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Look into the past - 1975

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I saw those episodes from 1980 when the Williams family came in..and she played a devoted wife and mother...and she was more well rounded.  She was an atypical Bell character and I wonder if that's why she had become the busybody caricature by the mid 80s because Bell didn't know quite how to write her.



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Hey has anyone ever thought what the show would have been like in terms of jill/Katherine/Phillip if phillip stayed alive i wonder with there feud would it have been 10 times worse. Has anyone thought how jill/Phillip relationship would have been like maybe jill or Phillip would have maybe down the road cheat on each other.


Also the fact that Lorie was kind of involved i wonder how the narrative would have changed.

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 Brought some 1976 issues from my home to my holiday place so here is March 1976. I join some paged I scanned (We're glad you asked, entrances and exits, happenings). The issue also contained an history of AW in photos I posted in the AW thread.



MARCH 1976


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Although hospital aide - formerly Dr. - David Thornton had told Ruth Martin that he loved her, she insisted that their closeness was a result of "a need for comfort in our loneliness," and the fact that they shared David's secret - Of all the people in Pine Valley, only Ruth knew David had been a surgeon in the Vietnam War and gave up practicing as a doctor when he couldn't save his brother's life under combat operating conditions. She knew, too, that he had been married and had gotten a "Dear John" letter the week before he was due to come home. - David had replied that Ruth couldn't use that as an excuse for facing the fact of their growing relationship any longer. "No more games. No more dissection of David Thornton, before and after." She told him that the kind of love he was talking about was not possible because she was married and loved her husband very much, and that in time she and Dr. Joe Martin would "work things out." When she told David that they could share a friendship - "either that or nothing — I mean it" -, David arranged a date with Helen Barnes, a nurse at Pine Valley, and Ruth told him that she could turn out to be the right girl for him. To herself she said, "I love you David, I can never tell you that, but I do love you."


Soon after Tara Martin Tyler's divorce from Chuck became final, her son Little Philip suffered a frighteningly severe asthmatic attack,which was diagnosed by her father Joe as psychosomatic in origin. Although Tara had planned to marry Philip Brent as soon as his divorce from his wife Erica was settled so that they could be a family once again - on the eve of Philip's leaving for Vietnam, he and Tara, unable to find a minister or a Justice of the Peace to marry them, exchanged vows in a small chapel. Philip was mistakenly reported killed and Tara, pregnant with Phil's son, accepted Chuck Tyler's offer to marry her and raise her son as his own -, it was evident to Tara that they would have to make some adjustments for little Philip's sake. Tara appealed to Ruth to try to convince Philip that she was not trying to get Chuck and little Philip together for any other reason than the boy's physical and emotional health. However, when Tara learned that Erica had agreed to divorcing Philip and dropped her threat of telling Phoebe Tyler of the boy's true parentage, she agreed that she needed Philip's help and wanted to be married.


When Phillip told his father Nick Davis that he intended to give up his job at the Chateau so that he could work regular 9 to 5 hours to be with Tara and his son, Nick reminded him that he had a very good thing in his job at the Chateau and the security it represented. Telling him that jobs were not so easy to come by, Nick pointed out that upon her remarriage, Tara's alimony would stop and that unemployment checks soon ran out. Philip returned to Tara's feeling shakey and insecure. He said he didn't trust his own feelings, that he didn't know if he was right or wrong about anything, anymore. He told Tara that he thought he was pressured her too much and only made things rougher for her by not seeing beyond himself. He maintained that it was too soon, that it would only confuse the boy to "have me around the house when he's not reconciled to Chuck's leaving." He pressed her by saying, "Tell the truth, Tara, you're not sure we should be married, are you?"


Kitty Tyler had told Erica's mother, Mona Kane that Erica had been more candid with Kitty about her relationship with Lincoln, and that Erica almost admitted that she was trying to promote herself as a suitable future wife for him. When Lincoln visited Kitty to bring her the news of the finalizing of her divorce from Al Shea, he asked Kitty to marry him. Once again she refused Lincoln but told him of his mother Phoebe's offer to Al to try to keep them apart. Linc told Kitty that he loved her and saw no future without her. When Kitty said that Linc could have a future with Erica, Linc assured her that the idea was laughable to him, although maybe not to his mother.


Erica met with the publicity manager from Lacey's Department store. She was told that because of a merger Lacey's had re-evaluated their publicity campaign and although they had no fault to find with her personally they were invoking a four week cancellation clause in her contract. Out of a job - she quit her radio station job at the first of the year to concentrate on Lacey's full time and had been replaced there -, Erica went to Linc and told him that she would have to remain married to Phil though Lincoln told her that the papers had been filed and they were awaiting a court date. He warned her that Philip could counter-sue and probably would. Erica told Linc that she used up her savings and the large salary from Lacey's so far, to pay off Philip's debts. He told her that with her talent and reputation she could command other high paying positions. She reminded him that in Pine Valley there were no more opportunities equal to the ones she lost and that she was de-termined to stay there. Lincoln apologized to her for his attitude and asked if he might take her for a drink.


Also by way of an apology Chuck Tyler presented "Jane Doe," his mystery patient, with a large heart shaped box of chocolates. Chuck had tricked her into admitting that her "amnesia" was selective, and therefore probably a sham, by showing her some X-Rays of herself and pointing to an old scar undoubtedly from childhood. Impulsively she blurted out her memory of the incident. - The girl was brought in after being found by the side of a road into town. Police suspected she had been thrown from a speeding car: the ambulance driver surmised from her clothes and make-up that she was a Prostitute. –


At home where Chuck was with his grand-mother Phoebe at the Tyler mansion, Chuck welcomed young Brooke, Phoebe and Charles' 18 year old niece. Brooke had hoped to transfer to the University but when her parents turned thumbs down on her plans for her own apartment, the possibility of her staying with Phoebe was raised. Insisting that she had to talk it over face to face with Brooke's parents, Phoebe invited them down for a visit and Charles agreed to be there - cancelling an evening with Mona Kane whom he had resumed seeing socially -. When he arrived and the couple had already gone - through no fault of Phoebe's - he told her that her company "would be a bore" and accused her of being already "quite drunk." Brooke expressed shock to learn that they were separated but Chuck assured her that her presence couldn't hurt the situation and might be good for Phoebe.


Tara told Philip that she was just as confused as he about what was right. She believed they made the right decision for the two of them, but that rushing into marriage might not be the best thing for their son. Philip decided that they should go ahead with their plans when Tara reassured him of her love for him, and he tool the day off to look for a job. When Philip told Nick that he had taken a job managing a car wash, Nick was insulted. He told him that if anything else went wrong in his career, "don't come crawling back to me." Nick turned down Philip's offer to work out two weeks' notice. After Phil left, Paul arrived and told Nick that Erica had backed out of the divorce.


Anne Tyler arrived at the hospital to ask Ruth to lunch, and Joe urged Ruth to go along with Anne, promising to take a raincheck on his and Ruth's own luncheon plans. Anne asked Ruth to be her attendant at her wedding to Paul - the final decree from Margo arrived in the mail -. She told Ruth that Paul was probably going to ask Joe to be his best man and asked if they did the wrong thing by asking the two of them. Ruth said Joe would be pleased, that they were trying to work out their differences, but she added that she felt an awful gulf growing between them, which she felt powerless to stop.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Mac Cory was at daughter Iris's to look over son-in-law Robert Delaney's plans for the Pendleton project. Jamie Frame, Mac's step-son, was there to visit Dennis, Mac's grandson. Beatrice Gordon was dining with Jim Matthews and granddaughter Sally Frame. Ken Palmer was late for his sculpture lesson with Rachel. Thus, Rachel, despite Mac's insistence she never be alone, was alone. As she readied her easel to work on sketches, it collapsed. She bent down to right it and was torn with pain. Fearful of losing her baby, Rachel, carefully, worked her way to the phone. She called Iris, asking to speak to Mac, saying it was important. Iris told her Mac was in the den with Robert and didn't want to be disturbed. Reiterating that it was important, Rachel collapsed. Iris called, "Rachel. Rachel?" then hung up, commenting to Tracy DeWitt, her house guest, that some people had no manners. Iris was determined not to let Rachel interfere with her plans that night. She planned to have Tracy show Mac the guest house later.


As Rachel regained consciousness, she heard the doorbell ringing. She tried to rise, but collapsed again. Mac and Robert rejoined Iris and Tracy. Iris coaxed him into having another drink, but Mac was concerned that Rachel might be alone. He called home, and was reassured by a busy signal. Ken Palmer called Iris to report that nobody answered the bell at the Cory house and to inquire if anything was wrong. Mac rushed home. Iris made a catty remark. Robert told her he found Mac and Rachel's devotion "touching." Iris rejoined that it was "adolescent," and she was glad she and Robert didn’t carry on like that. Iris refused to let Robert call to check on Rachel. Tracy told Iris she liked Rachel.


Mac found Rachel unconscious on the floor. Devastated, he called an ambulance. He started to call Ada, then called Robert instead, asking him to get Ada and meet them at the hospital. Robert rushed out. Tracy asked if Iris didn't say Rachel had called just before she came in. Iris begged Tracy not to say anything because Mac could never forgive her. Iris maintained that Rachel didn't say it was important. Tracy suggested Iris go to the hospital and be with Mac. Iris agreed, saying that would be a good way to find out how much Mac knew about the phone call.


Dave Gilchrist, Rachel’s doctor, told Mac that Rachel had lost a lot of blood and has a high fever, which they had to reduce. Mac got permission to be with Rachel, having Dave arrange for the room next door. Rachel whispered that she called him a second time and asked why he didn't come. Mac didn’t understand, and Dave said it was just delirium.


Iris arrived at the hospital. She insisted on seeing Mac. Russ Matthews told her she would have to wait until they saw if Mac wanted to see her. She said nobody would stop her. Russ brushed her off. Scott Bradley and Clarice Hobson - also pregnant — with Robert's baby - arrived to see if Mac needed anything. Iris demanded Scott get Clarice out of there before Robert arrived to take Tracy and her to dinner. Scott refused. Iris told Tracy she "won't tolerate such disloyalty" from her lawyer. Russ came out to get Ada. Rachel had to have an operation and he wanted Ada with him when he asked Mac's permission. Iris blocked their way, demanding to go along. Russ told Iris he would have her removed from the hospital if she persisted. She did, so Russ called security. Iris backed off.


Rachel had begun hemorrhaging again, so Dave felt he had to operate. Mac was reluctant because he lost Iris's mother in a childbirth situation. Dave said there was danger from infection if they didn't. Mac agreed, following Dave into the hall. He told Dave, "If you must make a choice, save Rachel." Dave replied, "It's not always up to us."


