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Look into the past - 1975

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I wonder what the thinking was re return of Lee Baldwin? He was written out the year before and as an older character it was odd that the decision was made to bring him back. A good one nonetheless.


Nurse Cynthia was being set up as a temptation for Snapper but nothing came of it. Imagine if Bill Bell had been inspired to make Cynthia a Sheila type of character!

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Thanks! Bell loved his teen summer stories didn’t he? 

ATWT—Lord sorry to say it sounds like stuffy melodrama. How was Michael Nader received as Kevin on ATWT? Always found it interesting they brought back Sandy in the mid-70s albeit with a recast actress but I don’t recall reading they explored much of her past connections did they?

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Here are the last 4 scripts I have from May 77

EPISODE - #1044

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Friday April 29, 1977

AIR DATE – Monday May 09, 1977

CAST – Brock, Jack, Kay, Joann, Vanessa, Lance, Lorie, Caretaker (U/5)

SETS – Allegro, Chancellor Living Room, Vanessa’s Room – Limbo – Two Way Mirror Wall




BROCK/JACK/JOANN/KAY - Brock visits Jack at The Allegro and they discuss Brock’s matchmaking Jack and Jo. Jack is grateful and tells Brock he intends to fight for Joann. At the Chancellor estate, Kay spies Joann gorging herself on food. (Kay has several audio and visual flashbacks to EP#1019 – April 04, 1977, of Brock telling her she is destroying Joann with her possessive nature. What is Joann to do when Kay is too old? Joann is young, she needs to live her life, she is a prisoner in this house. If Duchess loves her, she will let her go. Duchess refuses to believe this, Brock tells her if she traps her here, they will end up hating each other) Kay then wonders if Joann’s sudden binge eating is because of feeling trapped. Kay decides to have a talk with Joann. It is clear the closeness they once had is tainted and Joann is staying out of loyalty and fear that Mrs. Chancellor will start drinking again. Kay tells Joann it seems as if she is looking for a way out and Kay plans to give her one. Joann thinks she has been drinking, though she hasn’t, Mrs Chancellor asks if she doesn’t stay on her good behaviour will Joann leave? Joann makes it clear it was Mrs. Chancellor’s threats that have kept her here. Kay thinks it is obvious Joann feels trapped. She tells Joann she wants her out of the house and out of her life. TONIGHT! With that she pours herself a drink and toasts to Joann’s health. Joann is furious and angrily tells Mrs. Chancellor she will leave and slams the door behind her. Kay says to herself that Brock was wrong, there was no way to have Joann leave and maintain her love and respect, she had to destroy it, or she would never have left. Kay trembles as she is about to take a sip, but instead hurls the glass across the room, smashing it. 

VANESSA/CARETAKER/LANCE/LORIE - Vanessa flashes back to her confrontation with Lorie (EP #1038 Act IV – April 29, 1977, Vanessa reveals her face to Lorie and then goes on a tirade against a shocked Lorie. I get the feeling this scene was repeated the following Monday as well) Vanessa calls Mr. Isaacs the caretaker and asks him to get her something. He later arrives at the lake house. He doesn’t think what she wants is a good idea for her to have and reluctantly gives her the package she asked for just as Lance arrives home. She swears Mr. Isaacs to secrecy. Lance chats to Vanessa about a Brooks family member in hospital (though doesn’t mention any names) He asks about the book (In My Sister’s Shadow) that Vanessa wanted him to read. She is tempted to give it to him, but notices Lorie has arrived, they stare intently at each other, then Vanessa tells Lance she doesn’t think he would like the book and that she no longer has it anymore, she heads to her room as Lance finally notices Lorie. Lorie tells him Leslie has gone into labour and wanted to be left alone. The doctor hopes they can stop the labour, but if they can’t she will miscarry (though script says abort) They comfort each other, and Lorie says she hopes she never does anything to make Lance regret marrying her. He is puzzled by this and hugs her tightly. Vanessa watches Lorie and Lance through the two-way mirror and has flashes of her unveiled face, and we hear Vanessa tell Mr. Isaacs she saw a prowler on her terrace. As she stares at Lorie she vows she will pay for what she has done. 




EPISODE - #1047

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Wednesday May 04, 1977

AIR DATE – Thursday May 12, 1977

CAST – Leslie, Lorie, Dr. Williams, Joan, Brock, Jen, Brad, Jack, Man – Thirtyish and missing an arm (U/5)

SETS – Leslie’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Booth at Allegro, Brad and Leslie’s Apartment and Corridor




LESLIE/LORIE/DR.WILLIAM/JEN/BRAD/MAN - Dr. Williams has finished examining Leslie and runs into Lorie. She tells Lorie that the contractions had stopped around midnight and have not returned. Lorie asks if Leslie’s chances are good. Dr. Williams explains that things are still tenuous, and they won’t know for a couple more days. Lorie asks if Leslie has the baby what are the chances it will be okay. Dr. Williams says the chances are slim the baby would survive this premature. They both decide to focus on the positives and Lorie goes in to see Leslie. Leslie is upbeat, Lorie tells her she was worried when she asked to be alone last night. Leslie explains she needed to go through the previous night on her own. Les asks if Lorie has told Vanessa. Lorie tells her she didn’t really see her last night and avoided her this morning. Leslie asks if things are okay, Lorie tells her she feels she and Vanessa have an understanding now. Lorie wants to tell their parents about Leslie being in hospital, but Leslie refuses this. She is determined to get through the next 24 hours and be home with Brad without anyone knowing what has happened, Lorie tells her she will get through this. Though they don’t say it, both women aren’t as confident as they appear. Jen arrives at Brad’s as he is treating a patient. A young man who lost his arm in Vietnam due to a land mine. After the man leaves, Jen tells Brad how impressed she is that he is getting his life together. They discuss Leslie. That she called him recently and her concerts are going well. Jen reminds him she will be home tomorrow night and soon they will have a baby. Brad tells her how much it means to him, especially since Maestro cancelled her other concerts so they could have this time together. He wants to take every precaution to make sure the baby is born healthy and strong. He mentions they have decided on naming the baby Stuart if it is a boy and Leslie if it is a girl. Both gush over the impending birth and Brad tells Jen how Leslie is the only woman he has ever really loved (Lol poor Barbara) Jen thinks everything is perfect for them, but then remembers Brad is blind. She apologises, but Brad tells her it is okay, he doesn’t dwell on it anymore. Back at the hospital, Lorie tells Leslie she can’t be certain she will be able to leave tomorrow, but Leslie is determined she will get back to Brad on time. Leslie needs to call Brad; he is anxiously awaiting her call at home. Brad is overjoyed to hear from her, though senses something is wrong. Leslie covers and tells him she misses him. He can’t wait for her to return and reminds her they planned a night out of dinner and dancing. Leslie begins to have pain and quickly ends her call to Brad. Tears stream down her face as Lorie panics. Leslie stoically asks Lorie to get Dr. Williams and Lorie rushes out to find her.

BROCK/JOANN/JACK - At Allegro Brock sees Joann looking for an apartment and they discuss Duchess kicking her out. Brock catches on to what his mother was doing and tells Joann his talks with Duchess may have prompted her actions. Joann tells Brock she could begin to get angry with how he is interfering in her life. Brock realises she is also talking about his matchmaking her with Jack. Jo tells him she and Johnny have little in common anymore. Brock reminds her they were married for six years. Joann doesn’t understand why suddenly Brock wants them back together. He explains that Joann never really let go of Johnny. She tells him she is fine on her own, she doesn’t need someone to look after her. Brock agrees but tells her we all need someone to care and love us. Joann reminds him that Jack is still married to Peggy. Brock tells her the marriage has been annulled. It was never consummated, and he doubts it was ever a real marriage to begin with. Joann is stunned. Alone, Joann hears Brocks words ring through her mind. She thinks about all the nights she thought about Jack and Peg making love. How she almost hated Peg for having something she and Johnny hadn’t shared for years. Now to learn that wasn’t how it was at all. They were living as strangers; it must have been hell. She thinks to the letter he wrote about how he was paying for starving Joann of love, how he understood what she went through. She thinks of the night he came over to Mrs. Chancellor’s. A night she could never understand until now (Joann then flashes back to EP#999 – Mar 07, 1977, when Jack sees her by the fireplace and puts his arms on her waist and they kiss, he tells her she looks like the women he married. They kiss again passionately) Joann thought that moment was Jack having a fling, taking advantage, and using her cruelly. (As Joann flashes again back to EP#999 she wonders if he was reaching out to her, and if he was, should that make a difference to her now?) She is startled out of her trance by Johnny. He asks if he can join her, she agrees.




EPISODE - #1048

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Thursday May 05, 1977

AIR DATE – Friday May 13, 1977

CAST – Leslie, Lorie, Dr. Williams, Brad, Ron, Jack, Joann, Lance, Brock, Kay, Fred Johnson, Young Man from Cleaners (U/5)

SETS – Leslie’s Hospital Room, Brad & Leslie’s Apartment, Fred Johnson’s Office at Community Legal Services, Booth at Allegro, Chancellor Living Room, Pay Phone in Limbo (Presumably outside Ron’s Room)




LORIE/LESLIE/DR.WILLIAMS/LANCE/BRAD/CLEANER - Lorie is comforting Leslie as Dr. Williams arrives. Leslie tells her the pain has subsided. Dr. Williams tells her to think of something happy to relax her while she examines her. (Leslie flashes back to EP#1033 Apr 22, 1977, When Brad tells her they are going out for dinner and dancing when she returns from her concerts. Les is so happy, this will be their first time out since his blindness. She then remembers Brad lifting the heavy suitcase and bumping into her) Dr. Williams tells her she is dilating; they need to get her to the delivery room. Lorie and Les know the chances for the baby surviving are slim and embrace as Brad waits at home. He hands his tux to a cleaner and tells him it is important he gets it back by tomorrow night, he has a very special date with his wife. Lorie, alone in Leslie’s room, is relieved when Lance shows up. Lorie fills him in. Lance tells her Brad called and wants to see her. Lorie is concerned he may know something and agrees she has to see him to find out. Lorie wonders if they are doing the right thing by keeping this from him. Lance reminds her it is what Leslie wants. Lance agrees to stay at the hospital while Lorie is gone. Lorie visits Brad. He tells her he had planned to ask her and Lance to join him and Les for their night out the following evening but decided it should be just him and Les. He begins to gush about the impending birth of his baby as Lorie closes her eyes and tries to fight back her tears. He wonders if she thinks he is being foolish, she tells him she doesn’t, he tells her how much this baby means to him, especially after losing his son. Lorie doesn’t want to talk about that, and Brad senses something is wrong, has been wrong the last few times she has visited. Lorie brushes it off and hastily leaves. Brad is puzzled and Lorie stands outside fighting back the tears.

RON/FRED - Ron calls to find his lawyer Fred. He finds out he is in court and tells reception he is on his way to see him. Fred returns to his office to find Ron. Ron is furious because Dr. Hanlin barred him from seeing Nancy. He admits he got a little rough with her the last time he was there. Fred isn’t surprised the Doctor banned him. Ron is certain the place is making her worse and wants her home with him. Fred doesn’t think this is a good idea and after all he is the one that put her in there in the first place. It then dawns on Ron that if he is Nancy’s husband and he put her in there, he can take her out. Fred tells her if he values her mental health at all he will leave her there until she is better. Ron doesn’t believe she is getting better. He asks if he can take her out, but Fred sidesteps the question. Fred’s avoidance and silences tell Ron everything he needs to know. He is convinced now that he can walk into the hospital and take her out and there isn’t a thing they can do to stop him. 

JACK/JOANN/BROCK/KAY - Jack and Joann talk about his annulment. The dreams he had and how it is all gone. Jack wonders how they got here, if they had it to do all over again, would they make the same mistakes. Joann asks him to think hard, is his newfound interest in her because of her weight loss, is it because he is lonely, and she is a standby. He goes to answer, but she puts a finger to his lips and tells him to think on it and be honest with himself. Brock stops by to see Duchess and tells her he knows what she did. He understands how much of a sacrifice it must have been to let go of Joann. Duchess tells him he can’t know; he is young and handsome and people like being with him. She is old and alone, no matter what, she always ends up alone. She tells Brock he lied. She doesn’t have Joann’s love and respect, she had to destroy it, otherwise Joann would never have left. Brock tells her in time Joann will understand the gift she has given her, and one day she will realise just how much Duchess truly loves her. Kay laments Joann’s leaving. She tells Brock if she died tomorrow no one would care. He tells her Joann would, and he would. He knows he doesn’t say it enough, but he truly loves her. Duchess begins to cry as they embrace, Brock tells her when we hold on to something selfishly it will escape our grasp, but when we give freely, the love will return to us a thousand-fold. Duchess is sceptical but is affected by his words. He wipes her tears and kisses her gently on the cheek.




EPISODE - #1051

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Tuesday May 10, 1977

AIR DATE – Wednesday May 18, 1977

CAST – Kay, Joann, Liz, David Mallory, Ron, Nancy, Miss Simpson, Dr. Hanlin, Jill, Derek

SETS – Allegro, Foster Living Room, Nancy’s Room at State Mental Hospital, Golden Comb Beauty Shop




KAY/JOANN - Kay meets with Joann at Allegro and convinces her to sit for a cup of tea. Though reluctant, Joann agrees to hear Mrs. Chancellor out. Kay tells her what she feels happened between them. She reminds her of her time with Jill, how she needed companionship and how betrayed she was by Jill. Though she explains Jo never betrayed her, she draws a parallel between her feelings for Jill and Joann. She wanted their youth. She felt trapped by her own frustrations. She explains the love she felt was real, but it was a mother’s love. This lifts a great weight off Joann. It is all so clear now. Joann is almost ready to move back in, but Kay tells her though she wanted to mother her, she isn’t necessarily a good mother. All the negative aspects are still there, the possessiveness and jealousy. Though now they can be friends again. Mrs. Chancellor tells her she will be there whenever Joann needs her (Ed. Note – Bell makes it clear that Kay is being sincere about having a mother’s love for Joann, but only because she has convinced herself of this, I think he still stands by her romantic interest in Joann, at least on paper. I Still think he decided Kay is bisexual)

RON/DR. HANLIN/NANCY/MISS SIMPSON - Ron is at the hospital. Dr. Hanlin wants him to leave, but he refuses to leave until he sees Nancy. He has something to lay out on the line, something he needs to tell her. Hanlin caves and lets him have a supervised visit with Nancy. She is turned away from Ron and he angrily demands she turn and face him. She does. He tells her he wants to take her home. They have a chance to get Karen back and be a family. He reaches out his hand, but she doesn’t respond. He darkly tells her if she doesn’t agree to leave, he will walk out that door and she can forget about seeing Karen again. She will be locked away forever like a caged animal. He holds his hand out again, slowly Nancy reaches out and touches Ron. Later, Hanlin has Ron sign Nancy out and tells him they can no longer be responsible for what happens to her. He gives Ron some medication and tells him it is vital she take it or she will only get worse. Ron is flippant and takes Nancy in his arms and walks out as Hanlin and Miss Simpson look on concerned. 

DAVID/LIZ/JILL/DEREK - David turns up at the Foster home as Liz is cleaning. He asks about Jill, but she is still at work, then he asks for Phillip, but he is having a nap. He wants to see if Jill wants to take him to the zoo. Liz realises how fond of Phillip he is. David is starting to feel like Phillip is a son. He wonders if Jill has thought anymore about his proposal. Liz tells him she has taken his proposal seriously but hasn’t come to a decision yet. David pulls out a ring and hopes it might help her decide. Liz hopes he isn’t trying to push her, but David assures her he isn’t. He admits he thinks about her all the time and is in love with her. At the Golden Comb Derek and Jill clean up and prepare to close shop, Jill watches Derek admiringly. A call comes through, and Derek tells Jill if it is for him, he isn’t here. Jill tells the woman (Sherry) Derek has left and she will leave him a message. She teases him about Sherry wanting to be serviced by Derek. He doesn’t take the bait. Jill is terribly curious about him and his relationships, but knows better than to ask. She probes about his plans for the evening, since he is in such a hurry to get home. He tells her he has no plans and is just tired. She tells him she has dinner plans with her son. Derek thinks that’s sweet. They talk about Derek’s son. Derek isn’t even sure if he is eight or nine. He tells Jill he hasn’t seen him in some time and that he lives with his mother. Derek tells her he will give her a lift home; she asks him to join her and Phillip for dinner, but he politely declines. She asks if he misses his son. He doesn’t so much miss him but is more curious about him. Jill can’t imagine living without Phillip. She tells Derek he might get married again someday and have another child. He tells her he has been down that route and won't make that mistake again. There are too many beautiful ladies, he’d be a fool to tie himself down. Jill is a bit disappointed by this, but then again, she has no designs on Derek. 



