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During his Emmy legends archive interview Bill Bell said in regards to Deidre leaving Y&R that he had contacted Pat Falken Smith who took over Days  after Bell Stepped down that he was about to let “one of his girls” go at Y&R and recommended DH for PFS to cast on Days...the time line for DH leaving as Barbara in 1976 kind of makes sense now as Bill was still HW at Days till May 75, and it would seem Deidre just came off of Y&R to do Days the following year. 

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Her last appearance on Y&R was May/Jun 1976. Brad goes to Chicago about his blindness and Barbara tries to convince him to tell Leslie. She was on Days within maybe a week or two of last appearing on Y&R

No Deidre played the part to the end


July 19, 1976



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Edited by will81
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Sorry, been a long time ! Here is June 1976. Fascinating month with the deaths of GL's Leslie Bauer or OLTL's Victor Lord but also the arrivals of three iconic ladies of daytime: DAYS' Marlena Evans, EON's Raven Alexander and Y&R's Vanessa Prentiss.


JUNE 1976


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Phoebe Tyler had drafted a letter to be sent by Mrs. Lum in her role as Kitty's mother. The letter, mailed from Minneapolis where Phoebe had installed the colorful former "Cerny" Circuit con woman, was replete with references to her "lost looks" - Kitty's mother was a very beautiful woman, and Mrs. Lum was careful to tell Kitty that then "you wouldn't know me on the street" -, a heart condition which prevented her from travelling, and the fact that she had been abandoned by Fred the man she left her family for and was going by the name of Lucy Carpenter once again.


Phoebe went to Linc's apartment looking for some snapshots of Kitty as a child and bribed the manager to let her in. When Lincoln returned, she told him that she was preparing a surprise, that she found it fun to play the good fairy. When Linc mentioned that Brooke English had told him that Phoebe had been wearing a blonde wig, Phoebe told her son that Brooke had overstepped her bounds by her reference to the wig; that it was just a whim and she was embarassed at the mention of it - The wig was employed, along with dark glasses, as a disguise when Phoebe recruited and met with Mrs. Lum. –


Upon learning that Lincoln planned to travel with Kitty to visit her long lost mother - Linc had given up any plans to join another law firm away from Pine Valley -, Phoebe telephoned Mrs. Lum and told her that it was extremely imperative that Kitty not go back to Pine Valley with Linc. Mrs. Lum told her that she had figured out what was going on; that Phoebe wanted to separate Linc and Kitty. She demanded that Phoebe send her an additional $5,000 more or she would "spill the beans."


Phoebe’s daughter, Anne, was waiting for word concerning Dr. Joe Martin's suspicion that she might be suffering from Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease transmitted by cats or in uncooked meat. - Anne had admitted to a fondness for Steak Tartare. - When the results of the tests proved positive, Joe told his brother Paul, Anne's husband that there was no way to tell before birth if the child Anne was carrying had been affected. He asked Paul if they had considered the possibility of abortion and told him that if they should decide that way they couldn’t delay too long.


When Ruth Martin told her husband Joe that her son Philip Brent was planning to fly to Arizona to visit Tara and his son little Philip, Joe pointed out that his daughter Tara had told Phil that the boy's doctor had advised against such a visit. He cited Philip's behavior as another example of self indulgence on her son's part which he believed Ruth had encouraged in him over the years - The boy's asthmatic attacks appeared to be due to his distress over the break-up of Tara and Chuck Tyler's marriage. Philip Brent was mistakenly reported killed in Vietnam and Tara, pregnant with Phil's child, accepted Chuck's offer to marry her. He had raised little Philip as his son. Tara had told Chuck that in the opinion of Dr. Hildebrand he would always be the psychological parent. - When Ruth, referring to the beginning of a quarrel over their children's behavior, said that they seemed to have come full circle, Joe replied that they were light years away from that.


Joe had discovered a letter from David Thornton in which he offered to leave Pine Valley and Joe demanded to know why Ruth didn't take him up on his offer if, as she has insisted, she wanted to save their marriage. Ruth told Joe that David was special to her but not in the way he seemed to believe. She said that the marriage was over and he intended to spend the night at the hospital, Ruth told him that she would be the one to leave. She said that she hadn't been entirely truthful with him or with herself; that she didn't know what she wanted and she would have to decide. Ruth made preparations to move into her son Phil's apartment.


On his return from seeing Tara and little Philip in Arizona, Chuck Tyler was met in the hospital by Erica Brent who told him that she had appointed herself a committee of one to give him some well intentioned advice about Donna Beck. She pointed out that he was being naive in assuming that Donna a young prostitute was capable of changing her way of life or even that she wanted to. Chuck told her that as far as the "ugly talk" she had referred to going around the hospital was concerned, if he wanted to offer a helping hand to Donna he didn’t consider that it was anybody else's business. Erica, who had fantasized herself as Mrs. Charles Tyler on occasion after Chuck's divorce and the imminent end of her marriage to Philip Brent, accepted a job offer which she had previously turned down from Nick Davis to act as a Hostess at the Chateau along with Nick's present condition that she give Philip a divorce. One consideration on Erica's part was the prospect of still be tied to Philip when Mr. Right came along; another that Donna Beck was, after all, "just a kid."


Dan Kennicott had been tutoring Donna at the hospital to prepare her to take an equivalency test for a High School diploma. When he learned that Ty had thrown Donna's books out of the window and that Donna had accepted Ty's gesture and his threats against herself and Chuck as final, Dan insisted that Donna could not only pass the test but go on to college if she wanted to and when Chuck insisted that he go out and purchase more books, Dan gladly left for the Zodiac bookstore to comply.


When Dr. Frank Grant first learned of Ty's threat against Chuck, and his friends anger that Donna had given up the project and seemed completely cowed, he recommended that Chuck write the whole thing off as a loss. As Donna's doctor, he told Chuck that her reaction to Chuck's inclination to defy Ty would probably not be damaging to her emotionally but on the contrary she would most likely love to be the center of attention. But as Chuck's friend, he warned him that he could end up with a knife in him and would be dead a long time. Frank went on to insist that Chuck didn’t understand the relationship between Donna and Ty but when Chuck insisted that he did understand the laws of equal rights and went on to ask what they were struggling for, Frank acknowledged that Chuck was right saying he would stand behind him, and adding his thanks "for reminding me what a dirty word compromise is."


When Paul told Anne about the results of her tests she screamed. When Paul begged her not to get hysterical, she insisted that she was not; that they were talking about a real possibility of damage to her baby. When she said that she did not care about herself, that she would give up her life for the baby, Paul explained she didn’t have to do any such thing — the disease was treatable. He told her that Joe wanted to sit down with them and talk about medication. Paul reminded his wife that there was a very good possibility that the baby wouldn't be affected and added that it was true that their options were limited. At the word "options," Anne asked if he was referring to the possibility of abortion and said her decision was no. Whatever happened she would not sacrifice her child. She asked Paul if any of the doctors recommended abortion and Paul said that Joe suggested it as a possible choice. Paul succeeded in getting Anne to agree to a meeting the following day with the doctors to discuss treatment.


At the meeting between Kitty and Mrs. Lum, the woman posing as her mother, Mrs. Lum, suggested, after a time, that she and Kitty needed some time alone to get acquainted, so Linc returned to the hotel. Kitty told Mrs. Lum that she and Linc planned to return to Pine Valley the following day as Linc had business. Her "mother" asked if Kitty could stay for a few days more because they had so much ground to cover and she wanted to try to make up for all the years they lost. She added with her health being the way it was, it might be the last time they would have a chance to talk to each other. Kitty agreed to speak to Linc about it when she returned to the hotel.


Philip admitted to Tara that he was jealous and resentful of the time Chuck had spent with her and little Philip and worried about the feelings she had for Chuck. She said she had committed herself to Phil and they would be married if Dr. Hildebrand gave her approval. Philip suggested that they be married secretly; little Philip would not have to know. When Tara said that was not the way she wanted it, Philip told her if she loved him enough she would agree. Tara replied she wanted to be married with all the trimmings this time and asked him to have a little patience.


Erica told her mother she realized that she had her to thank for getting Nick to offer her the job as hostess at the Chateau again. When Mona told her that she thought Erica needed a little excitement in her life, Erica said that the one reason she took the job was the salary because she couldn't even depend on Philip for the time of day. She added that she wanted to be able to look for "greener pastures."


Donna Beck told Caroline Murray that Ty was furious when she called and told him that she had a new set of books and was continuing with her lessons. Caroline asked Donna why she didn't just hang up on Ty, why she felt she had to tell him. Donna answered she was afraid of what Ty might do if he just walked in and found her reading them.


After Donna warned Chuck that Ty might come looking for him, Chuck assured her that he could take care of himself. She said she wanted him to understand she was not committing herself to anything other than studying while she was in the hospital. Chuck told her that all he wanted was for her to give herself a chance and that he thought she was very brave to have agreed to go ahead. When she said she might not be as brave as he thought because she knew what Ty could do and that he laughed at Chuck's threat of bringing in the police, Chuck offered to put someone outside her door. Donna told him she didn't want that but asked if he would come back after dinner and spend some time with her.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Robert Delaney, having confirmed that his wife Iris Carrington Delaney married him, knowing Clarice Hobson was pregnant with his child, destroyed Iris' portrait with a poker, left the house. When Iris discovered the vandalism, she was shattered. She ordered her housekeeper Louise Goddard to contact Lt. Gil McGowan immediately. Before Gil arrived, Iris jumped to the conclusion that her father Mac Cory's wife, Rachel, hired someone to destroy the portrait because of the intense hatred between the two women. Gil did the investigation, but refused to listen to Iris' tripe about his step-daughter, Rachel. He asked where Robert was. Nobody knew. Gil suggested Robert could have done it. Iris refused to believe it.


Robert made a last effort to convince Clarice to marry him, but she refused, feeling Iris would make less trouble for her and her baby this way. Robert got drunk and called Vic Hastings. Robert, an architect assigned to a large project for Frame Enterprises, backed out of the project. Robert then went home and asked Louise to pack his things and send them to his office. He admitted to the vandalism, saying he was just glad Iris wasn't there. Iris, meanwhile, had gone to Clarice's apartment, accusing her of breaking up her marriage and vowing revenge.


Robert later overheard Iris telling Louise how people conspired to make her unhappy. Robert told Iris that the only thing Rachel and Clarice were guilty of was seeing her for what she was. Robert refused to talk. When he brought up Mac, Iris said there was no way anyone would ever destroy her love for him. Robert knew that. Condemning Iris' mores, he told her, "You don't even know what you did" - by marrying him to keep him away from Clarice -. He told her she never shared anything with anyone and vowed to forget her. She threatened to get even with those who destroyed her marriage. Robert told her he was leaving so she would leave Clarice alone. Desperate, Iris promised to give him a child. Robert replied, "I wouldn't burden any child with a mother like you." He left.


Rachel, a talented artist, had been neglecting Mac somewhat during this emotionally wracking time for him. Because he discovered Iris was responsible for the death of his and Rachel's baby recently, Mac had cut all ties with Iris. And then, sometimes, it appeared that Rachel's sculpting meant more than anything to her. Rachel reassured him, but urged him to tell her if her work started to interfere with their lives. Rachel's mother, Ada McGowan, urged Rachel to spend more time with Mac, but Rachel ignored her, buoyed by Mac's encouragement to spend as much time as she needed. Ken Palmer, Rachel's tutor, seeing the dissension developing, urged Rachel to organize her time more efficiently. Iris was latching on to the fact that Rachel spent long hours in Ken's studio as a possible way to break up Mac and Rachel. She made nasty insinuations to Liz Matthews, Mac, Ken, and even Rachel, about what Ken and Rachel did alone in the studio. Mac had a jealous nature, but he was trying to curb it.


Iris made an appointment to see John to adjust her legal situation in light of Robert's leaving. When John had to cancel the meeting because of an urgent Frame Enterprises matter, Iris appeared anyway. John refused to cater to her, so she ordered him to send her files to another lawyer in New York. Iris used the ruse of needing legal advice to gain entry to Mac's life again, but he managed to thwart her, promising only to call the lawyer on her behalf, then call her back. Iris felt she was winning.


Ken told Rachel he was not going away to the mountains this summer because he had some pieces of sculpture to finish himself. He also tossed in that he'd miss seeing her at the studio. Rachel dismissed it. After another scolding from Ada, Rachel and Mac spent a nice evening together. Mac asked Rachel if she was going to the Steven Frame Memorial Library dedication in Chadwell with Jamie and him. Rachel felt it would be uncomfortable, considering her past marriage to Steve and the fact that he was married to Alice when he died. Mac went along, but told her he had to go to New York for a few days, on business, and would go to Chadwell from there. Rachel asked who would take Jamie. Mac suggested they send Jamie with his uncle, Willis Frame. Rachel agreed. Ken dropped by with sketches Rachel left at the studio. They quickly became engrossed in them, ignoring Mac.


Iris dropped by to see her son Dennis, who had been staying with the Corys during the upheaval at home. When she saw Ken there, she refused to let Mac accompany her to the stable, suggesting he keep an eye on his wife and her "so-called tutor." The remark hit home.


Iris took Dennis home with her. She was making plans to go to New York. He asked when she was leaving, telling her about a swim-meet and a gold medal he would be receiving. When Iris refused to change her plans for him, he told her he would give her ticket to Rachel. Dennis revealed he had already given Mac one. Iris tried to change her mind, but he ran out. Iris tore over to Ken's studio, accusing Rachel of taking both her father and son away from her. Rachel told her that, if she provided the proper environment for Dennis, he wouldn't find it necessary to stay at their house. Iris was furious. Ken grabbed her arm to show her the door. She stopped, hurling insults, promising to use Ken to destroy Rachel's marriage to Mac.


Later, Rachel told Ken she seemed to be making a new life for herself with her sculpting and wasn't sure she should be. Ken warned she would be a professional artist soon and people were going to be even more intolerant. He urged her not to let people keep her from sculpting.


The lawyer Iris wanted in New York, Keith Morrison, didn’t want to take on any more work. When Mac tried to reach Iris, he found Iris had gone to New York. When Louise didn’t know her plans, Mac observed to Scott Bradley and Pat Randolph that, if Louise didn’t know, Iris didn’t want anyone to know.


Pat Randolph, estranged from her husband John, asked Scott's advice about selling the house and talking to John. - The Randolphs split up because Pat kept their daughter Marianne's pregnancy and subsequent abortion from John. When he found out, he felt he had no place in the family's life and turned to his now-departed associate Barbara Weaver for consolation. Barbara left John when she found out he'd never told Pat about them. Pat, disillusioned about the marriage, refused to let John return, and she turned her attentions to Dr. Dave Gilchrist -.


Scott told Pat that she would need John’s permission to sell the house, or even take any thing out of it for the new apartment she had found near the Cory Complex, where she worked as receptionist. Scott arranged a meeting witl John, Pat, and himself.


The meeting went well at first, John telling Pat she might have whatever she wanted from the house. He urged her to stay there, but she refused. Marianne arrived and turned the whole thing into a shambles. Marianne, sure she was responsible for the estrangement, tried everything she knew to get her parents back together. She blamed Dave Gilchrist for coming between Pat and John. Pat denied that, insisting it was all over with John forever. Marianne couldn't accept that. Mike Randolph applauded his mother's new steps to independence, disillusioned with John because of Barbara.


When his executive assistant quit for personal reasons, Mac gave Pat her job. Pat was very excited. The job meant lots of responsibility and travel. Mac sent Pat ahead to New York. He insisted she stay in his townhouse. Rachel was surprised to find Jamie was giving Dennis a surprize party. She was upset to find Pat was staying in the townhouse.


Mike finally appeared to react Marianne by telling her she should stand behind Pat like Pat stood behind her througt the pregnancy-abortion thing. Marianne agreed, until she saw Pat in Dave's arms. Her hostility returned, fed by her aunt, Liz Matthews. Liz completely disapproves of Pat's new Iife and told everyone who would listen that Pat was making the wrong moves. Only Marianne listened. The situation worsened when John and Liz drop in on Pat while she was packing. Dave had stopped by on his way to the hospital to help. Liz, of course, concluded he spent the night and made nasty remarks. John sent her to the car. Pat sent John away, asking him not to return to the house until she had moved. Liz ran straight to Marianne, saying Marianne was the only one who could reach Pat, and Marianne had to change Pat's course, insisting Pat would thank them later. Marianne told Pat she was making John miserable because of Dave. Unable to stop Marianne any other way, Pat admitted she was in love with Dave. Marianne left. Pat's father, Jim, refused to believe Pat was having an affair, but said it was none of their business anyway, when Liz took the thing to him. Liz tried Pat's brother, Russ Matthews, who replied that Dave might just well be the key to Pat's future happiness. Alice, Pat's sister, wouldn’t listen either.


