed to hold Scotty off by picking fights with him. She had reached a superficial understanding with her mother Lesley and did not care to rock the boat, but more important, she had become attracted to David Hamilton, whose attentions she found flattering. Scotty was incensed when he ran into the two of them in a restaurant after she had lied to him that she couldn't meet him because she and Lesley were growing closer, and she had promised to help Les with her Christmas shopping.


Lesley had told Monica that she resented the fact that Laura spent the Thanksgiving holiday with her and when Rick spoke to Monica, she told him she would withdraw from her close friendship with Laura and cattily refered to Lesley’s lack of self-confidence. She added, cryptically, that Lesley might create problems she didn't anticipate.


When Laura again appealed to Monica, she was told Monica would give her a different prescription for the bill which might help alleviate Laura's headaches on the understanding that she agree to see a gynacologist and have a full examination. Laura consented to see a Dr. Lloyd at Mercy hospital and obtained her prescription.


After speaking with Gina and being told that any chance of their taking up a serious relationship again was hopeless, Adam arranged for a permanent transfer to the staff of Mercy Hospital in order to avoid being a witness to the resumption of Gina's affair with Gary Lansing. Gina nixed moving in with Gary but he got a job near her.


Lesley had had to speak to Laura about the fact that she had been alone with David Hamilton in his bedroom while Rick and Lesley were out. The second time it happened, when Laura was helping David wrap a present of a sketch he had made of Lesley for a Christmas gift, Les walked out angrily. She finally confronted Laura with the fact that she had found a pill compact in Laura's purse when she was checking to see if Laura could use a new wallet as one of her Christmas gifts. Surprised because she used a late date with Scotty as a means of avoiding a confrontation with Lesley and was not expecting Les to wait up and certainly not expecting this, Laura tried again to turn the tables by accusing Lesley of spying on her. Lesley appealed to her, saying that she was a doctor and could help her when the time was right. Laura replied that she had seen a doctor and knew all there was to know about the Pill. She shouted at Lesley that only frustrated people got their kicks from spying. When Lesley protested, Laura told her she couldn’t expect her to believe anything Lesley said anymore and stormed out.


After much delay and consultation with other doctors, Mark Dante told Katy that he had decided against operating on her husband, Lamont Corbin, a decision which Katy and Lamont saw as amounting to a death sentence for Lamont. After some bitter exchanges between the two of them, Katy finally convinced Mark that she and Lamont were resigned to his decision and grateful for the help he had given so far. With Lamont's blessing - and covert encouragement - Katy began to see more of Mark, supposedly as a means of releaving the tediousness of the period of Lamont's hospital stay for her and to get through the interim before the Corbins had to make plans for the remainder of time Lamont had left to him after he left General Hospital. Katy had been instrumental in softening Mark's attitude toward his sister's relationship with Gary Lansing, for Gina's sake if nothing else, but Gary's boorishness came through when Katy reveals that at Lamont's insistence she was going to travel to be with her sister who was expecting her sixth child soon. Gary remarked that he himself intended to make his mark as something other than Father of the Year.


Monica had learned that Lee Baldwin was involved in negotiations for an industrial-related housing project which would accomodate 2,000 families, and saw it as a means of reviving consideration of a new Cardiac Wing. After she came near to quitting as Alan Quartermaine's assistant, she quickly mended her fences, unaware that he knew she had managed to acquire the information and was motivated by that as well as having her eye on Alan and the Quartermaine wealth, personally. He nevertheless invited her, at the last moment, to share his Christmas holiday at the family estate on Long Island.


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter


Dr. Ed Bauer, in an attempt to help RN Rita Stapleton, quizzed Georgene Granger about her reasons for working at Cedars Hospital, as her presence was obviously uncomfortable and unsettling for Rita. Georgene politely admitted she had been in a rest home but assured Ed she held no grudges over her husband's death against Rita. - To the contrary, Georgene was obsessed with a desire for revenge and had begun to ravage Rita's life. She stole Rita's purse and had her keys duplicated. Then she ransacked Rita's apartment. This was her second malicious act, first she pushed Rita down stairs and escaped unnoticed. - The police discovered amongst the debris, a broken glass with dried blood on it. Rita had called her lawyer, Mike Bauer and they both agreed about their suspicions that Georgene was the culprit. Rita saw Georgene had a cut on her hand the following day at the hospital.


Bill Bauer, alias Bill Moray, had not escaped Springfield incognito. Rita accidentally stumbled upon his true identity. She was then battling her conscience against Bill's pleas for silence. Bill's stepdaughter, Hillary Kincaid, was a student residing in Springfield. Her apartment warming party brought Mike Bauer into contact with a picture Hillary had of himself and Bill. Mike was amazed by the resemblance to his own father. Rita tried to distract Mike from studying the photo, but failed. Mike launched his own investigation in his search for the father he believed was killed in an airline crash ten years ago. Dr. Sara McIntyre informed him of Bill's reclusive mannerisms when Hillary was a patient at Cedars. He reviewed the photo again, pumpking Hillary for answers about her stepfather's past. She said her mother had met her stepfather in Switzerland ten years ago. Pieces fit, and Mike continued his probe. Using Rita's vandalism attack as an introduction, Mike asked her sister Eve about Hillary's stepfather. He was intrigued by Eve's comments that Bill had asked a lot of questions about Mike and Ed. He learned from his mother Bert about his father's extended trips to Switzerland and nothing else would settle with Mike until he flew to Vancouver to meet "this man." Bill Bauer opened his front door and was faced by Mike who could only utter "My God, Dad." All he could ask was "why, why, why?" Forced by Mike's insistence on the truth, Bill told Mike why he did this to his family, alleging the truth was not always the best solution. Mike would be deeply hurt. Bill told Mike that he when he decided not to get back on the plane after refueling, he went to be with a woman named Simone Kincaid. It seemed that they had had an affair many years earlier, and since then, had only kept in touch with a card and letter. He was with her when he heard news that his plane had crashed. Simone’s own marriage had deteriorated through the years, and she had divorced. Ultimately Bill told Mike he married Simone and then Simone and his stepchildren Hilary and Paul, were his family!