Edited by will81
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Last year after Y&R aired the 1981 episode, I looked up some info on K.T. Stevens (Vanessa). I didn't know when the 1981 episode aired that Y&R was actually K.T.'s third daytime drama, she was part of the original cast of General Hospital and was also on Days. K.T.'s Days role was from 1966-1967 and 1969, so another actor that Bill Bell worked with on both Days and Y&R. Also K.T. Stevens was on Days the same time as Susan Flannery. Wow, Stephanie and Vanessa, the OG Stephanie; I wonder if their Days characters interacted. 

This blogger has a good write up on her: K. T. Stevens | Those obscure objects of desire (wordpress.com) 

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They might have. K.T played Helen Martin. Mother of David. He was in love with Julie but got Susan (Denise Alexander's character) pregnant. They married and planned to give the baby up, but Susan changed her mind and forced David to play happy families. David accidentally killed their son and Susan, in her grief, shot and killed David. Laura was Susan's psychiatrist during her trial. Though there is no real mention of it, Laura may have had a scene with Helen somewhere during this time. After Susan was acquitted, Helen shot Susan, I think she went to jail. I assume she did. Not sure what her story was when she returned in 1969 though. 

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I think I read somewhere that the thinking was that the show had so many newcomers at this point that the audience might appreciate a familiar face returning. As to why they choose Lee specifically I don't know. But since his brother Tom was back from the dead and there was potential for Scotty down the road (which eventually came into fruition), I'm guessing this may have factored into their decision.

Interesting to see all the kids involved in storylines, I guess they would have been about ten at this point? It's a shame they killed off Martha.


This one paragraph suggests that Laura and Jill Streeter were friends, a logical development - considering Laura would have been only a year or so younger than Jill - but nonetheless nice tidbit to know.

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JUNE 1977

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Kitty Tyler had told Myrtle Lum that she knew the full extent of her condition and chose to tell Lincoln by writing a song thanking him for having loved her and singing it to him. She promised both Myrtle and Linc that she would tell them if the symptoms of her disease - a degeneration of the nervous system, rare and so far incurable - returned. Kitty sent for Paul Martin telling him she wanted his help to make a will and put things in order. She guessed aloud that Paul knew and he admitted he did, wondering at her attitude. She told him that at first she was resentful and bitter, but she was over that then and believed in a life after death, that no matter how difficult it was to let go of Lincoln, it was not over between them.

At his mother Kate's house, Paul Martin met an old friend and former neighbor, Ellen Shepherd who had returned to Pine Valley after selling her home in St. Louis. She told him that her daughter, Devon, was staying with some friends for some post-graduate celebrating and would be joining her in a few days time. Paul inquired if her husband would be along soon and then realized that he had forgotten that Kate told him that they were separated. When he apologized, she told him that she was over the first shock and refused to let her life fall apart because her husband ran off with a younger woman.

Donna Beck had left Pine Valley leaving Caroline only a note thanking her and asking her to thank Chuck and tell him she tried. Along with the note she left the gold chain belonging to Chuck's mother which he had given her as a birthday present when she became 18. – When Donna came up short in the day's receipts at the Superette where she worked, her employer insisted that she replace the missing eighty dollars by the following morning or he would call the police. Unable to face this final threat to her already low self-esteem, she broke her promise to her rommate Caroline Murray to wait for Chuck's return from a Medical convention before leaving town. –

Donna hitched a ride to Chicago heading for her former home only to find that her mother and step-father had left with no forwarding address. After talking to a nun at the school she had attended as a child, Donna remembered that Nancy Grant had been assigned as a caseworker to the family and might be able to trace her parents. Donna turned down Nancy's offer to accompany her to the address and arrived when her mother was out at the liquor store. Her stepfather made a pass and accused her of disloyalty "after all he has done for her and her mother." Her mother walked in to hear Donna shout back that all he had done was provide a worse dump than ever and keep her mother looking like a rag picker. Her mother told her she was still good for nothing and, saying they wanted no part of her kind, they threw her out.

Chuck went to Center City to look for Donna, getting Estelle's promise that she would call him if she heard anything from Donna. She told Chuck she would do everything she could to keep Donna from returning there as Billy Clyde, who replaced Ty as the reigning pimp, was far more vicious in his way than Ty ever was.

Nancy Grant called the Tyler house to tell Brooke that Donna was safe, and after Donna returned and accepted Nancy's offer to stay with her for a time, Chuck phoned. Donna refused to speak to him on the phone but again promised Nancy that she would see Chuck when Nancy told her that Chuck planned to fly to Chicago immediately. Donna woke in the middle of the night after restless dreams, took her bag and left.

Again on the road, Donna was picked up in a small town for hitchhiking and was faced with the prospect of three days in jail or a fifty dollar fine. She made her one phone call to Estelle who promised to do what she could. When Estelle asked Billy Clyde for time off and a loan to cover Donna's bail, Billy told her he couldn’t spare her but he would drive to Libertyville himself, pay Donna's fine and bring her back, saying if Donna was broke, she would be back on the street in time anyway and he was determined to add her to his stable. Estelle phoned the Tyler house but Phoebe answered and Estells said she would call another time. When Billy brought Donna back for a “visit" with Estelle, he warned her that if she said anything to Donna about the Doc's visit he would do a job on the both of them.

Christina Karras had started therapy with Dr. Polk but on her one visit had not mentioned her belief that she had killed her father. She moved into David Thornton's cabin after running to it to get away from the apparitions in her apartment but arrived there with no realization of the journey. When David left for San Francisco telling her he had to take care of personal business, Christina assured him that she would be all right.

One evening when she and Dr. Jeff Martin were preparing to go out, she reached into a zippered compartment in her purse and found four twenty dollar bills. She told Jeff it must have been forgotten from as far back as her period of living in San Francisco, as she had not used that compartment since then. Treating it as found money, she decided to celebrate with.

At Pine Valley hospital, Christina learned that Chuck had left town to try to find Donna and heard from Ruth Martin and Caroline about the alleged theft which drove Donna to leave. Though she did not recall the incident in the Superette when she reverted to a little girl deliberately kept short of pocket money by a father who could more than afford it, and snatched the bills from the unattended cash drawer as Donna went to OK a small check, she realized in a flash what had probably occurred. Moreover, when she returned home, she found the key to the drug cabinet at the hospital, missing since the bizarre incident when it was emptied and the contents stacked systematically on the floor. She told Jeff that she couldn’t live with the knowledge that she was capable of doing such things with no memory of them. When she said she had no alternative but to have herself committed, Jeff told her that it could do irreparable harm to her career as a doctor and begged her to see Dr. Polk for professional advice before taking such a step. Jeff tried to distract her with plans for dinner and a ballet performance, but at the word ballet, she reverted to a child before his eyes in the first incident of somnambulism that Jeff had witnessed in full.

Tara had had some incidents of pain and weakness after being upset, the second brought on by a confrontation with Phoebe Tyler. Philip ordered Phoebe out of the house and decided to cancel plans for a camping trip with little Philip out of concern for her. Tara and her father Dr. Joe Martin managed to convince him that she would be all right staying at the Martins for the time and be very well looked after.

Erica Kane was infuriated when her mother Mona dropped by with a bottle of wine sent by Nick Davis and made incessant small talk in an obvious ploy to put an end to an intimate evening between Erica and Mark Dalton. After Mark left, Erica tore into her mother and started to leave, intending to follow Mark to his apartment. Mona blurted out that she believed Mark was Erica's half-brother. Erica refused to acknowledge the possibility, insisting that her mother was trying to ruin her life. The following day, she told Mark that her mother had always tried to put her father down to her but did not mention Mona's assertions and told Mark that she wantd to go on seeing him.

Nick called Mona to tell her that Erica refused to give any credence to what Mona had said and that Erica told him she had a date with Mark. - He did not mention that Erica accused him of going along with Mona to smear her father's memory because Nick didn’t want to ruin the cozy little arrangement he had had, making love to Erica with no commitment of marriage. - Frightened, Mona Kane went to New York to tell Mark's mother, then Mrs. Maureen Teller, about the situation, forcing Mrs. Teller to acknowledge that Eric Kane was her son's father. Mona arranged for Erica to join her in New York for a "shopping trip" and threatened to disclose Mark's illegitamacy to Mrs. Teller's present husband in order to force Maureen to stop retreating and face the fact that nothing less than her own admission would convince Erica.

Mrs. Teller told Erica that Eric Kane tried to get her to have an abortion but she put it off, hoping in vain that he would marry her. She quoted Eric as saying that he was already saddled with one child. When Erica insisted that Mona could have hired her to make up this story, Maureen replied that she had letters from Eric Kane and photographs of them together and offered to show them if necessary as tangible proof. Erica screamed out in the restaurant "No, no, no" and, beginning to believe, cried that it would serve Maureen right if she told Mark everything; that she wasn't honest with her son because she wanted to marry a rich husband. She said the two could stay and rot, and ran out.

Erica went home and Nick checked on her after a call from Mona. He told Erica that Mark came by the club to cancel their date as he had a conference. Erica said it was probably with one of his female students and threw Nick out, saying she didn’t believe Mark or any man. The following day when Mark came by, Erica went into a tirade which made no sense to him, ending by telling him she hated him and didn’t want him to come back.

David Thornton had been to see Dr. McPhearson, Christina's godfather, and the man who signed her father's death certificate, in San Francisco. At first angry when David asked if the cause of death stated - myocardial Infarction -, was absolutely accurate, Dr. McPhearson presented David with an autopsy report prepared by the Medical Examiner. Anton Karras was dead or dying when he slumped over and fell on to the scalpel Christina was holding. The wound was superficial and would not even have required stitching.

Nick and Erica reconciled and were very nearly surprised by Mona when she went early to Erica's house to pick up some dresses she planned to hem for Erica. When Erica called her mother, at loose ends because a summer cold forced Nick to go home to his own apartment to rest despite Erica's desire to nurse him and play house, she learned that Mark Dalton was staying at Mona's after he hurt his ankle the previous evening, when he was invited to a cook-out along with Ellen Shepherd and Dr. Charles Tyler.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

The financial future of Frame Enterprises was fading fast and it was going to take the wizardry of Willis Frame to bail them out. Willis' employer Mac Cory gave Willis and his architect Gwen Parish permission to weather the Frame Enterprises crisis. Together they had reinstated the Ogden Sports Arena contract. - The bid was canceled because Frame Enterprises former architect Evan Webster plagiarized his design for the Arena. - Frame Enterprises owner, Alice Frame, was grateful to Willis. She had to use firm persuasion, however, before her fiance and assistant, Ray Gordon, would agree to allow Willis to head the construction — a prerequisite insisted on by the Ogden building committee, if Frame Enterprises was to build the arena. Ray continued to instigate office conflicts, protesting when Cliff Tanner was hired as a liason between Willis and the Frame offices. Willis claimed Ray was too insecure to take orders which was why he objected to Cliff being paid by and working out of the Frame company.

As his wedding to Alice neared, Ray let his hostilities subside. The night before they became man and wife, Ray told Alice he was the luckiest man in the world and promised her he would make her construction company the most successful in the state — without Willis! When Ray let Mac know of his intentions to change the name of Alice's company over to his own name - mainly to override Willis' name -, Mac cautioned Ray about moving too fast, a large expansion could be more detrimental than successful.

June 24th was Alice and Ray's wedding day. All of their friends and relatives attended the celebration. Alice was a radiant bride walking to the alter in her home to the music played by her adopted daughter Sally. All joined in later at the reception to a toast raised by Alice's father Jim Matthews : "May Alice and Ray receive as much joy in their married life in raising Sally as Alice has brought to Mary and me."

Ray was then in cahoots with Gwen because he still violently objected to Willis' authority over-ruling his own. She prefered to do all business with Ray through Cliff, but Willis detered her from such rash actions. Further antagonizing Ray, she took the problem to Brian. Alice didn’t show up at an executive meeting with Emmett Garvey, the head of the Ogden development, and Emmett hit the roof, belittling Ray's position. Willis asked Angie to accompany him to Alice and Ray's to straighten out Ray. Instead, Ray lashed out at Willis. He – Ray - had stopped him from marrying Alice and he would keep him from taking over Frame Enterprises! Willis was aghast. Ray stormed out leaving Willis and Angie to discuss what was ahead. Willis avered there was just no use, no one trusted him. Angie assured Willis she trusted him, she believed in him. With this, Willis vowed he could make it. They kissed and their love was vibrant once again.

Mac and Rachel Cory were behind the budding romance of Bert McGowan and Clarice Hobson. Clarice was overly cautious about getting involved with Bert because she had always been hurt by lovers in the past. To trigger her jealousy, Mac arranged for Bert to escort Mac's housekeeper's daughter, Regine around Bay City. The plan worked, Clarice admitted her true feelings and she and Bert were on their way to romance.

Regine’s “uncle”, Sven, who maneuvered himself into the Cory employ, had other ideas for Regine, with the Cory influence, a rich husband, so he – Sven - could reap the benefits and continue his lifestyle as a parasite of the rich.

Clarice realized she needed someone like Bert to protect her. Lawyer Jeff Stone had used pity tactics with Clarice to land $5,000 from her trust fund to open his own law office. Bert saw through Jeff, calling him a fly-by-nite-crook, and bullied him into repaying Clarice. Desperate for money and business, Jeff had latched onto Vera Finley, the wealthy widow building Bay City's prestigious Wilfred Finley Memorial Museum. She delighted in teasing Jeff by procrastinating with her law busi-ness. She agreed to pay Jeff's debts in return for "little tasks she prefers not to do herself." Jeff gave her his confidential cooperation gratefully.

There was an underlying tension at the Corys over the baby they wanted so badly but hadn't been able to conceive. Mac agreed to have an examination mainly to appease Rachel. Mac underwent tests by fertility expert Dr. Fred Morley. The results shattered Mac's ego — the possibility was great that he was sterile. Before Mac had time to absorb the shock, his possessive daughter Iris happened to "pop in" to his office. Catching her father in a mood of distraction, Iris nagged him to reveal the doctor's findings. - Iris, fearing that a baby would permanently divert Mac from her, couldn’t share Mac's disappointment. - Her untimely comment that "sometimes women can't conceive when subconsciously they don't want children" ignited Mac's fury. He couldn’t share his discontent with Rachel, though she sensed something was wrong. Family scenes with Rachel's halfsister young Nancy and comments that Rachel couldn’t sculpt a baby any more than she could conceive one was added torture to Mac. - Rachel had agreed to sculpt for the Finley Museum but, possessed by her desire to conceive, her heart was not in her work and the fruitless results showed it. –

Mac’s humility and guilt for his sterility caused him to reject Rachel's advances. He couldn’t make love to her even with Dr. Morley's encouragement that his condition could be temporary. Mac confided to his secretary Pat Randolph that he could be subconsciously rejecting Rachel as the mother of his child - this overheard by Rachel - because of her past life with Steve Frame - Rachel's son Jamie's natural father -. Rachel wanted Mac to be truthful about the reasons for canceling their Tahitian vacation, and tell HER what he told Pat. Mac explained a psychological block but put the blame on Rachel. Because she knew he was concealing his true feelings and shutting her out, Rachel turned to her sculpting. Ada advised her daughter to talk to Mac and draw him out of his silence. She tried again, but Mac wouldn’t talk. To himself he cried, "I can't, not yet.