John decided to return to the house. Marianne, who had been helping him at the office, offered to move home, too, and maybe Pat would come to her senses and made them all a family again. Marianne had been neglecting her classes to help John. When she constantly changed conferences with Ken Palmer, he told her she had to choose. She chose John. When she canceled her final conference, Ken had to flunk her. Her other grades had slipped terribly, too.


Iris, upset that Robert wouldn't change plans to go to Washington, before their break, called Lowell Pendleton, for whom Robert was designing a huge complex, and told Lowell Robert's interest was waning. Lowell, of course, checked with Mac and Vic who reassured Lowell. Willis Frame got the news from ex-girlfriend, Angie Perrini. Willis told his lover, Carol Lamonte, also an architect, that this might be just what he needed to ease Vic out of Frame Enterprises. - Alice Frame owned the firm, which her late husband founded. She had divided authority between brother-in-law Willis and Vic Hastings, an experienced contractor. Willis had been trying to take over the firm, with Carol's help. - Robert called Vic, resigning. Vic went to tell Willis. who had already contacted Pendleton. assuring him the firm would still handle the project. and he was right on top of things. When Vic told Willis about Robert, Willis accused Vic of bad judgment, but said he had pulled it out of the fire for them. When Vic realized Willis was going to give the project to Carol, he threatened to resign. Willis dared him to. Vic, feeling he had let Alice down through his devotion to Robert. did. Willis was ecstatic; Carol was scared. She was already working on a huge project. Alice was in Oklahoma City on business for the Chadwell Library and couldn’t be reached. Angie, afraid for Willis' ambition, tried to dissuade Vic, to no avail. Vic lef town.


The Pendleton board of directors approved Carol as the architect, Pendleton revealing he was only going with Willis because he moved in so quickly. Carol didn’t want the project because she didn’t want to spend so much time away from Willis, but he told her she couldn’t spoil his plans. When his older sister, Emma, came down on Willis about giving their other sister, Sharlene Matthews – she had just married Russ - a hard time, threatening to reveal something in her past to Russ, Willis told Emma Sharlene was once a B-girl. Sharlene confirmed it to Emma, who told Sharlene to stay out of Willis' way.


Russ was concerned about Sharlene's frequent headaches and nervousness. He sent her to Dave for a check-up. Sharlene admitted to Dave she had a secret she felt she had to keep from Russ, and that was why she was so upset. Dave urged her to tell Russ, but didn’t press her.


When Alice returned and found Vic had resigned, she called a meeting in John's office. Pam Sloan, Vic's girlfriend, and John's office manager, was there. Willis made nasty cracks about Vic's general incompetence and resigning without preparing anyone. Pam told everyone Willis forced Vic's resignation. Willis passed it off, and got on with the news that they hadn't lost the project, almost straining his arm patting himself on the back. Alice closed the meeting, still feeling something was amiss. While she and Raymond Gordon, her good friend and advisor, and Willis were still in the office, Ray received a call from his estranged wife, Olive. Olive, jilted by the man for whom she left Ray, wanted a reconciliation, beginning with Ray's sending her the money for her and their sons to come to Bay City. Ray refused.


Willis, realizing he could use this mess to come between Ray and Alice, stole Olive's address from Beatrice, Ray's mother, and flew to California. He met with Olive, telling her he would advance her the money, and all she had to do was reconcile with Ray. Olive accepted.


Alice had decided to spend more time at the office, uneasy about Vic's resignation. Ray was going to help her part-time, released for that purpose from his job as head of employee insurance matters at the Cory Complex. They would share Vic's office. Alice was surprised to learn Willis was off in California, with two such important projects in the works. Sharlene thought Willis had gone to persuade Navy buddies to come to Bay City to confirm the B-girl stories to Russ. Willis was being so vindictive towards Sharlene because she was keeping Alice up on things in Carol's office, where she worked, and vowed to stop Willis from taking over.


As John and Alice went over papers and plans for the two projects, Angie brought in a new folder on the hi-rise. It contained papers they had been asking Willis for for weeks. Alice and John were furious. Angie explained the folder was in Willis' private file, so Alice demanded Angie bring her the entire file, when she realized Willis was withholding stuff from Vic for weeks before Vic's resignation. John tool the folder to study. He told Alice there were discrepancies, but the firm should make a sizeable profit. The papers showed Willis and Carol were keeping two sets of figures, however. But since Willis was away, they decided they would have to wait for him to return to get answers.


Molly Ordway, Alice’s niece and Emma's daughter, was infatuated with Daryll Stephens, an ex-friend of Marianne's. She didn’t want to return to Chadwell with her mother, but Emma made it clear they couldn't afford to send her to college in Bay City. Sharlene intervened on Molly's behalf, promising to help take care of her. Alice would like Molly to stay and look after Sally while she was at the office. Beatrice Gordon, Sally's grandmother - Alice adopted Sally when no relatives could be found. Beatrice appeared later, and had decided to let Alice keep Sally, as Alice could do so much more for her -, was unhappy that Alice was spending so much time away from Sally. She'd like to have Sally for the summer herself, and considered asking Rachel, for whom she was housekeeper, for permission.


At Sharlene’s suggestion, Carol hired Daryll to replace Sharlene. Carol was mystified about the “O. Springer” Willis asked her to make reservations for. Sharlene was scared. “O. Springer” was Olive Gordon, whom Willis was paying to come to town. – He was paying for camp for the boys, a new wardrobe, and the hotel suite. –


Alice asked Emma to let Molly stay with her to look after Sally, offering to pay her. Sharlene promised to keep an eye on her. Emma didn’t feel Molly was mature enough to handle it; neither did Beatrice.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Grant Colman went to see his estranged wife Lisa, but found Dick Martin there with her. He asked Dick to leave so he might speak to Lisa alone, but Lisa refused to let Dick leave since she had invited him there. Grant said he would get out of her life and not bother her anymore. Furious with herself, Lisa threw Dick out of the house after Grant left.


Nancy Hughes asked Lisa to their family picnic, but was uncertain whether Lisa would come when Grant showed up. Lisa arrived, but before she could exit after hearing that Grant was there, she was told Grant had saved her the embarrassment by leaving himself.


Later that day, Dick looked up Grant at the Lawyer's Club, where he had been staying, to apologize for being in the way when Grant obviously wanted to talk to Lisa alone. Grant hadn't eaten anything, but accepted Dick's offer of a drink to show he wanot angry. After several vodka-on-the-rocks, Grant became confused and thought he still lived with Lisa.


Grant still had a key to the house and let himself in. He undressed as he went through the house on his way to the bedroom. He finally found a pair of pajamas and climbed into bed.


When Lisa came home, she recognized Grant's coat and shoes. She picked up his clothes, covered him, and took a blanket and pillow to the couch for herself. Grant woke up, freshened himself and found Lisa asleep in the living room. He bent to kiss her and found Lisa responsive. They both decided they had been foolishly jealous and forgave one another. Grant arranged things at the office so he could take Lisa away for a few days.


Grant asked Carol Stallings to find an apartment for Mary Ellison and her son Teddy, who would soon be moving to Oakdale so that Mary could work for the Jay Stallings Land Development Company. - Mary and Brian Ellison adopted Teddy privately, and after four years, Joyce Colman, Grant's ex-wife, tried to win custody. Grant helped the Ellisons because he felt that Joyce was unstable. Brian was killed recently in a tractor accident and, with little money and no job prospects in Laramie, Grant and Lisa felt Mary should come to Oakdale. - Carol called Mary to tell her she had found an apartment and imparted the news that Lisa and Grant were together again. Mary mentioned this to Joyce when she called to assure Mary that she wouldn’t bother Teddy if they moved to Oakdale. Joyce made such a big thing of it with Dick so that she could use him as a weapon against Grant and Lisa.


Mary was sad about leaving the house, and when she got a job offer in Laramie, she considered taking it, until she decided that it was best for Teddy that they go. Once in Oakdale, she and Teddy settled in easily, but Mary was torn when the house sold and she lost her last tie with Laramie and Brian.


Nancy and Chris Hughes received a call from the farm telling them that Grandpa Hughes had died in his sleep. Irma said he had been out in the garden and laid down to rest before lunch and passed away. Ellen Stewart cared for Frannie while Chris and Nancy went to the farm. Memorial services were held in Oakdale, but Irma was too ill to make the trip in from the farm. Grandpa Hughes was loved not only by his family, but most of Oakdale and would be missed by many.


Jay Stallings got a long distance call from Kilborne, Pennsylvania, at home. The caller hung up before connected, but Jay was sure it was Natalie Hughes. Jay told Tom Hughes because he knew Tom still wanted to protect Carol, even though she was married to Jay and Tom knew that his wife Natalie was seeing Jay. Jay was concerned because he had to go on a business trip to the Pacific for at least two weeks and was afraid Natalie would call Carol. Jay considered not going, but Tom wouldn’t let him back out of this government contract.


When the calls continued to Carol and to Jay's secretary, Laurie, Tom went to Kilborne to see Natalie. He went to Luke Porter's office - Natalie's ex-lover - and was told by Luke's wife, Margaret, that Luke and Natalie were finished. Tom located her in a motel outside of town, but she claimed to know nothing about the phone calls. Tom told her that Jay was really out of town and Carol didn’t have to find out. Natalie said that this was why their marriage broke up — Tom always thought of Carol. Tom said that while he and Natalie were together, he thought of no one but Natalie. He cautioned her again about calling.


When Laurie received another collect call, she accepted the charges and told the caller that she knew who it was and they had better not call again. She asked Mary to say nothing to Carol.


Valerie Conway, a young beautiful divorcee who crash landed in Oakdale, had decided to stay on and fix up the Conway farm, property she received as part of her divorce settlement. Valerie was dating both doctors Dan Stewart and Bob Hughes and was enjoying the slight bit of tension she was causing between old friends. Dan's mother didn’t realize that Bob was also dating Valerie when she questioned Bob about her. Her husband David tried to stop her, but Ellen was so thrilled that Dan was finally enjoying life since coming back from Bolivia, that she didn’t notice. When David explained later, she felt like a fool.


After several dates with Bob and Dan, Valerie finally felt open enough to answer their questions about her relationship with Kim Dixon. Valerie's story was that she was in love with a young man whom Kim, married to Valerie's brother Jason, decided was wrong for her. When she couldn't break up the relationship herself, she emplored Jason to help by offering the man money. He took it, left and later died. Kim would reveal nothing as she promised Jason to remain silent.


Valerie tried to involve Bob and Dan more and more by asking for advice on the farm, but was sent to Grant Colman instead. Valerie had not been sent a bill for the price of the airplane that was destroyed. She asked Grant to get ready to countersue for medical expenses, when they found out she wouldn’t pay for the airplane.


Dan and Valerie had a falling out when a picnic was ruined because Valerie knew nothing about children's tastes and didn’t bother to inquire. Dan felt that anyone should know that children didn’t care for such delicacies as liver pate and artichoke hearts. Betsy Stewart was upset over Dan's relationship with Valerie before she met her, but when she saw them kissing, Dan decided to cool things down a bit for Betsy's sake.


Kevin Thompson told Susan Stewart, Dan's ex-wife, she had to tell Dan that she kept him and Kim from each other before his trip to Bolivia and Susan agreed. After Dr. John Dixon recovered from a fit of paranoia, he was again asked to resign. Susan heard a rumor that John would be fired and talked to him about his future. Susan asked Dr. Strausfield, John's replacement as Chief of Medicine, to use his influence to get John a job in a hospital in Cleveland where Dr. Strausfield was well known. Jim Strausfield told John that he had been asked to recommend him for a position elsewhere, but couldn't. He fired John. John went to his “friend” Susan, who was petrified that John would tell Dan what he knew, and told her that Kim was trying to have him run out of town. Then he blasted Kim who knew nothing about this. Again Kevin was angry because Susan let Kim take the blame for something she did.


Nurse Holland tried to to get in touch with John Dixon at the Spencer Hotel and was told he had moved out. Pat and Jim Strausfield were worried. Jim asked Kim if she had heard fron him. When he asked Susan, she asked why he was concerning himself, since John no longer worked at the hospital, and Jim replied that he wanted it cleared up.


Susan told Kevin that she couldn't tell Dan and knew she didn’t have to since John had left town. Kevin exploded and showed just how angry he could get when provoked.


Grant saw Mary at the hospital, an she said that she met a neighbor at her new apartment — John Dixon. Grant told Kim that John was still in town.


Dee Stewart, who was going through the pains of being a teenager, felt that her mother was old-fashioned because she insisted on chaperones for weekends and such had been asked out by a boy she really liked but whom she felt her parents would object to. David and Ellen never got the chance because Dee was stood up.


David told his oldest son, Dan, that he should talk to Kim and find out how she felt about him as she had divorced John. Dan said that Kim already made her choice, and the fact that it didn't work out with John had nothinc to do with the situation between them. Dan pondered his father's suggestion and put Valerie off when she wanted to make up after the incident with Betsy.


Pat Holland visited John at his new apartment after overhearing Mary tell Grant where it was. She found that he was sober and feeling much better. He told her that the one person he would like to see was Susan. Susan was shocked to hear that John was in town and wanted to see her. He told her that he was quite comfortable in this apartment and planned to stay in Oakdale indefinitely doing work on some paper that he had always wanted to write. Susan returned to the research lab to tell her superior, Dr. David Stewart, that she would go to the symposium in Galveston which, prior to this, she had refused to consider, much to David's dismay.


Dan decided to see Kim, but put it fror his mind when Betsy called to say Emmy had fallen from a tree. It turned out to be a spraine ankle and Emmy was fine. The following evening, Kim was going to dinner with Jim Strausfield and Dan had decided to pay Kim a visit.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Amanda Howard, facing brain surgery, took time out to look at the world she had taken so for granted. She collapsed at the dedication of the surgical wing she used her late husband's money to finance in his memory. The surgeons had to go in deeper than they thought. As Amanda laid comatose, driving those who loved her to distraction. Dr. Neil Curtis, ex-lover, then dear friend, blamed himself because he didn't insist Amanda have the surgery immediately. Dr. Greg Peters, who had proposed marriage to her, found it hard to face what the extended unconsciousness meant. Dr. Tom Horton feared paralysis, loss of memory, and who knew what else. Dr. Bill Horton felt he let Amanda down because he could not finish assisting in the surgery due to a numbness in his right hand - resulting from a gunshot wound inflicted by his brother Mickey -.


Neil’s wife, Phyllis, who generously let Neil spend those last days with Amanda, visited the hospital often, explaining to Neil that it was nice to watch her husband work. He was grateful for her support. - Neil married Phyl, an older woman, on the rebound from Amanda. Their marriage had been rocky because of Phyl's jealousy. Finally, Phyl realized she was driving Neil away and changed her attitude. She knew the only way to keep Neil was to hold lightly. - Phyl, knowing Amanda had spent almost all her money on the clinic, sold stock in her ex-husband Bob Anderson's firm to Bob and gave Neil the money, telling him it was from all Amanda's friends. Neil suspected otherwise.


Amanda opened her eyes, finally, and all the machines said she was conscious, but she didn’t respond, verbally or physically to her doctors. After days of no response, Amanda, unnoticed, moved her hand. Finally her ability to move returned, but the doctors found she had no memory or speech. Little by little they told her about herself. She was able to respond by blinking her eyes and they found she could write — crude capital letters at first. She finally remembered the children at the clinic, and she asked for speech therapy. Tom and Bill warned her not to get discouraged, that it would be a long time before what she said would resemble the sounds she thought she was making.


Phyllis, confused and lonely, went to lawyer Don Craig, thinking of divorcing Neil to free him to be with Amanda. She was also unsure that she would be able to stand the wait for Neil's full return. Don reassured her, telling her she had changed Neil's life for the better, and Neil knew it.


In the aftermath of Amanda's surgery, Julie Anderson and Doug Williams decided to spend their future together. - Doug and Julie had been in love for years. Julie had married Scott Banning to regain her son whom she had given up for adoption. When Julie was widowed, Doug had already married her mother Addie. When Addie was killed by a hit-and-run driver, Julie had married Bob Anderson for security and glamour. Julie was then divorced from Bob. - David, Julie's son, gave grudging "approval," saying they couldn’t interfere in each other's lives. The fly in the ointment turned out to be recently arrived Kim Douglas, to whom Doug used to be married. Kim had moved in on Doug, who made it clear that she was not welcome, especially when Julie's reaction to her was extremely hostile. Kim conned Doug into giving her the hostess job at his supper club, Doug's Place. Doug finally proposed marriage to Julie, promising there was no hurry. When Kim found out, she told Doug he couldn’t marry Julie. He was still married to her! Kim never picked up the final divorce papers. Doug was horrified. That meant his marriage to Addie was never valid, and his daughter Hope was illegitimate. Julie was surprised when Doug started to hedge on marriage. He told her, if she was not ready, "why rush things?"