Scott left to get Clarice something to eat. Iris demanded Clarice leave because Robert's coming. Clarice refused. She told Iris she would keep her - Iris's – secret - accidentally learning of Clarice's pregnancy by Robert, Iris, interested in Robert anyway, pushed him into an immediate marriage, fearing she would lose him to Clarice, whom she considered unworthy of Robert. - Robert arrived and asked what Iris was discussing with Clarice. Iris replied, "Rachel, of course. At times like this we must all forget our petty differences." Robert told her to leave Clarice alone, leading to an argument.


Rachel survived the operation, but the baby was dead. Mac asked Dave to tell Iris, demanding Ada and Gil stay with him. Meanwhile, Robert suggested Iris go home, but she refused. Iris told Robert he embarrassed her when he pursued his friendship with Clarice. Dave, anxious to avoid any contact with Iris, told Robert about the baby, and urged Robert to keep Iris away from Mac. Mac didn’t want to see her and her scenes make things harder for Mac. Iris refused to believe Robert, and rushed to Mac's room. Gil barred her way. Ada told her to go home, she was not needed. In a snit, Iris snapped she would tell "daddy" how they had treated her. Rachel remained unconscious. Mac, who hadn't slept since Rachel's admittance, still refused to leave her bedside. Rachel again whispered, "Tell Mac come home. It hurts." Mac replied, "I'm here." "You're with Iris. She'll tell you. Come home. Come home." Rachel drifted off again.


Mac told Rachel she had to get well so they could do all the things they didn't have the chance to do, that he never lived until he met her. Rachel opened her eyes. Rachel was surprised Mac was there. She indicated she was in pain. She asked about the baby. She slept again. Her temperature was spiking, which could mean infection. Gil asked Dave what caused the pain, hemorrhaging, etc. Dave replied it was a premature separation of the placenta. It could have happened any time, but if someone had been with Rachel, they might have been able to save the baby. Iris arrived again and complained Mac wouldn't leave Rachel to even talk with her on the phone, but was with Gil and Ada. She nagged Mac about coming home with her. He refused. She asked what Rachel had been telling him while awake. He didn't understand, so Iris changed the subject, suggesting Rachel be sent to New York, and he could stay at her house. Mac told her "that's ridiculous."


Rachel woke up and discovered she had lost the baby. "I want our baby. Why, Mac, why?" She had a relapse. Dave wasn't optimistic.


Tracy arranged to lunch with Scott, citing a legal problem as the excuse. Tracy found Scott attractive. Iris barged into Rachel's room, probing for information about the collapse and phone call. When she started to nag Mac, Dave ushered her out. Scott told Tracy he had admired her a long time, but she was always surrounded by men, so he backed off. Tracy asked if Mac was as happily married as he seemed. Scott said yes. Scott warned Tracy not to let Iris use her against Rachel - Tracy and Mac had been in love, some time ago. Iris broke them up. Tracy married Claude DeWitt on the rebound, and had regretted it ever since. - Tracy observed she left one trap – Claude - for another – Iris -. Tracy assured Scott she wouln't leave Iris's house until she made sure Rachel was all right and found out if Mac was really happily married.


Rachel whispered, "Iris, tell Mac come home. I need him. He can talk to Robert tomorrow. Please, Iris, send Mac home. Mac didn't come home when I needed him." Mac was aghast, hurt. Rachel improved. When Mac asked Iris about what Rachel said, she passed it off as delirium. Iris told Mac she didn't like being shut out of his life. Mac reminded her that she had a full life of her own, with a new husband and a growing son. He asked why she insisted on taking him away from Rachel. Iris called him "callous"; Mac called her "selfish." Rachel woke up and asked Mac's forgiveness for losing their baby.


Iris, at home, asked Robert for Pendleton's number in Washington, so she could call him and ask him to postpone his meetings in Washington. Amazed, Robert told Iris he was not going to let his wife "demean" him by asking Pendleton. Iris insisted Pendleton would understand that she needed him with her because of Rachel. Robert denied that. A quarrel ensued, which was interrupted by Dennis, who announced dinner and fled, hurt by the fighting, insecure about losing another father. Robert suggested he and Iris be friendly during dinner, for Dennis's sake.


Mac and Ada told Jamie about the baby. He was sorry. Dennis, after much probing, finally told Iris he was upset about the fight. Iris insisted all people who loved each other fight. Dennis said Mac and Rachel never do. Furious, Iris told him not to make comparisons. Tracy told Iris Clarice was no threat to her, having spent time with her at the Complex. Tracy asked Iris how she kept all her lies straight. Iris suggested Tracy go back to Washington but Tracy refused. Tracy later noted how tolerant Louise was of Iris. Louise said she was more concerned about Dennis. She said she could never leave Iris. Tracy asked not even for Rocky?


Much better, Rachel had persuaded Mac to go home and rest. Trace flirted a bit with Robert, who was not receptive. She asked about Clarice, saying she gathered Iris's hostility towards Clarice was because Robert and Clarice were once involved. Robert refused to discuss it. Dave told Rachel she would need a nurse after she went home. Iris barged in. Iris tested Rachel's will by saying she would have Mac to dinner that night, after Rachel told her Mac was dining with her. Rachel won. Iris asked why Rachel wanted to see her while she was "delirious," pointing out she wouldn't want Mac upset over confusion between memory and delirium. Rachel admitted she was not sure about the phone call. Iris assured Rachel she would have sent Mac home. Rachel agreed, adding that was what was confusing. She asked Iris to leave.


Rachel didn’t want to go home or resume her sculpting because both reminded her of her lost baby. Mac told Ken he would work on Rachel to start sculpting again, as both men felt it was the release Rachel needed.


Tracy warned that Iris was letting her love for Mac destroy her marriage. She wondered what would happen when Robert found out the real reason for the sudden wedding, suggesting Rachel could tell Robert because of what Iris did to her the night she lost her baby. Gloatingly, Iris told Tracy Rachel thought it was all a dream.


Tracy managed a brief meeting with Mac. She started to warn him about Iris and tell him that Iris was responsible for Rachel's losing the baby. He was too distracted to listen. Later, Tracy told Scott why Iris rushed Robert into marriage and how Iris was responsible for the loss of Rachel's baby. She admonished him to use the information when it seemed necessary. She was returning to Washington, no longer able to live under Iris's roof.

Russ Matthews and Alice Frame remained confused about Sharlene Watts' sudden trip to Chadwell. They suspected it had something to do with Willis, but weren't able to confirm it. Sharlene continued to reject phone calls from Russ - Sharlene fled from Willis's constant threats to reveal to Russ she was a B-girl, unless she stopped interfering in his plans to control Frame Enterprises. - Getting part of the story from Sharlene, her sister Emma decided to return with Sharlene, because there was no way Willis could hurt her. Emma was very fond of Alice and wanted to protect her from Willis, too. Emma also told Sharlene Willis couldn't hurt her if she told Russ the whole story first. Sharlene refused, saying she was not going to risk losing Russ because of things she did before meeting him.


Sharlene had been working for Willis' lover, Carol Lamonte. Willis told Carol he didn't trust Sharlene and asked Carol to fire her. Carol refused. Pam Sloan had been filling in for Sharlene, at Willis' suggestion. Pam, then involved with Vic Hastings, told Vic Willis had been dating Alice. Vic wondered if Willis would use Alice to get more leverage in the firm. Pam said John Randolph, the firm's attorney and Alice's brother-in-law, would look after Alice's interests. Vic, however, suggested Willis could undermine Alice's faith in John since John's break-up with Pat.


Willis signed contracts with Jamison and Pratt to build a residential housing complex, without consulting Vic. Carol felt he should tell the Frame office. He disagreed. Vic couldn't find anything in the office files about the project, after being alerted by Pam. Willis, threatened by Alice's friendship with Raymond Gordon, was cold to Ray when they met.


Emma, her daughter Molly, and Sharlene arrived at Alice's. Alice asked Emma if Willis was the reason Sharlene left. Emma replied that she was there to referee, and because she didn't like the friends Molly had. Emma noted Willis took "good advantage" of opportunities Steve gave him. Alice assured her Willis was well-supervised at work. Emma suggested Alice look after her own interests. With nowhere else to turn, Vic confirmed the project with Jamison. Vic was worried that Willis and Carol would bring the project in way over budget, like they did on the shopping mall. Pam reminded him Carol covered those costs. Vic noted she might not be able to cover on such a big project as the housing development. Vic confered with John, who said Vic was supposed to be the final authority on any project. John took it to Alice, who passed it off. Emma overheard.


When Willis learned that Sharlene accidentally told Alice about a meeting he was having, he rushed over to confront her about interfering again. He was very rough with her, but she stood her ground. Willis again threatened to tell Russ. Sharlene said she wouldn't back down any more, and besides, Russ wouldn't believe him. In rushing off to confront Sharlene, Willis missed seeing Emma and giving her a message from Alice about where to meet before returning home. Consequently, there was nobody home when Sally arrived from school, with Jim and Beatrice in tow. Beatrice was upset. Jim reassured her.


Carol Lamonte was getting tired of Willis' constantly breaking dates with her to be with Alice or Jamie. Sharlene told Carol she liked her, so to make sure Willis never got anything on her he could use against her. Carol didn’t understand. Vic tried to set up a meeting with Willis, Carol, John and Alice to straighten things out. Willis managed to avoid the meetings. Emma made it clear to Willis she was going to encourage Alice to work at the office. Willis was angry. Alice and John visited Carol to find out why Willis was avoiding a meeting about the Jamison project. Carol refused to comment, but suggested it might be time to reorganize the firm, giving Vic and Willis authority over different areas, especially since Vic would soon be spending lots of time away on the Pendleton project. Alice agreed to think about it. Carol said she was sure Steve would want his brother to have more authority. John replied that Steve also knew Willis needed tempering and experience.