Just then Rita called to alert Bill of Mike's arrival, he explained how she discovered his identity. With Hillary on her way home for Christmas, Bill was frantic for Mike to leave. Mike was appalled at how he could brush this off. He agreed only after receiving Bill's promise to return to Springfield after the New Year to talk to Bert and Ed. He didn’t understand his father's reasons for procrastinating but Mike assented to his father's wishes, just grateful that he was alive. Sharing his grief with Rita, Mike pondered how even if HE could accept his dad's reasons for disappearing, how could Ed and Bert?


With the knowledge she had Blake Carne syndrome, Eve Stapleton had to learn to cope with the inevitable — she was going to be blind. She experienced blurred vision when out with her fiance Ben McFarren, but chose to conceal it. He and her mother Viola sensed something was wrong but Eve wouldn’t burden them with the truth. Just when she thought the time was right to inform Ben, he had good news. He had been offered a one-man show of his art and was ecstatic about his break-through for his career. Evie withheld her tidings, protecting Ben's happiness. She found it difficult to get involved as Ben wanted, setting up his displayed for the show. Eve visited the Springfield Institute for the Blind. She talked to a blind counsellor who advocated if she really loved Ben, she wouldn't let herself be a burden to him, which was her greatest fear.


Upon reading of a new experimental drug for blindness, Eve's hopes skyrocketted. Her doctor, Ed, had to tame her excitement by relaying the drug did not work with her particular disease. He recommended she stay and talk to the psychologist, Dr. Harman, whom he and Rita were planning to confer with. Eve refused. Dr. Harman advised Ed and Rita above all, not to pity Eve. She would go through a depression, and education would help her the most. She would need to find a new self-image, then the change had to come from within Eve. Ed and Rita agreed, she would win, she had the spirit.


When Eve couldn’t read a letter Viola saved from her late father, Viola guessed and Rita confirmed it. The night of Ben's show Eve did tell Viola, relieved she knew. She seemed to gain some strength in talking with Viola of her own father's spirit. Viola told Eve how proud she was of her after she observed Evie light up in support of Ben and his show. At the opening, Eve's eyesight worsened, Rita and Viola guided her, acting as her eyes. When the tender moment arrived and Ben presents his portrait of Eve to her in the presence of the crowd, to Eve "his source of inspiration," she had to sadly tell him she couldn’t see it. He held her tightly promising they would find a way. Ed, Viola, and Rita ushered Eve out, and alone, Ben sobbed helplessly.


Later, Eve told Ben she couldn’t marry him. He wouldn’t accept her decision. He emotionally defined there was nothing in this life for himself without Eve, she was his life. He would prove that to her and there was no way they were not going to be together. Eve accepted Ben's help, for the time being. Seeing how Eve was shutting out those who loved her, Ed found it necessary to be firm, emphasizing Eve should face it and fight it. Ben tried again to convince Eve they had to still be married, but she refused to burden him. She returned his engagement ring, but Rita saw it left on a table, letting Eve know Ben hadn't given up.


Jackie Marler yearned for the family ties like those belonging to her houseguest, Elizabeth Spaulding. Elizabeth, however, dealing with the ambivalent feeling of her marriage to jetsetter Alan Spaulding, envied Jackie's freedom and independence. She confided to Jackie, Alan always wanted her available for him yet didn’t have time for her. They planned to reside in Springfield where Alan had business. He also needed close proximity to his physician, Dr. Emmett Scott. Emmet had cautioned Alan to slow down or his heart wouldn’t keep up his pace. Elizabeth looked forward to returning to her photography although she knew Alan didn't approve. Her response to his finding a new home without consulting her was not what Alan expected from an obedient wife.


Mike and Alan had a run-in due to conflicting interests about the land use for Alan's future industrial site. Mike wanted the land preserved for environmental protection. Because Alan intended to follow through on his construction plans, Mike withdrew as his lawyer. Meanwhile, Elizabeth's plans to use part of Alan's office space for a dark room seemed to rally more support from Mike than her own husband. Alan convinced Adam and Mike to reconsider being his general manager and legal advisor, respectively.


Since the day Mike met Jackie, his secretary, Ann Jeffers, had resented her association with him. Ann decided it was her job to protect Mike from the likes of Jackie. To stop Jackie's pursuit of Mike, Ann played a tape to Jackie. On it was a conversation Jackie and her ex-husband Justin had in Mike's office, where they discussed their bet that Jackie would hook Mike. Furious, Jackie snapped Ann was only an "office wife" to Mike; if she played the tape, he'd really know what kind of person she was. She then threw the whole story at Ann that because of Ann's ex-husband, Mike lost his wife. How could Mike forget that, ever? Ann was shaken by the thoughts Jackie was right. She wanted to quit her job, but Sara consoled her and she began to gain some self-confidence. She confronted Jackie again, determined she wouldn't let Jackie push her around. She announced she had destroyed the tape, much to Jackie's relief, further asserting Jackie was the type of person who'd do or say anything to get what she wanted.


Sara had just heard the whole story from Justin about his past with Jackie. She was sombred by it, but glad Justin had confided. - Jackie divorced Justin when she was pregnant and found him unfaithful. She led him to believe she had an abortion. Only Jackie knew the Spauldings' adopted son, Phillip, was Justin and Jackie's son. - Ironically, the same night Justin told Sara of his one and only act of infidelity with journalist, Brandy Shelloe, she was waiting for Justin in his apartment lobby. She had just been refused an interview by Alan Spaulding and then Justin put her off. He was adamant, he wanted nothing to do with the lady or a continuation of their affair.


Justin had repeated his marriage proposal to Sara, claiming all he wanted for Christmas was for he and Sara to be married. Sara was fighting her feelings, wanting Justin yet not ready for a committment. She was grateful for his patience, he replied she was a lady worth waiting for. Brandy Shelloe decided to move in the same building as Justin.