Kim had been to see Don Craig to request he start divorce proceedings against "Brent Douglas," Doug's real name. Kim told him Brent could be reached through Doug Williams. Julie, who worked in Don's office, was intrigued when she found Kim's file. Hope told Julie, ironically, that Kim was going to be her new mommy. Julie, who had recently lost a baby and whose relationship with her son was strained, was devastated, but she passed it off - While Julie was pregnant, her marriage was crumbling. Doug urged her to leave Bob and come to him. She started to, but her son's extreme hostility to Doug stopped her. She later had an accident and lost her baby. Julie was afraid of being hurt again by a child, the worst pain, to her.-


Linda Phillips dropped by with legal papers for "Brent," and the message that Don wanted to see "him" as soon as possible to discuss the financial settlement. Doug told Linda that was impossible, so Don came by. Finally, Doug was forced to admit he was "Brent." Don was furious. - Don, too, had been in love with Julie for years. - Doug gave Julie an engagement ring.


Robert LeClair asked Kim how this mess occurred. Kim was upset because Doug left her, so she didn't pick up the final papers. Then, when the millionaire she was interested in left her, she was broke. Robert reminded her Doug's late wife Addie had him thoroughly investigated. Kim bribed the investigator. Don returned. It seemed Kim's mother, who died recently, had left Kim and Doug an island, provided they were still married when her will was probated. Doug didn’t want to hurt Kim by taking away her inheritance, so he told Julie they couldn’t be married for six months, and blurted out the whole story. Julie was devastated. She returned Doug's ring and ran out.


Julie accepted a date with Don, wearing her sexiest dress. She pledged just fun and games from then on, but Don took it slowly. He had been there before. They were interrupted at dinner by Doug, who arrived with the news of Amanda's condition. They rushed to the hospital. Her date with Don over, she thought, Julie invited Sharon Duval over for a portrait sitting. Sharon guesseed Julie had man problems. She told Julie men and women were two different species, always in conflict, even in their most intimate moments. "All you can ask of a man is not to be boring." Don arrived. Sharon found him intriguing, but left. Don and Julie resumed their "fun and games," which resulted in Julie's falling asleep on his couch at 3 a.m. Don had warned Julie he wouldn’t always be around to pick up the pieces. Doug burst into Don's apartment to "rescue" Julie. He backed down when he saw her asleep on the couch.


Meanwhile, Doug had told Kim that if she didn’t get a divorce soon, he would, no matter if he lost everything. Kim took that to Julie, saying it could be hard on Doug, if he didn’t play it her way. Kim also got in a dig about plans to go to Portofino with Doug when they were first married. Julie was hurt, because she and Doug had always dreamed of going there together. Doug asked Julie to trust their love because it was real and deep. Julie agreed. Kim moved into her own apartment.


Rebecca North, Doug’s housekeeper, whisked through the days before her wedding to Johnny Collins on Cloud 9. The only problem Rebecca had was that the baby she was carrying wasn't Johnny's, although everyone else thought it was. - The baby was Doug's through artificial insemination, but he didn’t know it. Doug wanted to give Hope the sibling she'd been wanting. Only Rebecca and Neil Curtis knew. - As Rebecca and Johnny were fixing up the apartment they had rented, Johnny took her into the room they had chosen for a nursery. It was completely furnished! Johnny told Rebecca nothing was too good for his kid.


Realizing their marriage had to be based on honesty, Rebecca told Johnny the whole story. She was devastated by the loss of her own baby in an auto accident years ago, and felt the need to replace the child. Johnny needed $5000 to go to Paris to study art. So, out of love for him, she was artificially inseminated. Johnny was thunderstruck. But he assured Rebecca that it was all o.k. He could love the baby because it was hers, too. Doug, meanwhile, had decided not to go through with the adoption and had told Neil the woman could keep the money.


Rebecca was radiant on her wedding day. But Johnny found he couldn’t handle the whole thing and split, leaving Rebecca a note. He accused her of only wanting the baby, any man's baby, to fulfill her own selfish need. He loved her, but he couldn’t face the situation. Rebecca was hysterical when she and Julie found the note at the apartment — in the nursery. Neil arrived soon afterwards and sedated Rebecca. Robert, long in love with Rebecca, sat at her side constantly. - When Johnny had almost backed out before, Robert had proposed to Rebecca. He'd consulted Don Craig about papers that would assure Rebecca they would be man and wife in name only and he would adopt her baby legally. So great was Robert's love. - Robert made the same offer to Rebecca again. After thinking it over, she accepted, asking that they be married quietly. Bitterly, Rebecca observed to Neil that her baby had been rejected by two fathers before it was even born. She told Neil she wouldn’t tell Robert the baby's paternity. Neil concured, noting Robert already knew the baby wasn't his and that Rebecca didn’t love him.


The new-found peace between Trish and Jeri Clayton was shattered when Trish, angry that Jeri was still living with her husband Jack since her return, blurted out the whole story about James Stanhope. - Unable to face the hurt in Trish's eyes when Trish found out she was illegitimate, Jeri left town, leaving a note telling Trish her father was James Stanhope. Trish located Stanhope in Phoenix and told him he was her father. Stanhope, a respectable married man with three children, adamantly denied his paternity, devastating Trish, who thought Jeri was a tramp and a liar. - Unable to convince Trish she wasn't lying about Stanhope, Jeri, with Julie's encouragement, went to Phoenix. Jeri confronted Stanhope in his office. She forced him to remember her with a torrent of dates and places. She recalled how he left her when he found out she was pregnant. - They were both with the same band during a summer. - He claimed he returned three months later, but Jeri was gone. Bitterly, she asked if he came to check if she really was pregnant? They were interrupted by his daughter Ginny, and Jeri left. She called Trish to tell her Stanhope remembered her, but still denied his paternity, but probably just to protect his present family. Trish still didn’t believe Jeri.


Trish had doubts in other areas, too. Since Mike Horton had returned to the apartment they shared after his release from the hospital, he had resumed their old platonic relationship, which had caused Trish to doubt herself as a woman. Mike had admitted, however, he didn't realize how much he could miss her. Shaken to the core over the fight with her mother and what Trish thought was bad news from Phoenix, she asked Mike to hold her, after they were ready for bed. He crawled into bed with her. She asked him to kiss her, like someone in love. They found themselves in the midst of the first sexual encounter for both of them; however, it ended badly. Mike was unable to perform. He concluded he was impotent, despite Trish's reassurances that they were both scared and preoccupied with other things in their lives. Mike refused to listen, dressed, and ran out of the apartment.


Mike went to Linda Phillips. She could tell he was shaken, but didn’t push. Eventually it all came out. Linda told him he was not the first or the last to have a problem in the first encounter. She recounted the story of her first, disastrous encounter. Her boyfriend had the same problem. Linda told Mike that unless the lovers were totally committed, mind, heart, soul, it would go wrong. She pointed out he was very preoccupied with Mickey Horton, and he had to relax. Trish called Brooke Hamilton, who rushed over, to give Trish much the same advice. She told Trish a girl could fake it, but a boy couldn’t. She also told Trish she and Mike had too much pain in their lives to really make a success of becoming lovers.


Reluctantly, Jeri arranged to meet with Kay Stanhope, vowing to get it all out in the open. But after meeting Kay and Ginny, Jeri couldn’t pursue the "blackmail." When Stanhope arrived home, Ginny asked why he didn't tell her Jeri was Trish's mother. He was horrified to find Jeri had been there. After Ginny went to bed, Stanhope nervously told Kay that she was not to believe a word Jeri said, that Jeri was a confirmed liar. He screamed, "I am not Trish Clayton's father." Kay was stunned. Jeri hadn't said anything about it.


Ginny Stanhope overheard her mother and father discussing the possibility he could be Trish's father. Ginny felt it was true, because there had always been something special about Trish. But Ginny did wonder what kind of man her father was. Kay felt betrayed. Stanhope agreed to return to Salem with Jeri. When they saw Trish, Stanhope was bitter about the effect on his family, so he was not very con-vincing to Trish, who asked Jeri why she destroyed his family. Jeri, angry, asked what Trish wanted. Nothing she did seemed to please her. Trish relented.


Mike moved into Linda Phillips’ apartment, temporarily. Trish was crushed when he moved out. Don dropped by with papers for Linda to handle for him and saw Mike in his pajamas. Later, he refused to believe it was innocent. He asked Linda if she wasn't robbing the cradle.


Adele Hamilton, Brooke’s mother, an alcoholic, had refrained from drinking for several weeks, thanks to the love and support of the Grants, a compassionate black family. Paul Grant, a recovered alcoholic, and his wife, Helen, conducted a self-help group at their church for people with problems. Adele had been attending lately, with Bob Anderson in tow. - Bob was unaware that Brooke was his daughter, conceived during an idyllic summer with Adele 28 years ago. - Brooke had told Adele she would tell Bob the truth, if Adele fell off the wagon.


David Banning, with whom Brooke was in love, and for whom she had an abortion, felt Brooke was a worthwhile human being. David had been living with the Grants since a big blow up with his mother, Julie. David had become great buddies with Valerie Grant, to Brooke's dismay. Val was compassionate and loving, and David was attracted to her. Knowing how David treated her, and how he would treat all women because he felt he had been denied his mother's love, Brooke tried to interfere. But it was inadvertently that Brooke disillusioned Val about Dr. Laura Horton, one of the doctors for whom Val, a student nurse, worked. Val greatly admired Laura, and welcomed Laura's encouragement to become a psychiatrist. Brooke appeared as Val and David were having lunch, asking him to help Mike, who had just turned away from Laura, because he found out Bill, not Mickey, was his father. David later asked Brooke why she was so destructive. He hinted she deliberately told Val about Mike so Val would be hurting like Brooke was. Brooke honestly meant no harm. When David again found out Brooke told Alice Horton there was more than friendship between Val and him, he descended on her again, telling her to stay out of his life. Brooke went to the Grants to find out if there was really anything between Val and David. She confronted Val's brother, Danny. He told Brooke she was just a nasty troublemaker, and if anything did develop between David and Val, Brooke should remember she started it by planting the idea in people's minds. David arrived and asked Brooke to leave. Before she went, she warned David that if he hurt Val, he would answer to her, because she owed the Grants for all their kindness to her mother, "And those are the kinds of debts I pay."


Bob Anderson offered to search for Brooke's father for them, but both refused. Brooke said there was no point to it. Meanwhile, Bob had given Adele a job as assistant head night janitor. He found himself staying late at work to talk to Adele.


Laura Horton was angry with father-in-law Tom Horton because he encouraged her husband Bill to tell her son Mike the truth about who his father is. - While Bill and Laura were interns, Bill, in love with Laura even though she'd married his brother Mickey, raped her. Laura submitted, rather than have Bill dismissed and the family hurt. The day she and Tom found out Mickey was sterile was the day Laura found out she was pregnant. They decided to keep it a secret. Finding out Mike was not his son so infuriated Mickey that he tried to kill Bill, then married to Laura. Mickey was subsequently admitted to Bayview Sanitarium, where he had been making progress, and also going through therapists at a rapid rate. - Mike had just learned the truth from Bill, in front of Mickey. At home, Brooke told Mike he was lucky: his father was at least willing to acknowledge him, unlike Trish or her.


Mike blamed Bill and Laura for Mickey's being in the sanitarium, but not as much as they blamed themselves. Mike never wanted to see Laura again. He couldn’t believe Laura was faithful to Mickey, except for that one night, citing her present marriage as proof.


Meanwhile, Mickey’s present wife Maggie told Mickey she wouldn’t divorce him. She accepted he was trying to free her, but until he was well enough to be discharged, they couldn’t discuss emotional things because he was not ready to. In the meantime, they would be friends. Maggie was going to start paralegal training so she could help with his law practice when he was released. She was also going to try to adopt an orphan, Janice. Janice was moved home from the hospital, where doctors could find no physical reason for her inability to walk. Maggie and Janice were staying with Alice and Tom. Maggie also called a truce with Linda Phillips, also in love with Mickey - Years ago, Linda and Mickey had an affair. Recently, Linda had tried to destroy Maggie and Mickey's marriage, to no avail. –


Alice finally persuaded Mike to accompany her to the sanitarium. Mickey asked Mike to call him "Mickey" for the time being, not "dad." Alice defended Laura, telling Mickey he had the affair, not Laura. Mike found Linda a fast friend. - Maggie suspected Linda was using the friendship to try to win Mickey later. –


Mike returned to the apartment to find Bill there. Bill tried to explain how Mike was hurting Laura. It was no use. Bill goaded Mike into taking his hostility out on him, and stood there while Mike punched him. Maggie and Bill feared Mike's bitterness would cut him off from Trish and Mickey, and then Mike would have nobody.


Mickey was interviewed by a new therapist, Dr. Marlena Evans. The first thing Mickey noticed was her blonde hair, warning he had tried to strangle two blonde women. He then observed that she was not a real blonde. Dr. Powell, the head of the sanitarium, saw Marlena as Mickey's last chance, since he had rejected all other therapists. One point in her favor was that she was not on staff, but had been brought in by Powell just for Mickey's case. Marlena got the whole story from Bill. She then willingly returned to the sanitarium during a storm at Mickey's request. He acknowledged he was afraid of returning to the world because there appeared to be no place for him there — Don Craig had his law practice; Bill had his wife and son; and he was a different man while married to Maggie. Marlena admitted to feeling lonely herself. She and Mickey began to hit it off.


Don Craig arrived with papers for Mickey to sign. He was refused admittance without Marlena's permission, angering him. Marlena took the papers in to Mickey. When Marlena asked him, Don replied that he hdsn't taken Mickey's practice away. He was merely keeping it going as a favor to Maggie and the Hortons. They agreed to try to be friends.


Marlena even talked with Linda, who was very honest about her relationship with Mickey. Maggie warned Marlene that Linda was honest when it suited her. When Marlena found Mike was at loose ends, she suggested that Mickey might want to stay with him during the day. She wanted Mickey released for a few hours each day because he was becoming too comfortable in the sanitarium. Mike accepted the idea. Marlena apologized to Don, who invited her to lunch.


The Doctors


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Jeff Young


After trying for a very short time to cope with her blindness, Althea insisted that her daughter Penny call Nick and Matt and Maggie. She asked Nick about the odds for regaining her sight and as she was weighing his answer, Althea received a phone call from the wife of a patient. When Maggie said that Dr. Davis was not available, Althea insisted on talking. Crying, she told Mrs. Farmer that she wanted to talk to her but she was unable to meet her, that she couldn’t go out. She asked Matt, Maggie and Nick, fellow doctors, to tell her what they would do, but they said that they couldn’t, that it was her life. Althea decided in favor of surgery and insisted on being admitted to Hope Memorial immediately.


Althea survived the operation and after 24 hours she was momentarily aware of the fact that Matt was lighting a cigarette lighter. The following day, when Nick brought presents for her, she sent him home but ordered him back to kiss her goodbye. After Nick left, she told Maggie that she was not quite sure that she did see and hadn't since. She talked about Nick as an excellent surgeon, a great friend but a rotten husband - Althea was formerly married to Nick. - Throughout her conversation with Maggie, Althea was opening the presents and feeling a nightgown under her fingers exclaims: "The gall — the utter nerve — black, isn't it." Then "I can see." She told Maggie that she wished Nick hadn't gone home. Her vision was blurry but she could see Maggie and added: "Oh, I'd like to see him." When she did see Nick, she spent a lot of time thanking him - with kisses - for the various seconds of her recovery, with both of them losing count periodically.


When Dr. Ann Larimer learned from Steve Aldrich that Mike Powers had told Steve that a woman answering to Carolee's description had been reported to be in New York General Hospital totally helpless in a complete state of collapse with no identification on her person when found and that Steve was planning to fly to New York to determine if the woman was, in fact, Carolee, she contacted Paul Summers and summoned him to meet with her. Not relying on the ''favor" which Paul had agreed he owed her for her intercession with Mona Croft, Ann tricked Martha into leaving the Lab and went through the patient post operative files. She then confronted Paul with the threat of exposure to Matt Powers of the evidence of an over-whelming number of cases of unnecessary surgery that Paul had been performing. What she wanted from Paul was his promise to go to New York and determine if the woman in the hospital there was Carolee and report to her. When she got confirmation of that fact she blackmailed Paul into turning over to her his late wife's identification papers - i.e. passport, etc. - as Carolee fit her general description.