Pat Randolph, estranged from husband John, decided she had to try to make a new life for herself, and considered finding a job, encouraged by son Mike. Pat wanted to continue her friendship with Barbara Weaver, John's law associate, and was puzzled by Mike's constant insistence she stay away from Barbara - John and Barbara were having an affair, which Barbara entered into only after John assured her he had explained it to Pat. But John had not talked with Pat. - Pat went to see John, encouraging him to resume his contacts with Mike and Marianne because his seeming rejection was hurting both children. John said they knew where to reach him. Pat told him they needed his love and support. John later told Barbara he could see Marianne, but Mike was different - Mike knew about John and Barbara and was very hostile. –


Pat decided to talk to Barbara. She went to the office and saw Barbara in John's arms John telling Barbara how much he loved her and that he would never go back to Pat. Pat fled. She lockED herself in her bedroom and refuseD to answer the door or the phone. Mike and Marianne finally talked her out. She sent them away. Dave visited and talked her into letting him in so they could talk. Pat told Dave she knew she and John never really shared their lives. Both really wanted more than either got from the marriage. Pat was afraid of new feelings. She admitted she didn't get up and dressed because then she didn't have to make any choices, "life just happens to her." She told Dave she "wants a richness she never had before, but she isn't sure she'd know what to do with it if she found it." Dave disagreed.


After a visit from Dave about Pat, Barbara decided to visit Pat and overcome her doubts for good. Barbara was stunned to find out John hadn't told Pat about them. Barbara assured Pat she would never have encouraged John, if he hadn't assured her it was over with Pat and Pat knew about them. Pat asked Barbara to leave while she still had some pride. Barbara replied, "Yes, you have that." Pat told Mike that John had "betrayed himself and Barbara more than me." Barbara disappeared. She went to Dave for advice. He had none to offer. He asked if she would go back to John. She didn’t know. Later, she told John it was over because she expected honesty and loyalty, and he deceived both Pat and her.


Pat went to see Barbara. She told Barbara she didn’t blame her, that John was the culprit who deceived them both. Barbara wouldn't let Pat malign John. She told Pat she was leaving town. John arrived later, and she told him she was leaving, to make a new life for herself.


Angie Perrini refused to discuss wedding plans with fiance Neil Johnson. She was adamant, however, that her mother would not spend a lot of money on the wedding. Neil was hurt, but accepted it, knowing Angie was still having trouble getting over Willis.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Adoptive parents Mary and Brian Ellison were worried that if Judge White should decide that Joyce Colman was to be given custody of Teddy, the son she gave up at birth, whom the Ellisons adopted through Dr. Paulk in Laramie, Wyoming, Joyce could take him at that moment. Mary felt that Teddy needed to be prepared for this so that he wasn't hurt. Grant Colman, Joyce's ex-husband, who was consenting to the adoption by the Ellisons of a son he never knew because he felt that Joyce was too unstable to raise a child, was sure that the judge would give Teddy time to adjust.


Because Lisa, Grant’s present wife, wanted to spare Grant, she asked Dick Martin, Joyce's lawyer and an old friend of Lisa's, how he felt the case would turn out. He brought up things Lisa hadn't considered at all. If Joyce was given custody she would probably stay in Oakdale and Grant would be given visitation rights.


Lisa waited in the corridor while Judge White rendered his decision. He felt that adoptive parents were given the responsibility and trust of raising children who had a need and he ruled in favor of the adoptive parents, the Ellisons. Joyce stood to tell the court that she was only concerned with what was best for Teddy and if the judge felt that the Ellisons were best, then she would abide by that decision. The Ellisons accepted Lisa's invitation to dinner and later Mary told Lisa and Nancy Hughes, Lisa's ex-mother-in-law, that she felt sorry for Joyce. Dick Martin was with Joyce when Mary called to ask if she would like to see Teddy again before they went back to Laramie. Joyce didn’t think it would be a good idea, but she told Dick that she honestly felt she was best for Teddy.


It was snowing very hard when Joyce went out for a drive. Dick received a call from the state police saying that Joyce had been taken to Memorial Hospital after an accident. Lisa and Grant met Dick at the hospital, and Grant called his friend, Dr. Bob Hughes to ask if he would take Joyce's case. The police thought she deliberately drove through the guardrail since the tracks turned without any sign of swerving or stopping. Joyce had two broken ribs and internal injuries. Joyce refused to see Grant. Bob didn’t like Joyce's frame of mind, but she was taken to surgery where the operation was lengthy.

Grant called Jerry Butler, the Ellisons' lawyer, to tell him that he wouldn’t be seeing them off at the airport because of Joyce's accident. Brian decided not to tell Mary because there was nothing she could do and she might feel guilty.


Bob told Dick, Grant and Lisa that Joyce couldn’'t see anyone for thirty-six hours, but as soon as they got home Grant called the hospital to check on Joyce over Lisa's protests. Lisa said that as that the hearing was over and Joyce had come through the operation, it was time for them to get on with their lives. She demanded that Grant think of her instead of Joyce or their marriage would be over because she had tolerated Joyce's interference for almost two years.


Bob asked Grant to see Joyce because she refused to eat or take medication, willing herself to die. When Lisa went to Grant's office to meet her friend Kim Dixon for lunch, she was told that Grant had gone to Memorial Hospital. Grant walked in and Lisa told him that their marriage was over. Lisa spent the night at a motel outside of Oakdale because she was sure everyone would want to tell her how wrong she was. Lisa asked Dick Martin about a divorce and he unsuccessfully tried to discourage her. Grant tried to explain that the Ellisons had Teddy, he had his job, his marriage and a full life, but Joyce had nothing. Lisa's only comment was that he didn’t have a marriage.


Joyce was still being difficult, so Bob told her about his wife Jennifer and the feelings she went through when she thought she was going to die of a fatal disease. She and Bob both lived through the days of her remission until her death in an automobile accident on the words, "Look to this day for it is life." Joyce decided to try, but she was not planning a future — one day at a time is all she could manage.


Dick Martin took Lisa to dinner and told her that it wasn't the big things like Joyce's interference that broke up a marriage; it was the little things. She should try to make up with Grant, but, they had to both be on their guard for the little things. Lisa asked Dick in for a nightcap and found Grant there. Grant accused Lisa of going to dinner with Dick to make him jealous, discounting the fact that Dick was an old friend of Lisa's. Lisa became furious and the gap widened.


When Bob found out about the problem between Lisa and Grant he felt responsible because he asked Grant to see Joyce. Lisa said Grant could have refused, but since he didn't, they had no marriage. Bob said, "You have a habit of sawing off the tree limb while sitting on it and this time you'll regret it."


Kim Dixon told her estranged husband John that she was carrying his child, but it would make no difference in their relationship. She was going to have this baby, but she was not coming back to him. John felt that given time he could win her back as there was something to hold them together. John began to worry when he heard that his rival for Kim's affections, Dr. Dan Stewart, was coming home from his medical mission in Moraya, Bolivia. He questioned Dr. David Stewart, Dan's father, and learned that his granddaughter's birthday was coming up and she was sure that her Uncle Dan was coming home, but the rest of the family was just as sure that he wouldn’t since there had been nothing mentioned in his letters. They were concerned that on her birthday she would be broken-hearted, but no amount of explaining could dissuade her.


John Dixon was afraid he would be caught up in his own lie about Tina Richards - He wanted no one to know that Tina told him that she argued with Norman Garrison on the day of his death. If he had taken this information to the hospital board, Dr. Bob Hughes, John's brother-in-law and rival, would have been exonerated in the death of his patient Norman Garrison. Bob could not get the hospital board to believe that he had not argued with a heart patient causing the fatal attack. - John asked Dr. Endicott, who was filling in for the vacationing chief of staff, Dr. Prescott, if he could ask the board to rescind the reprimand, but was told that unless there was new evidence, nothing could be done. John told Kim that he tried to help Bob so that whatever came out she would think he was on Bob's side.


Tina stopped by the bookstore in Oakdale to see if Norman's widow, Sandy, would give her $500 for Norman's IOU. Sandy explained that all Norman left was debts. Sandy began to put things together, when Tina said she was a good friend from New York, and realized this was probably the young girl whose voice Bob heard on the phone.


All principals in the Garrison investigation were summoned mysteriously to the board room. Sandy was there and brought in Tina who admitted she was Norman's girlfriend and did sneak in to visit Norman on December 10th. He got very mad, screaming at her, but when he slumped over she became scared and ran out. The nurses were busy and she knew his room number since she had called several times. When asked why she hadn't said anything before, she explained that she had called and found that Norman was dead and at that time told her story to Dr. John Dixon. John denied it, but nurse Pat Holland, whom John had been wining and dining in an effort to keep her quiet, told them that John did call Miss Richards. The reprimand was rescinded and Bob assured Tina that Norman couldn't have been saved anyway.


There was a lot of speculation as to what would happen to John since he withheld this information. John didn’t show up at Kim's for dinner and no one could locate him. Lisa was asked to break the news to Kim so that she wouldn’t hear it by way of gossip, but while Lisa was on the phone asking to see her, John walked in. John told Kim that he had to tell her his side of what happened at the hospital. He claimed that Drs. Endicott, Stewart and Hughes were against him and had been trying to get him for some time. He said they had used Sandy and this Tina from New York to frame him. Kim tried to put things in perspective, but John was determined to fight himself out of this bind.


Pat Holland felt terrible for what she had done to both Dr. Hughes and Dr. Dixon. She hadn't trusted Dr. Hughes enough when he said he hadn't been in Garrison's room and then she trusted Dr. Dixon too much. She had idolized John and he has destroyed her faith.


When John didn’t resign, Dr. Endicott asked him for his resignation. John refused to resign, saying he was a good doctor and had contributed much to the hospital. Bob explained the situation to Kim and when John refused to take the responsibility for his actions, Kim turned him away.


Betsy Stewart was rather glum during her birthday party because her Uncle Dan hadn't come home, but later Ellen was surprised to find her son Dan at the door. Betsy's wish had come true. Dan felt rejuvenated after the hard work in Bolivia and was ready to start a new life, putting the old one behind him.


Tom Hughes was appalled at Jay Stallings' lack of ethics, but couldn’t afford to give him up as a client because he was given a raise based on his work as Jay's lawyer.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Trish Clayton was in Phoenix, where Don Craig has located the man, Jeri, Trish's mother, had named as her father. Trish had met the man, James Stanhope, and his daughter Ginny, who invited her to dinner. Ginny and Kay, James’ wife had to leave after dinner. After unsuccessfully reminding Stanhope of her mother, Jeri, Trish finally blurted out that Jeri named him as her father. Stanhope was incredulous. Trish told him all she wanted was for him to love her a little bit. She left.


Trish daydreamed about being Trish "Stanhope." Stanhope made an appointment with his lawyer. Certain what Trish really wanted was money, Stanhope had his lawyer draw up a non-binding document which denied his paternity. He expected Trish to sign it. He called Trish to tell her he would be by to take her to the lawyer's office. Laura called and explained about Mike's accident. Trish wrote Stanhope a letter explaining why she had to return to Salem. She explained how excited she was that he was taking her to the lawyer to begin adoption. She gave him phone numbers where she could be reached, signing the letter, "Your loving daughter ...” Trish returned to Salem. When Stanhope read the letter, he said, "Could it be possible all the girl wants is love?"