Adam Thorpe’s concern for his son Roger was lessened when he heard Roger would be in Lake Tahoe on business. Also relieved was Holly Bauer. Roger iwass the natural father of Christina Bauer, conceived when Holly and Ed were married. Since his wife Peggy had divorced him and he was sterile, Roger had added pressure to be a part of Christina's life. Holly, however, prefered Ed to be the dominant male in Christina's life, and hers also. Since Ed had learned why Roger wanted closeness to Christina, he had eased his antagonism for Roger. Holly, in desperation, pulled at Ed's emotions for Christina, stating life wouldn't be the same for Christina without Ed as her father. He was drifting, and Holly feared it was towards Rita and nothing she could say or do would hold him. Holly's mother Barbara intruded on Ed, testing him about Roger. Ed wouldn't allow her interference, declaring they all had their own lives to live and should be left alone to do so. With Ed and Rita rediscovering each other, Holly and Dr. Peter Champan seemed to be fining each other’s company quite attractive, hurting RN Katie Parker, whom Peter had caught they eye. The two met several time, then Peter had invited Holly to Christmas dinner.


Barbara asked Adam to visit her, explaining she felt there was a strain between them despite their amicable separation. He agreed. They both toasted to a new friendship, Barbara promising to be a better person. Peter’s father, editor Max Chapman, seemed to be interested in Barbara.


Bert, meanwhile, told Steve she didn’t think she could plan on going to the Caribbean, as she was very worried about Mike! She commented that Mike had been acting very strange lately.


Love Of Life


Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


Bruce Sterling was trying to face the reality of his disease, aplastic anemia, which in his case was almost surely fatal. He had come to realize how much his friends and family meant to him. He spent time lovingly looking at old photos to relive all the moments he had cherished over the years. Bruce took Van to lunch to tell her, but before he could begin, Van's sister, Meg Hart, interrupted him.


Dr. Joe Cusack told Bruce that Van was a strong woman who could deal with this without falling apart and had the right to know. Bruce said he knew that Van was strong, but even he had to ask, "Why me?"


Cal and Rick Latimer had tried to be open in their relationship, but things seemed to get in the way. Cal was still jealous of the attention her mother gave and took from Rick. Meg did her best to slip a wedge between Cal and Rick by making Rick aware that their boarder, Michael Blake, was much closer to Cal's age. Cal was taking classes in solar architecture with a career in mind and this was causing Rick to be jealous.


Michael was infatuated with Cal, but couldn't show her how he felt. He respected and felt protective of her. Michael was still very close-mouthed about his past, but his dislike of promiscuous women was apparent. While studying with Cal under the Christmas tree, he was beset by memories of himself as a young boy and he seemed to be watching a woman, a prostitute – his mother!


Mia Marriott and Ben Harper had a relationship which was stormy and confusing to them both. Mia tried to tell herself and her friend Wendy Hayes that she was only editing Ben's book and was not hung up on him. Ben was so wrapped up in his feelings for his daughter and his ex-wife that he couldn’t see Mia as she really was. Mia's ex-husband, Andrew, was more objective and told Ben that Mia loved a challenge and it was the missing excitement that broke up their marriage. Mia had a lot of love to give and it would be too bad if she got mixed up with someone who didn't love her back. This woke Ben up a little. He wanted to find out what happened the night Mia spent with him from the one person who knew — Mia. Mia invited her former husband Andrew for Christmas.


Mia thought she had given Ben the perfect Christmas present when she arrived with a puppy in a basket. He refused it, saying he couldn’t keep it in his hotel room. Little Susie Ryker gave Ben a gift and Mia gave her the puppy from Ben. Later he thanked her by arriving with a ballerina music box with a card to Natasha. - Mia had told him she had often made believe she was a lost Russian princess. –


Charles Lamont felt sorry for his new baby nurse, Mary Owens, because she spent all her spare time in her room. Van had Lynn Henderson visit, but Mary, who was twenty-four, seemed to have nothing in common with a high school senior. Mary gave no reason for leaving Twin Rivers, Michigan to work in Rosehill, New York where she was a stranger. The mystery of Mary’s background deppened when she blurted to Charles and Van that beautiful women like Arlene weren’t always acquitted.


Arlene Lovett had insisted on an immediate trial so that her future and Tom Crawford's could be settled. Tom was planning to marry her as soon as she was acquitted of the murder of Ian Russell, Arlene's former lover and provider. Arlene finally confided in her lawyer, Dory Patton, after Ray Slater told her he was wrong to suggest she not tell anyone that Ian had ordered him to run down Arlene's mother because she had seen Ian with Frankie Sills shortly before Sills was found shot to death. Tom was sure that once the jury heard Arlene they would see that she was not capable of killing anyone. He talked with Dory and learned that she didn't intend to put Arlene on the stand because Dory feared that her story was not believable. Tom was not sure Mrs. Patton was the lawyer for Arlene if she didn't have any more faith in her than that.


Arlene asked to see a doctor because she was not feeling well. She explained then that she expected that she was several months pregnant and wanted him to confirm it immediately. His schedule was full and he couldn’t have her brought to his office until the morning her trial began. Arlene became very anxious when she was taken to court without first being taken for an examination. She had trouble concentrating because she felt her whole life depended on the outcome of this examination. When the doctor confirmed her fears, Arlene felt that it made no difference if she went to prison since she knew she was carrying Ian's child.


District Attorney Merrick used department store charge statements to show that Ian was paying for Arlene's extravagant tastes. Henry Parker, Ian's chauffer, testified that he used to take Miss Lovett shopping frequently. When shown a heavy cut crystal cigarette box, Henry explained that Mr. Russell asked him to get an estimate on getting it repaired, telling him that it had been cracked when Miss Lovett threw it at him in a rage, narrowly missing his head.


A taxi driver testified that he had taken Mr. Russell and Miss Lovett to her apartment, but she had begged him to take her to see the unfinished penthouse. He drove them there.


Merrick got Carrie Johnson on the stand and asked her if she didn't move out because she found out Russell was keeping Arlene. He implied that Arlene was not living up to the morals that Carrie had believed in. He painted Arlene as a loose immoral woman who lived with Ian for his money. Carrie protested that Arlene worked and always offered to help her. Arlene couldn’t stand to see her mother ridiculed and stood up offering to tell everything she knew.