Ann proceeded to use delaying tactics to assure that she would arrive at N.Y. General Hospital before Steve and barely succeeded in spiriting Carolee away, posing as the patient's sister just before Steve was scheduled to meet with the doctor on the case. She had Carolee admitted to a home under an assumed name and showed up at the airport to greet a returning Steve Aldrich who was discouraged that he did not find his wife and grateful that the unfortunate woman was not Carolee.


Paul Summers, in turn insisted that Ann's cooperation would come in handy on a project he had in mind concerning Mona Croft. He had suggested that Mona seek or accept if it was offered a position on the board of Hope Memorial Hospital ostensibly to support Matt Powers in his handling of the Dancy case then being played up in the newspapers. Telling Ann that he wanted her to co-sign a letter recommending that Mona be considered to fill the upcoming vacancy he explained that his real purpose was to "get" Matt Powers - Paul had a son Johnathan who was institutionalized. The boy was retarded and in Paul's words: "disfigured." - Paul told Anne that he blamed the death of his wife on the fact that Matt Powers was told by a member of the staff that Paul was allowing his son to die and Matt put a stop to it. That he kept Paul's son alive leaving Paul's wife who was to fragile to cope with the fact of her son's retardation to die.


Stacy Wells, emboldened by the Speed she had obtained from Paul Summers used her key to Rico's apartment to admit herself and wait for him after she learns that Rico had requested Nick to try to get him transferred to the hospital in Arizona where Nick was engaged in research. When Ricco came in, she insisted that she had changed and wanted to make love to him. When Rico discovered and recognized the pills Stacy had stashed under the pillow, he told her that with enough Speed in her she could make love to anybody and told her to get out of his life. When he heard about it from Stacy, Paul assured her that Rico being a doctor should know that such drugs were useful to some people to help quell their sufferings and that he had no right to treat her as he did. Stacy took another though she had vowed not to a few moments before and told Paul that he might be her only real friend in the world.


Scott Conrad had invited Paul to his house for dinner showing him Eleanor's pearls which he proceded to cut apart. Paul urged Scott to tell Eleanor about Althea thereby assuring that he would get the divorce he had asked for. Scott replied that Althea would have nothing to do with him if she thought Eleanor was being victimized. He insisted that Paul help him to prove that Eleanor was insane and could be legally committed. When Dr. Summers begged off from helping set Eleanor up, saying that Scott was quite capable of promoting this evil himself, Scott smiled and said: "'You'll help me, Paul."


When Scott told Eleanor he had asked Mona and Paul up for a drink, Eleanor told him to have a nice drink, she was leaving. He asked her to stay, calling her "dear" and she was confused, asking why he wanted her there — "To introduce them to the wife you're going to divorce?" When Scott asked for a little more time, she asked if he was saying that he wanted them to go on. Eleanor agreed to stay and went off to change her clothes and put the wedding rings she had stopped wearing back on. While she was out of the room, Scott took out Eleanor's pearls.


Hank Iverson had reported to Matt Powers that Joan Dancy was not functioning at all. He added that she was not going to make it — that was where the situation was and that was where it was going to stay. Matt asked Hank if there had been any development in his thinking. Hank told Matt that he knew what Hank's position on Joan's case was and he believed that it was a consideration in assigning him to the case. When Hank asked if Matt had changed his mind, Matt said a lot of things had changed since he and Hank began practicing medicine. Hank warned Matt that he might have his private doubts but if he was worried about Hope Memorial's or the profession's position he had to keep his worries to himself. He told Matt that he couldn’t make policy for the whole world.


Mrs. Dancy, worried over speculations in the newspapers about the possibility of Joan's being taken off life support, appealed to Mona Croft to consider trying to succeed to the position on the Hospital Board of Governors. Mrs. Dancy said that Joan's future was different from other peoples but that she was going to live it out at Hope. Steve assured her that Matt would not allow any interference with life support; it was against Hope Memorial's policy and against the law.


Althea and Nick shared a dinner prepared by Althea after her release from Hope Memorial. Nick, enjoying their romantic evening, asked why they didn't have more evenings like this when they were married when they found time to put each other through hell. Althea said she was enjoying the present, and they both agreed their frequent and pleasant interludes and exchanging of kisses were not going anywhere, or leading up to anything, till Nick asked if that was really the case what they were doing. Althea sighed and told him about Scott Conrad and that any future she had with him went down the drain. She said that time would take care of Scott's feelings for her and when Nick said "you got over me, didn't you?" Althea answered: "Did I?"


Scott Conrad had taken Eleanor's pearls and cut them up, putting some in each drink that they served to Mona and Paul. Mona discovering them, asked if Scott wass being a clever host or just a generous one. Scott pretended to be puzzled and Eleanor, upset, told Mona that it was not a joke as Scott had suggested or a party favor; that she had been looking for her pearls. Scott said that she must have accidently spilled them in the drink when she put the cheese tray down. Eleanor, distraught, said that someone could have been hurt. When she said she didn't do it, Scott told Paul and Mona that he was going to walk his wife to her room. But Eleanor, very shaken, said that she used to do such things; put food coloring in foods so that it would look horrible and pull the plug on the refrigerator so that food would spoil, but that she was recovered and did not do this. The more she talked the more she was losing ground and, realizing this, said "My God, can't you see that? Won't anyone try to believe me?" She left the room.


Penny Davis, worried about the effects of a scene with Jerry Dancy's mother - Mrs. Dancy broke down over the deterioration of her daughter's condition and wished that God would take her -, and remembering that Jerry had said that his mother couldn't take any more and that something had to be done, called Mrs. Dancy later in the evening and learned that Jerry had gone out. She asked Mrs. Dancy to have Jerry call her when he got back, no matter how late, and hung up. Moments later she headed for the front door of her apartment.


Jerry Dancy, in his sister's room, told her he loved her and saying: "God Bless you. and God help us both if I'm wrong," crouched before the wall socket and reached for the plug.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Josephine Travis Harper was still insistent that she be able to claim Timmy Faraday’s custody because she was the only flesh and blood relative he had able to take care of him. – Since Timmy’s mother shot and killed his father while legally insane, she had been admitted to a sanitarium for treatment, Nancy and Mike Karr had filed for legal guardianship of Tim, desiring to raise him, but before the papers were finalized, Serena’s unknown sister, arrived from Englmand, claiming she had the right to be Tim’s guardian.-


Nancy had expressed her fears to Lt. Chandler’s wife, Ada that Josephine was winning Tim’s affections over.


Josephine had asked Tim to go to England with her, further upsetting the Karrs. Their beginning acquaintance which was friendly but cool, had then become acrid with Josephine hiring a lawyer to fight Tim's custody against the Karrs.


Ada Chandler, who was a social worker for custody cases, had told the Karrs she was certain they would win their case for Tim’s custody. Her source of information. Judge Blackburn, had told her the odds were in their favor for two strong reasons: 1) Serena was Tim's mother, and although mentally disables, he should still live near her; and 2) he believed a child of Tim's age should not be uprooted from his environment and moved to a strange country. Nancy's new ray of hope faded swiftly, however, when Josephine announced her husband had received a job transfer to the United States for an indefinite length of time. Therefore, the Karrs’ case against Josephine would carry no weight at all. Further aggravating Nancy was Josephine's inconsiderate and untimely comments in front of Tim that he would then be able to live with the Harpers. She felt Josephine was playing a tug of war for Tim's affections. Josephine coldly suggested that Nancy come out and ask Tim himself who he prefered to live with. Alone with Tim, Nancy put the question to him, his reply was in his Aunt Josephine's favor. Because of his answer, Nancy made the sad decision that she would not go to court and fight for Tim, it would be an emotional strain on him, and if he definitely wanted to go with his Aunt, she and Mike would allow it.


Josephine arrived to take Tim for what the Karrs believed was a month's stay with her. - Mike believed this would help Tim when it was time to decide who he prefered to live with permanently. - Instead of going according to plan, Josephine told them she was taking Tim to California to be with her and her husband. Helpless to the situation, the Karrs sadly let Tim go out of their lives indefinitely.


Nicole Travis Drake had moved into Phoebe Jamison's old apartment and her estranged husband Adam Drake came over to help her get settled. As he was leaving, he embraced and kissed Nicole, she responded. This was the first affection he had shown to her since she returned from Paris - Adam assumed his wife dead after an explosion on their honeymoon yacht and had since become involved and engaged to Brandy Henderson. Upon her return from Paris, Nicole filed for divorce out of fairness to Adam to enable him to choose the woman he wanted and loved on even grounds. –


Adam left and immediately Nicole experienced her fearful hallucinations of a native coming toward her with a machete. She screamed in terror, and Adam rushed in promising to stay with her the night, as she needed him.


The following morning in Nicole's apartment, Adam told Nicole he wanted to remain in her life forever, she accepted him openly.

Upon learning of Nicole's abrupt move from Geraldine, Dr. Jordan rushed to her apartment. He was shocked to see Adam there, and assumed the obvious, Adam had spent the night. Without a moment's hesitation, Jordan revealed this to Brandy. Already defeated by Adam's rejection - she had admitted to her brother Quentin that she wished Nicole were dead, witnessed by Phoebe Jamison -, Brandy told Jordan it was all over and she had lost Adam for good.


Unable to shake her depression about losing Adam, Brandy poured out her feelings to Quentin and at the same time, Nicole came in for a psychiatric session. Refusing to leave, Brandy bluntly asked Nicole if Adam spent the night with her, Nicole did not deny her the truth.


Nicole called Adam from Quentin's office, suspecting Brandy was listening in. She told Adam to tear up her divorce petition, confirming Brandy's fear that Adam wanted and belonged to Nicole alone. She left the office crying in self-pity.


Nicole left Quentin’s office and he phoned Brandy only to get no answer. At that instant, as Nicole was crossing the street to Adam's car, she was nearly run down by a speeding car!


Adam gave Lt. Chandler the report describing that the car which seemed purposely aimed for Nicole was small and yellow. He went to see Brandy to make his break with her final. Not being able to hold back her hurt and resentment she ordered Adam out of her office screaming "I wish your horrible wife were dead!" Suspicious to Lt. Chandler was the fact that Brandy owned a small yellow automobile. He made a mental note of her license number and reported it to Chief Marceau who said it was just too coincidental that the suspected hit and run driver and Brandy both had small yellow cars beginning with license number six.


Despite Brandy’s bitterness, Adam and Nicole were most happy with their reunion and began their relationship once again living at the barn, Adam's home in the country. Nicole picked up a brooch apparently belonging to Brandy, pricking her finger with it accidentally. She immediately buckled over from a sharp pain shooting through her hand. Nicole overlooked this incident as the pain left as fast as it came on, but it was becoming obvious Brandy was seemingly a jinx when again Nicole experienced an excruitiating pain when Brandy returned her engagement ring from Adam and forced Nicole to take it. Adam came in and witnesses Nicole's pain, and Brandy stunned by the incident rushed out without explanation. These happenings had caused Adam due concern for Nicole's health although she continued to ignore the seriousness of the pains.


Mike Karr had begun to organize the crime task force he was chosen to head by the governor. Johnny Dallas had allowed him to use his restaurant, the New Moon, as a "drop" for information passed amongst the syndicate. Mike had instructed Johnny to pay attention to any envelopes with a special marking. He was to take these parcels but not return them. This information was highly secret and the contents to remain unknown. The first package had been left at the New Moon Cafe. Johnny reported it to Mike, he informed Johnny its contents were connected by a "Wyatt Patterson Corporation," perhaps a cover-up name for the real syndicate.


During off-hours, an unknown man stumbled into the New Moon, the victim of a gunshot wound. He mumbled for Johnny to call Mike Karr. Johnny told Mike this man had delivered a marked envelope just days before.


Van Rydell continued to frequent the New Moon despite co-owner Danny Micelli's threats that he stay away. - Danny feared this man was a hood and would cause trouble, also he had noticed Van's advances towards his wife Tracy. - Tracy waited on Van, ignoring his constant flattery and passed again overseen by Danny. Tracy did meet Van at a bar but only to warn him to stop going to the New Moon. He told her he was interested in meeting Nicole, she replied Nicole was married and very unavailable. As if daring Danny's threats, Van once again came to the restaurant. Danny tried to prove to Johnny this man was bad news and told him Van carried a gun. Put to the test, Van came up clean — no gun.


As an irritant, Van again visited the cafe. This time he met Nicole, she coldly showed him disinterest. He pulled out what resembles a revolver scaring Nicole and Tracy, until he ignited it as a cigarette lighter. He again used it to spark Johnny's anger, explaining that was the gun Johnny claimed to have seen on Van's possession. When Nicole left, she and Adam were followed by Van in his small, yellow car.


While Nicole enjoyed a leisurely afternoon in the woods outside the barn, a rifle protruded from the trees behind her, and was pointed at the back of her head!


Tiffany Whitney Douglas’ murder case was still causing the police frustrations. Fingerprints of small time hood, Joe Randy, were found on the window sill where Tiffany met her fatal fall. The gun that killed Randy was found matched by scratches on the fatal bullet, but the serial number was filed off, proving the work of an expert.


Draper Scott had been invited to visit his father, a famous lawyer in New York, Ansel Scott. The purpose of the trip was to meet Ansel's latest fiancee, Nadine Alexander. She seemed most anxious for Ansel and Draper to make amends from their past distant ship - Ansel had never shown interest nor respect for Draper as a person or a lawyer. Because of this, Draper had no love for his father whatsoever. - Draper did agree to go to New York and received his father's usual cold and cutting greetings. Nadine was most friendly, however, and mentioned she had a daughter Draper's age. Draper was introduced to Nadine's daughter, Raven. He showed no interest in her, she playfully admitted her mother and Draper's father were hoping otherwise.


Ansel offered Draper a job in his prestigious law firm. Draper refused, leading Ansel to surmise Draper turned down his offer because of his romantic interest in Brandy Henderson. Draper was confused about his father's reasons for wanting him into the firm and no matter how luxurious and prosperous Ansel described Draper's future to become, he still turned down the offer. Ansel did slip that it was more Nadine's idea than his, for some reason she wanted to keep the family together. Perhaps unknown to Ansel was Nadine's desire to include Raven in the "family" also, as Ansel's daughter-in-law.


Phoebe Jamison had begun work with Dr. Chris Neely one evening a week at the Hardy Clinic. With this new challenging job, her classes towards her Masters degree in Psychology, and daytime job in Dr. Henderson's office, her newlywed husband Kevin had complained that he never saw Phoebe enough. She consoled him and offered to quit her job to be with Kevin, after all he was first priority in her life, but he told her she had to complete her goal and it would be only for five more months. While conversing about this, Gerladine Whitney overheard the conversation, seemingly pleased with Kevin's discontentment. She offered to have him teach her to play poker while Phoebe's gone, he reluctantly agreed. Later in the week over dinner, Kevin again protested to Phoebe's tight schedule, leaving him every evening playing poker with Geraldine. Phoebe this time did not give in and refused to quit her job or give up classes stating that Geraldine probably enjoyed having Kevin all to herself!


General Hospital


Written by: Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan


- When Lesley Williams gave birth to her daughter thirteen years ago, she was told that her daughter was stillborn, and the baby was presented to Barbara Vining who with her husband Jason, raised Laura from infancy, with only the knowledge that Laura was their natural child. Recently, Lesley came to find out that Laura was alive and was the child she gave birth to. Lesley pursued Laura's custody, and for two months Laura lived with Lesley and Cameron Faulkner. At the end of the two months, Laura herself was to make the decision which parents she would continue to be raised by. She went to the Vinings, but still intertwined in Lesley and Cam's life, much to Lesley's delight, and Cam's distaste.-  Determined to eliminate Laura from their lives, Cameron Faulkner had devised a no-fault scheme with the influence of his wealth. He had located a nurse named Barbara Clifford in Detroit and offered her $10,000 to come to Port Charles and tell the story that her friend Doris Roach had lied on her deathbed when she confessed that Lesley was Laura's natural mother. - Doris was the nurse bribed to switch Laura, Lesley's daughter, with the stillborn child of Barbara Vining. - Guilt ridden by this lie, she wanted to reveal the truth to Lesley. Also, Cam had paid $1,000 to a man named Russ Waverly. He was to lie that Barbara Vining had an affair with him and that Laura was his child, when in fact, he was a casual date of Barbara's and she stopped dating him when she became pregnant with Jason's child.


Further planting grounds for his scheme, Cam told Dr. Steve Hardy that Barbara Clifford had contacted him and he wanted Lesley's calls at the hospital screened to prevent Barbara from getting this news through to Lesley. Also, he went to Peter Taylor and asked him to make an evaluation of Barbara Clifford, hoping to win Peter over to his side, as Lesley trusted Peter and his opinions explicitly.