Pat urged Mac to tell Rachel, he prefered to wait, hoping the therapy he was taking would be effective. During a dinner party with Bert and Clarice, Rachel viewed Mac playing so happily with Clarice's young son Cory. At Clarice's mention of "adoption" Rachel beamed — the thought of adoption had given her a new inspiration. She endorsed Brian's help in contacting an adoption agency. Brian ùade the mistake of calling the information to Rachel from Iris' phone. Iris was flabberghasted to have an adoption agent answer to the number she took down and called from Brian's message. Knowing Mac's pride was tormenting him, and that he was secretly receiving treatment, Rachel assured him they would make it through this together, preferring to keep her adoption plans a secret for the time being.

Domestic dissension was brewing at the Cory mansion, unknown to Mac and Rachel. Their former stableman Rocky Olsen had suspected Sven was a troublemaker and was cautiously watching his every move. Rachel noted higher household expenses, but Helga quickly covered for Sven. Rocky had witnessed Sven taking a kickback from the liquor order. He then confronted Sven who threatened to have Rocky fired by Iris Carrington. Rocky was not shaken and told Iris' housekeeper Louise. She privately gained the evidence from Helga's book-keeping records but they mught be too late because Sven had told Helga petty theft was sense-less when they could marry off Regine and gain a wealthier source. Regine saw the harm Sven had done to Helga and ordered him to leave her alone or he would have to answer to her. Rocky vowed he would beat Sven at his own game. He pretended fondness to Sven, bragging how he too took kickbacks from the Carrington accounts - hoping Sven would expose himself to Rocky -. Sven guessed Rocky's motives, however, and hid the evidence - Helga's account book - from Rocky's searching eyes. Sven recorded on tape his conversation with Rocky, wherein Rocky admitted he was guilty of petty theft at Iris'. He had caught Rocky in a trap Rocky innocently set himself.

Olive Randolph had resorted to dramatic tears in order to persuade her husband John to build a new house. She complainted that living in the house John lived in during his marriage to Pat was living in Pat's shadow — that was the victory speech that she needed. John didn’t know Olive had already hired architect Evan Webster to design the house. Olive and Evan had more than blueprints on their minds, however, as Evan came in the back door the same instant Olive pushed John out the front.

An unwanted peril to Olive was John's daughter Marianne. Since her discovery that Olive married John for a financial ticket through life, she had caused John concern for her well-being, as Marianne couldn’t conceal her emotional distress. Marianne caughty Olive, in John's office, passionately kissing Evan, asking him to the house, admitting John repulsed her. Olive heard Marianne leave and grabbed her on the way out. She denied her guilt. Getting nowhere, Olive accused Marianne of being a disturbed girl, then prepared John for Marianne's attack. Further protecting herself, Olive offered Marianne a bribe, money for a trip to Europe - which Marianne had decided to forego so she could remain close to her father -. If Marianne didn’t go, her past involvement with Chris Pierson and subsequent abortion would be splashed all over Bay City. Marianne left, but first she informed Pat about the details of Olive's deception. In a battle of tears between Pat and Olive, John chose to believe Olive's lies and denials to Pat's truths about the lovebirds. Pat couldn’t rest until she located Marianne, requesting Brian Bancroft's help, as Marianne accompanied his son Ted to Europe.

Led down the garden path by Olive and Evan's careful handling, John handed over five hundred dollars for Evan's so-called expenses. John's money would then finance Evan and Olive's private rendezvous, a cabin on the lake. Up till that time, they had been risking the use of John and Olive's bedroom.

Joan, secretary in John's office, got her first taste of the real Olive. While Pat and Mike asked her to inform them of any signs of problems between Olive and John, she at first defended Olive. She got Pat's message when Olive vehemently threatened Joan's job if she reported back to Pat about what went on between herself and John. At home, Olive prefered dreaming of her afternoon jaunt at the lake with Evan to socializing with John. Michael asked Molly to pretend a desire to renew her friendship with Olive so she could catch any slips Olive made which would confirm Mike's beliefs that Olive was taking John to the cleaners.

Iris Carrington’s affair with attorney Brian Bancroft was turning into a challenge of the sexes. Against her housekeeper Louise's advice, Iris continued to let herself be the target of Brian's games. She planned a romantic dinner which Brian turned into a frustrating fiasco for Iris. He had Gwen Parrish call him at Iris' and ask him to leave for business purposes. The following day, Iris ordered Gwen's hands off Brian. Gwen honestly admitted her intentions were nil until Iris put the idea in her head — she would then go after Brian just to antagonize Iris! - Gwen was romantically involved with Dr. Dave Gilchrist. - Iris then asked Brian for an explanation — his answer was simple, he had evened the score for Iris' part in breaking up his affair with Corinne Seton.

Mike and Molly Randolph were back on the road to marital bliss since they had moved into Russ Matthews home. Away from the aggravations of Olive - while living in their father's home -, and with Molly having accepted Russ' romance with Corinne, their marriage was flourish-ing. - Russ had separated from Sharlene, Molly's aunt. Molly had hoped Sharlene would return and they would reconcile. Realizing Corinne had made Russ happy so far, she had accepted her and therefore eliminated the irritation between herself and Mike. - Mike had been promoted to assistant foreman at Frame Enterprises Construction.

Corinne and Russ were enjoying their growing relationship. She had confided to Ted Bancroft, Russ was the man she had been looking for. Russ gave his sister Alice a string of pearls their mother gave him for his wife. This gesture had put Russ in a melancholy mood remembering his wife Sharlene. - Irreconciliable differences forced Sharlene to leave Russ even though they still loved each other deeply. –

Angie Perrini was tormented every time she saw Willis and with constant business meetings, it was a frequent occurrence. He confessed he tried not to be hostile then turned and kissed her. Angie poured out her misery and confusion about Willis to friends Bert and Clarice. Bert decided to get involved and talk to Willis, - Angie betrayed Willis' faith in her trust by taking Evan Webster's side in a scandal he created to undermine Willis. - Bert told Angie Willis needed her so badly, he couldn’t think straight. Her first reaction was anger for Bert's intervention, but his description of the sad state Willis was in mellowed her anger. She was fighting her pride but was fearful he would go back with her out of pity, so she wouldn’t make the first move.

Liz Matthews has been crying on anyone's shoulder who would listen since Dr. Prescott fired her. He was moving to Portland and wanted to end their friendship before it got out of hand. Her tears disappeared when Mac offered her a job at the Cory Complex. She tried to speed up the process requesting Iris remind Mac of his promise to her.

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Donald Hughes had gone into the office to clear up some things so that he and Joyce could prepare to leave for Switzerland where he was to conduct a case for the law firm. Joyce had a feeling that something was wrong with her pregnancy and asked Dr. Bob Hughes, her brother-in-law, to contact Dr. Meltzer for her. Bob sympathized when he told her that she could have a spontaneous miscarriage and didn’t have to travel. She and Don discussed the problem and Joyce insisted that he go to Switzerland without her because this could be a big step in his career. After talking to his parents, he would only consider going if Joyce stayed with his family. Joyce agreed, but told Natalie Hughes that she didn’t want her to visit because Natalie upset Nancy, Don's mother. Nancy pampered Joyce by serving her breakfast in bed and insisting that she rest. Lisa Colman bit her tongue to keep her thoughts and feelings from tumbling out.

Natalie Hughes had asked Mary Ellison to join her for lunch after she sold a large piece of real estate, but became nauseated at the thought of food. She tried to pass it off as fatigue, but she feared pregnancy. Mary happened to mention this to Laurie, her fellow secretary at Stallings' Land Development. Joyce was mad when Natalie showed up, but agreed to ask Dr. Meltzer for the name of a doctor at St. Joe's. To get closer to Nancy, Joyce confided that Natalie might be pregnant. Natalie had to ask Bob for a doctor since she was unable to get an appointment. After her pregnancy was confirmed, she told Jay Stallings that the child was his. They both thought it over and Natalie asked Jay to finance an abortion so that she could continue her career and he never needed tell Carol.

Jay pondered the possibilities and asked Kim Dixon for advice. He decided to take a chance on telling Carol even though he was not certain their marriage was solid enough yet. He explained that he had not been unfaithful again, but this was a result of the time she knew he was with Natalie. Jay took the money to Natalie and assured her that he would provide all the financing. Carol thought it over and that evening told Jay that she couldn’t see how any woman could have an abortion. - Carol was unable to have children and her wanting to adopt a baby broke up her first marriage to Tom Hughes. She and Jay were on the adoption list, but it could be a long wait. - Carol wanted Jay's baby. Jay told Natalie about Carol's request, but refused even when Carol herself asked. She explained that if Natalie wanted the baby she wouldn't think of taking the baby, but if she didn’t, it would mean a lot to her. Natalie said she couldn’t go through with a pregnancy alone, but would think it over.

Lisa Colman kept making excuses for seeing her ex-husband and making derogatory remarks about women he might care for, especially Valerie Conway. Lisa's mother suggested that she was letting herself fall in love with Bob again when she should be paying more attention to Grant. Lisa said everyone knew she and Bob were friends. Grant noticed that Lisa was pulling away from him and asked what was wrong. She told him there was nothing wrong, but felt her life needed some excitement.

Bob thought Valerie always threw herself into anything new but it quickly wore off. He felt that she was only playing at being a nurses' aide. One day Valerie came in to find that one of her favorite patients had died during the night and she went to pieces. Bob explained that caring was part of real dedication. Valerie happened to walk into John Dixon's room and proceeded to tell him that he was rotten for claiming Dan Stewart shot him. Bob heard the commotion and told her to apologize to the patient. A talk with Kim made her realize that John was a patient and had to be treated as such. She tried to apologize, but John refused to accept it. Grant Colman suggested that they ask Valerie to dinner so Lisa planned an evening out with Valerie and Bob. Lisa then tried to monopolize Bob.

Ralph Mitchell had come back to Oakdale after he and Sally had decided to split for good. There were no hard feelings. Ralph said he was going to have to work for the first time in his life, but he was really looking forward to it. He was flat broke and had no prospects. Valerie loaned him some money and knew that he was not the "old" Ralph Mitchell. He asked Kevin Thompson who promised to keep his eye open for something.

Lawyer Dick Martin had been asked to come back temporarily to the District Attorney's office. Dick had to tell Beau Spencer that he would no longer be able to handle his finances and couldn’t expect the lawyer who was taking his other clients to take him on because he was a headache. He only took him on as a favor to Beau's parents. Beau was overdrawn at the bank again and asked Dick to set his mother to cover it when he called to tell them he couldn’t manage Beau then. His father would only get upset. The check arrived and Beau immediately began splurging. When he took Annie out for an evening, he found that the restaurant had cut off his credit and he and Annie didn’t have enough cash between them. Kevin Thompson and Susan Stewart had just arrived and were only too happy to help.

Tom Hughes was so depressed over his ex-wife Carol's reconciliation with Jay Stallings he couldn’t do his work properly. His grandfather saved a case in court for him and Grant suggested he take a vacation. Dee Stewart was looking for summer work and applied for the job of summer receptionist at the law office. Dee was becoming attracted to Tom and resented it when Beau put him down. Annie got Beau to apologize, but Dee suggested that he only did it to get on Annie's good side and that his teasing was vicious.

Dick was upset himself when he learned that he had been assigned to Dan's case. Grant told him that it wasn't who won or lost because they would both be looking for the truth and he was glad that his opponent would be intelligent and fair-minded.

John Dixon told David Stewart that if he should get sole custody of Andy, he might not testify against Dan. He put off talking to Dick, claiming to be feeling too badly, until he could talk to Kim about making a deal. Dan saw John instead and told him there would be no deals. John told Dick that Dan deliberately shot him during a fight over Andy. Pat Holland confirmed John's story.

Lisa visited Pat at the cottage to make sure that she knew that John had been paying a lot of attention to Mary Ellison. Pat brought this story to John who said that Lisa was just trying to make trouble. He was interested in her son Teddy, who reminded him of Andy. Still unsatisfied, Pat visited Mary to tell her that John only used her. Mary said that she had no doubt that someone was used, but she knew that he cared for her because she could feel it, and if he cared for Pat, she'd know it and not have to see her for confirmation.

Kim asked Tom about the possible sentence Dan could get if convicted so that she cold be prepared. The least sentence would be one year and she felt they needed to be a family so that she could help the children deal with this if need be. He finally agreed and the wedding was set for two weeks.

When John heard about Dan and Kim's wedding plans, he said that he wouldn’t have his son raised by a criminal and was told that if he were that concerned, he wouldn't want to raise Andy himself. John was released from the hospital and thought Pat's suggestion that he return to the cottage with her was unwise. When he went to Mary's, she was explaining to Teddy that he wouldn’t be seeing much of Dr. Dixon and John had to go along with it. He tried to see Andy, but Tom arrived in time to get rid of him for Kim.

Susan Stewart was distressed when Grant told her that since Dan was on trial, it wouldn’t help for her to testify against John. Feeling rejected, she turned to liquor, but swore off when Kevin found her. Valerie scolded Kevin for talking about Susan to Sandy, who promised she would not see Kevin. Susan had convinced herself that liquor was only a problem when she was under stress. After a self-improvement program, she made an appointment with Jim Strasfield. Wine didn’t relax her, so she switched to vodka and woke up with a hangover that was apparent to Jim and Sandy. Sandy finally told Kevin. Jim told him that he couldn’t consider rehiring her. When Kevin told her that he knew she had a hangover, Susan jumped all over Sandy for running to Kevin. She told Sandy that she would never get him. Susan finally admitted that she couldn’t drink at all. She apologized to Dan and Kim for keeping them apart and to Sandy for her bad behavior. She explained to Betsy that she was glad Kim and Dan were getting married and they would all be a family.

Betsy and Emmy prepared a family dinner the night before and though everyone worried, the wedding at the Stewarts' came off beautifully.

Dick Martin mentioned to Pat Holland that he thought Mary and John seemed to have been very good friends in the past. Dan told John that he might not be able to be sure of Pat on the witness stand. John became worried and told Pat that he really cared for her and that everyone was trying to turn her against him. He proposed and she accepted. She told Marian Connelly that she and John were to be married within the next two weeks. When Dan heard, he thought that this might sway the case in John's favor. John planned to start a custody suit before the trial. Mary took the news gracefully. Her only reaction was to take Teddy to the park.

Beau broke an appointment for a job interview so that he could be at the wedding. Annie was upset when Beau deceived her by telling her that another couple was going to the summer house with them. Annie fended off his intimate advances and Beau blamed her for losing the job because he FELT she wanted him at the wedding.

Susan visited Mary Ellison to tell her that she was not an alcoholic. She had a dinner date with Kevin, but never showed up. Kevin spent the evening with Mary trying to locate her. He finally asked Grant for help and he located her in jail thirty miles away. Since she called no one, they thought maybe she wanted it this way. In the morning Kevin could no longer stand it and took Grant with him to bail her out. Susan was furious when she heard he left her there on purpose. She was sentenced to ten days in jail, but refused to see Kevin.

Jay had a proposition for Natalie. If she would give them the baby, he would take care of all her living expenses plus her salary. After the baby, he would set her up in her own real estate office and be her first customer. Natalie was not sure that Jay could be trusted. Carol said she would back Jay up, but Natalie wanted to meet with them both so that ground rules could be laid. Carol wanted a written agreement drawn up by a lawyer; Natalie wanted a written agreement by themselves and Jay wanted it to be verbal. Eventually they agreed to have Chris Hughes draw up an agreement.

Days Of Our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Dr. Tom Horton, recovering from a stroke at home, bloomed under his daughter Marie's therapy. Marie never let Tom quit because he was discouraged. Marie's presence, however, was having a deleterious effect on Alice, her mother. Marie had not only taken over Tom’s care, she had also taken over all the household duties, leaving the active Alice with nothing to do. Alice began to have symptoms of fatigue and lack of well-being, so she went to Mel Bailey for a check up. Mel could find nothing wrong, but Alice confessed her lack of things to do. Mel reminded her that people who had been through severe traumas often handled the situation well, only to "fall apart" afterwards. He suggested Alice enjoy her leisure and get out more.