When the judge let Arlene take the stand to tell her story, she started by explaining that she found out Ian had ordered someone to run down her mother. She told them how upset she was and after getting a gun she did coerce him into taking her to the penthouse with the intention of killing him. Ian thought she was sorry for embarrassing him, but she pulled the gun and explained that she knew about his orders to kill her mother. She couldn't do it and dropped the gun, sobbing. Ian tripped and fell down. It was an accident, but she was afraid no one would believe her. She could give no details or why Russell tripped.


Merrick painted her as a lying immoral woman, trying to save herself, and Russell as the respectable businessman who was a credit to Rosehill society. Mrs. Patton reviewed the facts and used Merrick's own suppositions in her brilliant summation to show that Merrick's case was based on Arlene's life-style rather than facts.


Tom Crawford berated Mrs. Patton for not cross-examining Arlene on the stand. She explained that she went over and over her story, but Arlene could not fill in many gaps and this could be dangerous in Merrick's hands. Tom apologized but when alone Dory cried, asking for help from her late husband who was also a lawyer. Praise from others didn't really help her confidence.


Word was received that the verdict was in. Carrie and Ray Slater were there and decided not to notify Tom who was in surgery. Merrick was very satisfied when the foreman announced that they had found Arlene guilty. Mrs. Patton held up Arlene's return to jail while Ray rushed to the hospital to retrieve Tom. Dory set into motion the appeal, but felt she had failed.


Tom brought Arlene a teddy bear and suggested that if she cared for it, their baby could use it. Arlene said that the plans they made were only for if she were acquitted. Arlene finally confessed her pregnancy to her mother.


Andrew told Bruce that Meg invited him for the New Year party but he was not interested in starting a relationship with her. Van tended to play the matchmake but Andrew couldn’t seem able to forget about Mia.


Eddie was refused visitation rights to his son until Charles’ paternity can be disproved. Dory was present for Eddie as he was present to her during Arlene’s trial. She helped Eddie bury the hatched with Charles for the holidays.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Joseph Stuart


Once again, Karen Wolek had allowed herself to be picked up by a well-heeled "gentleman" but after waking in tears in his room, she cried out that the presents weren't worth it. As she prepared to leave she gathered them up, telling him they were not presents anymore, "I paid for them now." - This last episode occurred after Larry walked in on Karen's session with Lt. Ed Hall and heard that Karen had been to Tony's place when she told Larry she had been to bed early on the night Lana died which was true - And, furthermore she provided Marco Dane with the alibi that he had been with her, talking about Lana, at the time of Lana's death - Not true -.


Lana’s mom, offered Cathy the ring found in Lana’s room, thinking it was her daughter’s ring. – The ring belonged indeed to Naomi Vernon, Brad’s recently deceased mother.


Brad had visited Cathy Lord in an attempt to get her to believe that Lana's stories of resuming their affair were fantasies and produced a pitifully incoherant letter Lana had sent him as proof of her state of mind. At first Cathy was set back but recognized Brad's usual manipulating and countered that Lana was probably drunk when she wrote it. When Ed Hall called at her house, Brad heard Cathy say that Lana had told her that she was going to take two sleeping pills but then promised not to when she spoke with Cathy on the phone. Cathy added that even if Lana had taken them, she couldn't believe two sleeping pills could have killed her. Cathy failed to see the stricken look on Brad's face as she went on talking. Brad admitted that he had treated Lana very badly but insisted that he had changed and recommended a memorial service for Lana. When Cathy asked if he would have the nerve to attend, Brad insisted that he had nothing to hide; that the truth was on his side and the sooner Cathy accepted that, the better off she would be, emotionally. After Brad left, Cathy told Ed that Brad wanted her to believe she and Lana were both crazy.


At home, Sam urged Brad to stop lying and call Ed Hall, saying he didn't commit a crime, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Brad, distracted, told Sam she was making sense but there was something still bothering him. He asked her to leave him alone for a few minutes. When Sam went out, Brad recalled urging a second glass of hot milk on Lana, insisting she drink the one he prepared for her "before it gets cold again." Sam came back and urged Brad to at least tell Jenny.


Brad Vernon sensed that Ed Hall does not believe him. - Off the record, Ed had told Richard Abbott that he tended to believe Marco's alibi, though he was sure Marco was lying a little bit, but he wondered why Brad went back to Sam's and took her out at that hour to a diner, unless he wanted to be seen. –


Brad knew that Marco came to Lana's apartment but never got in, and wondered why he lied to the police. He speculated on the possibility that there might be some way he could led Ed Hall know Marco lied, but dismissed it as tempting, but too dangerous. Later Brad asked a member of his Health Club, who was a private detective, how much it would cost to look into someone's background; but when he learned how expensive it was, he realized it was out of the question to spend that much under the pretense he had given of checking out a prospective employee. Marco came in as the man left and caught on right away. He offered to neglect to mention something he had forgotten; that he spotted Brad's distinctive sports-car, a half block away from Lana's apartment on the night she died, if Brad would stop making trouble for him, and they could both walk away from this. Brad reacted by asking if Marco was so clean, why did he have to go around making deals? He smirked and asked if he went to the police, what would they find?


After Karen had given her perjured evidence, Marco took the stand and admitted that he lied to the police, but that here, under oath, he intended to set the record straight. He told the inquest that he went to Lana's and got no answer. He covered for Karen, saying he did go to her house but she wasn't aware that he had already been to Lana's. He added that he remembered about Brad's sports-car when he overheard Brad telling Mrs. Wolek – Karen - he knew she was lying and realized Brad could only have known of his visit if he, himself, were there.


When Ed Hall testified that fingerprints had been wiped clean in Lana's apartment the night, coming after Marco's testimony, Jenny realized how bad things look for Brad. After the court adjourned for the day, Brad swore that he never did anything, directly or indirectly to harm Lana, and Jenny, believing him, was determined to be with Brad and to show her faith in him. At her suggestion, she and Brad were married that evening with two friends of hers, nuns, as witnesses.