Barbara Clifford began earning her "fee" with a phone call to Steve. Steve believed he had diverted her from Lesley by asking her to talk to him first - when in fact, this arrangement was exactly planned by Cam and executed by Barbara -. She agreed, and also ratified his request that she be interviewed by Peter and examined for her heart condition - to test the authenticity of her story - by Dr. Rick Webber. Both Peter and Rick passed positive judgement — Barbara had a severe heart condition and had to be sincere in her tale that she was confessing to Lesley to clear her own conscience.


Lesley’s suspicions that all three men were hiding something from her were confirmed when Cam informed her of Barbara Clifford just in time to greet her at their door. Cam led her to believe Barbara was a fake and lied to her that he only allowed her to face Lesley in person because of his hopes "she would crack under the pressure of seeing Laura's real mother." Lesley was appalled by Barbara's claim and told her so. She swore this woman was after the Faulkner fortune, but Barbara replied "money cannot buy peace of mind." Lesley accused her of lying and had Cam bodily remove her from their apartment.


Cam’s plan was threatened when Lesley expressed her theory that if Laura truly was another man's child from an affair with Barbara Vining - blood tests proved Barbara's husband Jason could not father Laura, providing the courts with evidence that Lesley's lover could have been the father along with Doris Roach's testimony of the switch, concreting Lesley's case -, and she knew this in her heart, then she would've testified this in court in order to keep Laura. Lesley wanted this question cleared immediately and tried to call Barbara Vining but was forced to wait until her return from a country visit for forty-eight hours. Cam used this time to counteract Barbara's response and unknown to Lesley had Barbara return the following day for a meeting in his office.


Barbara, totally disgusted at Cam's insistence that she see him immediately, was further belittled when Cam threatened her that if she, Jason and Laura were not permanently moved out of town by noon the following day, he would expose to Jason the fact that Barbara had an affair with Russ Waverly and he was the natural father of Laura. Barbara was adamant in her denial of this untruth, but backed down when Waverly walked in - on cue - to back Cam's charges with his - paid - statement that he was Laura's father. Barbara lost control of her fight for denial when Cameron paid her $25,000 and told her Jason had a job waiting for him at a college in Haberly, Canada. They had to be gone the following day!


At home, Cam endeared Lesley to himself by offering to go to the Vinings with her the following evening to pick up Laura for her summer vacation with them. - Lesley decided it would be just too unfair to Barbara to confront her with questions of an affair and decided for herself Barbara Clifford was the deceitful party. - Cam made this offer to Lesley knowing well the house would be vacant.


Lesley was stunned to find the house available for rent and emptied of all contents. Cam gave her an explanation that perhaps Barbara Vining was confronted by Barbara Clifford and couldn't pay her price to keep silence, and if there was another man, Barbara Vining had to get Jason out of town before he found out. Lesley began believing this until she saw Laura had left behind her favorite doll. She declared that something was terribly wrong, and leaving this doll behind was Laura's way of letting Lesley know. She was on the verge of hysteria when she began to theorize that Laura was kidnapped, so Cam promised to hire a team of investigators to track the Vinings down.


In the meantime, Cam ordered Barbara Clifford to return to Port Charles to perform one more deceitful deed. This time she had to tell Lesley that she - Barbara Clifford - did indeed go to see Barbara Vining after Lesley refused to believe her. She found Jason alone, he was shocked by her story and called Barbara immediately to return from her mother's in the country. When Barbara came back that same day, she could not deny that Laura was another man's child by her and as a result of this shameful event, the Vinings hastily left town. Cam, on the other hand, prepared Steve Hardy with this possibility and the fact that Barbara Clifford was returning to verify the Vining's departure when a phone call arrived for Steve. On Cam's private plane, Barbara Clifford suffered a heart attack and was unable to speak coherently at this time. - The extreme strain Cam had put on Barbara Clifford had caused her additional pain, and the final attack came as she remembered how difficult a task it was to convince Lesley she was telling her a true story. –


Cam was banned from Barbara's hospital room and couldn’t get a picture of Barbara Vining to her. He breathed easy assuming Lesley would also be refused entry. Steve then called him with approval to see Barbara, but not until Lesley, who was with her then, had finished talking to her.


Since Dr. Rick Webber had returned from ten months as prisoner in Africa, he had had to cope with many new adjustments. His brother Jeff had married Rick's former lover, Monica, and unknown to all, Rick was still in love with Monica. - When in Africa, Rick wrote to Monica telling her he did not love her and she was to find herself another man. Fearing she would lose the close family ties Rick's sister Terri and his brother Jeff gave Monica, she told them the letter read that Rick had proposed to her. - Four months later, she married Jeff. Ast Rick was alive, Monica feared he would reveal the truth in his letter. She met Rick's plane from Africa in New York, giving the hospital staff the excuse she was visiting a close friend in St. Louis. Rick agreed to keep her secret, but reluctantly as he hated to deceive his younger brother. Unfortunately, Jeff found out Monica was in New York to meet Rick's plane and instead of accusing Monica for the deception, he took it out on Rick, refusing to listen to any explanation he might have. Rick was sickened by how Jeff had been hurt, but couldn’t bring himself to confess about Monica's lie.


Diana Taylor had taken the advice of her good friend Audrey Hobart and resolved her differences with husband Dr. Peter Taylor by promising to trust him from now on, and not draw conclusions from false sources of info-mation. Because of their difficulties, Peter had volunteered to be the psychiatric consul for the clinic, binding more of his time from Diana. Part of Diana's problem was the constant harrassment her sister was giving her since her jilted love affair. Beth was embittered to all men and did not hesitate to pass her comments and accusations on to her sister.


Peter had an emergency psychiatric case at the clinic and as a result he forgot Diana's daughter's birthday party. He was out on the ledge of the seventh floor, trying to save the life of a patient determined to jump, because of guilt due to the death of his family in a car accident. When Peter, completely drained physically and mentally returned home, Diana threw at him that if Martha were his natural daughter he wouldn't have missed the party. After he told her his reason why he was not there, it was too late for Diana to apologize, as far as Peter was concerned, they had hit rock bottom with their relationship; he couldn't cope with Diana's mistrust any longer and stormed out of the apartment, leaving a very sorrowful Diana in tears.


Diana relaid this to Audrey and tearfully confesses her fear that she was compulsive towards self-destruction, that she was unable to control herself. Audrey suggested Diana see a psychiatrist. At first Diana refused, but later showed her sincerity to Peter and asked him to help her. He made her an appointment with a psychiatrist unknown to them both. Together they hoped to keep the marriage they both highly valued together.


Peter at first refused an interview to reporter Kimberly Hughes who worked for "Men and Women" magazine. He told Lesley he feared a personal look at his life would push Diana past the breaking point, but Lesley - with Steve's backing because Kim promised no probes - convinced Peter that the publicity would be good for the clinic. He reluctantly agreds, blind to the fact that Kim was after gossip to sell her story and would print what she wanted to get it.


Kim got to Diana first, and started her probe into the personal life of Dr. Peter Taylor. Diana was shaken when Kim almost repeated word for word what Beth - Diana's sister - had thrown at her earlier that day. She told her she had remarkable stamina to withstand being married to a doctor, as doctors looked upon nurses as "second-class citizens." When interviewing Peter later and telling him what she had said to Diana, Peter became infuriated with her breech of promise about delving into his personal life and made her leave immediately. Diana had already been upset with Beth's accusations of Peter's almighty Doctor attitude which she continually tormented Diana with. - Beth quit nursing to accept a job modelling for the designer of Pendleton's and when Diana told her she was entering into a shallow and superficial life, Beth retorted that at least she'd meet a man who treated her as an equal and one she could trust, not one like Peter Taylor! -


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen M. Potter


Lawyer Mike Bauer was being threatened by Spence Jeffers. After pursuing his story that his son drowned years ago in a fishing mishap in Alaska, Mike had come up with no records of the death. Mike’s client, Ann Jeffers, deserted her husband and son many years ago and then was determined to regain custody of her son. Since this time, Spence had remarried and changed his name to Clint Pearson. He lived in Redding. California and had come to Springfield to stop Ann's threat to file bigamy charges if he did not tell her the truth about the whereabouts of her son.


Spence arrived at Mike's house drunk. Mike let Spence come in and they argued about the truth behind Jimmy's death. Ann Jeffers arrived and Spence offerd her $15.000 to drop the bigamy charges. Mike badgered Spence to the point that Spence hit Mike. Mike stroke back but was knocked out by Spence. Drunk, threatened and scared, Spence ran out and as he sped out of the driveway, Ann heard a horrendous scream — when Ann left an unconscious Mike to run outside she was horrified at what she saw — Leslie, Mike’s wife, had been struck down by Spence's car, and Spence had disappeared.


Ann managed to call an ambulance and the Werners telling them of this accident. Joe and Sara met the ambulances at the hospital and prepared to treat Mike and Leslie immediately.


Mike regained consciousness and was told by his brother Ed the tragic news of Leslie's accident. After what seemed to Mike like endless hours in surgery, Joe Werner completed the operation. He was forced to close early as her blood pressure was low and her body could not withstand more time under anesthetic. He stopped the internal bleeding, but her fractures had to remain untouched. Leslie's condition was very grave at this point.


The family was called to the hospital, and together Ed and his mother, Bert, prayed for Leslie's complete recovery. She finally came out of the anesthesia and asked to see Mike. At her side he listened to her express her love for him and for her son - by Ed Bauer - Freddie. Not more that seconds after Mike left Leslie sleeping, her heart stopped beating. For twenty minutes, Joe frantically tried to bring her back, but as he and Ed knew, it was hopeless from the start, nothing could have saved Leslie.


Together, Joe and Ed gave Mike the tragic news of Leslie's death. His first reaction was disbelief as he just spoke to Leslie and she smiled at him. Then, he realized all that could be performed to save her life was done and he had lost his beloved Leslie, despite it all.


Ed showed remarkable strength for his family through this sad time, but broke down in tears when faced with telling his son, young Freddie, that he would never see his mother again. Ed decided to have Freddie move to his own apartment and have his own mother. Bert, take care of him after school so he wouldn’t have to stay with strangers at this emotionally sad time of his young life.


Also affected by this sorrow was Leslie's father, Dr. Steve Jackson. During Leslie's unconsciousness, he was forced to perform emergency surgery on a dying patient. Ironically, while he saved the life of his own patient, his devoted daughter had taken her last breath.


Ann Jeffers seeing the Bauers together in prayer, realized Leslie was gone and cried out. "Forgive me. Lord. it's all my fault!”


The service for Leslie was held on the day she and Mike were to celebrate their anniversary. Bert Bauer had told Steve in consolation that Leslie and Mike had fallen in love all over again. After the funeral, Mike was distracted from a moment of solace by the doorbell. A package was delivered for him. He read the card. “Happy Anniversary. Darling”, and opened his anniversary gift from Leslie — a watch, engraved with “Love Always, Leslie. 6 18.76.” His verbal response was only that he hadn't even bought a gift for her.


Days later, Mike went to see Ann who was preparing to leave town. He talked her out of going, as they still had to try to find Jimmy, and with the help of the police. They had to definitely track down Spence Jeffers. He tried to console her and let her know that the tragedy was an accident and did not happen because of her.


Mike sensed Ann was withholding information which might lead to finding Spence. He received a call from Mae Pearson - Spence's wife -. She was very shocked by this news of Leslie's accident and promised to help Mike find Spence.


Barbara Thorpe had her family prepare to attend Leslie's funeral, but before they left, Barbara told her daughter Holly she thought it better if they did not go with Roger and Peggy. Holly was thoroughly disgusted with her mother's attitude towards Roger and how she had dragged it out for so long, and then even used Leslie's funeral as an excuse to show more hatred towards Roger. - While married to Ed Bauer, Holly gave birth to Roger's daughter, and as a result, caused her marriage to Ed to end. Barbara had found out that little Christina was not Ed's natural daughter, and had made no secret of her bitter feelings to Roger because of the lives he had ruined. - She told her mother how selfish she was being by refusing to accept the situation and made the best of it as everyone else involved had done. This outburst from Holly seemed to have helped Barbara come to her senses, as she admitted to her daughter that she did some "soul searching” and had come to realize that it was her misery that had forced her husband Adam - Roger's father - to spend more evenings at his office, away from home, and Holly to move from their home. In the future, Barbara would try to accept this situation and make a better life for those close to her.


She resolved her differences with Adam by apologizing for her selfish attitude about Roger and was feeling so much better because of it. She tells Holly she might even have a barbeque for Roger and Peggy to attend.


Dr. Justin Marler had arrived at Cedar's Hospital and was interviewed by Chief of Staff, Dr. Ed Bauer. His purpose was to note and make improvements for the hospital's surgical cardiac wing. He visited Dr. Sara McIntyre who had been avoiding him. Apparently they were once intimate friends in the past, an event Sara prefered to forget but Justin seemed to want to pursue further.


Dr. Ed Bauer’s relationship with R.N. Rita Stapleton was deepening. He invited her to join him at his mother's home during a visit there with his young son Freddie. Freddie told his grandmother he had noticed his father was much happier since he had known Rita and he liked her as well.


Rita’s interests in Ed were increasing also, as she couldn’t deny to Tim Ryan that she had quit dating Tim because of Ed. Tim tried to reestablish their relationship, but Rita refused. He needled her to the point where she slapped his face to stop his harrassing her. She told him to leave only to have him return hours later, drunk, and asking her to help him sober up because of an emergency crisis at the hospital where he was needed to aid in surgery for some explosion victims. He improved and arrived at Cedar's late, but in condition to treat people medically. Every available senior staff member had been called in to assist in this crisis, including Steve Jackson, despite his sorrow over Leslie. Perhaps because of his state of mind, Steve came down hard on Tim because of his tardiness. He threatened to fire him from his position as senior resident and would not tolerate Tim's unreliability any longer. He then lashed out at Dr. Marler who disagreed about medical treatment of one of the explosion victims. Dr. Marler complained to Ed about Steve's stubbornness causing Dr. Werner to defend Steve, despite the fact that Steve was in error about the method of treatment used. Marler would not accept an excuse for Steve and Joe Werner commented to Ed what a cold human being Marler was.


Dr. Joe Werner had taken all the tests required for a suspected heart condition. The results had proven he had angina pectoris. He was warned by Dr. Pitman to slow down — or else! Unable to conceal his letdown, he told his wife Sara the truth about his health. She offered him the consolation he needed.


Pam Chandler had told Peggy her illegitimate daughter's father, David, had written her and she wanted to leave Springfield with her daughter Samantha, to live near him. She hoped that their relationship would work out, but before she left, Pam intended to tell Rita Stapleton about how she was ruining Tim's life.


Love Of Life


Written by: Paul & Margaret Schneider

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


- Meg Hart threatened to withdraw her financial support of Skylar Mountain, a ski resort to be run in conjunction with Beaver Ridge, if her ex-lover, Rick Latimer, didn't break his engagement with her daughter, Cal Aleata, but later found that suggesting she would tell Cal about their relationship - Rick made love to Meg recently when they were both drunk -proved to be a better threat. - Rick tried to talk to Cal at Beaver Ridge, but finally the interruptions were too much and he arranged to see her at her apartment. He told Cal that he had not been mogonomous in the past and she would be better off if he got out of her life.


Cal and her brother, Ben Harper, both told their mother that she should stop using her money to influence people. Ben told Meg not to talk to Betsy for him because this would hurt his case with her more than anything. - Ben married Arlene Lovett, a nightclub singer and pianist. Later Ben was told that, if he married Betsy Crawford, a sensitive hometown girl who was to calm him down, he would be given five hundred thousand dollars on his wedding day by his mother, Meg. Rick knew that Ben was married and told Meg that she should wait six months to be sure that Ben stayed married, hoping to discourage the fraud. Ben married Betsy and during the six months, fell in love with her, but lawyer Jamie Rollins began to put things together and was going to expose Ben and Arlene. They started to run away, but Ben came back to face the music - only to have Arlene and a good-bye letter to Betsy expose him. In court, Ben took all the blame, getting Arlene probation and drawing one to four years in prison for himself, instead of pleading insanity as his mother's lawyer suggested. –


The more Cal thought about Rick, the more she decided that she really was in love with him and wouldn’t give up so easily. She confronted Rick with this, and when he coud find no other excuse, he used Cal's knowledge of the fact that Hank, Rick's son, would like his parents back together. Rick said he had been in contact with Barbara about Hank and he and Barbara had decided to try again for Hank's sake.