Mike had a hard time accepting Mickey's commitment, feeling the family was holding something back. Linda visited Mickey, telling him they were going to get him out. All he had to do was go along with Dr. Powell, the head of the sanitarium. She brought up a habeas corpus law regarding patients who were involuntarily committed. That person might petition a superior court for release. If Powell and the others failed to reply or show cause, they were guilty of a misdemeanor. Mickey asked Linda to go away. He felt defeated. She said they would have Mike to help them. Mickey told her he would get out of there — and kill Laura and Bill. She begged him not to say such things. He turned. "You're not Linda. You're Laura, Laura, the whore, and I'll kill you."


Disturbed by Mickey’s agitation while seeing Linda, Powell forbade her to see Mickey again. Mike was pleased to learn Tom was checking with the sanitarium. Mike asked Dr. Powell's evaluation of Mickey. Laura explained that he was hit suddenly by total recall, on top of Mike's accident. Mike noted that Mickey had been having memory flashes and expected to recall his past. Laura replied that it was the suddenness that was causing Mickey's problems. He couldn’t quite put things into perspective. Horrified to find out Mickey had been committed indefinitely, Mike demanded the reason. Laura explained that Mickey tried to strangle Linda and then a nurse.


Tom went to see Mickey, who recognized him. Tom explained how Mike wanted to see him. Mickey thought, "Maybe I can use him to get out of here." Mickey told Tom to send his son to him. Thinking he had reached Mickey, Tom told Bill that Mike could come. Powell wasn't so sure.


Aware he was under observation in his room, Mickey told himself, "Hang on, Mickey, Don't let go. They'll put you under sedation and keep you there forever." Mickey blamed Powell for his commitment. Powell offered to let one of his assistants take over. "All psychiatrists look alike to me." Powell left and Mickey picked up a chair to smash. "No, Mickey," he reminded himself, "no performance." Lying on his bed, Mickey thought, "Laura, lovely Laura, when are you coming to see me? I won't let you get away again." He "strangled" the footrail of his bed.


In his cell, Mickey cried, "Laura! Laura, you out there?" He hallucinated. "I'm here Mickey. So sorry couldn't be at the hearing." "Why?" "I was having a baby …" "Is it ours, mine? Like Mike is my son?" "A little girl, a daughter." Bill visited. Mickey asked him, "Did you hear the good news? Laura had a baby, a daughter, the second baby we've wanted for so long!" However, Mickey couldn’t remember Mike's hospitalization. Bill told Mickey the baby was his, not Mickey's. Laura was his wife. Quietly, Mickey asked about Bill's arm  - injured when Mickey tried to kill him -. Mickey said, "I'm sorry. I'll kill you next time ... next time." Bill reminded Mickey that Mike was his son in every way that counted. Mickey promised not to tell Mike the truth - that Bill was really Mike's father -. Mickey gave Maggie permission to have Janice treated, saying Janice was going to be their daughter. He even suggested Maggie have Bill look at Janice, saying he harbored no hard feelings towards Bill any more. Maggie was pleased. "I convinced you, didn't I, Maggie. The farm — how did I ever stand it at that lonely place?"


Laura had Mike transferred to University Hospital so he could  be near his family. Mickey refused to work with Powell, demanding that Laura be his psychiatrist. Laura refused, saying Bill wouldn't let her, it would be unethical, and she could make Mickey worse. A wary Mickey encouraged Don to keep running his law practice. As expected, Bill rejected the idea of Laura's treating Mickey. Tom told Bill that if he forbade it, he would be condemning Mickey.


Maggie fent to fill Mickey in about arrangements to have Janice checked into University Hospital. He told Maggie, hostilely, that the reason Janice couldn’t walk was because she was being punished because she was a love child, "born out of love and deceit." Laura told Bill she would like to try to help Mickey, because in Mickey's eyes, they had taken everything from him. They owed him. Bill told her he couldn’t stop her because he loved his brother. Powell was against the idea, afraid Mickey could kill her. Mickey was convinced that Jennifer Rose, Laura and Bill's daughter, was his. Powell tried to reason with Laura, but Laura responded that they had to make Mickey better or the family would never be able to lead normal lives again.


Bill was going in first, to explain his rape of Laura, telling Laura, "Mickey has to respect you as a woman and as a doctor, if you're hoping to help him." Gently, Bill told Mickey that Laura loved him – Mickey - when she married him. He told Mickey about the night he got drunk and raped Laura. He explained that Laura didn't cry out to protect him and the family. Bill assured Mickey that was the one and only time Laura was ever "unfaithful" to him, and Mickey had a right to shoot him because of the secret they kept from him.


Laura went in to Mickey. She admitted that at times she questioned her not crying out, but explained that at the time, she was filled with rage and humiliation. Then the day she found out she was pregnant was the day Tom got the report of Mickey's sterility. Tom confronted her. She couldn't abort the baby because it was the only one they would ever have, so the lies began. She swore she loved him and was a faithful wife. Laura told him she cared and would be there for him. "I care … I care ... I care ..." Mickey offered his hand. Laura had reached Mickey. Powell agreed to let her continue treatment, only after Laura told him she would expect Powell to be her therapist at the same time, to help her keep her objectivity. They would need permission —from Maggie and from the hospital board.


Maggie told Powell she couldn't resent anyone who wanted to help Mickey. Maggie asked Mickey not to hurt Laura. "Why would I hurt her? She's the mother of my children." He told Maggie Laura had to be his therapist because Laura loved him and cared what happened to him.


At Mike’s instigation, Trish asked Tom to arrange for her to see Mickey. Tom surmised that Mike dod,’t trust the family. Tom asked if Trish realized Mickey wasn't the same man and could hurt her? He explained that Mickey had already tried to kill two women with blonde hair. Tom gave permission. Trish was shocked to see Mickey in arm restraints. He didn’t really remember her. She told him she was there to bring him Mike's love. He noticed Trish's blonde hair, and recalled Janice. He asks if he should adopt Janice: "I have so many children already." Trish was unable to deal with it all, asking Doug Williams how she was ever going to explain it all to Mike. She, too, felt the family was holding something back. After she left, Mickey told Powell Trish was one of his children. Then Mickey couldn't remember visits from Maggie and Laura, but thought Mike had been there. Mickey couldn’t understand that Trish wasn't his daughter, because she had blonde hair. Mike was horrified when Trish confirmed that Mickey was very disturbed, especially when she told him Mickey couldn't seem to remember he had a son named Mike. Julie reminded Mike the reason Mickey was in the hospital was because of these kinds of blanks, his inability to fit everything together.


Laura asked Alice to accompany her to Bayview for her first therapy session with Mickey. Mickey, meanwhile, asked to wear a shirt and tie to the session to show Laura he was ready. Powell consented. Mickey fingered the tie, and wondered when Laura would arrive.


Allen Quinn called Don about the writ of habeas corpus. Don explained to Tom that Mickey could be released: Powell hadn't been able to treat him, and there had been no new episodes of violence. Tom asked who protected the innocent by-standers like Mike? Julie was worried about Tom.


After Bill and Laura returned from Rosie's farm, with Rosie in tow as nursemaid, Julie suggested she and Alice visit, mostly to divert Alice from racing out to the sanitarium to see Mickey. Julie held Jennifer as they talked. Finally, she asked Rosie to take the baby out of her sight. She told Alice she wanted to come as a test, then left, when the baby cried. At Doug's Place, Julie told Robert LeClair she hadn't got over the loss of her baby last fall. Julie, in tears, told Doug she could never be his "fair lady" again because he was surrounded by children and she couldn’t stand the sight of them. Doug assured her they could have a wonderful life together, even offering to get out of the adoption of the child someone was carrying for him through artificial insemination. He said Julie couldn’t just run away from life or herself. Julie confessed that sometimes when she saw Hope, Doug's daughter, she wondered, "Why is that child alive and mine dead?" Fully aware of how upset Julie was, Doug called Laura. Laura told Julie she had to let her feelings out or she would never be complete again. Julie said there was no room in her heart anymore, not even for Doug. Julie told Laura she had to find out who and what Julie was. Don hired Julie as his receptionist.


Mary Anderson, certain that Amanda Howard and her step-father, Neil Curtis, were having an affair, but uneasy because Greg Peters insisted they were playing it straight, checked Amanda's medical file and found out Amanda had a terminal brain lesion. Mary recanted her suspicions to her mother Phyllis.


Amanda finally found the courage to see Tommy Horton for more tests. Amanda read a diary left her by her mother, who died from a similar condition. Tom Horton told Amanda the only way to tell for sure about the lesion was arteriography. From x-rays, they couldn’t tell if they were dealing with an aneurism or an operable mass. However, if the lesion was an aneurism, arteriography could cause it to let go — either as a blow out or as a slow leak. Bill told Amanda he needn't do the test soon because the lesion hadn't grown recently, but she had to have regular x-rays and tell him of any blackouts or dizzy spells. Amanda told him she only wanted enough time to finish the surgical wing she was adding to the David Martin clinic. Bill demanded she sign surgical releases, because if she had a problem, it would be a matter of life and death.


Neil ran into Amanda at the hospital and took her to lunch, coincidentally where Bob and Mary were having lunch. Bob told Mary he considered cancelling when he saw them. Mary said that was "nonsense," telling Bob she was staying out of it. Amanda was surprised by Mary's change of heart. She had a dizzy spell, and excused herself. She slumped on the couch in the ladies' room. Mary entered, and was concerned, despite Amanda's attempts to cover. Mary called Greg, who said they couldn’t do anything because they were not supposed to know.


Greg and Amanda planned an evening together, until Susan reminded Greg they had plans for a drink and dinner. Amanda sent them off. Later, Neil dropped by her apartment. He was covering rounds for Greg that night, and he asked Amanda to dinner. She agreed. Phyllis was in town to have dinner with Mary, since it was Neil's late night. Phyllis met Julie in the powder room and was catty and rude, surprising Mary, who caught the end of it. Mary had seen Amanda and Neil. Phyl told Mary one could never forgive a woman who took your husband away - After twenty-five years of marriage, restless at fifty, Bob Anderson divorced Phyl and married Julie. Phyl had a nervous breakdown. - Phyl said, "Hate is like love — you never completely lose the feeling." Mary told Phyl she arranged for them to meet Neil and Amanda for dinner. Later, Mary told Neil she knew about Amanda and apologizes for her previous attitude.