Larry and Karen quarrelled that night when he refused to believe her new story of Marco's alibi. Karen admitted that she went out on a limb for Marco and Larry couldn’t accept that she would jeopardize their marriage out of compassion for a relative stranger. Larry admitted he might not have been the ideal husband lately but insisted he had always been honest with Karen. She called him on his self-righteous attitude. Larry insisted she married him for his image, adding she picked the wrong doctor. When Anna came in, Karen insisted that she would be the one to go and told Anna not to bother to talk Larry out of his anger. She asked for some money, since she had only a few dollars, and Larry threw his wallet at her, telling her to take it all. She told Anna, bitterly, that when her brother wanted to get rid of his wife, money was no object.


Karen went to Jenny and arrived to learn that she and Brad were on their way to be married. She asked if Jenny was out of her mind, and cried out that Jenny's blind faith was ridiculous. She insisted that what Jenny was doing was stupid, and she was not a stupid girl. Jenny left to get her coat and Karen, in tears, told Brad she couldn't believe he was really going to do this to Jenny. Karen picked up her suitcase and left, winding up in a motel bar. When a man who had tried to pick her up but had been rebuffed picked up her check after she had been drinking some time longer and asked if there was any reason why they shouldn't go to her room for a nightcap she replied "not any more."


Brian had told Will Vernon the reason for his resentment of Tony Lord and his mother Pat - he had seen Pat and Tony embracing at Tony's apartment when he followed them one night - and his belief that he was protecting his father Paul by not mentioning it. - Brian was not aware that Tony Lord, and not Paul Kendall was his natural father. - Will told the boy that his secrecy and conflict were a contributing factor in his migrane headaches but promised to respect the boy's confidence. At first Paul and Pat were furious to learn that Will knew the reason behind Brian's attitude but would not disclose it, but eventually they had to accept Will's refusal to betray the boy's trust. When Brian physically stroke out at Tony, Pat and Paul were united in telling the boy that such conduct, no matter what the reason, was not acceptable and Brian finally drafted an apology to Tony when they remained adament. In the meantime, Pat's plans for a week in the Carribean with Tony were changed to meeting him in New York while she was on assignment for the paper and then abandoned altogether. Sam tried to make an impression on Tony.


The following day, Brad took the stand and was followed by Sam, who repeated the story she and Brad had rehearsed. - Will Vernon, listening, was increasingly disturbed when he recalled that he saw Lana in her robe at the Health Club with Brad, long after they had supposedly broken up. Brad's insistance that Lana staged the incident still troubled him. - The final witness was Jenny who testified that Brad had come to see her a few minutes before twelve on the eve of their first wedding date - the time of Lana's death —Jenny was not aware that her belief was based on what Brad told her was the hour -. Before she left the stand, she revealed that she was Mrs. Bradley Vernon.


Dorian Lord had berated Marco for linking his name with hers as a general handyman at Llanfair in a Chronicle feature after his change in testimony. She reminded him that his title was chauffeur. Then she relented and asked Marco to stay on for the night, saying she hated to be alone, but Marco left, telling her that was one punishment that definately fit her crime. Dorian phoned Edwina to learn that she had plans for the evening with Richard Abbott and Peter Janssen and finally phoned Will Vernon, asking to see him and pleading an emergency. She told Will that she intended to see her sister, Melinda who had been institutionalized for the past three years, and wanted Will to fly up with her to see the girl. Will reminded her that he had the problem of the inquest involving his son to contend with and refused, telling her if the girl's own doctors permitted, she could bring her home.


Richard Abbott asked Becky Lee Hunt to move in with him. She was hesitant but Richard wouldn’t give her much thinking space, so she let her heart instead of her mind decide and she said yes. She realized later it was the wrong answer to give. Sitting alone in Richard’s apartment the night before she was set to move in, Becky rememberd a frightening episode from her past. Echoing loudly through her brain, she heard a man yelling: “Rebecca Lee Hunt, you’ll never get away with his. Wherever you go I’ll find you. There’s nowhere you can hide!”. Becky Lee had fled the apartment she had agreed to share with Richard Abbott to turn up at Mrs. Hopkins’ and began to pack. At first Ina Hoskins was convinced that Becky had had second thoughts as Ina had urged her to reconsider living with Richard, but she soon realized that it is not that simple. She and her new beau, Ethan Bottomly – who worked in the newspaper morgue -, convinced Becky it would be a mistake and a betrayal of trust to leave her job and the opportunity she had at the Blue Ridge Club without notice. Ina pressed her point, reminding Becky that the fact that she made it on her own was largely due to Richard Abbott's help and asked her to think before going on to another town and living from hand to mouth. Becky had a disturbing memory of being set upon by a grown-up "step-son" out of her hill-country past and rushed out of the room as Richard came in. Edwina realized she had a chance with Richard.


Karen arrived at court sporting a new dress - this time the shopping trip with Oscar, Karen's latest "Daddy" was after the fact -. She hissed at Marco that his change in testimony, though not placing her in legal jeopardy, had "cost me my marriage." The jury announced it had returned a verdict of accidental death due to a combination of drugs and liquor as Marco grimaced and mouthed the words "no guts."


Wanda and Vinnie returned to Llanview from a trip abroad. Vinnie was suspicious of Karen’s relationship with Marco while Wanda attended women’s consciousness raising sessions.


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Jillian Coleridge was in Ryan's when Frank brought Rae Woodard in to meet Maeve. Rae told Maeve she was impressed with the way the House Association of Riverside Hospital had put its future in Frank's hands and stresseed that she and her husband were very excited about Frank's political future. Rae turned to Jill, telling her she understood that Jillian was a great help to Frank in the past and asked if "we" could count on Jillian's continued support. She made a point of the importance of the "motivated amateur" and added that she relied on old friends coming forward to do their share. To Bob Reid, Jillian confided that Rae Woodard rubbed her the wrong way.