Dr. Greg Peters told hostile Bill Horton that he was worried about the burden on Bill of taking over his father's practice and still carrying on as head of the David Martin Clinic. Greg wanted to bring in a temporary head of internal medicine, until Tom could return, and had found a man who could cover that post and also function as the new head of surgery, Walter Griffin. Bill disapproved of the choice, but Greg just chalked it up to Bill's continuing resentment of him, since he was named chief of staff instead of Tom. Bill decided to retrain in anesthesiology.

Sharon Duval, committed to the psychiatric unit at the hospital following another suicide attempt when Julie Williams rejected her love advances, refused to face her confusion of sexual identity. Her husband Karl couldn’t accept Marlena's diagnosis either. Against doctors' orders, Karl had Sharon released from the hospital and made immediate plans to take Sharon to their home in Spain. Marlena warned Sharon might need constant supervision in order to prevent another suicide attempt. Karl assured Marlena that the staff in the house in Spain would handle things. Marlena made one more attempt to reach Sharon after her release, to no avail. Her final plea to Karl also fell on deaf ears because his male ego couldn’t face his wife's sexual confusion. The Duvals went to Spain.

Julie, meanwhile, admitted to Laura Horton that Sharon made a pass at her. Julie had been so threatened by the whole situation, she uncharacteristically withehld any help or offer of friendship to Sharon.

Mary Anderson suspended her feelings of guilt as she continued her affair with her stepfather, Dr. Neil Curtis. The two managed a weekend together by telling Phyllis Anderson Curtis that Neil was going to a medical convention in Chicago and Mary was going to a class reunion. After Mary left, actually for a mountain resort where Neil would join her, Phyl pleaded with Neil to let her accompany him to the conference. He refused, saying he'd be too busy to spend any time with her. Neil left and joined Mary. Phyl was bored, so she hopped the next plane to Chicago. She was stunned to find Neil wasn’t registered at the hotel where the convention's being held. After the weekend, Phyl told Mary, ironically, she suspected Neil was having an affair with someone, especially since he wasn't at the hotel in Chicago. Mary reported Phyl's trip to Neil, who faked a call to a colleague, commenting on the confusion of the convention's being held at two separate hotels across town. Phyl bought it.

Brooke Hamilton, Mary’s half-sister, although only Brooke and Bob Anderson knew this, became suspicious when Mary received calls at work from Neil. She followed directions Mary had to get to a secluded restaurant and confirmed her suspicions. Brooke had been made head of public relations of Anderson Manufacturing by Bob. She was doing an outstanding job, but Bob was unaware of Brooke's true plans — to bring about the destruction of his company in revenge for Bob's abandoning her mother. To this end, Brooke had formed an alliance with an industrial spy named Joe. Brooke fed Joe pictures and information that enabled Joe's customers to underbid Anderson Manufacturing on several contracts. Bob began to suspect company leaks and stepped up security, especially after they began to develop a revolutionary new circuit breaker.

Phyllis went out of town to a wedding, giving Neil and Mary lots of time for their affair. Brooke offered to make sure Mary was all right for Bob, and interrupted the two one night. Neil was naked to the waist; Mary was in a negligee. Given the opportunity to tell all to Bob the following day, Brooke, in front of Mary, covered for her. Joe contacted Brooke again. The last set of pictures she took for them weren't enough. They needed more. Brooke refused, saying she was afraid of getting caught. Joe pointed out that without those pictures, all they had done was slow Bob down temporarily. He gave Brooke a new camera and she agreed, but insisted it was the last time.

The night Phyllis returned from the wedding, Bob called Mary and asked her to go to the plan and fetch some materials he needed for a business conference he was at. She agreed. When she found Brooke's office lights on, but no Brooke, she was puzzled, until she saw a cameo case in Brooke's purse. Mary began to put things together, and headed for the top secret area, where she walked in on Brooke photo graphing plans.

Mary guessed immediately that Brooke was the spy Bob had been after. Brooke arranged to meet Mary later. Brooke poineds ot, that if Mary opened her mouth about what she saw, she would in turn expose Mary's affair witl Neil. - Brooke was determined to ruin Bob because his abandonment of her mother when she was pregnant with Brooke forced them into a life of poverty and drove Adele to drink herself to death. - Brooke poured a victory drink and Mary agonized over the situation, but was convinced by Neil to not tell Bob. When Mary asked Bob how he felt about extra-marital affairs, he forgot about his infatuation with Julie some years back, and his recent intimations to Linda that he'd like more than friendship, and launched a fierce tirade.

After Mike Horton found out Trish Clayton was pregnant by someone else, he left town, after calling Trish vile names, refusing to listen to any kind of explanation. Mike, despite Trish's pleas not to, placed her on a pedestal, building a great fantasy of her purity and innocence that no mortal person could live up to. Trish was devastated by his rejection and made plans to go to the Sherman Home to have her baby. - Trish and Mike had shared an apartment on a platonic basis until they'd tried to make love one night. They couldn't make it, and Mike moved out. Shortly thereafter, he embarked on an affair with Linda Phillips, flaunting it at Trish, who was already unsure of her womanhood because of that night. David Banning had had a fight with his fiance Valerie Grant and thought it was all over. He walked Trish home from work one night to protect her from an obnoxious customer. When they got to Trish's apartment, the man was there, and David threw him out. Trish was frightened and invited David in to talk. One thing led to another, and they made love, once. Mike and Trish made up, as did David and Val. Only Brooke and Trish knew the identity of the baby's father. - Trish told Doug and Julie that she had to quit her job. She at first refused to tell them the reason, but finally told them she was pregnant, and Mike wasn't the father. - Ironically, Julie was David's mother. - Doug wanted her to stay, as did Julie, who insisted she needed her friends more than ever then. Trish refused. Julie pressed to learn who the father was, but Trish kept quiet.

On the road, Mike met a hitchhiker who extolled the virtues of the open road. Mike decided it was not for him, that he really did love Trish. He returned to Salem and finally discovered her whereabouts. Meanwhile, Brooke, who swore not to tell David he was the father of Trish's baby, told Val. Val confronted David, who couldn’t deny he slept with Trish once. Val broke their engagement and left immediately for Washington, D.C., where she had a full medical scholarship at Howard University. Mike went to the Sherman Home. He and Trish talked things out, how he had hurt her by flaunting his relationship with Linda and how he had threatened her womanhood by refusing to talk about her feelings when they couldn't make it. Mike offered to marry her, and both were happy, until Mike insisted on knowing who the father of the baby was. Trish sent him away. After Mike learned of the break up between David and Val, he began to put things together and finally confirmed his suspicions when Brooke made a slip while he was questioning her. Mike found David and they began to fight. David refused to hit back, pointing out Mike's own responsibility by not helping Trish earlier. Trish learned from Brooke that she slipped to Mike and arrived in time to break up the fight after a few blows. She told both boys she didn’t need either of them, sent Mike out, and returned to Sherman Home alone, determined to make it on her own.

Julie found out David was the father of Trish's baby and demanded he marry her. David had proposed and been turned down by Trish. Julie said he didn’t realize how hard he would make things for Trish if he didn’t. David replied that he wanted to marry Val. Val, meanwhile, had refused all contact from David, so he went to see her. She was walked back to her dorm room by Dwight Lowell, who helped her when she rushed from her first anatomy lab feeling ill. Val made it clear to David it was over between them, and when David asked if it was because of Dwight, Val said yes. Val asked that they part with a little class and dignity. David left, crushed.

Mickey and Maggie Horton moved into an apartment in Salem. Linda Phillips dated Bob Anderson often. When Tommy Horton asked Linda to keep hands off Mickey, at Bill's instigation, Linda told him to mind his own business. Tommy told Bill he wouldn’t ever do anything like that for him again, and began to date Linda himself, making Bob jealous, to Linda's delight.

Rebecca LeClair had left her baby with husband Robert to run back to San Francisco and help lover Johnny Collins pull himself together. Robert was grateful to have little Dougie, even temporarily, doting on the baby. Rebecca and Robert were in the midst of a divorce. Johnny did pull himself together and landed a job as head of an ad agency's art department. Both of them were ecstatic, until Johnny told Rebecca the job would take them to Japan. Rebecca reminded Johnny that they couldn’t take the baby to Japan because Robert was entitled to his visiting rights. Johnny screamed at her, "Don't rain on my parade."

Tom Horton voiced his disapproval of Walter Griffin to Bill, calling Griffin a hot-shot, an opinion which appeared to be confirmed when Griffin scheduled surgery for a patient Tom had been able to handle for years without resorting to surgery.

Since he knew the truth about the father of Trish's baby, Mike proposed to Trish, who turned him down, pointing out that Mike’s wanting to leave town with her and the baby indicated he was ashamed of her. She refused to marry him, although she began to listen to Julie's demands that she marry David to give her baby a name.

Trish had become friends with two girls at the home: Toni, a young black girl, was full of optimism about making it with her baby, even though she was poor; Heather, a young rich girl, planned to keep her baby a secret from her parents. Toni was threatened by a man who was looking for the father of her baby.

The morning after, Maggie and Mickey heard a lot of noise from their upstairs neighbors. Mrs. Barton appeared with severe bruises and asked Maggie to watch her son while she went to the doctor. Maggie overheard the boy tell Janice that his father beat his mother.

The Doctors

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Jeff Young

Dr. Steve Aldrich told his brother, lawyer Jason Aldrich, that he found he was still in love with his ex-wife Carolee. Jason encouraged Steve to fight for her, despite Carolee's evident reluctance to reconcile. Carolee was staying with her mother in Wyndham Falls, prior to returning to nursing duties at Hope. Carolee confessed to Emma that she wanted Steve back, but she was reluctant to wreck Steve's marriage to Dr. Ann Larimer. Emma pointed out that Steve didn't marry Anne until he'd lost all hope of finding Carolee again. In addition, Emma pointed out that she encouraged Steve to build a new life so that the children would have a mother. Meanwhile, aware Steve wanted Carolee back, his mother, Mona Croft, called Ann back from a trip to Maine. Ann hadn't been feeling well and made an appointment for a checkup at Steve's insistence. Ann’s pregnancy was confirmed. - Carolee became catatonic after finding Ann and Steve together at a time when the Aldrich marriage was in trouble. Ann found Carolee in a New York hospital before Steve did, and using papers she'd blackmailed from Paul Summers, Ann posed as Carolee's sister and had her placed in a private hospital under Paul's first wife's name. When Dr. Brandt began to have success with Carolee, Ann abandoned her, but Dr. Brandt persisted and finally made breakthroughs. The day Brandt took Carolee back to Madison, hoping to startle Carolee's memory, Ann and Steve were married. On the honeymoon, Ann threw away her contraceptives, despite Steve's request they wait. Ann had no intention of letting Steve go. –

Calculatedly, Ann told Mona of her pregnancy, swearing Mona to secrecy, aware it was a secret Mona wouldn’t keep. Steve asked Ann for a divorce and Ann agreed, later telling Mona she didn’t want Steve to feel trapped. Mona told Steve, who confirmed her pregnancy with Ann. Ann told Carolee before Steve had a chance to, causing Carolee to turn her back on him, despite her love for him, and an earlier resolve to stand by with patience and understanding. Carolee and MJ moved into an apartment near the hospital. Jason was suspicious of Ann.

Penny Davis Dancy had gone off to Japan to try to sort her feelings about her marriage to Jerry Dancy. Jerry had insisted on living on a tight budget in a tiny apartment, while he worked all day and went to law school at night. Penny was used to having money and using it for her own comfort. Jerry was due to graduate the following January, but then friends and family were very concerned because he was cutting classes. Penny's mother, Dr. Althea Davis, and Jerry's mother, Virginia, both offered to give him the money to go to Japan and work things out, but Jerry couldn’t see the logic of it, although he admitted to Virginia that he once thought becoming a lawyer was the most important thing in his life, but then he knew the most important thing was Penny.

Mike Powers took a job as a night watchman, unwilling to make any real plans for his future until he knew the state of his marriage. His wife Toni was in California with her mother, who was brain damaged in an auto accident. Toni had been staying with Alan Stewart, Mike's cousin, to whom she was once married. Mike was elated when Toni called to say she was putting her mother in a nursing home and returning to her family.

Since his exoneration in the death of Joan Dancy, Matt Powers has been taking it easy, waiting for an opening at the hospital. Althea, who had been chief-of-staff during Matt's crisis, asked him to take over for her while she went to Japan to try to help Penny. He and the Board agreed. Part of Matt's time had been taken up with helping Doreen Aldrich plan a child-care center to be built in her daughter Stacy's name. Only Althea noticed that Maggie Powers winced every time Kyle Wilson's name was mentioned. - During his crisis, Matt had turned away from Maggie. Maggie had met architect Wilson when he was in Madison to finalize plans for an addition to Hope. While she was in New York teaching a seminar, she and Kyle became attracted and spent one lovely night together. Althea had warned Maggie not to tell Matt. - Kyle and Maggie met for coffee and discussed the beneficial effect their night had on her marriage to Matt.

The beautiful and mysterious Doreen Aldrich had arrived in Madison unannounced where she finally learned of her daughter Stacy's death. Jason made clear his disdain for her neglect of Stacy, culminated in her absence at her own daughter's funeral. Doreen hoped the child-care center would help expiate her guilt. Nola Dancy, with whom Jason had been involved  - no affair yet -, found out about the arrival of Jason's wife in public, before Jason could tell her. She was furious and refused all contact from Jason. When Nola realized the effect this had on Jason, she prolonged his agony, but finally agreed to resume their plans to go to Cap d'Antibes, especially after Jason promised a shopping spree in Paris on the way. Nola hoped to marry Jason someday, despite warnings from her mother and sister Sara that Jason would never give up his rich wife. Doreen, amusing herself with Luke Dancy while in town, warned Jason that if her father found out about their separate lifestyles, he would cut them off. Jason appeared unconcerned.

Wendy Conrad went to Jason to ask his firm's assistance in having her mother declared incompetent to manage her estate from her late father. Jason refused. Eleanor had been having an affair with Luke, too. Wendy suspected Luke was having an affair with her mother only to get money from her, which his coincident affair with Doreen appeared to confirm. Wendy hired a private investigator to dig up the dirt on Luke, and confronted Eleanor with earlier trysts of Luke's. Eleanor told Wendy to mind her own business.

When her job ended as head of the hospital fund drive, Eleanor asked Althea for advice about another job before Althea left for Japan. - Eleanor was independently wealthy, but liked to keep busy. - Eleanor was recommended to Doreen, who would build the center with her own money, but needed matching funds to operate it. Luke was with Doreen when Eleanor rang the bell. He found out in time who was expected, and hid, later telling Doreen he didn’t have any interest in Eleanor. Doreen called him a liar, then told him their arrangement would last only as long as he was discreet and honest with her. Eleanor and Luke met for their first rendezvous in the love-nest apartment Luke had gotten for them - with Eleanor's money -. Having gotten the address from the private investigator, Wendy barged in.

In Eleanor and Luke's apartment, Wendy made a terrible scene. Eleanor finally drove her off by demanding Wendy face her own jealousy of her mother's feelings for Luke. Eleanor professed her love for Luke and told Wendy she was moving in with him. Eleanor arranged to get the money to buy a controlling interest in Andre's restaurant for Luke. Luke was carrying on a simultaneous affair with Doreen, who wasn’t fooled when Luke pretended a call to Eleanor was to a business associate. Doreen asked for his new phone number, but he hedged. Earlier, Doreen had gotten the number from Eleanor, who was heading a fund drive for her. When Luke returned to the apartment, he asked about having another phone installed. Eleanor agreed, not wanting to publicize their arrangement yet. Barney gave Eleanor his blessing in her relationship with Luke.

Steve told Ann he would stay until after the baby was born, only. Ann tried to tell Carolee that everything was perfect with Steve and her, but Carolee told her she knew the truth. Jerry decided to take the money out of savings to go see Penny and arranged for the same flight as Althea. Ann picked the occasion of a small bon voyage party to announce her pregnancy, without warning Steve. He later told her never to do such a thing again.

MJ Match began dating newcomer Tom Carroll, who had been recently divorced.