Cal ran into Hank at the bookstore and mentioned that he had to be glad that his mother would be coming back to Rosehill to be with his dad. She saw that he had no knowledge of this and wondered why Hank didn’t know. Hank told his friend Johnny Prentiss that this was probably why his father had put off marrying Cal, and he would act surprised when his dad told him. Hank tried to reach his mother on the West Coast, but her number was unlisted. Rick decided that he had to set Hank straight, when he heard that he had tried to get in touch with Barbara, before his hopes got any higher. In the end Rick had to tell Hank that he needed a way to get out of marrying Cal and so he made up this story. Hank took some borrowed books back to Cal and when she probed to find out why he was so unhappy, Hank told her that his mother wasn't coming to Rosehill. Cal tried to explain that sometimes these things didn’t work out, but Hank explained that she never was coming — it was all a lie.


When Cal told her step-father Eddie that Rick had lied about a reconciliation with Barbara, Eddie convinced her that a trip to Europe would be best. Eddie confronted Rick with the information Ben gave him about Rick's involvement with Meg and threatened to deal with Rick if he tried to see Cal again.


Hank asked his grandfather, Bruce, for money to fly to California to see his mother, but went to Cal when Bruce wanted to discuss it with Rick.


Ray Slater, small time gambling casino owner with big time connections, asked Meg for a cut in Beaver Ridge and was turned down, so he approached Rick with the idea of selling him protection. "Construction can have its problems: material delays, labor disputes, and accidents." Rick was holding out against Ray's persuasion, even as it became less and less subtle.


Ben wrote to Jamie Rollins, explaining that he needed a way to provide for Betsy and the baby so that she wouldn’t know where the money was coming from. Jamie felt that Betsy should know that Ben was planning on sending her the money he made in prison, but she didn’t want him to support her. Cal and Ben's aunt Van told Betsy that Ben had changed a great deal and it would mean a lot to him, if she would see him at jail before he went to prison.


Althought Betsy felt very ashamed at being fooled and didn’t want her parents to know her plight, her brother, Tom, convinced her to call them in England. Everything was much easier than she thought and after an O.K. from Dr. Albertson, her obstetrician, Betsy decided to accept her parents' offer of help.


When Betsy did visit Ben at the jail, Ben acknowledged how hard it was for her to come. She told him that she was going to England and would probably never see him again. She said his offer to help financially was "decent," but this was her baby. Ben said the baby was conceived out of love, but Betsy claimed he was only pretending love. Ben said to tell the baby that "There was a father who would have really welcomed him into this world." Betsy left in tears and Ben cried.


- Felicia Fleming Lamont remained a virgin after her marriage to Charles Lamont and the day on which she had decided to become a wife to Charles, she was attacked by Arnie Logan. She escaped, but upon hearing footsteps on the stairs, she fired her gun at what she thought was Arnie, but it was Charles, who then had a bullet lodged against his spine in an inoperable position. Felicia had had to deal not only with her own guilt, but that placed on her by Charles' grandson, Johnny Prentiss. Charles had managed to use this guilt to keep Felicia bound to him at home by refusing a professional nurse. – Eddie Aleata, Cal’s stepfather and one time husband of Meg Hart, had tried to help his friend Felicia become a whole person through her painting and by using her as a consultant for his import-export business. When the growing intimacy of the relationship and the tension under which Charles had placed Felicia at home gave Felicia a very haggard look, Van and Bruce Sterling tried to persuade Charles to follow his doctor's advice and hire some help for Felicia. Charles began to suspect that there was something between Eddie and Felicia. He then became moody and possessive when Eddie was included in a gathering. Eddie decided that it would be better for them all if he would return to Europe.


Ben asked Eddie to see him at the Rosehill jail and imparted a bit of information that he then felt should be disclosed to the right person. He told Eddie that Meg and Rick were lovers and he was concerned about Cal's relationship with Rick.


Ben called the family together to tell them that he was leaving for prison in a few minutes and refused Meg's offer of legal help. Meg bemoaned to the family that she would work for Ben's appeal on her own because he didn’t know what was best, only to be stopped by her mother who threatened to tell Ben. Meg declared that she should get her grandchild back because no one could stop her from that.


Rick was working on cost projections for Skylar Mountain and asked Meg where her five hundred thousand dollars was. She said he would get the money when he signed the contract. Jamie looked it over and advised Rick against it since it contained so many contingencies that, if the conditions changed at all during construction, she could get out of the contract and he would have to stand the full financial responsibility, which could break him. When Rick said that the loopholes had to be tightened before he signed the contract, Meg assured him that loopholes were for people who wanted to get out and she didn't.


Jamie could not get Meg's lawyers to compromise on the contract, but since Rick was used to taking risks to further his ambitions, he signed and Meg released the money.


No longer able to think of Cal gone from his life, Rick begged her not to go to Europe. Cal wanted no commitment for the future, only the present. Rick remembered that Meg said she couldn't face another scandal and suggested that they present her with an accomplished fact about what she could do nothing. They would elope.


Lynn Henderson, a teenage alcoholic being treated at the clinic by doctor Joe Cusack, was in the clinic when Van came by to discuss the fundraising. Lynn told Van that the only reason she was sober was that she was out of money again. When Joe summoned Van because he was shorthanded, due to Cal's absence, Lynn saw the money in Van's folder and took some, slipping out the door. Joe had tried to explain to Lynn that her stomach lining was so eaten up by alcohol that one more drinking binge could mean death. Joe, Van and Cal searched for Lynn, but could find her nowhere.


Lynn turned up in Van's kitchen to apologize for taking her money, but realized that it was much worse because the money was to help needy people who needed the services of the free clinic. Lynn talked about how ugly she had always felt because her mother was beautiful and was stuck with an ugly daughter. She didn't drink to have fun, but because it made her feel cute. Then she could talk to people and be outgoing. Lynn had an attack and Joe rushed over to give her a sedative. Van persuaded Joe to let Lynn stay there for the day, instead of returning to the halfway house. Bruce saw Lyn as another stray that Van had taken in. Van tried to show him that she could be a friend. Lynn would pay her back when she got a job.


Carrie Johnson needed surgery to correct her thoracic aneurysm, but this would only give Carrie a chance. Carrie tried to leave the hospital because she was worried about the cost, but doctor Tom Crawford told her to let him worry about that.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


On a trip to New York to meet with her publisher, Cathy Craig learned that Pat Kendall was not married to her late husband Paul until some months after the birth of her son Brian. - Pat had told Viki Lord that Brian was Tony's son though everyone including Tony and Brian believed that the boy's father was Paul Kendall who was killed in a shoot out with other members of a revolutionary organization. –


On her son’s birthday, Pat made up her mind to tell Tony and left a message at Tony's Place for him to contact her. She also promised Brian a "special surprise." As Pat and Wanda Wolek waited for Tony and Cathy to return from what they believed was a picnic date, Tony came back and introduced Cathy as Mrs. Tony Lord. Later Pat told her son that the special surprise, in addition to his other presents, was a 10-speed bike which he might choose himself at the store. She then told her son of Cathy and Tony's marriage. Later Pat told a resentful Brian that he was going to have to accept the fact that Tony and Cathy loved each other and that they were man and wife.


Viki visited Pat after learning of Tony and Cathy's marriage to tell Pat that she was worried about her. Pat told Viki that she was surviving. She said that she should have her head examined wasting all those years waiting for someone who didn’t love her and that it was time she learned to face a little reality. Saying that she had considered the possibility of leaving Llanview but was tired of running away, and there was no reason why she couldn’t start a new life, Pat told Viki that she realized that someday she would have to tell Brian that Tony was his father but not then as she was afraid that Brian would feel he was deserted by two fathers instead of one.


Victor Lord had been trying to talk and while Joe Riley was in the room he said Joe's name and "Dorian." Dorian administered a sedative saying that Victor's effort caused quite a bit of exertion on his part. Joe commented that it was too bad that Victor had to be medicated just when he was starting to talk and though Victor was straining, he felt that it would have been a relief to Victor to be allowed to continue. Dorian told him that it was very likely that Victor would attempt to talk again but that in the meantime he needed total rest.


Dorian told the nurse in attendance to take a break and rest adding that once the word was out that Victor was attempting to speak, they would be deluged by calls and both of them would need all their strength.


Alone with Victor, she told him she would never leave him. That the things they had said to each other had been haunting her day and night - Victor suffered a stroke following his confrontation with his wife Dr. Dorian Cramer Lord and her admission that she knew and withheld from Victor the fact that Tony Lord was his son because she felt that Tony was a threat to her determination to get control in Llanview by means of Victor's money and the power represented by the Lord name. - She left Victor's bedside to join Peter Janssen downstairs at Llanfair and hear a report he had prepared at her request on his work at the Free Clinic. When Peter finished the report and asked what purpose she had in mind when she asked him to prepare it, Dorian told him her reason must have slipped her mind but that she was sure it would come to her. Peter told Dorian that his work was very important and that he did not like to see it treated lightly or himself for that matter. Dorian was then summoned by Victor's nurse with the news that Victor was again trying to speak and left Peter to go upstairs saying that she was sorry if she offended him. Peter said that he would try to be a little less sensitive. When Dorian did not return, Peter, feeling he couldn’t wait to say goodbye because he had to get back to the Clinic, went in search of Dorian or the nurse and was outside Victor's room writing a note to be left for Dorian as Victor, inside, said "phone — get me Hanson." - Victor's lawyer. - Dorian told Victor that he couldn’t have any visitors even Viki or Tony and again administered a sedative saying that was what happened when he overexerted himself. The following day, Victor, comatose, was taken by ambulance to the hospital.


As Victoria was trying to reach Tony with the word that their father had suffered a relapse, he and Cathy were determined not to answer the phone so they could enjoy a sense of isolation. Cathy told Tony that she would like to have a child and emphasized that it was very important to her. Tony told Cathy, when she asked what he thought of her book, that for the most part she wrote with a tremendous sense of honesty but that he had reservations about her treatment of one of the central characters who was obviously based on Viki. Cathy said that Pat too had some qualms and that she – Cathy - had agreed to revise it and tone it down on the advice of her agent. She said his mind could rest in peace, Viki was going to be spared. The phone rang then and Tony told Cathy that he was leaving for the hospital.


Victor, near death, was conscious and calling for Viki. The nurse suggested to Dorian that Victor would calm down if he was able to see his daughter and offered to look for her. Another nurse entering the room told her that Joe and Viki were keeping vigil in the hospital courtyard where the plantings designed by Victor and furnished from Llanfair were a source of comfort to them. Dorian, who had just left Joe and Viki there, quickly said that she too saw them in the courtyard, but she believed that Viki said she and Joe were planning to wait in Dr. Craig's office.


Jim Craig sent for Victoria when Victor insisted and Dorian told Jim that she didn't understand why she had been told to leave Victor's room so that he might have absolute quiet when Viki was being looked for. Told that Victor was calling for his daughter, Dorian persisted in suggesting that perhaps Victor should rest first and then saw Viki. Jim told her that he couldn’t guarantee Victor would have that much time.


When Viki arrived, Victor couldn’t say aloud all that he had been thinking and experienced great pain. Jim ordered Viki from the room to wait in his office as he and nurses tried once again to administer to Victor Lord. He joined Viki, Joe and Tony in his office to tell Victoria that her father had died; that he never regained consciousness after she left.


Mr. Hansen, one of Victor Lord's attorneys, called on Dorian the day after Victor's funeral and told her that, considering the extent of Victor's holdings, he had taken steps to see that the will was probated as soon as possible. He asked Dorian if she had given any thought to the provisions her husband made in his will. Dorian replied that she didn't know the terms of her husband's will and wouldn't let Victor tell her. Hansen expressed surprise, saying that most men discuss these things with their wives. Dorian told him that her husband was a good deal older than herself and had a heart problem. She said that she knew Victor to be a generous man and that he loved her and would take care of her. They arranged to have the will read in the library at Llanfair.


Cathy Lord had received a call from her agent notifying her he had received an offer from the Fiction Club to feature her book in its fall collection. She agreed to leave for New York immediately. Tony expressed surprise that she got a call and suddenly went running. When she asked if he wanted her to ask him to come to New York with her, he said yes, but that was not the only thing that was disturbing him. He added he was caught up in the way he felt things should be, with Cathy bringing him his pipe and slippers. Cathy decided to drive to New York and when Tony offered to drive her, she told him it was really not necessary. When she told Tony that she didn't mean to cut him out and that she felt miserable, Tony replied "not miserable enough to keep you from packing."


Tony got a call from Mr. Hansen saying that he was one of the principals in his father's will and that he would like and expect Tony to be there. When Tony speculated with Joe on the reading of the will saying that Dorian just might end up having quite a little field day, Joe asked him if, then that his father was gone, could there be any chance of Tony and Dorian making up their differences. Tony replied he believed that Dorian tortured Victor, hounded him, and literally turned him into a prisoner in his own home.


Viki, Joe and Larry Wolek discussed the fact that Tony wasn't too sure that his father changed his mind about him at the end and Larry commented that they might indeed be in for a few surprises when the will was read because Victor was never one to do the expected thing. - After hearing from the nurse that she was unable to find Viki in time for her father to tell her what he was trying so desperately to say, because Dorian had sent her to the wrong place, Viki confronted Dorian on the matter and was told that Dorian was sure she'd heard Viki say that she would be in Jim's office. Dorian went on to say she would never have deliberately tried to keep Viki from seeing her father at such a time. Impressed with Dorian's distress, Viki accepted what she said and when Chapin arrived at her house bringing a letter from Victor, written some months before, extolling Dorian's virtues as a wife and telling his daughter that he hoped she would try to be friends with her, Viki was determined to put her suspicions of Dorian behind her. –


At Llanfair, the day the will was to be read, Larry asked Dorian about a rumor that Dorian had some plans for the new wing involving the Free Clinic. Dorian acknowledged that she had been thinking about the wing and the Free Clinic but any plans would have to wait. When Dorian registered surprise at Tony's having been included in the reading and was told that she surely would have expected Tony, as Victor's son, to have been provided for, she replied that she had never considered biology as something necessary for human relations and maintained that she did not know that Tony and his father's differences were settled at the end; only that Victor died of a stroke that could have been prevented.


After Tony’s arrival, Mr. Hansen read a letter from Victor which began by advising his family that the will that was about to be read was final and conclusive and there would be no "later, capricious additions for you to worry about..."


Peter Janssen told Jenny Wolek, when she remarked she found it odd to be sitting on a couch with him in a comfortable living room eating cookies after all the things they had been through, that he enjoyed it and thought perhaps he really liked the good life - Jenny Wolek was a former nun who left her order before taking her final vows to go ahead with her plans to marry Tim Siegel, who died of injuries resulting from a fall. They were married in Llanview hospital only a matter of hours before his death. Peter Janssen saved Jenny's life after the hospital in Peter's native coutry, it which Jenny was helping care for refugees in a political uprising, was bombed. - Jenny said that it was hard to believe she was living in a world that no longer had a Tim Siegel in it. She told Peter there were moments when she didn’t even think of him, but then she remembered. Peter told her that they had laughed together that day and would laugh again.


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


As Renee Szabo was companionably sharing her plans to impress Dr. Bucky Carter; her father, Nick, listening, rummaged through her purse looking for a light and came upon a wad of bill. He interrupted her saying that there was at least a thousand dollars there and asked her where she got it. Nick, a notorious Riverside gambler and slum lord insisted that fifty dollar bills didn’t just lay around unless the money was hot and told his daughter that he had to know what she was into. Renee told him that Sam Crowell, her employer at Channel R was dealing in Grass and she was sort of a messenger for him. Nick told her she was out of the Grass business and warned her that if she tried to continue he would see that she was busted along with Sam, with no daddy to bail her out. He told her that the one thing he wanted in the world wass for her to be straight. Telling her that she could keep the money, he left to “take care of some business.”


The following day, Bucky Carter and Renee were at Ryan's when Sam stopped off on his way out of town to ask Renee how come Nick didn't find out about his daughter's dealings in Marajuana at college and her set-up with Leo. He told her she just wanted to make an illegal dollar so she could marry into money and added, "don't say that no one ever warned you, Bucky." Sam left, telling Renee to remember him to Big Daddy.

After Sam’s exit, Renee told Bucky that she meant "a lot" of the things she'd said. After Bucky said, ''Let's not drag it out," Renee, still in there, asked:" No chance?" When Bucky said so long, Renee walked out of Ryan's.


Jack Fenelli, after trying unsuccessfully to talk Mary into staying home from work at Channel R by telling her that he felt the need of having his hand held, called Martha McKee and asked her to his apartment for coffee. Jack had carefully avoided telling Martha of his coming marriage or even the existence of his fiancee Mary Ryan. He did, however, tell her that one thing he was not was a Don Juan, but he was particularly bothered by Cinderellas disguised as sophisticated ladies. Martha agreed that Cinderella was a dumb story and they kissed. They continued kissing through the ringing of the phone as Mary Ryan tried to call the apartment about some papers she had left there and needed for work.