Jillian pointed out an editorial in the Woodard chain of papers which endorsed the "Ryan Plan" approved by the House Association, calling it practical and sensible and pointing out that the Hospital Administration hadn't seen fit yet to even look at it. The editorial claimed that the administration had locked itself into an inflexible position and there had been as yet no intelligent alternative. It ended by asking what was being covered up. Jillian told Seneca that there was a time when Frank detested women like Rae. Seneca replied that Frank wanted power and she would give it to him.


As Rae Woodard’s assignations with Roger Coleridge had progressed to a full-fledged affair, her husband became aware that she had lied to him about her whereabouts and his suspicions center on Frank. He instructed his wife's secretary, Royal, to begin a discrete inquiry into where Rae went when she left the hospital. As Rae headed for Roger's apartment, she came across Faith and Tom Desmond on the stoop and, acknowledging Faith's greeting, walked on. Later she called Roger and arranged to meet him at Clem's, pretending on seeing him there that the meeting was accidental. The first report seemed innocuous enough, but when Rae lied again after having been with Roger at his apartment for over three hours and Frank had been in to see Woodard in the hospital in the meanwhile, Woodard was aware that he had the wrong man. Eventually he learned that Rae was with Dr. Coleridge. Woodard, disturbed, confided to Frank that he had learned that one of his must trusted people had been lying to him seriously. Frank assumed that Woodard was referring to someone in his organization, and told Woodard that he believed if Woodard was unable to forgive and forget, then he would have to get rid of "him."


A follow-up full front page editorial about the Ryan family with reference to Pat Ryan caused Marshall Westheimer to refer to it as a classic case of political opportunism which was harmful to the delicate negotiations. Seneca reiterated his belief that Frank Ryan put nothing ahead of politics. When Jillian warned Rae that such publicity was likely to in-flame the conservative members of the Hospital Administration and make them more stubborn, she added a plea to Rae not to exploit Riverside Hospital to create publicity for Frank.


After Pat came home from a wet day on the hospital picket-line to find Delia wallpapering the apartment, he resorted again to the drug he had stolen from a Narcoleptic patient, and under its influence, proposed a trip in the late night rain to Coney Island. Delia was delighted with his spur-of-the-moment sense of fun until she found that he had collapsed on the wet sand and she couldn’t wake him. With help and incentive from a suspicious policeman on his rounds, she got Pat home in a cab but was frightened the following morning when he couldn’t remember the incident and snapped at her. She went to Maeve and got only platitudes about Pat's needing a good pot roast dinner and a night's sleep and had to listen as Maeve read a letter of Mary's from Ireland as an example of a marriage where persistance had paid off. Delia, in desperation, told Roger of some of Pat's strange reactions but they got off the track when Dee found Rae's diamond and emerald earring and reacted with dog-in-the-manger jealousy.


Eventually the strik was settled on the lines of the Ryan Plan, but Westheimer pointed out that a long-range and ultimately more satisfactory plan being worked out had to be scrapped in the atmosphere the Woodard papers' editorials had created. The final battle was fought when Clem Moultrie insisted that the removal of the letters of reprimand against Pat and Faith, and the hospital administration eventually capitulated.


Jillian retired to her apartment at Seneca's insistance to nurse a cold. As Seneca was caring for her he asked her once again to marry him but she replied that she was not ready to promise away her whole life. Then Seneca proposed that she and Edmund live with him as a family, without marriage, and Jillian, delighted, said yes.


After the strike was settled, Pat returned to work with Delia's complaints that she wanted him to take off work as soon as possible for a trip to Ireland on their own ringing in his ears. He went to a drug room with glassed panels and when he panicked in the belief that he was locked in with the medicine on him, he punched his fist through the glass. When the staff came running he said he fell but Roger stayed on and told him that he saw him punch out the glass. Pat told Roger he had a temporary attack of Claustrophobia. Roger told him he had been worried about him for days; that Pat had been giving out warning signals. Pat attributed his shaking hands to too much caffein in the coffee he had been drinking to keep going in the past weeks. Roger asked pointedly, "just caffein?" and went on to tell him that though he had no more extraordinary responsibility for him since Pat's reprimand had been lifted, he wanted him to start taking care of himself if he expected to finish out his residency.


At one point during the strike, Tom Desmond was present at strike headquarters when a reporter took a picture. Tom demanded and took the film with a warning that he didn't want to hurt the man. Tom explained to a startled Faith that he couldn’t have his picture shown as Pat and Bucky went after the reporter, who was looking for a cop. Later on Tom told Faith that any reference to his past could cost him his life and Faith – who had developed an interest in Tom - agreed, as Mary had, not to mention it. Meanwhile, in Ireland, Mary's reaction to a picture of Tom in a Limerick pub sent one of the patrons off to visit a man named Liam, with the report of an American who recognized Tom O'Brien and the speculation that he could be located in New York where Mary had told him her father had a bar. When the man produced the Fenellis' address he had gotten from the guest-book, together with John Ryan's business card, Liam proceeded to book passage on a flight to New York.


Faith arrived home after the strike to find a man dressed in the work clothes of the firm of exterminators who regularly serviced the lovely, but aged building that housed her own and her brother's apartments. Roger came in later to find the man in his apartment and learned that Faith had given him the keys. He remarked that the apartment had been gone over by the firm just a few weeks before but accepted the man's explanation of the usual holiday-week mix ups in scheduling. Later when Rae arrived announcing three hours of bliss at their disposal, due to Bill's scheduled physical therapy and his announced intention of napping afterward, they were unaware of the planted bug, or the presence in a basement room of the "exterminator" presiding as a tape reel unwinds.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Robert J. Shaw

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Cindy French had convinced Tom Bergman that she would only be intimate with the man she married. Tom told his father that he loved Cindy and they were going to be married. Stu tried to be fair. He didn't tell Tom not to marry her, only to make sure Cindy was willing to live the kind of life he could provide. Stu would not pay for them to live in the Inn as she wanted. She agreed to anything to get Tom to marry her immediately. When he agreed to elope she talked him into going to Las Vegas. Tom was feeling hesitant when he picked her up.