The Edge Of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Since her convalescence at the luxurious Clairmont Nursing Home, Nicole Drake had learned that playing cupid to her friend April Cavanaugh, also a patient, and Assistant DA Draper Scott combatted her boredom. - In her early pregnancy, Nicole was forced to take sodium pentathol. Her culprit was imprisoned but she and Adam had had to undergo the precautions necessary to ensure her baby's safety. All tests had proved negative to any discernible abnormalities but Nicole's condition remained delicate. Any major upset, emotional or physical, could be fatal to Nicole's unborn child.-

Draper had made several visits to see April who was soon to be released from Clairmont. In her fantasy world, April had allowed herself to forget her life depended on an operation to install a pacemaker, preferring to romanticize with Draper.

Meanwhile, April’s brother and Nicole's doctor, Miles Cavanaugh, had become more than a doctor to Nicole. Seeing her depression because of Adam's absence – he had to devote all his time to Mike Karr's murder indictment -, he had befriended her. This friendship was a side of Miles few people knew. During a moment when Miles consoled Nicole, nurse Carol Barclay witnessed the scene with Miles' arms around Nicole. Rejected by Miles herself, perhaps jealous of Nicole's innocent success, Carol wasted no time in informing Miles' possessive wife Denise, detailing the incident with great exaggeration. Denise was at Nicole's door the following day to "see how much of a threat Nicole really is." Nicole assured Denise she was a happily married woman and whatever Carol saw was quite misunderstood. Her assurances did not satisfy Denise, she made it clear she would be around to find out everything that was going on.

Miles prefered to spend his evenings at Clairmont. He engaged Nicole in a game of chess to distract her from her loneliness for Adam. She decided to call him anyway, at Miles' insistence. Finding the line busy, she contacted Nancy Karr who promised to relay Nicole's message to Adam. - Beau Richardson, the right-hand man of Monticello's corrupt politician, Tony Saxon, had been murdered. Mike Karr, Monticello's leading attorney, had to face indictment for the murder. Police Chief Bill Marceau, who was also Mike's close friend and confidante, credited Mike's arrest to Tony's public accusations of Mike's guilt, and to what he believed was Tony's paid witness to the crime, a B-girl named Inez Johnson. - Mike's problems had taken a toll on his family's lives. Young Tim Faraday got into a fist fight when his buddy said Mike - his future adopted father - was going to jail. More seriously involved was Mike's daughter Laurie. She never really recovered from Mike and Nancy's temporary separation - caused by the strain Tony Saxon put Nancy through to gain evidence for his own indictment, then thrown out of court -. Mike's indictment sent Laurie over the brink — she was increasingly despondent over life around her, neglectful of her husband Johnny Dallas and their year old son, JV. Johnny's usual patience and sense of humor had been pushed to the limit and he was irritable because of Laurie's irrational behavior.

Police officer Steve Guthrie was on Mike's case and had done investigating on Inez. Testing her, he mentioned a picture hanging in Beau's office. She verified that she had indeed been in his office, correcting Steve's description of the painting as a racehorse, not a dog, over Beau's desk. How much truth lay in Inez' statement was still in question. Her refusal to take a polygraph test further increased doubts in the minds of the law. Mike's friendship with Bill Marceau had been more damaging than beneficial to his case. What began as an innocent comment to a stranger in a coffee shop ended up as headlines splashed across the Monticello Star : “POLICE CHIEF DENIES MIKE KARR'S GUILT, Claims Arrest An Error." Bill's stranger was Star Reporter Harvey Smith. Bill's assistant, Lt. Luke Chandler candidly asked his boss if he was trying to convict a murderer or hang himself.

The heat was on at police headquarters with the Commissioner demanding Bill issue a statement of retraction to get the department off the hook. Putting his job on the line, remaining true to his convictions, Bill refused to cooperate. He claimed he would not withdraw, but he would clarify his statement to the reporter. Adding salt to the wound, Mike and Bill were caught together by a bloodhound photographer for the Star who was eager to exploit Bill's friendship with Mike.

Mike’s law partner, Adam Drake had told no one of his whereabouts since launching his own private investigation to find the real killer of Beau Richardson. The last contact he made was a phone call from the airport to Mike, when he reported he was back in Monticello and on his way to their law offices, from where he also intended to call Nicole. - While soothing his wounds over the encounter with the Star photographer, Bill visited headquarters off-duty. A report in of three gunshot blasted heard from the lawyers' building. The pieces were put together and Bill relayed the tragic news to Mike —the shots came from Mike's office — Adam was the suspected victim! Confirmed — two slugs went through Adam's heart, he was dead !

Nancy, realizing Nicole had yet to hear from or about Adam performed the dreaded task of notifying her. She called Miles and gave him the information so he could break the news to Nicole as gently as possible. Very carefully he informed Nicole "Adam was shot. I understand he didn't suffer." He then turned his concern to Nicole's baby, reminding her that how she absorbed the shock would greatly effect the destiny of her child.

The night was filled with great anxieties for Mike and Nancy. They had to listen to Laurie's near hysteria about her fears that Adam's murder had left Mike doomed. After Bill reported that papers were gone from Adam's briefcase and his wallet was gone, he surmised the murder was committed to prevent Adam from saving Mike. He had probably found the true murderer. Mike came to the painful realization that Adam lost his own life trying to save Mike's. Then Nicole arrived at their house, escaping from Miles' protective custody, and she was in shock and scared she was going to lose her baby. Mike reported Nicole's safety to Clairmont. Unfortunately the message fell on unconcerned ears. Denise took the call and lied to Mike that Miles was out for the evening. She did give Miles Nicole's whereabouts but detered him from rushing to Monticello to see her, commenting his patients at Clairmont needed him there more, insinuating perhaps it was Miles who needed to see Nicole.

Against Luke’s loud protests, Bill ordered Kevin Jamison, Monticello News reporter, to print, “ADAM DRAKE KILLED BY BEAU RICHARD'S MURDERER”. As morning shed its light on Monticello, the city as in growing turmoil over the mystery of Adam's murder. Draper Scott voiced his thoughts on his job to convict Mike Karr — he wouldn’t do it, he couldn’t convict a man who was not guilty!

Draper gave his resignation into the DA, then offered to help Mike in any way he could. To Bill, Draper conceded he was fired. He stated he would defend Mike if necessary, although following in Adam's footsteps would be like offering a rubber raft to the captain of the Queen Elizabeth! Bill mused that even a raft could save a person from drowning. Moments later, the police commission gave Bill the official orders — he was suspended as Monticello's police chief! Luke was his replacement and would be until there was a lid on the Richardson-Karr-Drake cases.

Tracy Micelli had been evicted from her apartment. In desperation, she agreed to move into an apartment paid by her former "madam" Mrs. Yost. Tracy was definite, she wanted no part of prostitution. Mrs. Yost let it go in one ear and out the other. She had taken the liberty of passing Tracy's number along to a few male "clients." At her new residence, Tracy met her neighbor, Inez Johnson.

Steve Guthrie and Deborah Saxon were dating once again. She had been miserable without him, yet reacted cold and terrorized by his embraces. He tried to analyze her rejection to sex as being an old fashioned girl. Deborah said she was all wrong for him. Deborah had been restless lately. She told her father that Steve was a good cop and she thought he knew what happened between herself and Beau. Tony emphasized she didn’t have to tell him the truth. Meanwhile, while on a date with Deborah, Steve's cop buddy Calvin, reported a lead to Steve. The bartender at the Ace of Clubs saw Beau return to the club drunk and roughed up — complete with scratches on his hands. Steve added it up, Deborah was very shaken that night, she had inflicted scratches on Steve's hands when angered in the past ... upon interrogation, Deborah blurted out she saw Beau. He came to the house. Tony was out. Beau did not "assault" her — he raped her!

General Hospital

Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan

Dr. Lesley Faulkner and Terri Arnett were in Venice trying to forget the men they love, both of whom were threatened by the other women in their lives. Les was engaged to Dr. Rick Webber, new head of cardiology, but broke her engagement and flew to Venice because Dr. Monica Webber threatened to ruin Rick's career by revealing her torrid affair with Rick unless Les broke off with him. Monica had confided to Dr. Gail Adamson, however, that she loved Rick too much to ever have made good on her threat. Rick was heart-broken by Les's turning away, feeling she didn’t have enough love or confidence that he could handle the demands of his new job and a home life. As Rick was “free,” Monica told husband Jeff Webber that their marriage was over, that she couldn’t forgive his affair with Heather Grant, that the baby Heather was carrying would always come between them. She demanded he agree to a no-fault divorce or she would sue on grounds of adultery, naming Heather co-respondent. When Monica covertly underlined her threat in Lee Baldwin's office, a reluctant Jeff consented.

Laura Faulkner, Lesley’s teenage daughter, had opted not to accompany Les to Venice and was staying with widower Dr. Adam Streeter and his daughter Jill. Jill appeared to have a drinking problem and had just forged Adam's signature on a withdrawal slip to extract money from her trust fund to buy a car. To celebrate, Jill conned Laura into cutting school and going to the country for a picnic. Jill's thermos was laced with vodka, and it soon became clear to Laura that Jill was too drunk to drive. Jill persuaded younger Laura to drive. An accident resulted. Jill was all right, but Laura received a severe blow on the head and was hospitalized for observation. Thus Adam found out about the drinking and the car in one fell swoop. He packed Jill off to camp as a kitchen worker to pay for the car, and castigated Dr. Gina Dante for not warning him about the alcohol when she first found out. Gina reminded him that they weren't close enough then, and he would have thought her meddlesome. Adam later apologized.

In the hospital, Laura confided to Jeff that she didn’t want to return to the Streeter house, but would feel better if they could stop by the apartment and pick up Les's taperecorder so she could work through her feelings, as she had done before, on the recorder. While Laura was demonstrating the machine for him, the tape continued past where she had stopped. Recognizing the voices, Jeff sent Laura from the room and listened to the conversation between Les and Monica during which Monica made her threat to Les. Further, Monica revealed she was just putting in time with Jeff and had always loved Rick. The end of the tape solved another mystery. Everyone wondered why Les was so careless on the stairs, causing her to fall and subsequently lose the baby she was carrying. The tape ended with Les's following Monica from the study and her scream as she fell. - Monica was out of the apartment and didn't know what happened. - Jeff borrowed the taperecorder and played it for chief of staff Steve Hardy and later for Rick.

Jeff’s instinct had been to fight Monica, but then his love was dead. He demanded information from Lee about a Caribbean divorce, saying he wanted Monica out of his life as soon as possible. Lee warned that the laws in the U.S. regarding quickie divorces changed constantly, but Jeff was adamant. Rick lured Les home and played the tape for her. She was relieved that he knew. He told her that their love was more important than his job, and he wanted a future together. Les was still afraid Monica would ruin things. Monica returned from an out-of-town consultation, and reported to Rick, her chief. After perfunctorially listening to her report, Rick played the tape for her. Monica asked to explain, but Rick refused to listen to her, telling her he wanted no more lies. He made it abundantly clear he wanted nothing more to do with her, that his love had died for her when Jeff had had his accident several months ago because of them. Rick warned Monica that her obsessive love was sick and urged her to find real love with someone else. Monica was devastated. Later, Jeff confronted her, too. He told her he wanted the quickest divorce possible, and he didn’t care which of them got it. At his urging, Monica confessed she never loved him. Jeff asked Monica to tell Les she never intended to carry out her threat regarding Rick. Monica did, surprising Les.

Terri Arnett broke off with Dr. Mark Dante when she realized his wife Mary Ellen – Mellie - could kill Mark if he left her for Terri. - Mellie had recently been released from Lake Cliff sanitarium after convincing her doctors she was really well enough to be treated as an out-patient. Aware of Mark and Terri's attraction, Mellie tried to kill Terri by having her chauffeur Lenny tamper with Terri's brakes. The subsequent accident resulted in Terri 's having brain surgery. Mellie paid Lenny with an emerald ring, which she then claimed to have lost. Mellie had been living on pins and needles awaiting Terri's return, afraid Terri would tell Mark of her threats to kill them. - Mark was so hurt by Terri's telling him – falsely - that she didn’t love him, that he had closed the door on that part of his life. He was very concerned at Mellie's nervousness when he mentioned the insurance company might have a lead to her ring. Mellie tried to pass off the loss as unimportant, when earlier she had professed great attachment to the ring. Mark also insisted Mellie fire Lenny when he discovered Lenny and the garage that worked on the car had been padding the bills. Lenny pointed out to Mellie that she could fire him, but he still expected his salary, as he was her good friend.

Mellie began a campaign to get Mark away from Port Charles before Terri returned. She told her father she wanted Mark away for fear of losing him to Terri; she told Steve Mark was unhappy in his job and was only staying out of gratitude. Both men checked with Mark, who denied either story was true. Mark tried to get Mellie to tell him what was going on, to no avail. Terri, lonesome for her supper club and her career, especially since Les had returned home, followed in a few days.

Much to the dismay of Dr. Gina Dante, Heather Grant developed toxemia of pregnancy. Fearful of complicating the medical situation, Gina hospitalized Heather, but kept the full consequences of her condition from Heather. Diana and Peter Taylor had been planning to adopt Heather's baby. Heather had told her mother that she was going to demand $10,000 for the baby when it was born. When Heather refused to be honest with Diana about her expectations, Mrs. Grant told Diana, who agreed. However, after many sleepless nights due to her keeping it from Peter, Diana finally told him. Peter refused to be a party to it all, telling the stunned Diana that it was not only immoral, it was illegal.

After Monica asked for the no-fault divorce, Jeff went to Heather and told her he would be free soon, and asked her to marry him. When he couldn’t say he loved her, Heather turned him down. Jeff confided to Steve Hardy - unknown to Jeff, Steve was his natural father - that the baby was his, but Heather refused to marry him. Heather's condition worsened, and Gina had to tell her that they might have to take the baby to save Heather's life. Heather refused to let them when the odds for the child were only 50-50. Gina felt there might be some other reason, and talked to Diana. Diana told Gina about the money, then went to Heather and told her there would be no money, so if that was the reason for hanging on, not to. Heather still refused the Cesarean. Unbeknownst to everyone, she had decided to keep her baby. Feeling the real father of the baby might be able to persuade her, Gina found out it was Jeff. But before Gina could get to him, Heather's condition worsened, although she kept the symptoms quiet.

Audrey Hobart’s relationship with husband Tom Baldwin had deteriorated since she told him there was no chance for a reconciliation because she was in love with Steve. Audrey and Tom's son Tommy had opted to live with Tom. Since Tom felt Port Charles wasn’t big enough for them both, he had applied for a job in Salt Lake City. He'had led Tommy to believe that they would be going there only for a vacation. Audrey got wind of it when Tommy asked if Steve, Audrey, and he could honeymoon with Tom instead of going to Hawaii. Audrey confronted Tom, demanding he be honest with Tommy. She also asked what he expected to do about the shared custody agreement, bounce Tommy around every six months? Tom would not be dissuaded, but finally did tell their son that the move to Salt Lake City would be permanent. Tommy was devastated and asked Steve to change Tom’s mind, Steve tried, unsuccessfully. When Audrey threatened to fight for full custody, Tom retaliated by saying she would never get her divorce. Audrey was devastated to realize she might have to choose between her son and the man she loved.

Lee still had reservations about a Caribbean divorce for Jeff and Monica, so when the Webbers decided Monica would get the divorce, Lee sent her to Chet Davis, who made the arrangements for her.

While Gail Adamson was with Lee, going over some papers restructuring the trust for the royalties of her late husband's book, Lee received word that Caroline and Bobby were missing. The Coast Guard reported that they took their boat out; a fishing boat saw an explosion, and out of the wreckage they found a piece of wood with the name of the boat. Lee was devastated. He left for Florida immediately, but there was no better news the following day.

While Jeff trying to convince Terri to see Mark for the last time so that he could sign her off as a patient, Terri remembersed the accident, that her brakes failed. Jeff was puzzled when he reported it to Mark, overheard by Mellie, because he'd just had the car in the shop the day before the accident. Later on, Mark made two more interesting observations: Peter reported he thought Mellie's fear of Terri was something over than a fear Terri would take Mark away; then Audrey reported Terri seemed afraid of Mellie. Mellie warned Lenny, her ex-chauffeur, who was blackmailing her because he tampered with the brakes at Mellie's insistence. that the insurance company was then thinking of advertising to get the ring she paid him with, but claimed she lost. Mark checked with the mechanic who worked on Terri's car and found he put in new brake shoes. The mechanic also told Mark that Lenny brought the Dante car in too often and seemed to be a know-it-all about cars.