Mary arrived at the apartment she shared with Jack to find Martha McKee there alone, Jack having gone out for some special Italian pastries that he and Mary were in the habit of sharing after spending the night together. When Jack came back, Martha prepared to leave thanking him for "the facinating morning" and saying if she needed any further journalistic help she would submit written questions.


After Martha left, Mary remarked on the funny vibes she was getting and Jack insisted that he was just giving a colleague some professional advice and that he resented having to explain himself to a jealous female. As Mary was beginning to feel guilty and once again trying to reassure Jack, the phone rang. Martha McKee calling from a phone booth told him he could if he chose pretend that the call was from someone else but for her own sake she had to tell him that she felt she was used. She asked him if he wanted to get caught and told him she believed he was a miserable, very frightened man and didn’t deserve either Mary or herself.


Jack made one last attempt to put off the wedding by requesting his editor to assign him to the coverage of the Democratic Convention and to place the call when Mary would be there. Mary was upset and when she speculated that Jack might be using the possibility of covering both upcoming conventions to put off the date of their marriage indefinitely, he backed down and insisted that she meant more to him than his unexpected but inconvenient opportunity.


Mary’s brother, City Councilman Frank Ryan was engaged in trying to win a Primary nomination for a Congressional seat. Dr. Roger Coleridge who had blackmailed Frank with the threat of exposure of Frank's affair with Roger's sister Jill during Frank's campaign for City Councilman and was presently threatening Delia Ryan with the possibility that he would tell Frank about the affair he was then carrying on with Delia, had offered Frank a campaign contribution of $20,000 in the name of his late father Ed who was a close friend of the Ryan family. Despite his dislike for Roger, Frank had agreed to accept the contribution in Ed Coleridge's memory.


Roger telephoned Frank’s headquarters with a message purporting to be from Delia that Frank could meet his wife and her friend Sheila at Mrs. Lem's Chinese Restaurant. Frank learnt from Mrs. Lem that she had given Delia no cooking lessons and when he asked Delia about the matter she told him that Sheila and she had been learning to prepare Chinese food on their own from a cookbook. - Sheila was a figment of Delia's imagination useful as a cover up for Delia's meetings with Roger -. Delia promised to prepare a banquet with Sheila and was grateful to Roger when he suggested that she go ahead with the invitations and preparations and have "Sheila" leave town for Chicago at the last minute to attend a sick Aunt, with the ingredients locked up in her apartment, trusting to the press of campaign business to keep Frank from resetting the date at a later time. Jillian Coleridge walked into Ryan’s as a very relieved Delia was in delighted conversation with Roger. - Jillian knew of the existance of Roger and Delia's relationship and had warned the two of them that she would tell Frank if she had any indication that it was continuing. –


Jillian’s client, Seneca Beaulac had been found guilty of assault in the second degree in the death of his wife, Nell. He was awaiting sentence and Jillian was deeply disturbed that Seneca did not wish to appeal even in the event that he received the maximum penalty of seven years in prison. He insisted that he would tell another jury that he took Nell off life support because her wishes and his promise to her were more important than the law. Jill told Seneca that she cared for him. She told Maeve Ryan that she was constantly swinging back and forth in her feelings for Seneca but that she found him a facinating man. Maeve told Jill that she was grateful for Jill's generosity in breaking off with Frank and that she wished Jill would find happiness with someone who was right for her.


Mary’s sister, Kathleen, and her husband Art had arrived in New York for Mary's wedding and Johnny took the opportunity to ride Jack by praising his Son-In-Law Arthur as a family man and suggesting that Jack consider the making of a will. Jack left telling Mary that he needed to have a little space to breathe. When Maeve asked Johnny if he did anything to set Jack off, Johnny swore that he didn't, that Jack was not reliable and he would be willing to lay odds that he never made it to the altar.


After the wedding rehearsal, Mary Ryan, who was about to go upstairs to join Sister Joel and the female members of the Ryan family, leaving Jack down in Ryan's bar, gathered Frank, Pat, Art, and Bob Reid and told them that she needed them all to help Jack through the party. Bob pointed out that the party was in his honor and remarked that she seemed to feel that she had got to handle Jack with kid gloves. He added that he hoped that didn’t last.


When Johnny Ryan was obviously delighted that Jumbo, tasting his Irish whiskey said "Bellisima." Jack said aloud that he and Jumbo both knew that Bellisima meant: "Hey, don't you have any wine, Mister?" Art took Jack aside and confided that Johnny Ryan had never really recovered from the fact that he was a bourbon drinker. Jack asked Art how he got away with being different and Art said that he didn’t make an issue of it.


Roger Coleridge sent a messenger to Ryan's with a note for Frank. When he opened it, Frank read the unsigned message which read: "Do you know what your wife is doing while you're out campaigning? Do you know where your wife is now?" - Delia had left the gathering of the Ryan women, saying she had a headache and wanted to go for a walk and had gone to Roger's apartment. She arrived to see a messenger leaving and when she asked about it, Roger told her that he was delivering some papers concerning his late father's estate. - Frank told Bob Reid the message was just a note about City Council business and inquired about Delia when Mary came down to the kitchen. Knowing that Mary was anxious about Jack he told her he was not worried about Delia's absence, just curious, and that she shouldn't worry about anything but Mary Ryan Fenelli.


Jack left the party with Art saying that he planned to get a whale of a good beauty sleep in readiness for the wedding the following morning, but first he was going to show Artie Wall Street by moonlight. Frank offered to go along but finally told Art to put Jack in a cab and take him home.


After the party, Delia returned and Frank told her that he was trying to find out what was going on. He asked Delia if she was in some kind of trouble that she was afraid to tell him about. He said that half the time she was not where she was supposed to be and at a look from Delia corrected it to "where she says she is going to be."


After talking a while with Mary who was upset over leaving home and suffering pre-wedding doubts, Frank went to Maeve and Johnny's room and told Maeve Mary was in need of some mothering. After Maeve went, Johnny asked Frank if there was any chance that Mary would change her mind. Frank started to nod but shook his head and says, "I don't think so." The phone rang: Art told Johnny that he lost Jack. Jack got away when he asked Art to buy a paper; he jumped in a cab headed east on Canal Street, yelling: "Pray for me." Art said: "I'm sorry, Dad. I just hope he shows up tomorrow."


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Jo Vincente found that she had no feeling in her legs after an operation to remove the bullet from her abdomen. - She entered Chris Miller's room as a gunman was trying to shoot Chris so that he wouldn't testify against a big-time hood. Chris' real name was Christopher Delon and his bodyguard, David Sloane, who took a job as bartender at Hartford House to protect Chris, was really United States Marshall David Sutton. - Dr. Bob Rogers told Jo that he couldn’t make any promises about her recovery. Chris told Jo that he loved her before and he loved her then and her paralysis wouldn’t keep them from marrying. Jo wouldn’t consider it until there was some sign that she would recover the use of her legs. Chris got a job at the Henderson Herald so that he could stay in Henderson with Jo.

Amy Kaslo was still considering Bruce Carson's offer of marriage, to provide a home for their new daughter Victoria. When Amy visited her friend Eric Leshinsky, a young boy confined to the house because of two broken legs, she realized how important a father is to a child, when Eric commented that although his step-father, Scott Phillips, had gone back to work, he was luckier than Victoria.


Amy told Bruce that she would accept his offer, but their relationship had to be honest. She knew that Bruce didn’t love her as much as she loved him and she wouldn’t tie him down by putting any demands on him. Jo couldn’t under-stand why Bruce would accept this, since it seemed to be a marriage in name only, to provide a home for Tory. Since Jo had to remain in the hospital and Amy wanted to be married as soon as possible, they invited Steve and Liza Kaslo to the ceremony in Jo's hospital room. Amy knewthat her older brother, Mike, who lived out West, was so annoyed with Bruce for getting her pregnant that she not only didn’t invite him, but didn’t tell him. When he found out from Steve, he called to wish her well.


Amy feared that she would have a hard time living with Bruce when he didn't love her. Janet Collins, Liza's mother, told Amy that she had to go into this marriage with an open heart or it would never work. Amy accepted a ring only to keep people from wondering.


After the simple civil ceremony, Bruce and Amy went to Hartford House for dinner. Ellie Harper was disappointed that Bruce told Stu Bergman they wouldn’t be spending the night in the bridal suite. When Ellie expressed her regrets, Amy accepted the invitation much to Bruce's amazement. Amy reluctantly let Janet keep Tory for the night. Coming unprepared to stay the night, Bruce gave Amy his shirt to wear as a nightgown and because she looked so young and vulnerable, Bruce kissed her and took her in his arms.


Amy found that she didn’t really fit in with the other mothers in the park. Bruce suggested they get a larger apartment with two bedrooms and a backyard. During dinner at the Kaslows', Gary Walton, Liza's brother, told them that he had been offered a position on a research team with Dr. Stern, a specialist on degenerative diseases, and suggested that Amy might like the job of researcher because she could work a couple of hours a day at home. Bruce agreed that this would be good for her.


Steve Kaslo was recovering at home after a bone marrow transplant to cure an acute case of leukemia while his wife, Liza, continued to wait tables at Hartford House for her grandfather, Stu Bergman. Steve had repeatedly refused help from Liza's wealthy family to pay their medical bills. Steve composed a few songs and Liza sent one off to all the recording companies, hoping someone would be interested. Steve became discouraged, but Liza cleared his thinking by telling him that, if he didn't believe in himself and his songs, no one else could either.


Liza was seen working at the Inn by Woody Reed, head of a model agency, and his photographer. He told Steve and Liza that she had a refreshing beauty that others were sure to buy. The selling point for Liza was that she would make sixty dollars an hour then and one hundred dollars an hour when she became known. After the first session, Liza and Lenny, the photographer, realized that she was stiff and unnatural, but Woody confided to Lenny that he was going to take her under his wing.


Liza worried about her session the following day, until Steve told her that if she disliked it that much, she should quit. Having made the decision, Liza could sleep, but early the next morning, Woody was there to edge her on. Steve gave her a little of her own advice, "Believe in yourself." and off she went for another session. This time the photographs were better.


It took Stu Bergman several days to get up the courage to tell Ellie Harper that he had been a fool all these years. He had loved her, but never quite understood how much until she was gone. Ellie asked about her rival, Connie Schultz, who came all the way from California to win Stu's affections, and was told that she never really meant anything and was probably going back to California soon. Stu gave her a beautiful ring fearful that Ellie would think they were too old for such romantic notions. Although Ellie had said that she would like to be a June bride, they decided not to get married until Jo was home.


Jo was well enough to return to the Inn to finish her recovery, as she could move her toes a little. Chris said that this was the sign she had been waiting for. Everyone tried to make Jo as comfortable as possible without making her feel different. Jo told Ellie to set her wedding date because June was almost over. All these weddings made Jo feel she could accept Chris' proposal. Stu and Ellie decided to get married the afternoon of June 30th so Ellie could be the June bride she had always dreamed she'd be. Jo would be her matron of honor, even though she would have to go down the aisle - they were being married in the lounge of the Hartford House - in a wheelchair. Stu and Ellie weren't taking a honeymoon, and Jo realized that it was because of her. She offered to hire extra help, but they wanted to be together at Hartford House.


Jo told Chris that she had thought of the ideal wedding gift for Stu and Ellie. Jo, a song writer, would write a song especially for them using all the things they believed in.


Chris refused to accept calls from San Francisco and was annoyed at a telegram he received. One evening a knock at Chris' door proved to be Gwen Delon, Chris' ex-wife. She asked why he had refused to accept her calls and had not responded to her telegram. Chris said there was nothing to say anymore. Gwen told him that she saw the article in the paper explaining that he was a witness against big time criminals that had been apprehended due to his investigation as a journalist. Gwen refused to believe that their marriage was through because he let her believe he was seeing another woman and didn't contest the divorce when she filed. Chris was trying to protect her, but she had so little faith in him that there was nothing left. He told her that he was interested in someone else then and plan ned to be married soon. Gwen's parting comment was that he would never be married to anyone else but her.


Gwen questioned Stu about Jo and ran into a brick wall when Stu found out who she was. Stu asked Mrs. Delon not to bother Jo because she was not well. Gwen told him that she wouldn’t leave Henderson until she was absolutely certain that there was no chance of a reconciliation.


As David Sutton no longer had to be so secretive, he and Stephanie Collins were seeing one another again. David made contacts in Henderson to be taken on as an investigator and was hired.


Jennifer Phillips told Stephanie Collins that she was afraid, once John found out there was no attacker or caller, he would move out of her apartment. Because Stephanie believed that all was fair in love and war, she agreed to help Jennifer by calling a couple of times a week, breathing heavily and then hanging up. As Jennifer's concern was that the police might become suspicious, she made her identification as general as possible, but they kept calling her in for a line-up and she didn’t want anyone to go to jail over this.


Janet and Jo both told Eunice that she was making a mistake by pushing John away. Eunice considered all of this and decided to ask him to come home. She visited John's office and was about to ask him, when she saw a note on John's desk from Jennifer revealing that John was still living at Jennifer's apartment.


Eunice had Scott Phillips draw up the divorce papers. John visited Eunice, telling her that he wouldn’t sign the papers because she was being impractical by asking for support for Suzi only until she got a job. John reminded her that the only job she had was writing part time for a magazine he owned. Eunice was humiliated at John's insinuation that she could do nothing, but remained determined.


Eric Leshinsky had his cast removed, but he needed braces and crutches until the muscle tone was back. Having made friends with Wendy Wilkins, whose father visited her frequently, Eric had become interested in his own background. His step-father Scott was hurt by his questions and comments about his "real" father. Scott's wife, Kathy, asked Eric if Scott hadn't been as much a father as anyone, but Eric wasn't satisfied. Finding his father was becoming so much an obsession with Eric, that he had trouble sleeping, so Scott promised to help him.


Kathy felt Eric had a right to know about his father, but Scott was afraid he would find out it was a former neighbor who left when he found he couldn't make any money off Eric. Scott was going to warn everyone Eric might ask.


Kathy and Scott found that Eric had written the hospital asking for his birth certificate using Scott's name. He demanded to read it and found that Ralph Haywood was his father. Infuriated that Scott knew, Eric refused to speak to anyone. Kathy suggested that they find Haywood for Eric, but Scott refused to take a chance on losing Eric.




Written by: Russell Kubeck

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Ellen Grant had taken Brian Gammidge under her wing. Brian, son of dead arsonist David Gammidge, had been unable to speak since age two. Ellen, in her usual generous way, had started a fund for Brian's psychiatric and speech therapy. Brian was interested in sculpture, and on a foray to the museum, Ellen and Brian had been befriended by sculptor Lucius Cassius (Luke) McKenzie, a world-renowned artist. Luke began to teach Brian. Ellen and he were moved when Brian was finally able to utter a word, "Home."


Ellen received a cable from her son David, saying he was on his way home from Hong Kong, where he had been practicing law. Ellen tells Dr. Terri Kurtz, "You never know how much you'll miss them or need them – children - until they've gone away." However, Ellen became increasingly anxious when no further word came from David. Luke, who had connections in the State Department, checked for passport reentries and found David had been in the US for more than a week. Ellen, Carrie Wheeler, and Jill, Ellen's daughter, puzzled over the situation while cooking dinner one night. David arrived. He was despondent. His common-law wife, Lai Ling, had disappeared with their son. David had been searching for them, but could only trace them to the train for LoWan, the jumping off point for China. Luke's sources later confirm that Lai Ling was reported in LoWan.


Learning of David’s imminent return from Jill, his secretary, Tom Conway, who had been running the Grant law firm for Ellen, worried that David might choose to stay and take a place in the firm. Meanwhile, Tom invested 10,000 shares of Heather Kane's stock in a risky scheme. Realizing he had no choice, Tom made David an attractive offer to join the firm. He told David he was more interested in investment counseling. David's interest was in litigation. He accepted the job, hoping to also find work as a public defender. Tom introduceed David to Mr. Harrington, a local contractor, who promised to speak to someone in the DA's office on David's behalf. Tom had given David what appeared to be a false statement of the firm's assets.


Ellen and Brian had arranged to picnic with Luke. Luke was late, and when Ellen couldn't get him on the phone, they went to Luke's studio. Luke was unconscious on the floor with a scaffolding collapsed on top of him. Ellen called an am-bulance. Luke's broken hip was mended with a silver pin, but there was some question about the extent of injuries to his spinal cord.