Susan Peters had finally admitted to ex-husband Greg that she was frigid. He chastised her for continuing to put off making an appointment with Laura. Susan was very afraid she couldn’t be helped. Greg explained that her first step was a gynecological examination, to make sure there was no physical reason for her problem. If that checked out, then her next step was therapy. He suggested he thought her problem was psychological, probably stemming from her first sexual encounter with David Martin. Susan said it destroyed them both.


Greg asked Susan her plans regarding Eric, his brother, who was deeply in love with Susan. Susan replied that she couldn't relate to any man for the moment. Susan observed that no matter how innocent her relationship with Greg, Eric would never understand. Eric arrived. He made a nasty remark about Greg and Susan, so Susan slapped him. She asked what he was jealous of — "friendship? That's all it is ... because I'm not woman enough to be with any man." She told him she was back in therapy. Eric told her he was back to stay because he couldn’t function away from her.


Eric sought out Greg. Greg explained that Susan felt she was a failure as a total woman because she was a failure sexually. Eric was relieved. He thought Susan had come back to Salem to sleep with Greg.


Johnny Collins, Rebecca North's fiance, had returned to Salem from Paris, summoned by a cable from Robert LeClair that revealed Rebecca's pregnancy. Johnny came to the conclusion that the baby wasn't his. He told Rebecca she paid for his manhood with her $5000 inheritance. He resolved to remain in Salem until he paid her back. He asked who the "fat cat is that's paying her way." Rebecca slapped him and left. Later Rebecca apologized, saying she would accept the money, and take her baby and leave.


Robert, deeply in love with Rebecca, visited Don. He wanted to reassure Rebecca of his honorable intentions - Robert had asked Rebecca to marry him to give her baby a name, then divorce her later. - Robert told Don it would be up to Rebecca whether or not they consummate the marriage or stay together after the baby came. Robert was prepared to relinquish all claims to her baby. Don said a premarital agreement was all that would be necessary - Rebecca was artificially inseminated. Doug Williams was the baby's natural father. Rebecca knew this; Doug did not. This way, Rebecca could raise her own child in Doug's house. She would say her baby was stillborn. –


Johnny told Robert he couldn't handle the thought of being a father, until he saw Rebecca pregnant. He was beginning to like the idea 'of a child of his own. Johnny told Rebecca the baby was real to him and asked forgiveness for thinking the baby was Doug's when he first arrived. Johnny asked to be part of what was happening to her, asking her to marry him. Doug gave his blessing. Neil told Rebecca he could explain things to Doug. Neil wanted Rebecca to tell Johnny the truth. Don advised her not to tell Johnny because he would have trouble accepting it. Rebecca was on the verge of saying no to Johnny. He told her he would want her and the baby, even if the child weren't his. Rebecca, overjoyed, accepted his proposal. Doug offered to give Rebecca a big wedding at Doug's Place.


Neil Curtis confirmed Adele Hamilton had cirrhosis of the liver. Neil told David Banning, who volunteered to tell Brooke, his ex-fiance. Neil told him Adele couldn't drink at all. He was also wary that Adele’s finding out would give her an excuse to go right back to the bottle. The Grants offered their support. Helen tpmd David it was important to let Adele know they felt she could quit drinking. Brooke didn't want Adele told, afraid, like Neil, Adele would hit the bottle again.


Neil made an appointment with Adele for more tests. She guessed she had cirrhosis, and he confirmed it. He told her she wouldn't die, but she needed time, medication, and diet to let her liver regenerate. Adele told him she thought she was safe sticking to beer and wine. She said drunks were good at lying to themselves.


At home, Adele took a drink. Brooke saw her and ran to Helen. Helen warned Brooke not to fall into the martyr trap — poor Brooke, my mother's an alcoholic — or adopt a "holier than thou" attitude. Helen said everything had to be kept out in the open, feelings and drinking. Neil dropped by to see Adele and found she had been boozing. He was upset, especially since Brooke wasn't there. Helen returned with Brooke and explained that Brooke ran for help. Neil said Adele's one hope was her love for Brooke.


Brooke told Adele she was no longer going to believe her, pity her, or help her make up excuses. She promised to stop lying if Adele would stop drinking. Adele suggested they return to the church group because they needed other people and God, too. Adele wondered if she loved Brooke enough to stop drinking.


David decided to shave his beard as a symbol that he was no longer running and hiding. He had also decided to reclaim his job with Bob Anderson. Valerie Grant was afraid he was going back to his old ways. David told her he missed their old bull sessions. She reminded him that neither had had much time lately. He asked if she was continuing to date the intern from the hospital. She said yes, that they had medicine and backgrounds in common.


Brooke asked Phyllis for Adele's job at the Boutique. Phyl refused, unable to forget the trouble Brooke caused her and her ex-husband Bob. Brooke stirred up so much trouble that Bob eventually split with his then-wife Julie. Phyl found it ironic that her daughter Mary was doing the same thing at the moment. She commented that if she didn't know better, Mary and Brooke could be sisters - Mary and Brooke were sisters, but only Brooke and Adele knew it. Bob Anderson and Adele were lovers one summer, but Adele never told Bob she was pregnant. - Phyllis suggested Brooke ask Bob for a job.


Brooke went into Bob's office, where she was confronted with Bob giving Mary an apparently large check. Through lack of communication, Bob gave her a check, too. She tore it up, in front of Paul Grant, who later explained to Bob that Brooke didn't want a hand out. Bob said he would make room for Brooke. Paul said it might be too late. Bob tried to apologize to Brooke, who was too bitter to accept. She left the apartment. Bob, aware of Adele's problem from Brooke, tried to be kind and gave her money for groceries. Adele bought wine. Brooke found it, took the money, and went to the clinic and threw it in Mary's face. - The check Bob gave Mary was for the clinic. - Bob explained Brooke's situation to Mary.


The Doctors


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Jeff Young


Unable to contact her husband Steve, Carolee Aldrich drove to the apartment of his partner Dr. Ann Larrimer and when Ann opened the door, Carolee saw the two of them together and rushed off. Against his mother Mona Croft's strenuous objections, Steve finally contacted the police in connection with Carolee's disappearance - after more than twenty four hours had elapsed - and was preparing to tell his son Billy why Carolee left, rather than let him "go around feeling guilty about something that's not his fault" - Billy contacted Carolee and lied to her that his brother Erich was ill so that she would return from her trip to N.Y., hoping that her presence and his confrontation of his father would clear up the situation before it was too late -, when Lt. Ernie Cadman arrived to ask to speak to Steve in private. After Steve insisted that Billy stay, Ernie quoted an officer, who had ticketed Carolee as she was pulling away from Ann's apartment for driving at high speed and going the wrong way on a one way street, as saying: "My husband is back there in that building, breaking every law known to God and man and I get the ticket." Billy lunged for Steve who said, "You really do want to kill me." Steve tried to explain that he had been married to Ann - briefly, for 24 hours, the marriage was annulled - when he was "a kid — a year or two older than you”; that it wasn't just any woman he turned to.  Billy: "slept with" — Steve: "slept — yes, all right." - Just then a Special Delivery package arrived for Steve from Carolee containing a tape recording.


In a voice shaken by torment, Carolee explained that she was unable to write but needed to be sure that the "kids would know I'm alive" and that she intended to "come back for them and make a home for them when I can."


Carolee told Steve not to look for her because he wouldn't be able to find her: "I can't even find me. I am now this unreachable person. I've been with you and you haven't been able to reach me, to touch me." She cried out: "I'm sorry but I'm not sorry — I mean I don't know what it is I'm supposed to be sorry for." Saying Ann was her 'pal' who "promised me, told me that she wasn't after you" she went on to say that it was "like you wanted to get caught," that nothing had ever effected her like that and that she felt "crushed."


The voice on the tape went on: "I can't trust anything, anybody ever again" and then says "erase that." The tape was turned off and then on again. Carolee's voice - determined then - went on to talk about details relating to the children's appointments - Erich's dentist, Billy's basketball tournament - and domestic arrangements: "have Stephanie move into Mona's room," upsets are "very hard on her at night." She urged Steve to let Billy know that it was all right for his mother to cry for awhile, and after Carolee mentioned Erich's favorite book "Green Eggs and Ham" the tape ended with a choked: "Oh God."


Eleanor Conrad found the pearls which her husband, lawyer Scott Conrad, had given to Dr. Althea Davis - Althea returned them via Scott's daughter Wendy and urged her to help make Eleanor's homecoming from the sanitarium, where she had been a patient as pleasant as possible - and mistook them for a welcome home present to her. Lunching with Maggie Powers, Althea saw Eleanor at the restaurant where she and Scott had dined so often through their affair, and asked Eleanor to join them. Althea noticed the pearls Eleanor was wearing and Scott's discomfort but was touched by Eleanor's overtures of friendship toward her and agreed to go to a dinner party Eleanor was planning. Althea assured Eleanor when she was asked that it was all right for Eleanor to call her from time to time just to talk.


Later that evening, Scott asked Althea for a little more time. He insised, despite Eleanor's psychiatrist Dr. McIntyre's assurances that his wife had recovered, that "Eleanor isn't well, not really. In time there'll be another crisis. She'll be off to the hospital." Althea answered: "If she's well, ask her for a divorce." When Eleanor called Althea to ask her if she could speak to her, Althea agreed to go. Scott demanded to know what she thought she was doing and Althea told him that Eleanor needed a friend. When he cried out to Althea "What do you want?" she answered, "When does what I want mean anything? Scott, you have a key to this place. I want you to leave it on the desk." Althea left.


Convinced that Eleanor was capable of handling her problems with her daughter Wendy, Althea offered to help Eleanor get on with selecting some fabric for drapes and mounted a ladder to illustrate the effect of a certain length at the window. As Althea was reaching up with the heavy material Eleanor poured the cup of coffee Althea had asked for behind her. Eleanor burnt her hand severely. Screaming with pain, Eleanor recoiled and Althea was hurled through the window on to the patio. Though shocked and suffering burns, Eleanor herself called for the police and ambulance when her daughter Wendy, called in from another room, could only think of calling her father and unwisely suggested that they try to move Althea who was obviously severely injured. When Scott arrived he said: "Eleanor, what have you done?" He went to the hospital after Dr. Iverson arrived with the trauma unit, and made arrangements for his daughter to stay with a friend for the night, leaving Eleanor alone at the apartment.


When Dr. Maggie Powers informed Penny Davis that tests on her mother indicated a subdural hematoma, Penny insisted that her mother would want Nick Bellini to operate and asked Matt to find him and bring him to Hope Memorial. Maggie located him on Eagle Cay on vacation and he promised to take the next plane available - Characteristically, when the plane was delayed he threatened to "land the damned thing myself". - When Scott asked why surgery was being delayed, Penny told him that Nick was Althea's husband. She said, "He saved her before and he'll do it again."