Heather hid signs of hyperreflexia from Gina so they wouldn’t take the baby. When Gina became aware of it, she went to Jeff, who, backed by Mark, told Heather that he would be free soon and that he would marry her, even if she lost this baby. Tired and sick, Heather agreed, but before Jeff could relay the news to Gina, Heather had a convulsion.

Outwardly, Diana was taking the news that Heather would keep the baby calmly. but her dreams were full of Heather's changing her mind.

When Tom persisted in his plan to move from Port Charles, insisting that Tommy would adjust, Steve warned he would never take him back on staff, if he left this way.

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

In a few months, Roger Thorpe had turned from a happy fulfilled married man to a lonely person suffering because of his life in the past. Because of lies he concealed from his wife Peggy, she had left him to decide the destiny of their future alone. - Rita Stapleton was on trial for murder. The key to her innocence was the fact that at the time of the murder, she and Roger were in a motel room together. This both Rita and Roger agreed to keep secret. Fighting his conscience, Roger testified - the result was Rita's freedom. It was also one more lie Peggy could not forgive. Before their marriage Roger had confessed that Christina Bauer was his daughter, conceived while her mother Holly was married to Dr. Ed Bauer. Peggy forgave Roger and believed their marriage was then based on complete honesty. The trial, however, ended the Bauer marriage. –

To alleviate his desolation, Roger had frequented Holly's home and enjoyed seeing Christina. Holly's mother Barbara had never forgiven her stepson Roger for the hurt he caused Ed and Holly. Because of her rude bitterness towards Roger, her husband Adam couldn’t live with the hostilities she chose to display rather than control. She placed her separation from Adam second to her concern for Holly's rekindled friendship with Ed. Sensing Roger's growing interest in Christina and Holly, Barbara alerted Holly of his probable intentions. Fearful Roger might want to take Ed's place as Christina's legal father, Holly asked Roger as gently as she could, to not visit any more. Roger was oversensitive and knew Barbara had talked to Holly. He confided to Holly that he and Peggy recently learned of Roger's sterility so Christina was the only child he might ever have. With Christina near, he had the strength to keep on going. Holly was torn between compassion for Roger's situation and Ed's right to be her daughter's true father.

The minute Holly began complaining of a headache and fever, Barbara was on the phone asking Ed to check her over. As her condition worsened, Ed and internist Dr. Sara McIntyre admitted Holly to Cedars Hospital. Sara had diagnosed viral pneumonia. Seeing the alarm in Barbara's eyes, Ed assured her they were concerned about Holly's condition but not frightened by it. Roger had been to the hospital, and inquired about Holly. Barbara treated him as an outsider, emphasizing Ed was taking care of her. True to Barbara's account, Ed was keeping an almost constant vigil over Holly. When not at the hospital, he was taking care of Christina at his apartment, and openly admitted he was loving every minute with her. While Ed was visiting Holly, Rita was present, performing her nursing duties. The atmosphere was strained. - Before the trial, Ed had proposed marriage to Rita. Like Peggy, he found the lies exposed from the trial together with his past dissension with Roger, an obstacle too great to overcome. - Breaking the ice with Rita, Holly related her satisfaction at Rita's acquittal. Rita thanked Holly for her concern and expresseed her regret for the many people she hurt.

Rita and Ed were friendly while working together, although Ed was cautious to keep their association on the surface only. Rita had been grateful to Adam for the understanding and faith he had given her throughout her trial. She asked him to her apartment for a drink after he drove her home from work. There he confided that his feelings for Barbara had changed. Although he didn’t condone her obsession against Roger, Adam honored her request to tell Roger to stay away from Hoily's hospital room.

Holly entered in and out of consciousness as her penumonia deepened. She dreamed of Christina and the happy times they shared. Holly's condition took a turn for the worse, a respiratory team was rushed to her, and she was delirious. Barbara was near hysteria and was pessimistic toward Holly's recovery. Ed had to be firm with her and turn her hopes to positive. To Bert, he confided he should practice what he preached, because he was truly worried about Holly himself. Bert urged her son to share his feeling with Holly, to tell her how much he cared, and that would give Holly the fight to live. In a tender moment together, Ed began to disclose his thoughts to Holly, hoping her deliriousness wouldn’t cloud her comprehension.

Dr. Emmett Scott was curious about his daughter Jackie's past association with Sara McIntyre. Jackie explained that Sara was engaged to Justin Marler before he and Jackie were married and she surmised Sara still had a hold on Justin. - Justin and Jackie were divorced. Emmett's heart condition brought him with Jackie to Springfield. Jackie had settled in permanently. - Justin and Jackie had been playing games, betting that Jackie could not snag lawyer Mike Bauer. Unknown to them, however, their conversation about the competitive wager was automatically recorded on Mike's dictaphone. Mike's secretary, Ann Jeffers, heard the tape. She was infuriated by Jackie's callousness. She started to tell Mike of her findings, but stopped. Mike took a day away from his hectic law practice to take Jackie hiking, further aggravating Ann when Jackie flaunted their date in front of Ann, who had managed to conceal her feelings for Mike so far.

Justin listened to Jackie boast of her victory when Mike agreed to accompany her to Chicago "on business.” His warning that she was making a big mistake came back to haunt Jackie. It took little time for Jackie's business facade to sink in with Mike. Realizing he was the subject of Jackie's seduction, he left for Springfield immediately. Back in Springfield, Mike lept their relationship strictly business. He let Jackie know he was not much for fun and games. Jackie stated to her father that Mike's sensible nature had given her a realistic view of herself and she was not pleased with what she saw. She was distracted from her mood temporarily with the grand opening of her new craft shop. With the help of Evie and Ben setting the displays up, Jackie looked forward to giving her profits to the research facility at Cedars.

It had been a year since Mike's wife Leslie died and the date was their wedding anniversary. Mike's mood was serene. He expressed his innermost feelings to Bert, his mother, wishing he had just one more day to tell Leslie how deeply he loved her.

Jackie’s housekeeper, Evie Stapleton, had become friendly with Ben McFarren. He frequented the Marlers' residence since Jackie hired him to do some paintings for her home. Celebrating his first generous payment from Jackie, Ben and Evie went out for a night on the town. The gleam in her eye when talking about Ben told her sister Rita that Ben was someone special in Evie's life. Ben came to dinner at Evie's mother's apartment and met Mrs. Viola Stapleton for the first time. He explained why he had had a slow start in his career, being wrongly convicted and jailed for 15 months after he finished college.

Love Of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Invalid Charles Lamont threw his wife Felicia out of the house when she told him she was pregnant by Edouard Aleata and would like to keep the child, telling everyone that they had adopted it. Reconsidering, he demanded that she return to Rosehill to talk it out. He refused to unlock the door until she arrived. The doctor had cautioned Felicia that she had to have bedrest to carry this child, but she talked him into letting her make the six hour trip in an ambulance. Outside of Rosehill, she began to hemorrhage and was rushed to the hospital where they stopped the bleeding, but cautioned everyone that she had to remain calm. Felicia's concern was over Charles. Eddie went to the house and explained why she couldn’t come and added it would ease her mind if he came to see her, but he had to not upset her. Charles had changed his mind and intended to tell Felicia that he was willing to adopt the baby, but she told him how much this baby meant to her and that she could no longer deny her love for Eddie. Charles agreed to a divorce and told Eddie that he had won.

Felicia’s pre-eclampsia became worse and Dr. Smith felt that he had to operate to save Felicia because the placenta had separated. The hospital staff was very confused when Eddie called himself the baby's father and Charles called himself the husband. Johnny Prentiss visited his grandfather and was told that Felicia wouldn’t be coming home so he had no way to care for Johnny. He admitted he was lonely and would appreciate any time Johnny could give him.

Dr. Smith explained to Felicia that the surgery was vital and even though her baby was two months from due, he had never lost a baby. She was finally persuaded. During the surgery, after they took the baby from her, Felicia's blood refused to clot. They worked over her feverishly, but in the end, they lost her. Charles broke down and accused Eddie of causing her death. Vanessa Sterling was asked to tell Johnny and the family of Felicia's death.

Out of consideration to Charles, Eddie did not attend the funeral services, but waited until everyone had left the chapel to say good-bye. Eddie told Dr. Marriott that he was the child's father and would be responsible for his care. He told Van that he and Felicia had planned the baby’s future through his graduation. Charles remarked to Bruce and Van that Felicia's son was his then. The baby bore the name Lamont. He talked to a lawyer who said he had a legal claim and he intended to pursue it.

Michael Blake told Cal that he was planning to leave the following week since they mutually agreed it would be best if he moved because they got on each other's nerves. Hank wanted to talk to Cal, but Michael didn’t want any help. One day Ron Simpson dropped by and asked Cal to give Michael a knapsack. He explained how they were POW's together and Michael saved his life as well as those of others. Cal was impressed and asked him to stay on. She was interrupted by her mother who was sure that she had stumbled onto a tryst. Cal explained that she had changed her mind and would continue to ask Michael to stay, even enlisting Rick's help. Meg said that sounded like her daughter; enlisting the help of her own husband.

When Arlene Lovett threw a fit upon finding out that Ian Russell had a wife, he explained that his wife was terminally ill and he would consider whether he would keep Arlene as a mistress after she almost killed him by throwing a crystal cigarette box at him. He told her to sit tight until he made up his mind. Arlene panicked when the stores began calling for payment on her accounts. She was very repentent with Ian and he straightened everything out.

Ian was furious with Ray Slater and took him to the construction site of his penthouse at the new Skylar Mountain, to be known as Las Vegas East when Russell got the gambling referendum passed. He almost pushed Ray off when Ray reminded him of the evidence he had as insurance in a safe deposit. Russell tossed out a key and told Ray that it was found in his apartment and the blackmailing was over. He would no longer be a junior partner, but a lackey, and if he didn’t do as he was told, he would end up in the lake.

Russell told Rick Latimer that Slater was only joking about being a partner and he had gone along with it. Rick visited Ray at the Key Club and was tossed the name Frankie Sills, but Ray was afraid to say more.

Ian told Arlene that he was going to London, but he refused to take her along. Bored, she showed her new apartment to Bambi, Ray’s new girl, who is duly impressed. Arlene told Ray that her aim in life wasn't to impress Bambi. She wanted out. Ray said he warned her about getting involved, but just maybe he could get them both out. Slater told Latimer that Russell was out of town for a while and he would talk. Frankie Sills was a limey who was then in the States. He once did a stretch for Russell and could put him away. The problem was that he wouldn’t talk, even with a gun at his head. Ray told Rick that he was in danger because he lost his insurance. Rick was even more anxious to find Sills and let everyone in Rosehill see what Russell really was.

Arlene intentionally rand into Dr. Tom Crawford and asked him to come for breakfast in the morning when he got off duty because Ian was out of town. Tom accepted and she tried to impress him with champagne and caviar. She broke down and told Tom how much she missed him. Tom asked why she didn’t leave Ian and she replied that she had become accustomed to the way she lived. The doorbell rang and Arlene panicked, thinking that Ian was back. Tom said that was why they would never make it.

Mia Marriott returned home after spending the night with a drunken Ben Harper, who had no idea he made love to her, thinking she was Betsy. Mia made up an excuse about having car trouble and having too much to drink with people from work. She claimed to have fallen asleep on a girlfriend's couch and hoped Andrew bought her story. She decided she had to tell Ben that Betsy had seen her in his room, but agreed with him that nothing happened since he couldn’t remember. Andrew was kind as always, but Mia couldn’t bring herself to sleep with him after thoughts of Ben. Mia had a nightmare about Jim and remembered that he came in as she was getting ready to take a shower and attacked her. Andrew wanted to know the truth. Meg Hart heard that Mia was with Ben and insisted that Mia stay away from him or she would tell Dr. Marriott.

Meg learned from Carrie Johnson that Betsy was off getting some legal papers and feared that she might be going to England. She vowed that she would stop her granddaughter from leaving the country. Ben tried once more to talk to Betsy, but she then seemed to have lost her feeling for him.

Ben had decided to turn down Bill Matthews' offer of a job in his new sporting goods store. His parole officer was not concerned that Ben wanted to find out what he really wanted to do before taking a job. The two things Ben had to do were his volunteer work and hold a job. He told Ben to apply for the position of ambulance driver because this would give him an opportunity to see accident victims. Ben was reluctant, but became interested enough to apply for paramedic training also.

Betsy was worried that Ben might object to her taking Suzanne to see her parents in England and asked Cal to talk to Ben for her. Ben would miss Suzanne, but he agreed not to cause trouble. Ben gave Betsy a savings bond that he bought for Suzanne by selling his grandfather's gold watch in case she was not back by her first birthday. Betsy was touched and couldn’t help crying.

Lynn Henderson was still trying to make Ben notice that she was a woman. She had decided that if Betsy didn’t want him, maybe she, Lynn, could get him for herself.

Everyone saw them off for England, including Ben. Betsy promised to tell Suzanne about her father. Ben suggested that Betsy needn't go away when she became teary trying to say good-bye, but she said things wouldn’t get any better between them if she stayed.

Charles contacted a lawyer who informed him that the State assumed that the husband was the father of the baby. He had an official letter sent to the hospital, Dr. Marriott told Eddie that he could only comply with Charles' wishes since he seemed to have the right of decision.

Mia had another nightmare about Jim. Andrew heard her tell Jim to "get away" and pleaded with Mia to tell him the truth. She said Jim could not think of her as his mother because he had only been home two months. Mia was startled when Andrew said that a woman's needs and wants usually showed, even though she didn’t verbalize them.

Tom told Joe Cusack that he was sure Arlene wanted to leave Ian and took him up on a bet that he couldn’t get her to leave him. Ian came back from London and planned to take Arlene to the Bahamas. Arlene thought things over and decided that if she really wanted to get away from Ian she had to take charge then, even though Slater told her that someone was working on a plan that could remove Ian permanently. She wrote Ian a letter telling him that she didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but she couldn’t continue this arrangement.

Michael Blake’s plans to move out of the Latimer garage apartment were postponed when he became ill.

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Joseph Stuart

When Cathy Lord called to see Larry to talk about her problems, Karen remarked that Larry was at the office taking care of a paying customer for a change. Larry heard of it and insisted she apologize to Cathy. Karen said she was not implying anything personal but she was sick and tired of seeing Larry help any needy Tom, Dick and Harry when they needed money themselves. When Larry failed to come home in time for Brad's opening night party at the health club, Karen decided to go with Lana and take Danny along. While she was drinking and talking with the other guests, Brad took Danny through the gym and the boy was hurt in a fall from the parallel bars. Karen took him home and though Larry found only a bump on the head, he insisted Danny should not have been at an adult function and at least Karen could have kept an eye on him after taking him there.

Karen wanted to go out for a little extra celebrating but Larry insisted that he must get to the bills. Karen hid a bill for $245 for the gold chain she charged and when Larry came back into the room he said he saw an envelope from Logan's but couldn’t seem to find it. Karen insisted he must be mistaken as the place was so expensive, she wouldn't even walk in the door. Larry chided her for going over their budget on food and spending thirty dollars on engraved thank you notes, saying they couldn’t afford such expensive status symbols. As they were yelling at one another, Danny came into the room and Larry put him back to bed saying on his return that Meredith - his late wife - and he made it a point not to expose their differences to Danny and he thought it would be a good idea for the two of them to do the same. Karen raged that all her life she was compared with Jenny and came up short and then he dared to compare her to Meredith. Larry said he was only giving an example but Karen retorted she wasn’t going to change for him or any other man and if he didn’t like the way she was, it was just too damn bad.