Stu worried when Tom disappeared. Cindy wasn't home either. He called Stephanie Collins who said she would get to the bottom of this because Cindy called in sick. Cindy's friend told Stephanie they eloped to Las Vegas. Stu felt he had to try to talk to Tom once more. He flew to Vegas and started calling the wedding chapels. As the vows were being read Tom decided that he couldn’t go through with it this way. Cindy was furious with him for standing her up. She accused him of being a daddy's boy and afraid of women. Stu walked in and offered Cindy fare back to Henderson. She said she was not planning on spending her life working. Tom realized that she was after money and never really loved him.


Stephanie Collins had asked her daughter Wendy to befriend Suzi Wyatt. This gave her an excuse to see John Wyatt. After the death of his wife Eunice he was attracted to her sister Jo Vincente, but it was too late. By the time he realized it, Jo was already in love with Greg Hartford.


Stephanie and the girls girls arranged a surprise birthday party for John. When they returned to the Inn, John gave Suzi medicine for her upset stomach, figuring she ate too much cake and ice cream. Later she woke him with more pain and a fever. He called Stephanie who told him to get Greg because it could be an appendicitis. Greg had her taken to the hospital for surgery. John blamed himself because giving her the medicine was the worst thing to do. The rupture of her appendix caused an infection which put her life in danger. John was relieved when Suzi began recovery and was grateful that Stephanie was there for them both. John told Jo how much Stephanie had meant to him and Suzie. Jo said she simply couldn’t trust Stephanie because of her past. Stephanie overheard and asked Jo why she put her down to John. Jo accused her of playing on John's sympathy.


Liza Kaslo’s surgery had successfully removed the scar from her eye. Her rock musician husband had decided that although there weren’t many opportunities for him in Henderson, he and Liza needed a settled life. He would write music and find a job in town. Janet Collins took her grown children's advice and planned a trip to Hawaii for herself and her young son on the condition that Steve would look out for her interests in the Collins Corporation. Steve had taken some business courses in college and took to the idea. The corporation had done well under its new president, Howard Horton, the past few years. Steve became interested in some of the projects the company was involved in and worked up some ideas of his own. Horton asked Steve to do a cost research and report back to him. Office executive Bill Mendel tried to get him to expose his ideas, but was unsuccessful. Horton praised Steve and said he might be the new blood the company needed. Steve accepted a permanent job once he was sure that he was asked because of his own ability. He turned down a board position.


Kathy Phillips had gone to a sanitarium to wait out the birth of her baby. She still refused to see Scott because she thought he hated her and the baby that could be David Sutton's. Scott was ready to take a drink until he was brought to his senses by Donna Davis, another alcoholic. He felt very indebted to her for keeping him from that drink. He wanted to pay her back by helping her with her problems. After Donna got fired for drinking on her job as a waitress, Scott got her hired as the receptionist in his law office. The pressure was too much and Donna had to go out for a drink. She didn’t arrive on time for work and an empty liquor bottle was found in her desk. They had no choice but to fire her. Depressed, Donna drank enough to cause a scene and got arrested. Scott bailed her out and found her an apartment and a job in duplicating at the Collins Corporation.


Bruce Carson was finding his wife's hospital schedule hard to live with. He had assured Amy that he could take the odd intern hours, but Amy could see that he was very cool when their evening was cancelled again. It got worse when she was given a residency.


Gary Walton and Carolyn Hanley had decided that they could wait no longer and made plans to be married. Gary gave Carolyn an engagement ring for Christmas and asked her to become his bride on Valentine's Day. Carolyn was concerned because her mother assumed the wedding would be in Colorado Springs, but she wanted it in Henderson.

Dr. Greg Hartford didn’t want to break the news to his daughter that he and Jo Vincente planned to marry until Meredith was settled in Henderson. The vice-principal told Greg that Meredith was having difficulty fitting in. Meredith told her father that she had never had a home of her own and she would like for them to buy a house. They found an old house on the lake that she loved. He asked the real estate agent to show the house to Jo because she would be living there. The agent called Meredith that Mrs. Vincente liked the house and fell in love with the front bedroom with the fireplace and the baywindow. Meredith vowed that Jo would never move in. Greg gave in when Meredith asked for the front bedroom.


The second time Greg and Jo had dinner at the country club, Meredith again claimed to be ill. This time Greg had already left on an emergency, so Gary Walton was called. She claimed to have a headache, fever and an upset stomach, but refused to let Gary examine her. He told Jo that he didn’t think she was ill and she related this to Greg. Meredith said she didn't want "a doctor"; she wanted "her father."


The truth about Greg and Jo's relationship was out in the open. Meredith said she wishes they had told her. Jo was suspicious to find Meredith calling her "Jo" and asking help with furnishing the house. After several decorating decisions had been made, Meredith changed the order. Jo was afraid to criticize her and Greg was trying very hard to make up for all the years she spent in convent schools.


Meredith mentioned the idea of a New Year's party in the new house and then goes ahead with the plans for a blacktie event. Jo thought Meredith had taken on more than she could handle, especially since she had refused all help. Ellie Bergman suggested that Jo ask Tom to befriend Meredith and get her into a crowd of her peers. Greg told Jo that they had waited long enough and he wanted to marry her. Jo agreed that by mid-April Meredith should have adjusted to the situation well enough to deal with their marriage.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


Nancy Becker had been released from the mental hospital as cured and planned on starting a new life with Ron in Alaska. Ron had to tell her that he gave the Fosters permission to adopt their daughter because Nancy was catatonic and he felt it was best for Karen. Nancy visited Chris Foster and asked to see Karen. She was hurt when Karen didn’t remember her and called Chris "mommy." Finding Snapper out of town, Nancy asked Stuart Brooks to talk to his daughter. He couldn’t discuss it with her when he found Chris and Karen preparing for Snapper's return from fighting a cholera epidemic. Chris was really looking forward to the holidays since Ron had given them permission to adopt Karen. Stuart told Snapper of Nancy's visit and he went to see Ron, feeling that he had put Nancy up to this. After he talked to Ron and Nancy he told Stuart that he was really torn because Nancy seemed to be stable and Ron had turned his life around, but he wanted to keep all this from Chris at least for the holidays.