Stacy asked Rico Bellini if he would come to her apartment and plan to stay the night. Rico told her that he loved her and said that they "don't have to use that bed just because it's there." Stacy insisted she didn't want to wait. As she said: "Help me love you, Rico," the phone rang and Rico was called to duty with the Trauma Unit. The following day after meeting Nick at the airport, Rico returned directly to Stacy's place when he got off duty, but though she asked him to make love to her, she fought him off moments later, clawing and kicking. Angrily, he told her, "I can't cure you. You'll have to work this thing out on your own."


At one point during surgery Althea's respiration was extremely shallow; a tense Nick growled: "Don't mess me up! Hang in there." Just then her pressures went up and Nick said, "About time! O.K., if that's the case I'm not gonna spend another minute in this room with this dame," and Hank closed. In her concern for Althea, Maggie forgot to tell Matt about Mike and Toni Powers' plans to remarry. She was reminded by Penny's asking about her family as they waited for Althea to regain consciousness and realized that the wedding was due to take place in fifteen minutes. Matt had just had an opportunity to open the report concerning Joan Peterson's fingerprints and insisted he had to see Jerry Dancy but Maggie hurried him into the elevator and a taxi and they arrived to hear Mike vow to be a new man for Toni and the baby, Michael Paul. When Mike learned the reason that his father was late he said "Sorry I wasn't there to help too." Matt replied, "So am I, son." - When Mike was reported killed in an explosion at sea, Dr. Alan Stewart Mike's cousin, married a pregnant Toni and raised Michael Paul as his son. When Mike returned, Toni was torn between both men. She broke with both of them and the rivalry began anew, culminating in a fistfight in the hospital corridor. Alan Stewart left town and Matt fired his son Mike from the staff of Hope Memorial. - Later, Maggie told Mike and Toni that Matt had been having dizzy spells and difficulty with his breathing but wouldn’t talk about it. She told Mike that what really depressed him a lot was having to fire him. She asked Mike to come to dinner at their house as Matt had made the first move by coming to the wedding and told him that she wanted him to observe his father. When Mike said he would see, Toni interjected: "Maggie, you just let us know the night."


Back at Hope Memorial, Matt confronted Jerry Dancy and learned that "Joan Peterson" was his sister. When a furious Matt demanded to know why Dancy lied to him, Jerry told Matt that his sister had been a junkie for the last five years, that their parents went out of their way not to know. At one point he turned her over to the cops himself and at another was tempted to make a buy for her. He had hoped that maybe “we'd get lucky — she'd die in a car wreck or go into a coma, neat, my mother could go on living with the image of her perfect little girl." Matt said, "She's alive — we're gonna keep her alive."


Althea woke up and asked Nick if he had ruined her looks forever. He insisted her not moving was a sign that she might be trying to get back at him for being a little late. He told her that if she would wiggle her finger he would take her out and buy her a wig. When she asks what's wrong he answers he doesn't know, that her motor reflex is not working on her left side, that it isn't related to her injury and his procedure. He insists, "one finger, before you drift away." He told her he didn't come all the way out here just to have her make a fool of him. Frightened and angry she insisted, "I'm trying, I'm trying." Later, when Althea again woke, Nick told her he was worried about the company she was keeping and gave her Scott's message that he intended to "put his wife away for good so she won't be able to hurt you or anybody else again." Althea replied, "He can't do that." She said the whole thing was a mistake that she wanted to talk to them both. When Maggie told her that a number of people suspected Eleanor of being responsible Althea was distressed that Eleanor was suffering but Maggie assured her that nothing drastic was going to happen. She asked Nick for his help but he insisted she must make the call herself using her left hand, if it was important. When she finally moved her hand he told her she had never looked more beautiful.


Scott Conrad, meanwhile, told Eleanor that he didn't blame her, that she was not responsible for what she did. When Eleanor told him that Dr. McIntyre believed her - he had told her that he felt that she handled herself very well under great stress -, Scott insisted that he would bring in another doctor because Dr. McIntyre was not objective and that "Althea can't lie for you." She begged him not to send her away again. Just then Nick called and told him that Althea wanted to see him and Eleanor. When Scott hung up and told her that Nick had said that Althea "feels bad about you" and left the room to get his coat, Eleanor panicked and ran out.


Eleanor went to see Dr. McIntyre and she came to see that Scott did react too quickly to a message that might have meant something else. When she told him she was sure of what happened, he told her to stop feeling sorry for herself and do something about it, to face Scott and Wendy and make them believe her. He pointed out that she drove there on her own, taking risks, though she hadn't driven in fifteen years. When she told him she was deter-mined to see someone else first – Althea - he told her he was coming with her.


At the hospital, Eleanor asked Althea if she was going to be O.K., and Althea told her she didn’t have to worry about anything. She turned her head and said, "Scott, it was an accident. It could have happened to any two people." When Eleanor said "let's go home" to her husband, Althea said "Goodbye" to Scott. Staying on for a moment, Dr. McIntyre told Althea that saying she was through with Scott was one thing and actually doing it something else. She told him that he was out of line and that she was not going to change her mind. He apologized and wished her Good Luck and as he went, she said, "I'm gonna need it."


Steve turned down Ann's invitation to have a drink with her after work. He told her that he saw Dr. Wilson, who gave him quite a lot to think about. Steve told Ann that what happened was what he "arranged" to happen the night Carolee came upon them at Ann's apartment. He said that he supposed that he thought Ann had something to give him that Carolee couldn't and that he was determined to wait for Carolee's return and "make a decent ending." He told Ann that home was a disaster area and that the children were in rotten shape. Ann offered to see them, but Steve told her that they were not sick "and they wouldn't accept your help."


At the bar across the street, Nick told Matt that Matt didn’t seem to be able to roll with the punches. They traded speculations about each other's pretense to be satisfied with their lives and Nick told Matt, whom he suspected of yearning after such things, to "leave youth and romance to the young and romantic." He then noticed his nephew Rico walk angrily away from Stacy. Stacy had told Ricco that she had talked her problem out with Mona - who advised her to get engaged and then married -. Rico told her they had no future together unless she got professional help.


When Nick asked if Rico was going to see Stacey home Rico told his uncle that it would just mean more trouble and that a lot of guys didn’t walk girls home these days. Puzzled by Matt's behavior and Rico's, he asked, "What the hell's going on tonight? A full moon?" Nick introduced himself to Stacy and offered to take her home: "I'd like to take you home to see that you get there safe — if I'm not being too old-fashioned."


Penny Davis asked Jerry Dancy over to her apartment for breakfast and to discuss a "problem" she had. She asked him to steal an exam for her as her Chem. professor wouldn't let her take an upcoming exam at a later date and she was not prepared, having spent so much time at the hospital with Althea. She said she was desperate and he threw the word back in her face, saying a starving person was desperate for food and a junkie was desperate for dope but, who the hell was she to use the word "desperate?" He said: "The exam is important to you? Well, fine. You steal it."


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


The Serena Faraday trial had begun with Adam Drake as Serena's lawyer and Assistant District Attorney, Draper Scott, as the prosecuting attorney. In testimony given by Serena's psychiatrist, Dr. Quentin Henderson, he established the fact that "Josie" knew about Serena, but Serena did not know about "Josie." He confirmed that Serena was suffering from a "disassociation disorder at the time of the murder," and was captivated by a multiple personality syndrome. Draper continued to prosecute with a biased attitude against Serena, but Adam Drake felt Dr. Henderson and Johnny Dallas's testimonies in Serena's defense had given the trial a positive turn towards Serena's innocence - Johnny Dallas was at one time involved with underground crime syndicate leader, Gerald Kincaid, as was "Josie," which was how Johnny was acquainted with the "Josie" personality. Johnny's testimony clearly differentiated the person of "Josie" from the person of Serena.-


With a new confidence about the trial, Serena visited her son Timmy, who was in the care of Mike and Nancy Karr. In conversation with Nancy, Serena mentioned the attempt "Josie" had made on Nancy's life, attacking her with a nail file when Nancy visited her in her hotel room. Nancy was stunned by this remark, as she was positive she had not told Serena about this incident, and questioned Serena how she knew of it. Serena firmly replied that Adam had told her about it. Nancy doubted that she had told anyone of this, and called Adam to confirm whether or not she had told him. He gave her a definite no, Nancy had not told Adam about the nail file incident.


Geraldine Whitney was home and speedily recovering from the "accident" which caused her comatose state. Tiffany Whitney Douglas and Kevin Jamison had an argument in front of Geraldine, who was still partly incoherent. Tiffany defended her husband, Noel, yelling to Kevin that he did NOT return to the house the night of the accident. At that point, Geraldine tried so hard to speak and managed to mumble out "it's true." Adam Drake tried to break through Geraldine's comatose condition and asked her "did Tracy cause you to fall?" She answered "yes." Then with anxiety building amongst everyone he asked her "did Noel come back to the house after Tracy left?" Geraldine, exhausted from her attempts to come back to reality, then fainted before answering Adam's important question.


Police Chief Bill Marceau was called to the Whitney mansion, as Geraldine regained complete consciousness and was ready to explain the whole episode of her accident... She started at the beginning saying she had believed she was alone in the house, as Tiffany was out of town. She came downstairs and heard laughing voices from the living room. She was shocked to see Noel Douglas and Tracy Dallas – then Micelli - drinking and carrying on in a romantic fashion. She ordered them both to leave her house and to never come back. Tracy returned later to apologize to Geraldine and begged her to give her the report Geraldine obtained revealing Tracy's past life and her ties with Noel Douglas in Chicago. It was worth $2,000 to Tracy, she would pay that much to get it. Geraldine refused, and Tracy accidently pushed Geraldine down the stairs. Still conscious, Geraldine cried for help, but Tracy panicked and ran out, not helping Geraldine at all. She managed to get up and made it to the living room sofa where she collapsed in pain. Noel returned to the house and noticed Geraldine was not feeling well. She explained that Noel followed her to the stairs, where she began to climb, and then stated clearly "Noel didn't try to hurt me, he tried to kill me!" , He hit her from behind, resulting in her immediate unconsciousness.


With the truth out in the open, Police Lt. Luke Chandler, set out to inform Tracy Micelli that she was no longer a suspect in the attempted murder of Geraldine Whitney. He went to the New Moon Cafe and Johnny Dallas - Tracy's brother - and her husband Danny Micelli concealed the fact that Tracy was missing. Lt. Chandler told Johnny and Danny that Tracy was a free person, Geraldine told all.