Luke was a bad patient, ranting and bellowing at all his nurses. He told Stan Kurtz, his doctor, he wanted only straight talk, which Stan gave, saying they had no prognosis about his spine. Luke was delighted to learn Ellen had been hovering about. During an interview, Luke told Carrie he was worried about his future. He had always done what he wanted, and it seemed to please people. He asked what a man did when that changed. Carrie told him she thought he would continue doing what he wanted. Luke admired Brian's hope and courage. He also admired Ellen. He hinted he would like to start a family with Ellen and Brian. Carrie approved.


Carrie and David found they liked each other, and had a common background of pain — both had lost a loved one recently. Carrie, who was beginning to give up hope of getting over Greg Mercer, murdered by the arson ring that was also responsible for David Gammidge's death, found herself flirting with David lightly.


Ellen Grant observed to Ginger Cooper that Ginger's estranged husband, Tony, seemed to be having a change of heart about their being apart. Tony had started spending a lot of time with their son Joey. Ginger was a bit confused because of the advent of Dr. Angus Duncan, a young intern with whom she seemed to have a lot in common. Tony arrived one night to see Joey. He asked Ginger about the possibility of a reconciliation. Ginger reminded Tony he made the decision to leave - Upset with Ginger's nagging and jealousy, Tony drifted into an affair with his boss, Vicky Paisley, refusing to believe Vicky's warning that she was making no commitment and wouldn't come between him and his family. Tony suffered a heart attack at Vicky's house. He then confessed the affair to Ginger, who chose to forgive him. However, Tony still thought he had a chance with glamorous Vicky, so he refused to return home. Tony had just recently come to realize how much his family meant to him. - Ginger wasn't sure they would be able to forget the past, asking, hypothetically, what would happen if Vicky should happen to call on the phone. Tony was torn by another chest pain and asked Ginger to call a doctor. His attack was bad.


Heart surgeon, Jerry Kane told Ginger and Tony that rheumatic or scarlet fever in Tony's youth caused damage to the mitral valve, which had been aggravated by the recent attacks. As soon as he was ready, he had to have surgery. In the meantime, Tony was to have nursing care, no heavy exercise, and no alcohol. Ginger took Tony home. Tony asked if he was home because of his heart. Ginger admitted that was part of the reason, but he was also there because they were husband and wife. They pledged a happier life after the surgery.


Tony, chafing at the forced inactivity, and unable to make love to Ginger, asked Jerry and Stan to make arrangements as soon as possible for the surgery, especially after he noticed Dr. Duncan hovering around. Duncan, meanwhile, suggested to Ginger that she was back with Tony out of pity and duty, rather than love. Ginger strongly denied it.


Rex Cooper, Tony’s father, returned from California with a new proposition for the kids. Since the best heart surgeon in the country was in California, and Ginger would have her hands full nursing Tony and caring for a house and Joey, Rex suggested they return with him. After checking the facts with her uncle, Stan Kurtz, Ginger agreed, provided that, if anything should happen to Tony, Rex wouldn’t try to take Joey away from her. He promised.


The off-and-on, up-and-down relationship between editor Julian Cannell and Vicky Paisley continued. During her annual check-up, Jerry told Vickie she should settle down with a nice steady man like Julian. She said she was through with Julian. Later, Julian rand into Vicky at a restaurant where he was to meet Ginger for dinner. Julian got the call from Ginger about Tony's attack, and rushed to the hospital. Vicky follows. When they were sure Tony was going to make it, Vickie invited Julian home for a late supper, and he accepted. They became lovers.


The following morning, Vicky, in her usual way, tried to take over Julian's life, suggesting they leave for a vacation. Julian refused, saying he had a job and responsibilities, and besides, he wouldn’t let her run his life.


Dan Brisken gave a housewarming at his new penthouse. Vicky and Julian agree to start over, and she invited him home for the night. He refused. He had to get up early to fly to a seminar in Detroit. Vicky was mad. Upon his return, Julian took time off from work, at Dan's urging, to play tennis with Vicky. She tried to intercept a phone call from the office, making him angry. He conducted his business on the phone, then kept the date, telling Vicky afterwards that it was the first time in three years he had taken time off during the day. Vicky told him he knew how to handle her, making him laugh. He replied that when he was with her, he was constantly defending himself. She promised to change, but he discouraged her, saying they might not find each other so attractive then.


Vicky boasted to friend Hannah that she had Julian. Hannah laughed, saying not until he said, "I do." Vicky tossed off the idea of marriage: "Marriage is like cream: as time goes on, it goes sour." But Vicky liked the idea of Julian's begging her to marry him. She decided to play hard to get. But after breaking a date, Julian told her he couldn't have kept it anyway because some of the media men at the seminar met with him that night to discuss a program on crime in a small town. Vicky was upset at being out-foxed, but pleased with Julian's TV prospects.


Steve Slade, the reporter hired to replace Greg Mercer, was totally different from Greg. He told Carrie, who disliked him instantly, that the only way to get ahead was to fight. He told Julian he didn’t like people. Steve and Carrie collided over beats and stories, and when Jill casually invited him for drinks, Carrie refused to be there, even though she and Jill shared the apartment.


The trial of those caught in the arson ring uncovered by Greg was about to start. Julian assigned Carrie to the prosecution and Steve to the defense, warning they had to learn to coop-erate. Carrie promised Julian she would act like a reporter, be objective, even though she held an almost murderous hatred for the men who killed Greg. Jill and Carrie found some of the things in the apartment had been moved around. Unbeknownst to them, the apartment was bugged.


Steve Slade warned Julian and Carrie that she might be in danger from the arson ring, which was obviously tied into organized crime. Steve suggested that, with the millions of dollars at their disposal, they might be able to get the men in Somerset off. Carrie appeared to be a key witness for the prosecution, since she witnessed David Gammidge's death bed confession. Carrie returned to the office to write her story of the prosecution's side of the case. She reached in her purse and found — a dead bird!


The TV crew drove Julian out of his office. Vicky took great delight in "dressing" Julian for his TV debut. When the interviewer, a stunning woman named Avis Ryan arrived, she told Julian he was all wrong. Vicky knew competition when she saw it, so when Avis asked Julian to take her to dinner, Vicky invited her to join them, enjoying the challenge.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Peggy Brooks was helping Joann win back her husband's love and respect after Joanne's suicide attempt. - Peggy was dating Jack Curtis before she found out he was married. Jack then told Peggy that he loved her and after he helped Joann become the person she once was -thin and independent -then they could be married. Joann overheard this conversation and took an overdose of sleeping tablets. Peggy learned of Joann's attempt and decided that she couldn't build a good marriage with Jack on Joann's unhap-piness. - Peggy canceled a dancing date with Jack, and he went home to find Joann dressed in one of the dresses Peggy bought for her. Joann had wine and music as a background for this new woman. Jack enjoyed himself by partaking of more wine that he was used to. Joann is thrilled when Jack reached for her. Tears welled up in Joann's eyes when he called her Peggy, but she said nothing. In the morning, Jack could remember little of the night before, so Joann told him that they made love.


Later, Peggy took Joann to the doctor to make sure she was in good health and then she had to stop helping Joann because it was becoming too painful. Joann becomes furious and told Peggy that she might as well back off because Jack made love to her the previous night.


Peggy was beside herself with frustration and pain. She asked Jack to see her and confronted him with the fact that he made love to Joann. Jack realized that she could have heard it only from Joann. Peggy told him that she knew about them, and Jack decided that he should ask her for a divorce. Afraid that Joann wouldn’t be able to handle this, Peggy blurted out that Joann tried to kill herself when she found out.


Joann told her boss, Brock Reynolds, that she was ashamed of what she had done. She didn't even have enough pride to stop Jack when he made love to her thinking it was someone else. Brock kissed her and told her that the fact she wasn't unhappy when he kissed her showed that there could be another man besides Jack in her life.


Jack went home to Joann who became suspicious when Jack told about how badly he had treated her. She figured out that Peggy had told him about her suicide attempt. Jack was afraid that Joann was still depressed, but she assured him that she realized shortly after she did it that life was too precious to solve problems that way, and she would never try it again. Satisfied that Joann was telling him the truth, Jack went to Peggy who found that she couldn’t bear up under all the tensions. She could never live down what they were doing to Joanne. If he was ever free, then they could decide, but she wouldn’t go on seeing him while he was married to Joann.


Joann told Jack that she wouldn't be pitied. Either their marriage was right or it couldn’t be at all. If he couldn't be a husband in the whole sense of the word, then he should go to Peggy.


Peggy wondered if she should have become sexually involved with Jack, but her mother said that it was easier to back away this way. Peggy took her sister, Chris, up on her offer to spend the night.


Jack told Mr. and Mrs. Brooks that he had to see Peggy because Joanne had told him that he was free. Joann told Brock that she might have played into Jack's hands by telling him this, but Brock replied that if he went to Peggy he was not worth having and at least she had kept her pride and self-respect. When Jack returned, Joann told him to move his things from their apartment.


Nancy Becker would be able to go home from the hospital soon. Her husband Ron was looking for a job, but said that because he had been arrested for rape, even though the police proved him innocent, he was not having any luck. Chris Foster, who met Nancy through Legal-Aid, was helping and her father, Stuart Brooks, was trying to find him a job, also. Chris' mother had been caring for their daughter, Karen, during the day while Ron looked for work. Ron and Chris cleaned the Becker apartment before Ron brought Nancy home. Chris admired a table that Ron made and Ron offered to make her one to show his appreciation. Stuart Brooks had the county attorney do some checking when it took Ron so long to find a job.


Ron was going to deliver the table for Chris when Stuart called asking to see her. He told her that Ron was in prison for burglary and there was a possible rape involvement. Chris was upset that Ron and Nancy didn't tell her and went to see Nancy, asking why she didn't tell her about his prison record and that he had been arrested for rape before.


Nancy told Chris that Ron was in prison six years ago for burglary. He was charged with rape, but the charge was dropped. Chris wanted to know why. Nancy said it was her fault because she and Ron weren't intimate before their marriage. Ron had gone to a bar, where an older woman had invited him to her apartment. She greeted him in a negligee, but once in the bedroom, she started to scream. He ran out, but was held by a neighbor until the police came. He had taken nothing, but the prosecutor told him he would rot in prison if he didn't plead guilty to burglary, not telling him that the woman wasn't going to testify. Nancy believed him and married him against everyone's wishes because Ron was so alone in the world.


Ron came home to find Chris there. He said he couldn't find Chris' apartment and was told he was looking for the wrong address. Ron repeated the same story to Chris about his prison record and Chris said she believed him.


When Chris got home, she found Peggy on the floor whimpering. In the dark, Peggy lashe out when approached. Chris finally got the story out of her. When Peggy entered, the wall switch for the lights wouldn't work so she moved towards the lamp, but was grabbed from behind, thrown to the floor and raped. She didn't recognize the man. Peggy's first thought was to take a bath and Chris sympathized, having been raped herself several years ago and remembered feeling dirty, too. Peggy became wildly excited again when Chris mentioned the police because she didn’t want anyone to know, but was finally convinced that, if she didn’t report the rape, this man would be free to rape other girls. Peggy consented. Chris called headquarters and two beat officers were sent to investigate. Because they had not been trained to handle rape victims, Peggy became incensed when they intimated that she might not have been assaulted. Chris refused to let the officers continue their questioning and called headquarters, asking for someone more sensitive to Peggy's feelings. A woman officer, who had been trained to deal with rape cases, tried to soothe Peggy, and then told Chris that they needed to take her to the hospital for medical attention. Peggy refused to let the male officers touch her.


Miss Weston questioned Chris to find out if anyone knew Peg would be there and asked if anyone would want to rape Chris herself. After Chris thought this over, she told Miss Weston about Ron's record, that he knew Snapper wouldn't be home and that he was supposed to deliver a table to her apartment that afternoon. Miss Weston said there wasn't enough evidence to bring him in for a line up. Chris vowed that when she got through, he would want to.


Ron went for a long walk and came back to tell Nancy that he had found a job, but didn't tell him about his prison record. After Nancy and Ron talked about the possibility of being found out and losing the job, Ron went back to tell his new employer. If they have to leave town it should be then. His employer didn’t fire him.


Jill Foster wanted to visit Phillip Chancellor's grave - Phillip Chancellor divorced Kay and married Jill, who was pregnant with his child. Phillip died from injuries received in an auto accident caused by Kay who later had the divorce ruled invalid and Jill's marriage void. Kay refused to acknowledge that this was Phillip's child and won the lawsuit Jill brought against the estate for Phillip Chancellor Foster's inheritance. Angered at the court ruling, Jill tried to drive Kay insane and did manage to drive the alcoholic bark drinking.) When Brock Reynolds suggested that his mother, Kay Chancellor, asked Jill to go to the grave with her, Kay replied, “It will be a cold day in hell”, before she did. When Jill called on Kay, she was told to stay away from Phillip’s grave, but Jill asked if Kay would put some flowers on the grave for the baby and her. Touched, Kay broke down, asking Jill to go along.


Liz Foster, Jill’s mother and Kay’s housekeeper, told Kay that she spent too much time alone. She invited Kay to dinner and told her that she needed a man in her life. Kay told Brock that she had been invited to the Fosters’ but wouldn’t be going. Brock agreed with her, knowing that by discourging her, she would talk herself into going because she was so lonely. Liz told Kay that she had invited a nice gentleman, who was a plumber, widower, and bowler. When Kay said they had nothing in common, Brock commented that they both were lonely.


Kay got very nervous waiting for Ralph Olsen to arrive. She was on the verge of leaving when Ralph arrived. At first she resented his comments on what people thought of her, but she warmed up when he told her that he was an alcoholic, but hadn't had a drink in eight years. He offered to help her. Liz invented leaky plumbing at the Chancellor house so that Ralph would take Kay home. Kay was so nervous that she poured herself a drink. Ralph said that if she drank, he would also. She couldn't bring herself to be his downfall, so Ralph poured both drinks out.


Lorie Brooks was going to New York City to see her publisher about her new book, ‘In My Sister's Shadow." which was a novel about herself and her sister with a few variations. Lorie's sister, Leslie Elliot, told her that she was concerned that her husband, Brad, had renewed his relationship with Barbara Anderson, his ex-fiancee. Barbara visited Lorie and told her that Brad was losing his sight and the doctors had no idea what was causing it. She couldn't tell Leslie because she promised Brad that she wouldn't.


Lorie’s publisher wanted her to tour with her new book, but Lorie said she wrote it under another name so that no one would associate her with it. Lance Prentiss looked Lorie up and then flew her back to Genoa City. Lorie tried to seduce Lance, but he let her know that, if and when there was any seducing done, he would do it.


Lance visited his mother, Vanessa, a veiled recluse, to tell her that he had rented an estate on Lake Geneva so that she could get outside. Lance told her that he was returning to Genoa City for Leslie's benefit concert, causing Vanessa to be jealous of both Brooks sisters.


Brad Elliot told his brother-in-law, Dr. Snapper Foster. that he would be leaving Leslie after her concert because he couldn’t be living with her when he went blind.


Lorie told Brad that Barbara told her and pleaded with him to tell Leslie that he was losing his sight.

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She could have gone head to head with Katherine or Victor or even john abbott in business fashion, they could have maybe given her a man who was the opposite of her or just as crazy as she was. She could have been another Katherine for some of the younger cast. I am one day waiting to see the clip where she met Katherine and what she thought of her lol

Yes and im a 90's baby so when i read these stories or even see old clips from that time, it makes me think damn why in these modern can't we have ground breaking stories that have depth at substance.

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@Legacy So little of Vanessa's storyline is online, that's why it was such a treat to see her in the 1981 classic episode. Vanessa stole the show from Victor, and that is no small feat. I'm also hoping any Vanessa/Katherine scenes and Vanessa/Victor scenes surface. One has to wonder though, if Bill Bell kept Vanessa and evolved her during the 1980s, would he have reused elements of Vanessa for Stephanie?


Of the big four primetime soap antagonists, Bill Bell had his versions of JR Ewing (Victor) and Alexis Carrington Colby (Dina), but as far as I could tell he didn't have his own versions of Angela Channing or Abby Cunningham.


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@Soaplovers Yeah come to think of it, 1980s Jill was Bill Bell's version of Abby Cunningham. I've read comparisons of 1980s Jill to Alexis mainly due to Brenda Dickson's acting style but you're on point in that 1980s Jill was written more like Abby.


So who would be Bill Bell's version of Angela Channing? I guess the closest would be Stephanie, but I always thought Bill Bell wrote her as a Jennifer/Katherine/Vanessa hybrid. Also primetime soaps weren't that big a deal by 1987 compared to 1980-1983, so there was no need for CBS to cash in on primetime soaps at that point.

Edited by kalbir
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