Stuart Brooks and Maestro Frauch had both taken an interest in Liz Foster's musical education. Stuart sent her a record player and the Maestro showed up with a strudle just like his mother used to make. When Stuart stopped by, he was surprised to find that Liz knew the Maestro. She explained that they met at the Brooks' house. Liz was uncomfortable with the obvious competition between the two men. Derek and Jill suggested that she give herself a more youthful look by dyeing her hair. They gave her a wig to acquaint herself with the new image, but she felt ridiculous.


Kay Chancellor had a tailor fit Derek with a new wardrobe in keeping with the image of the new salon. Jill made the mistake of voicing the opinion that Kay was trying to buy him. This infuriated Derek. She also refused to see Kay when she called. Derek said Mrs. Chancellor was trying and Jill was so bitter she was making no effort. Jill tried, but when a girl answered Derek's phone early one morning, she lashed out. Derek explained that he was a man and her morals made her hate herself after the one time they were together. Mrs. Chancellor asked Derek to show her the progress at the new salon. When he returned, he found Jill in a very different mood. She was bright, cheerful and assured him that she knew Mrs. Chancellor would like the salon.


Kay’s lawyer told her that Derek was married and had a son he hadn't seen for years. He suggested she get everything in writing because she had spent a lot of money setting up this salon. She said she would later. He saw she was hoping for a permanent relationship. Kay asked Derek about his son and learned that Derek was fond of children. She made an appointment with her doctor and asked if he thought she could still have children. He said it was possible, but not advisable.


Derek was becoming very attached to Jill's son, Phillip, and Liz was beginning to see Derek as a possible father for her grandson. He agreed to spend Christmas with the Fosters.


The jeweler delivered a present to Kay Chancellor from Derek with the admonition not to open it until Christmas. Unable to resist the temptation Kay found her dream had come true. The box contained a diamond ring. She asked Derek to come by and ordered her present to him to be delivered after he arrived. Derek called and explained that the jeweler mixed up the packages. When the correct package arrived it was a cameo locket with "For My Beautiful Lady" inscribed in French. She remained depressed until Derek arrived and explained that the other package wasn't something he had decided to buy yet. Kay showed him the beautiful car she had bought him for Christmas to keep up his image.


Mrs. Chancellor decided to take an active part in making her dream come true. She asked her lawyer what had to take place before marriage. He promised to ask the court clerk to come to the house to fill out the papers for the license, but he was very doubtful. She told Derek she had a friend who needed blood donated and asked him to help. The clerk would come to the house but Mr. Mitchell didn't believe Kay could pull this off without Thurston knowing.


After learning that the operation on his brain tumor had successfully restored his sight, Brad Eliot returned to Genoa City to win back his wife Leslie. The only one glad to see him and who thought he should win Leslie back was the Maestro. He helped arrange a string quartet to play as he did on their honeymoon. Leslie felt she had been tricked. Brock Reynolds loved Leslie and refused to step aside just because her ex-husband had returned. He felt it was unfair of Brad to reject Leslie and exclude her from his problem even though he thought he was protecting her.


Brad told Brock that Lorie thought they were pressuring Leslie and this could be too much for her. They each asked the other to back off, but when their discussion ended they agreed to think about it.


Leslie was practicing when Brad showed up with a bouquet of roses and a new dress. He was only there a short time when Brock showed up. Brad had "made" plans for dinner and Brock "asked" her to have dinner. She turned them both down and suggested they have dinner together while she practiced. They chastised each other for moving so quickly when they were to think over giving Leslie some space. They thouht that Lorie might have been wrong because Leslie seemed to be enjoying all the attention. She felt like a very attractive special woman. They would back off only if Leslie requested it.


Lucas Prentiss didn’t think he could last out the five years it might take to complete his mother's plastic surgery. She had agreed to have the surgery only if he stayed to see her through and relieve the guilt he felt over the fire which caused her facial disfigurement. Lorie's taunt was what kept him in Genoa City. Vanessa's first operation was a success.


Vanessa tried to call off her campaign to make Lorie's book a best seller to expose her to Lance. She saw then that Lorie really was a loving girl and only wanted happiness for those she loved. Mr. Campbell told her that the books had been bought and it was impossible to stop it.


Lucas had moved into the boathouse. One evening when they were alone, Lucas could resist the temptation no longer and kissed Lorie. She reminded him that she loved his brother and warned him to back off. Lucas said he wanted to be friends because he planned on stepping in if anything happened to Lance. Lance warned Lucas to keep his distance because he could see Lorie was the kind of woman Lucas wanted.


Lorie’s publisher asked Vanessa to give Lorie a message that the public had taken a sudden interest in her book and they would like to know how she felt about this. When Lorie didn't return his call, he phoned again and reached Lucas who realized that Vanessa didn't relay the message. Vanessa pleaded with him not to tell Lorie because it could hurt people. Without explaining the subject of the book she told him that Lance might not be able to forgive Lorie. Lucas said the guilt on her face showed that she could be hurt also. Vanessa admitted that she thought Lorie had gone off to meet her man when she was retrieving Lucas and tried to expose Lorie through her book. She had considered going to Lance or Lorie, but Lucas suggested that she keep her own council and let it all blow over.


Long-absent Greg Foster called from New York and considered returning home. He returned at Christmas after months away. Jill admitted to Greg she had fallen in love with Derek while Kay Chancellor learned she was still able to conceive.

Edited by FrenchFan
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I thought Jenny on AMC was retcond to exist when she arrived. I didn't realize Opal was thought to have been dead. That said, in Aggies archive, the first draft of Jenny's intro was there and it was said the mom had died and Jenny became a hell-raiser. The point was to contrast "sweet Tad". This was 1980, before MEK joined.

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Liz's whole world was falling apart -- Jill giving her a fright wig to wear, the grotesque Wings Hauser suddenly popping up as her son, Maestro Faustch shoving strudel down her throat, and her vodka-swilling, cigarette-smoking, 49-year-old gal-pal trying to get pregnant. 

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Nonetheless, it's wonderful to read these old summaries.  Thanks so much, French Fan!     

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