Noel Douglas showed up drunk at the New Moon Cafe and revealed to Johnny and Danny the connection he had with Tracy in Chicago. He mentioned the "Armstrong Fashion Agency" where he met Tracy, and revealed on about how Mrs. Armstrong's models did not "try on" their clothes. Pushed to their limit, Johnny and Danny physically threw Noel out of their restaurant! Alone later, Danny tested the truth in Noel's accusations and called Chicago asking for the phone number of an Armstrong Fashion Agency, and confirming it with the address Noel gave him. Unfortunately, it was authentic, and Danny doubted the character of his wife. Hearing the news bulletin of her freedom, Tracy ecstatically planned to return home to Danny. She arrived at the New Moan Cafe, only to be rejected by Danny and told by Johnny of the information Noel gave them about her past life in Chicago. Tracy made a futile attempt to deny it. At home in their apartment, Tracy and Danny argued about her past life. She confessed to a rough life and yet to being able to find her way, on her own, to a better way of life. He replied he had been badly hurt and needed time to think things out about their future. She offered to leave, and he gave her five hundred dollars to start a life living apart from him.


Realizing that Noel had lied to her throughout their short marriage, Tiffany made the difficult decision to tell him to leave. She was consoled by Geraldine who told Tiffany "when love is gone, all that was left was courage." Tiffany built up this courage and confronted Noel for the last time. She heartily admitted to Noel of her fear of being alone, when her husband Colin Whitney died, she felt as alone as the Sahara Desert. Noel offered her a pathetic attempt of consolation and said "let me be your oasis." Face to face, Tiffany replied that she liked the way he put that ... then threw her drink into Noel's face! She ended their relationship telling Noel that was the last drink he would have in her house. Speechless, Noel walked out into the corridor where John the butler already had his packed bags waiting for him. As Noel walked out the door he remained consistent to his corrupt nature and pocketed a silver ashtray.


Geraldine Whitney did not want her family name dragged through to mud, so to speak, and told Chief Marceau she would not press charges against Noel Douglas, that he could call off his bloodhounds, and, as far as Tracy went, she was only guilty of being a tramp.


Kevin and Phoebe Jamison returned from their recent elopement and visited Geraldine. She openly apologized to them both for her part in trying to break up the engagement. She suggested they stay at her home until they found a place of their own to live, but sensing Phoebe's uneasiness and perhaps fear that Geraldine was still trying to intervene, she reassured them.


Brandy Henderson, Assistant District Attorney, was still fighting to reinstate her relationship with Adam Drake to whom she was engaged up until Adam's wife Nicole returned to Monticello - Adam assumed his wife dead after an explosion on their honeymoon yacht trip and had since become involved with and engaged to Brandy. - Feeling Adam's sense of confusion with his emotions for both Brandy and Nicole, Nicole petitioned Adam for divorce to enable him to make his decision on which woman he really wanted, on even grounds. When Adam told Brandy he had 30 days to reject the petition, and would, she questioned his refusal. He said that he understood why Nicole filed for divorce, but did not agree with her reasons. Brandy, determined to win her man back, commended Nicole on the genius of the divorce petition and the psychology she used with it. Nicole seemed baffled by her accusation, as Brandy went on explaining that Nicole knew what reaction Adam would have, causing his rejection of it. Brandy accused Nicole of playing a dirty game and as long as Nicole was playing dirty, so would she.


Dr. Clay Jordan - the doctor who treated Nicole in Paris during her recovery from the yacht explosion - was still eager to have Nicole all to himself. He plotted with Brandy a scheme that would dampen Nicole's recent hopefulness of her marriage. They both knew Adam would be at his home, the barn, for the upcoming weekend, and if Brandy were to make a surprise visit, they knew Adam would not send her home. Clay would make sure Nicole was informed of the event. He casually mentioned to Nicole that he knew Brandy and Adam were having an ongoing affair and that Brandy was presently at Adam's barn, probably for the night! Nicole questioned Clay's sources of information, he quickly evaded her questions, telling her Adam was not worthy of her. He downgraded her new job as hostess at the New Moon Cafe further aggravating Nicole, but not enough for her to lose her composure and accept Clay's request to go to the barn and expose Brandy and Adam together. She flatly refused!


At the barn, much to Brandy's surprise, Adam seemed distant, and explained he was a married man and didn’t like the idea of her dropping in. As she left, a storm broke out, forcing Adam to ask her to remain for her safety. Upon her request again, Adam gave Brandy her engagement ring back, but refused to put it on her finger which would signify an official engagement. However, Brandy did sense his emotional feelings towards her when he started to kiss her but stopped himself before he did. The phone rang and Adam answered to Nicole who bluntly asked if Brandy was there with him. He simply replied "yes."


After the trial, in her brother Quentin Henderson's office, Brandy brushed off the trial admitting it was going very definitely in Serena's favor. More important to Brandy at this time, was the mistake she felt she made by showing up at Adam's barn, Nicole knowing. Brandy admitted her shame to Quentin in saying "if what I've done made Nicole farther from Adam, then how can I be sure it hasn't done the same to me?"


General Hospital


Written by: Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Dr. Lesley Faulkner was still extremely upset over the recent illness of her daughter, Laura. She talked to Barbara Vining at the hospital and asked if they could put aside their differences until Laura fully recovered - Lesley recently received news that her daughter whom she was told was stillborn thirteen years ago, was alive and living with parents by the name of Jason and Barbara Vining. She pursued Laura's custody and had received it temporarily for two months, at the end of which, Laura had to choose which mother she wanted. As a result of the competition between Lesley, Laura's natural and overindulging mother and Barbara, the mother Laura had known as her own all her life, Lesley and Barbara were not on very congenial terms. - Originally diagnosed as Influenza Meningitis, Laura's high fever and convulsions were no longer linked with the Meningitis symptoms. Both Lesley and Laura's pediatrician were baffled as to what was causing her illness.


Lesley’s constant vigil over Laura was causing het husband, Cameron, more hostility towards Lesley. He went to the hospital complaining to Lesley of her neglect of him, but she stood firm about the fact she would not leave Laura's side until her temperature returned to normal. He couldn’t understand why she couldn’t let up on her time with Laura, and came very close to offering an ultimatum to Lesley, it was her choice — either Laura or him! Lesley, feeling very frustrated with her attempts to make Cameron understand that she had to be near Laura at this time, went to Dr. Peter Taylor, psychiatrist, asking him to advise her on how she could convince Cameron that she was right. Peter told her he saw both her side and Cameron's side, offering little consolation. Lesley also confessed she had a premonition that if she was not with Laura, she would not make it through her illness. Lesley finally returned home for a quick change and she and Cameron made amends. He apologized for coming on so strong, and she divulged her fear that Laura's illness was emotional and the nightmare she had had frightened her so greatly, it had caused these disease symptoms. Cameron advised Lesley to learn a lesson from the fact that Laura confided about her nightmare to Barbara Vining and not Lesley. She then rushed off to Peter's office and cried to him "is the only way to make my child well and happy to give her up?" She finally had admitted to herself and to Peter that she was the one causing Laura's illness, since Laura had become emotionally distraught over being forced to choose one mother over another. Cameron secretly saw Judge Moresey and asked her to relieve the hell Lesley was going through, and make the decision to return Laura to the Vinings. That way, Lesley would not feel the guilt for giving up her daughter, even though she knew it was what was best for Laura.


With Bobby Chandler’s remission stage ending, and Dr. Steve Hardy sensing Bobby's rapid decline in hopefulness, revealed to Bobby that there had been a varion in the test results, and there was a chance he might not have the terminal Malenkov's disease. This was all Bobby had to hear to stimulate his spirits, and make life worth living for once again. Steve made all the arrangements for Bobby and his wife Sammi, who was pregnant, to go to New York for extensive chemotherapy treatments. Lawyer Lee Baldwin who was recently married to Bobby's mother Caroline, planned to take his wife to New York also so the family could all be together at this important time in their life. Lee had performed his last duties as administrator for General Hospital. Before leaving for New York he passed Steve's first request as the new Chief-of-Staff, to finance living expenses for husband and wife intern team soon to be practicing at General, Dr. Jeff Webber and his wife, Monica.


Steve was very enthused about the Webbers' acceptance, and went to see Jeff Webber's sister, Terri Arnett at the club where she sang, to tell her the good news. At last he had had the opportunity to repay his close friend Dr. Richard Webber for the favor he had shown Steve in the past.


With much hesitation, but also with Beth Maynard's best interests at heart, Diana Taylor decided she had to tell her sister what she knew about Beth's lover, Dr. Kyle Bradley. She told Beth that she knew Kyle had lied to her about his whereabouts. The night he told her he was with a hospital official, in reality, he was out having drinks with Kate Marshall, a new member of the General Hospital staff. Beth brushed off this information, refusing to be hurt, until she walked into the hospital lounge and saw Kate and Kyle kissing. Beth confronted Kate about her relationship with Kyle and Kate lashed back telling Beth the truth about Kyle and herself, their previous and present affairs, and that Kyle was a married man! Beth could take no more and ran out. In the entrance, Kate's Godmother, Jessie Brewer, heard the whole truth. Appalled by the character of her own Goddaughter, she immediately made arrangements for Kate to be transferred to another hospital and to live in the nurses quarters there, forcing her to leave Jessie's residence. When Beth presents these facts to Kyle, he didn’t deny the truth, and she ordered him out of her apartment and her life!


Dr. Peter Taylor’s psychiatric patient, Pat Lambert, had just completed a sculpture of his wife's daughter Martha. Peter had re-peatedly warned his wife Diana not to become personally involved with Pat, but she accepted an invitation to Pat's studio for a visit and paid her for the sculpture. At this visit, Pat seemed to be pumping Diana for personal information about Peter. When she questioned their marriage relationship, Diana responded emphati-cally, "when you've gone through hell and you come out on the other side and still love each other, then you've got it made. Our marriage is a happy one and we've earned it."


Peter was determined to help Pat, despite her refusal for any more help, and asked Steve if he could offer any advice. Steve suggested backdoor therapy, by means of a job painting murals for the hospital nursery, that way Pat would be in the hospital where Peter could keep an observance on her, unknown to Pat. When Steve called and offered her the job, she angrily refused - A newspaper column had just been printed bringing up the past about the murder of Dr. Phil Brewer. Diana had originally confessed to the murder, in an attempt to protect her husband Peter, the chief suspect of the murder. However, the real murderer, Augusta McCloud, finally was forced into a confession that she killed Dr. Brewer in self-defense because she feared for the safety of her unborn child, fathered by. Peter Taylor.