After a scene with Tony in which Cathy said it was Pat who had come between them, Cathy talked to Larry and admitted she knew deep inside she wasn't in love with Tony. At that she said she felt as if someone took a great weight off her shoulders and went on to say that if she didn’t love Tony, then she didn’t need him; that it was a baby she needed, someone to love. When she again retreated, saying she needed Tony still for a while, Larry asked where she planned to go when Tony found her packing her suitcase and preparing to leave without a word to anyone. Cathy replied she just wanted to get in her car and drive; maybe find a place on her own and write. Larry urged her to do it right and leave the way clear for Pat and Tony who did love each other. He said he thought she could give Tony his happiness and didn’t have to punish him anymore.

Cathy went to see Pat and told her she realized she ruined their friendship out of resentment and jealousy, and hoped she could stop inflicting pain on everyone, Pat especially. After seeing Will Vernon, Cathy told Tony she thought they should get a divorce, saying she was not doing this for him and Pat but for herself, because she wanted to start living her own life again. Out of concern for her, Tony urged her not to go off by herself, but she turned on him asking if he was afraid she would change her mind again.

Finally, after an apartment Cathy planned to rent developed a sudden “no vacancy," Cathy agreed to move in for a time with Jim and Anna. Jim was worried that Tony might have pressured Cathy too soon and urged her to take her time over the details of the divorce. Cathy agreed to retain a lawyer of her own but again tossed out some nasty remarks before she gave her power of attorney to Tony to clear the way for him to get a quickie divorce in the Caribbean.

Joe Riley had a seizure at the office just after Viki left for a vacation at Dorian's mountain retreat, and Dorian rushed him to the hospital. After two separate stays at the hospital and testing periods - at Richmond Memorial Hospital so that Viki would not hear and worry unnecessarily if, as Joe kept insisting, nothing serious was wrong -, the doctor on Joe's case told him that all the major tests were negative: that he had a capillary blockage and had to not drink or drive and had to take an anti-seizure medicine regularly. Joe's impatience precluded any further stay in the hospital for observation and Dorian persuaded him not to tell Viki what had occurred. When Viki returned after Joe was unable to join her for a weekend as he had promised, Joe couldn’t bring himself to worry her and explained the limousine Dorian had put at his disposal as a company prerequisited Dorian had come up with to take the pressure off him. Viki was impressed and delighted with anything that would help Joe.

The night before the opening of Brad's health club, Will pretended to go out for some tobacco and told Naomi he might drop by the health club. When some plumbing trouble detained Brad as they were about to leave, Will offered to see Jenny home. Stopping by a park on the way, he told Jenny life was just a game to his son and he was sure Jenny would eventually fall in love with someone else, adding he envied the man it would be. He kissed Jenny and when she got up from the bench they were sitting on, Will asked her if she loved him. Jenny ran home alone and Jim Craig noticed that she was greatly disturbed when she got in.

The following day, Will told Jenny he was not going to apologize for the previous night, and was insisting she tell him how she felt about him when Dorian arrived for an appointment. After Dorian left, Will again pressuresd Jenny for an answer. Jenny told Will she wanted to be reassigned, but Will insisted to her he loved her and knew she loved him. He told her that he hadn't been happy with Naomi for years and wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jenny.

Jenny asked Jim to transfer her to Pediatrics because she wanted to get back to nursing and finally she began working as Peter Janssen's assistant. When Brad insisted that something was making her unhappy and he wanted to know what it was, she ran away. Carla talked a reluctant Jenny into attending Brad's opening party but Jenny used Lana's tipsy condition as an excuse to take her home and did not attend the celebration afterward planned with the Vernon family. When Brad went after her, she got rid of him by promising to tell him the following day what was bothering her but then only told him that she was never going to marry him. Brad was determined not to take no for an answer and to find out what had changed Jenny, and he told Naomi so.

Naomi called a friend, Dr. Clyde Hoover in Montana and pleaded with him to ask Will to come back to work there, saying that Will was very unhappy but would never admit to wanting to move back. When Dr. Hoover arrived in Llanview on his way back from a conference in New York, he offered Will the position of head of Psychiatry in the Montana Hospital, saying the man in the position had suffered a stroke and they were unable to keep the position open any longer. Will promised to think about the considerable promotion but Clyde was puzzled that his impression of Will's emotional state and Naomi's differed.

Dorian had twice had to reprimand Marco for his behavior with Samantha Vernon while he was on duty. She accused him of lying to her about the coincidence of his meeting Samantha at the library and taking her to Llanfair to show her the grounds. After seeing Marco kissing Samantha at the health club, Dorian told him that his behavior while in her employ reflected on her as a member of the community. Marco said they both understood each other and he had never worked for an employer he had gotten to know so well in such a short period of time. Before Dorian could insist he elaborated, Joe walked in to attend a function at Llanfair without Viki, who had declined because it was the baby's dinner time. Dorian, as usual, lit up and became totally absorbed in the pleasure of Joe's presence and Marco was dismissed only to linger out of Dorian's sight to gaze for some moments at the two of them before going through the door. Within a few moments, Joe, who had been keeping recurring periods of dizziness and loss of vision from both Dorian and Viki, was taken by another severe seizure.

After she was told by Naomi of Will's job offer, Jenny went to see him, telling him that if he didn’t leave Llanview, she would. When Dorian came in for a session, Jenny was obviously upset and left hurriedly. Dorian remarked that she seemed always to be bursting in at the wrong time where he and Jenny were concerned. Stung, Will told Dorian she was wasting both their time if she would not be completely honest with herself and with him about the man she was in love with. Dorian lashed back, saying she had seen Will in action right here "in his little glass house." She added it was perfectly obvious to her that he was in love with Jenny Siegel and hadn't faced the fact that it was hopeless.

Dorian was still agitated when she saw Peter Janssen, and when she said she pointed out some basic truths to the great Dr. Vernon, Peter tried to tell her she was projecting her anger and guilt onto Will. Dorian smiled ruefully, telling Peter he was off base, but it was not his fault because he didn’t know all the circumstances.

Peter lunched with Jenny and at first believed that she was unhappy because Brad had seen Jenny before he came and was still at the bar. He put it down to a dog-in-the-manger attitude from Brad but when Brad left, he suddenly said he got the feeling that Brad was not the problem. Jenny - believing Will planned to leave Llanview - said there was no problem, anymore.

Dorian had arranged to take Joe to New York to have a complete brain scan done, under the pretense of financial matters to explain the trip and her presence to Joe's staff and his wife, Viki. As she was waiting in Joe's office, Brad wandered by after having belted down a few. When she learned Jenny was the cause, she laughed at the idea that Jenny seemed to the cynosure of every eye lately. Brad demanded to know what she seemed to be implying and refused to let her back down, threatening her with a scene in front of Joe unless he learned what she knew. She said she would offer the suggestion that he ask his father, and when Brad shook her, she told him: "He's in love with your precious Jenny."

Samantha read aloud a letter from Dr. Clyde Hoover's daughter and Will overheard a telling phrase, giving away the fact that Naomi caused Clyde to initiate the job offer. Will suggested to Naomi later, in private, that she move back to Montana on her own and they separate for a time and "see what develops." Naomi said they were married and she intended to live up to her vows; she would not leave and if he tried to leave her, he would regret it the rest of his life. As Will was writing a note to Naomi, saying a stable, fulfilling marriage was out of reach for them, Brad came in. Will told him something had happened he thought Brad should know about, and Brad told his father: "I know more than you think." He asked Will if he was in love with Jenny and, after a time, Will admitted it. Will urged Brad to say what was on his mind, telling him it would be a lot healthier for Brad to face this. Brad angrily told him he would like to break him in half. He was astonished when Will said he could not help himself, but that Jenny did not respond. Brad asked if he was supposed to feel sorry for his father because he lost out twice. After reviling his father as a despicable liar and a hypocrite, Brad added he was not going to let his life be ruined by him or anybody else, “I'll kill you first." He turned away, then turned back and asked if Will wasn’t afraid, considering what happened the last time he fell in love with another woman - Naomi's suicide attempt. -. He told Will he knew what his - Will's - next move should be, adding “what your next move better be," and walked out.

Samantha came in and Will told her he was in love with Jenny. Seeing his daughter's shock and disbelief, Will told her she had always been there to support him with her love before and begged her to try to understand then. Samantha, still in shock, ran out of the room.

When Naomi returned, she told Will that she had a long talk with Jim Craig and informed Will he would have to resign from Llanview Hospital. Will said she had no right to broadcast their private lives and that any pain she was feeling was self-inflicted. He warned her not to meddle in his private affairs again. Naomi insisted she would do anything she had to in order to protect her family.

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

Para-professional Alicia Nieves had received a suspension notice pending investigation of theft charges against her. When Dr. Bucky Carter returned from a much needed two day break, he heard the details from Clem Moultrie and with a bleak expression realized that he was at fault. After Alicia turned down the loan he offered, he slipped the five twenties into Alicia's purse just before going off duty. Though Alicia was relieved to have the matter cleared up, she turned on Bucky angrily, resentful that he would assume she would just spend the money when she discovered it merely because some had been taken from her. She went on to say she didn’t understand rich people and he obviously did not understand what money meant in her world. Alicia demanded and got an apology from the woman who accused her of the theft and eventually she and Bucky came to an understanding.

While the money was missing, Delia generously offered to help Alicia to clear herself, enlisting the aid of her brother Detective Bob Reid. When Roger Coleridge tried to pump Alicia about Delia, asking what the reference to Delia as "Mrs. Brown" was all about - Mrs. Brown was the name under which Alicia knew Delia at the Clinic where she formerly worked and where Delia miscarried before her marriage to Pat -, Alicia told Roger it was none of his business; that it was not a professional matter and she did not make it a habit to talk about her friends' personal business with anyone.

Maeve took Little John to Delia's apartment suggesting that Delia spend more time with the boy as she was settled and Pat was away at the hospital so much. Delia took her son to the park across from Riverside Hospital and was filling out a contest entry form when Roger joined her. His bantering upset her for a time, but when he left, she went back to her preoccupation with the contest for a trip for two to Hawaii, and when she looked up, little John was no longer playing in the sand box a short distance away.

After an all night search by the family, friends and the police, Frank and Bob finally located the boy in a maintenance shed. He was taken to Riverside with a fever and an ear infection aggravated by exposure - it had rained heavily the night before - and Frank insisted, over Delia's objections, that he be placed in the care of Pediatrician Faith Coleridge. When it was time for the boy's release, Frank told his former wife she would never again be allowed responsibility for little John. As Frank was away paying the bill, Delia took little John, clad in his pajamas, off to her and Pat's apartment. Frank stormed in and demanded the boy, threatening Dee with abduction charges. Pat refused to interfere, telling Frank to take the boy back to Maeve and Johnny who had legal custody and assuring Delia that Frank would be reasonable when he had calmed down.

Jillian Coleridge met Frank in the hospital and after Frank provoked her, she asked if he then realized what it was to have a sick child; that it did take precedence over everything else. Jillian realized after saying it aloud to Maeve, that she did love Seneca, but in a way different from the way she loved Frank. She accepted a dinner invitation with Seneca and they made love. When it was time for her to leave, as her housekeeper would not be staying the night with Edmond, she invited Seneca to return to her apartment with her, telling him he could be a father to the boy by getting up for him if he woke.

Frank had been drinking and thinking over what Jillian said. He decided he was wrong and left Ryan's at 1:30 AM to tell Jill, against Mary's urging that he wait for a better hour and 'til he is sober. He pounded on Jillian's door, telling her he would take the door off its hinges if necessary and waking the baby. Seneca went to quiet the child and Jillian let Frank in. She told him that his saying he was wrong didn’t change things; that it was over between them. Frank insisted that Seneca's manipulations were in a class with Delia's, telling Jill that he got away from Delia and she could get away from Seneca. Seneca appeared in the doorway and informed Frank he could say the rest to his face. Frank told Jillian that he couldn’t understand why he was so thick at times and left, saying he was sorry he wasted Jill's time. Jillian asked Seneca why he appeared like that, saying it was obvious Frank though they had been lovers for months when she had been telling him they weren't.

Jumbo learned from Jack that he had seen the baby and, going back on his word not to mention it, phoned Mary to encourage her that Jack might, after all, be thinking of being a husband to her and a father to Ryan. Mary told Johnny when he asked about her plans for leaving the hospital, that she knew Jack tried to see her but left when he heard her talking with Tom Desmond about fathers and John Ryan in particular. She told John she believed that a visit from Jumbo and Sister Joel might have helped and she was sure that Jack would be there when she left the hospital the following day because he understood that this time it counted.

Johnny Ryan and Tom Desmond planned to surprise Mary with a Piper to pipe her back home to Ryan's and save what should be a happy occasion in the event that Jack did not plan to take her and the baby home to his apartment on Weehawken street. Mary waited till the last minute and then told Johnny all of a sudden she couldn’t wait to leave. As Mary was wheeled out to the corridor, she was met by Frank, Pat, Tom, Bob and Alicia, Irish flags and Irish bagpipe airs. Jack stood in shock further down the hallway and stepped back as they passed out again after the party had gone.

Again Mary learned from Jumbo that Jack was at the hospital. She went to see Jack the following day and when he insisted that he no longer wanted to be a husband and never wanted to be a father, Mary asked him if he could tell her how to stop loving him; saying if he could, they would end it.

Johnny Ryan made one last plea on behalf of his daughter, saying if Jack would come to Ryan's christening, he promised not to get in the way and apologized for anything he might have done to cause trouble. Jack said it was a possibility but he agreed that Mary should not be told ahead of time. After Johnny left, Jack looked up Christine Vineste, the physical therapist at the hospital who had made a pass at him when she was trying to help Tom Desmond to get Jack to reconsider writing the derogatory series of columns about Riverside's staffing crisis. He told her he would like her to accompany him to a Christening party given by a friend and promised it would not be dull.

Bucky Carter had tried to date Alicia Nieves but although she was always pleasant to Bucky, it was Bob Reid she dated and introduced to her young brother Angel. The boy had had the flu and Bob invited him to join in a weekly softball game when he was better. Bob bought the boy a glove and called for Angel and Alicia, planning a picnic and a pregame work-out. As Maeve was preparing the sandwiches at Ryan's, Bob took an impatient Angel outside to toss the ball for a few minutes. As Bob lobbed an easy toss, Angel stood without raising his glove - as if he didn’t see it - and was hit on the head with the ball and went down. When Angel fell again moments later, Bob rushed the boy to Riverside. While Pat was examining him, Angel went into convulsions.

Despite the knowledge that she would be facing Frank, Jillian attended the Baptism ceremony for Ryan, leaving before the party immediately afterward. As the celebrants surged into Ryan's in high spirits, they were stopped by the sight of Jack Fenelli and Christine Vineste already seated. Jack was so absorbed in a palm reading game with her, Christine had to remind him that "his friends" had arrived.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Irving & Tex Elman / Robert J. Shaw

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Cindy French had pulled a fake fainting spell so that she wouldn’t have to leave Henderson for a companion's job because she was jealous of Carolyn Hanley. Dr. Gary Walton was confused when Cindy had a high fever but no other signs of a setback from her gunshot surgery - she was holding the thermometer under a lamp -. Doctors Greg Hartford and Bob Rogers speculated that her problem might be psychological. Bob asked Gary if he had taken up a relationship with anyone recently that could affect Cindy. Gary saw that Cindy had been acting strangely since Carolyn came to town as a clinical psychologist. Gary told Cindy he was sending her home and she was well enough to go to Edgefield. Cindy refused to take the job and wanted to move in with Gary because she felt Janet, Gary's mother, didn’t like her. Cindy had no choice but to stay at the Collinses'. She was accepted in the nurses' aide program, but spent a lot of time complaining about how hard they worked her. She paged Gary from one of the empty rooms and asked him to take her to an aides' workshop when she learned he planned to take Carolyn to dinner. He lectured her about wasting his valuable time and told her that friends didn’t bind one another, but respected each other.

Carolyn found Cindy reading one of her coded case histories in her office. Carolyn told her that the privacy of patients had to be protected from curious people who took things out of desk drawers. She was furious enough to tell Gary that she actually thought Cindy was dangerous.

Cindy overheard Gary tell Carolyn that he felt sorry for Cindy and had been keeping an eye on her.

Bob Rogers told Greg Hartford that he thought Greg was good for Jo Vincente. Greg said he was never going to get emotionally involved again and he hoped people haden't taken him wrong. Fearing that Jo might be taking him too seriously, he went back to breaking some dates with no explanation. John Wyatt, after being warned about Greg, tried several times to convince Jo that she shouldn't accept dates from Hartford. Greg finally told Jo that one reason he wouldn’t let himself become involved was that he ruined the lives of his wife and daughter. Diane was very young when they married and then she was very bitter and fived only for herself. He thought he had a second chance with his daughter, but at seventeen she had run away from several schools and been in trouble numerous times. Jo told him not to punish himself.

Scott Phillips had gone to Mexico by himself because everyone else thought it was a wild-goose chase to try to find Ralph Heywood if he didn’t want to be found. He talked to Carlos Delgatta who said that Ralph renewed his visitor's visa and could be anywhere. DeIgatta had another case in South America and suggested Scott see the police. He was told they had no official reason to become involved unless Scott thought there was foul play or something illegal involved. He called David Sutton and asked him to fly down because he needed an expert investigator to help him. David said that nothing would be found and he was busy studying for the bar exam. Scott suggested he study on the plane, but David needed Kathy, Scott's wife, to coach him. When Scott demanded that he come down since he was on the payroll, David quit.

One evening, David asked Kathy to have dinner with him before they studied. Scott called and learned from Eric that although it was past midnight, Kathy was probably still at the Inn with David. Scott was furious, accusing Kathy of sleeping with David instead of being a wife and mother. Kathy was terribly hurt because he had not only given no thought to her, but then accused her of things that weren’t true. David offered her a shoulder to cry on and since she was very vulnerable, they soon found themselves in bed. They were both ashamed, but neither blamed the other.

Scott was remorseful when he arrived home. He realized that he had totally ignored her needs and wanted to make up for it. He insisted that Kathy get two weeks off so they could go back to the South of France where they spent their first honeymoon. Scott apologized to David and told him that they were taking a second honeymoon.

Dick Hilbert arrived in Henderson to offer John Wyatt a position as assistant attorney general in Washington D.C. He asked Jo's advice and she said Suzi would be happy as long as she was with her father. John told Stephanie Pace who not only thought he would be crazy to turn it down, but offered to help him get settled. She had even been thinking of leaving Henderson and thought Washington would be exciting.

 John told Kathy that he had decided to take the job and that she should take in a partner and suggested David get his training in the office. He was surprised when Suzi put up a fuss, but Jo assured her she would adjust quickly.

John was having a hard time winding everything up, but couldn’t postpone leaving because Dick had assigned him to a case. When Kathy asked for two weeks off, he was glad to have a legitimate excuse, but the judge wouldn’t post-pone the trial and if he didn’t leave that Monday, he would lose the job. Kathy and Scott would delay their vacation, but not getting their marriage in order. Stephanie had given up her apartment lease and was afraid that John was going to change his mind.

Steve Kaslo had asked his sister, Amy Carson, to see his wife, Liza, at the hospital and encourage her to let him explain about the incidents with Kitty Merritt. Steve felt Liza and her family had judged him without a defense. Liza decided that she hadn't been fair and agreed to see him. Things were going very well until singer Kitty Merritt called Steve to say her plans had changed and they were going to finish the album in Nashville. He only took the job because he was broke and didn’t want his name linked with it. Kitty said the contract didn’t specify a recording date and if he wasn’t on the next plane she would sue him for breach of contract and everyone in the world would know, including Liza. Steve told Liza that he had a club date in St. Louis and would be gone a couple of days.

Kitty had her manager call Liza, saying he was Kitty's ex-husband and told her to warn Steve to stay away from Kitty. She said he was mistaken and was told to call the Andrew Jackson Hotel in Nashville. Liza found that Kitty and Steve were registered, but hung up when he answered his phone. She asked Kathy Phillips to see her at the hospital on business. She asked Kathy to file for a no-fault divorce if possible. Kathy explained that if Steve contested the divorce, she would need grounds. Liza explained that she felt Steve had had an on-going affair with Kitty Merritt and told her the whole story.

Steve returned and found Liza had gone to the Collinses' and wouldn’t speak to him. He couldn’t imagine what could have happened while he was gone that would cause her to file for divorce. Bruce Carson agreed to talk to Liza and was upset with Steve for not telling him the truth. Steve explained that he was only fulfilling a contract and that Kitty never saw her ex-husband. He thought Kitty was behind this.

Liza’s modeling manager, Woody Reed, had not given up hope that Liza would again be able to be a model. He had set up an appointment with a famous plastic surgeon in New York whom he was sure could correct the scar tissue around Liza's eye even though Dr. Coulter in Henderson said that another surgery would be dangerous. Everyone tried to get Liza to realize that there was only one chance in a million that Dr. Sawyer could help her, but Woody wouldn’t let Liza's spirits dampen.

After a careful examination, Dr. Sawyer said there was no chance. Woody was mad because he was convinced the doctor could help her. Dr. Sawyer said he only agreed to see her because Woody was so insistent. Woody said it made no difference and he wanted to marry her. Liza couldn’t accept because she didn’t love him.

Liza returned to her parents' home and informed them that she would have all her meals in her room. Janet tried to get Liza interested in going out, but failed. Janet became distressed when Liza gave away sentimental belongings. Hearing that she had become a recluse, her uncle reminded her that he tried to hide himself away because of his stuttering, but she had made him see that life was worthwhile and then he realized what he would have missed if he had shut himself away.

After his farewell party, John had a drink with Stu Bergman got gets right to the heart of the reason that John didn’t want to move to Washington D.C. He had been in love with Jo for some time, but never realized it. He told Dick Hilbert that he was giving up the position and told tells Jo that he loved her and was staying because of her. Jo said that she loved Greg Hartford. John confronted Greg who said that he loved no one. John felt that it was his duty to tell Jo. She asked Greg point blank and he said she was a good friend, but he didn’t love her. Greg told Bob Rogers that he had to lie because he had always hurt, sometimes fatally, the ones he loved. Bob suggested that he tell Jo everything and let her make up her own mind.

Bruce got Steve a job at the Herald doing the music reviews. It was freelance and not steady, but his style was so good that he got more work. He tried to get Liza to go to a concert, but she refused and left the room in tears. Janet was glad that he got her to show some emotion.

Janet invited Dr. Allen Ramsey and his wife Doris to dinner to celebrate their anniversary. Doris had a problem with her heart while there and was admitted to the hospital. Allen waited all night and in the morning, his mistress, a nurse named Fay, started making plans for them. He told her that Doris was still alive. When Allen visited Doris, she asked that he take her on the trip he had promised, but never taken. When he left, Fay asked when he was going to make time for her because, if he didn’t have a future in mind for them, she'd like to know. He reassured her. Doris had heard this whole conversation.

Stephanie was rather put out when she heard John was staying in Henderson. He tried to remind her that their moves were independent. Stephanie unpacked and returned to work at the hospital.

The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Jill Foster brooded over her situation. David Mallory had proposed and was waiting for an answer. She didn’t love him, but he was fond of her son and little Phillip needed a father. Jill seemed to be infatuated with her boss, Derek Thurston, who liked her as he liked all women. Jill finally accepted David's proposal after an argument with her mother. Liz said there was just not enough money and they would have to put Phillip in a day care center so that she could return to Mrs. Chancellor's as housekeeper. Jill only agreed to marriage to satisfy her mother. Jill tried to draw Derek out by comparing her son to the son he never saw due to divorce. She was disturbed when she found Derek had promised her job to another girl. He said it was only so that she wouldn’t feel that she had to stay.

Liz Foster felt that she should return to work as she had regained the use of her hand after a minor stroke. She felt guilty accepting the money Mrs. Chancellor had sent every week. When she paid a visit to the estate, she found the house and Mrs. Chancellor a mess. Kay felt very alone since she had let Joann Curtynski be her own person. She stormed out after telling Mrs. Chancellor that she would not work for a woman who didn’t care about herself. If she should decide to act human again, she could call Liz. Derek had called Mrs. Chancellor to see if she would like her hair done, on the chance that she would like to put up some money for the new salon he would like to open. Kay called Derek and asked him to come to the house. He gave her a lecture on letting herself go. After a new hairstyle, some makeup and an attractive outfit, the old Kay appeared. He told her to start living again and make something of her life. She made an appointment for the following week. Unable to bear the loneliness, Kay demanded that Derek come twenty-four hours early. Kay took a shower to ruin her hairdo and Derek guessed her motive. He suggested she ask someone to dinner and when she said there was no one, he said she could call him. Kay took him up on it and reminiscing led her to tears.

Joann Curtynski was beginning to regain some self-confidence after taking off fifty-five pounds in a year. Her ex-husband asked her out and made two proposals. Johnny had been offered a job when he received his doctorate and would like her to help him decide, as his wife, what to do. Brock Reynolds assumed that Joann would accept since she had always remained in love with Johnny. She said it was not as simple as that because she wanted to experience all those things she had missed in the past. She was enjoying her education and would like to do something with it. She promised to give Johnny an answer after graduation. He attributed his educational success to her and wanted her to share in his future. Joann explained that she loved him, but he had done it on his own and she needed to find herself.

Liz Foster kept hearing strange mechanical sounds. When she told Jill that it sounded like a pump, Jill phoned Snapper. By the time he got to the house, her memory had returned. He explained that it was the stress of the situation that caused the stroke that wiped out her memory. Liz hated herself for accusing Snapper of pulling the plug on his father's respirator, when she herself had done it. Snapper explained that Bill had begged for her to end his suffering and let him die with a small amount of dignity. She wanted to set things straight with the hospital so Snapper could go back on staff there. He said that opening the investigation again wouldn’t help anything. His new clinic was really what he had been looking for all along. He felt he was really helping people. She called the stroke God's revenge and the worst punishment was being quiet after she knew what she had done to Snapper.

Snapper considered his volunteer nurse, Cynthia Harris, a real asset to his clinic. He didn’t realize that Cynthis had ulterior mo-tives. He thought he worked her too hard. but she found plenty of time to fantasize about Snapper and herself. Lance visited Snapper at the clinic and commented that Cynthia seemed to be undressing Snapper with her eyes. Snapper denied that Cynthia was anything but a dedicated nurse.

Ron Becker took his catatonic wife, Nancy, back to his shabby apartment. Chris Foster was distraught when she learned that Ron had Nancy because the hospital could not hold her since he had admitted her. Ron used the threat of the loss of her daughter to keep Nancy from turning to Chris. Ron found the pills he was to give her regularly and thought that the two pills three times a day that they had been giving her hadn't done any good, so he gave her four tablets. When she spoke, Ron rushed to phone his lawyer only to return and find Nancy catatonic again. Ron gave Nancy four more pills and she pulled out of it again. He noticed the caution on the bottle and called the hospital to ask nurse Simpson what could happen if Nancy took too many pills. She said probably nothing if it were just once, but cautioned him against letting it happen. She could seem better for a while, but then could develop involuntary movements of the arms, legs and tongue. She could become easily agitated. Ron told himself that since she didn’t seem to be experiencing any side effects, the pills had to be the answer.

Chris told Snapper about her visit with the Beckers and he cautioned her about seeing Ron alone. Snapper took Brock along when he went to see how Ron was treating Nancy. They felt encouraged when he seemed to be taking physical care of her and even agreed to think about putting her back in the hospital for her own good. Ron felt he had fooled them, at least for a while.

Ron continued overdosing Nancy and timing her spells of alertness and catatonia. Mr. Johnson called, wanting to question Nancy. He was surprised that Nancy had done so well, but he still wouldn’t set a court date. He had told Ron before that Nancy had to be well enough to go to court and care for Karen, but he had to also have a job and provide a decent home.

Despair was beginning to set in when Ron received a letter from his mother. She apologized for taking so long to answer his letter, but it took a while for her to get the money together. She was glad he turned to her for help and had enclosed a check for nine-hundred dollars with more to follow when she was able.

Brock Reynolds showed Chris that he passed the Bar Exam and was then a lawyer, but had no intention of practicing law. His father wanted him to be a lawyer and he was at Stanford when his father died. He took off for Europe, but when he came home and regained his footing, he felt it was unfinished business. He took night classes to finish without telling anyone.

Brock was very concerned about Jody Conway, the runaway he took in as a busboy recently. He and Chris tried to persuade Jodi to call home so that her family would know she was safe. The address she gave on the tax form was incorrect, but he located her correct address. Jodi finally called home, but told her mother that she was not returning; she couldn’t. Brock and Chris speculated on why she had run away and Jodi finally confessed that she was pregnant and had tried to ignore it, but unfortunately, it wouldn’t go away. Chris took her to see Snapper so that she could learn to care for herself and the baby.

After Brock talked Stuart Brooks into running a series of articles in his paper on teenage pregnancy, he visited the Conways to tell them that Jodi was well and he would look after her.

Brad Eliot’s cold had kept him at arms length from Leslie because he didn’t want her to catch anything during her pregnancy. The day came when she had to tell him the truth. She explained that she wasn't in Bermuda, but in the hospital and lost their baby. Brad couldn’t understand why she waited so long to tell him. She said he was ready to take her out for the first time since his blindness and she couldn't spoil that moment. Lorie cautioned Brad not to give Leslie the third degree because she was hurting inside. When Brad bumped Lorie with his briefcase, he realized that he had hit Leslie with her suitcase as she left for Bermuda.

Vanessa Prentiss decided that she had to get Lorie alone overnight so that Lorie could "have an accident." She insisted that Lance was needed at some business negotiations and that he could probably settle it in one day. Lance agreed to go and suggested that Lorie come along, but Vanessa asked her to stay. She would appreciate the company while she sorted through some things in her mind. Lorie couldn’t understand why Vanessa locked herself in her room as soon as Lance left, if she wanted company. Fed up, Lorie left and Vanessa waited with her gun for Lorie to return.

Lorie, Jennifer and Stuart were together for the first time since all three knew that Lorie's parentage was in the open. Lorie urged her mother to take the trip Stuart wanted to plan. She said she loved them both very much.

Lance’s plane had some trouble and Lance told his pilot, Skip, that he just didn’t want to take the chances he did when he was single. The meeting could wait because he had a reason to live a long time.

Vanessa took off her veil, turned off the lights and waited for Lorie. When she heard the door unlock, open and close, Vanessa fired her gun. She went to her bedroom and planned what she would say when Lance came home. She became hysterical when Lorie knocked on her terrace door because the front door was bolted. Lorie thought it was because of her face. Lorie saw the gun and asked what she was doing with it. The phone rang and Skip informed Lorie that Lance came home. Lorie found Lance by the door, bleeding. Snapper was summoned and told them that Lance, then unconscious, would recover. Lorie realized that she was the target and intended to tell Lance because she could never know when it might happen again. Vanessa couldn’t bear for Lance to lose his love for her. She begged Laurie to take the blame because Lance would forgive her anything. In return she would leave and never interfere again. Lorie said she couldn't, but when Lance awoke and asked what happened, she said she mistook him for a prowler.

Brock said he didn’t think anything could be accomplished by telling young Tom Bennett that he was the father of Jody's baby. He told Jody that he saw her mother, but did not mention her whereabouts or her problem.

Liz had finally taken things into her own hands and found a day care center for Phillip. She would return to work early July. She hoped this wit bring Jill to her senses so that she would set a date for her wedding to David and forget Derek.  

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I know writing scripts for a soap opera is extremely taxing on the brain, but I read somewhere that Henry Slesar was head writer of Search For Tomorrow,  The Edge of Night and Somerset simultaneously one year.  And I read Harding Lemay was head writer of Another World and -- at one point -- Lovers and Friends also.  I'm amazed that they were able to keep storylines separate!  Slesar, of course, was fond of the dark storylines on his shows involving crime syndicates, psychos and mysteries.  His tone and story is evident even during his time as HW on Capitol and One Life To Live.   How difficult would it have been for Paul Rauch whwn he served as EP for Texas and Another World together or Another World and Lovers and Friends? 

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Mr. Slesar did indeed write The Edge of Night and Somerset simultaneously. He also wrote The Edge of Night and Search for Tomorrow simultaneously. But never the three shows at once. Bill Bell did the same for years, penning The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful daily as head writer for both shows. 

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