Diana was sickened by this revival of the trial and Peter tried to console her about the fact it had no damaging effect on Diana at the time, since it clearly explained her innocence of the murder. However, Pat Lambert's friend read this column and rushed to Pat's studio to give her all the sordid details of the case. Pat at first was not impressed, until she realized that the picture she had of Martha, used in the sculpture, and the picture of Phil Brewer had a remarkable resemblance. She recalled what Diana had told her about the "hell" she and Peter survived in their marriage, and perhaps she could dig up old wounds and test the strength of their marriage. With this in mind, Pat went to the hospital to accept the job offer from Dr. Hardy and visited Peter. She came across most polite and calm and asked Peter to forget her previous sharpness shown towards him. He agreed, but still cautious about her sudden change in character firmly ordered Diana to stay her distance from Pat.


Since Dr. Jim Hobart's return from a recent seminar, his marriage relationship to Audrey had worsened. Jim's interests in verility and manliness had been rekindled, however, by a friendship developing with an attractive student of Jim's, Sally Grimes. Realizing this, Audrey, during a dinner date with Dr. Steve Hardy, confessed to Steve that Sally was filling Jim's daytime hours, not her, as she knew Sally accompanied Jim to the seminar. Steve consoled Audrey by telling her she was a paragon of tolerance.


Jim returned home slightly inebriated. Audrey badgered Jim about his drinking and questioned how he could drink knowing what pain it had brought them in the past. He retorted "it's a way to help me escape from you." They continued in heated argument until Jim walked out and returned to Sally's apartment where he and Sally began an affair.


Sally expressed concern in ruining Jim and Audrey's marriage, but he assured her there was no marriage to ruin. He told her Audrey was frigid and for years had blamed Jim for the sexual failure, but he and Sally knew Jim was not impotent.


Jim moved out of their apartment and returned to Sally. She refused to further their relationship until Jim confronted Audrey with the truth about himself and Sally so he went to the hospital seeking Audrey. He again had been drinking and with no success in finding Audrey, verbally assaulted a new nurse until Dr. Steve Hardy intervened and ordered Jim to his office. There the two doctors discordantly exchanged cutting remarks about each other's character. Jim finalized the dispute by accusing Steve of defending his ex-wife, a woman he was still in love with. Finally tracking down Audrey in their apartment, Jim told Audrey about Sally. He claimed he didn't have a problem being a man with Sally, all he needed was a real woman, not one that was "all burned out" as Audrey was. He went on telling her that he wanted out of this mess of a marriage — he was tired of her altruistic martyr act! She took a man and made him a child, she tried to castrate three men, Steve Hardy, Tom Baldwin and himself — she ought to give up!


Hospitalized, Audrey came out of unconsciousness after sixteen hours with Steve at her bedside. She cried to him of the truth in Jim's accusations and he tried to bring her out of her depression by denying everything Jim had told her. While drifting off to sleep, Steve told Audrey he needed her, and talked to her softly saying "there's a lot of woman in you, there was and there is ... my sweet, lovely Audrey."


Shortly thereafter, Sally came to the apartment to explain, to Audrey that her intentions were not to end her marriage to Jim. Audrey gave her no sympathy about the apology and angered Sally to the point where she left telling Audrey she really was the cold, heartless person Jim said she was! Completely drained and depressed over this, Audrey swallowed a handfull of pills, but instantly showed remorse in what she had done and tried to call Steve Hardy. Steve at the same time sensing something was wrong with Audrey, remembering her depression from earlier in the day and finding out she wasn't at work, tried to call her. The line was busy and he immediately rushed to her apartment with fear there was something terribly wrong. He was let into the apartment and finding Audrey unconscious, called an ambulance. When Jim walked in, still drunk, and started making indecent remarks about Steve and Audrey, Steve slugged him in the face knocking him down, then demanded Jim explain why Audrey was forced to swallow those pills!


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen M. Potter


Dr. Ed Bauer visited his ex-wife, Holly, and her daughter by Roger Thorpe, Christina, before Holly departed to live in another city - Ed was married to Holly and believed Christina was his child. During a serious illness Christina had, Holly broke down and told the truth about the child's conception, which resulted in breaking up her marriage to Ed, although he still loved Christina as if she were his own. - Roger was holding Christina when Ed entered Holly's residence, which upset Ed to the point that he questioned Roger on the sincerity of his feelings for Christina. He later apologized, as did Roger to Holly and Ed for being the reason Holly was leaving, and wished her sincerely the best of luck. Holly told them both that her reason for leaving was to perhaps "help all of us forget the hurt." After Roger left, Ed asked Holly if she was ever happy when they were married. She replied "yes."


Holly’s mother, Barbara Thorpe tried to talk Holly out of leaving Springfield permanently, but Holly was determined to make a new life for herself, perhaps in Santa Monica where she would be close to her brother Andy, and he could be of help to her.


Barbara Thorpe just couldn't seem to cope with the fact that she knew Christina was Roger's daughter, and not Ed's. She had completely shut out her husband Adam's offers to help her overcome whatever it was that was causing her to have frequent migraine headaches and constant depression - Barbara promised Holly she would not divulge the truth about Roger, Adam's son, and Holly to Adam. – He sent Dr. Sara McIntyre to see Barbara and examine her for the headaches. Barbara brushed off Sara's suggestions to come to the hospital for a thorough check-up. From Adam's persistence, Barbara agreed to a check-up. Sara gave Barbara a clean bill of health physically, but questioned her emotional state. Barbara agreed, there was something tearing her up emotionally, but refused to confide in Sara. Sara reported to Adam that Barbara was definitely under a great emotional stress, but would not open up to her. In hurt anger, Adam pleaded with Barbara to tell him what was causing her abnormal behavior and coolness to everyone. All she would say was that she didn't agree with the generosity he showed in giving his son Roger and his new bride Peggy a honeymoon trip in Europe.


With Barbara’s headaches worsening, Adam called Dr. Sara McIntyre to their home. Barbara agreed to go to the hospital, where she talked to Holly in Santa Monica on the phone. Holly told her mother she knew the reason for her illness was the affair between Holly and Roger and pleaded with her to try and forget the past. Barbara replied that she couldn’t do that, and that it should be Roger living out-of-town and not Holly, and she didn’t know how she could cope with the situation once Roger and Peggy returned from their honeymoon.


Dr. Ed Bauer had recovered physically from recent neuroma surgery, but since the operation was not completed, he would not have full use of his arm, thus rendering him unable to continue as a neurosurgeon. He couldn’t seem to accept this fact, and as a result, had not recovered emotionally from the surgery. He remained at home, and despite the coaxing from his co-workers Dr. Steve Jackson and Dr. Joe Werner who was covering for Ed as Chief-of-Staff, Ed refused to return to work. Continuing to feel sorry for himself, Ed went for a drive in his car, and was missing from Springfield for several days. He found himself waking up in his car and went to an out-of-town bar. There Ed found a very drunk, very sick man and tried to help him - By this distraction, Ed had avoided taking a drink which could be hazardous to him, as he once was an alcoholic. - Ed took this man to Cedars and had Dr. Sara McIntyre treat the man for cirrhosis of the liver. Much relieved by his return, Sara advised Ed to call and let his mother Bert know he was back and all right, as she was extremely worried. Overhearing this news, Rita Stapleton, RN, broke a date with young Dr. Tim Ryan with plans to go to Ed's apartment and cook him dinner.


Ed resisted Rita’s offer to cook dinner, but after realizing he had hurt her by turning her away, he accepted, He refused to drink the wine she brought, and she questioned why. He told her of his drinking problem, and snaped at her about his dislike in having to tell her. She departed quickly leaving the atmosphere very strained.


In another attempt to pull Ed out of his depression, Rita visited him and relayed a story to him about her father who worked the coal mines. Ed, realizing she was telling him all this in order to make him see the parallel between himself and her father - he lost out at the chance to make a living at his chosen job and accepted his loss by continuing with life and making the best he could of it despite the fact that he hated the job - struck out against Rita and told her it was a mistake to butt into someone else's business. Angry and hurt, Rita told Ed he wasn't half the man she thought he was! As if lightning struck Ed, Rita's words really hit home and he finally admitted to himself that all he was doing was ruining himself. The following morning he showed up at his hospital office ready for work.


After avoiding Ed’s request to see her, Rita finally went to his office, where she knew he would express his dislike of her trying to solve his emotional problems. To the contrary, Ed admitted he was wallowing in self-pity and it was Rita who brought him to his senses, and he sincerely showed his gratitude by asking Rita to have dinner with him; she accepted.


Much to the disappointment of Pam Chandler, Dr. Tim Ryan and Rita Stapleton's romance seemed to be continuing. They were having drinks at the Metro Restaurant when Pam, who was waiting at the bar to drive Hope Bauer home from work, saw them. Upset by the affections Tim was showing Rita, Pam ordered a drink, and another, and another. She became quite inebriated and stumbled over to Tim and Rita's table. Making a complete fool of herself, she spilled wine all over Rita's dress and left the restaurant laughing and apologizing at the same time. The following day she confessed to Bert Bauer how much she envied Rita and the womanliness she possessed, and wanted to change her own personality to be more like Rita. She apologized to both Rita and Tim for the drunk scene at the Metro, but Rita and Tim didn’t feel it was as serious an incident as Pam thought it was.


Tim was becoming annoyed with the attraction Rita seemed to be having for Ed Bauer. She broke another date with him to see Ed. Coincidentally Tim called Ed's place to check on a medical permission and Ed excused himself from the phone call to answer the door. Tim waiting on the other end, heard Rita's voice in the background. He later confronted Rita about being at Ed's apartment and she assured him there was nothing going on between them. Tim admitted his love for Rita, and that he had no intentions of becoming this involved with her, but she tried to cool him down by discouraging him to fall in love with her.


Leslie Bauer continued with her college classes, but admitted to her mother-in-law Bert she was afraid her husband Mike resented her returning to school, and it would change their relationship. Mike had been spending long hours working on the Ann Jeffers case, tracking down her son who lived with his father in Alaska. Leslie couldn’t understand why Mike took the case instead of suggesting a private investigator, and was further aggravated to learn that Ann wais working part-time in Mike's law office to pay for her fees to him. She remained silent, but inside was resentful that Ann had taken so much of her husband's interests, and had been the influencing factor in Mike's daughter Hope returning to college. When Mike told Leslie he was flying to Alaska, she let him know that she disapproved. While he was away, she missed him terribly and planned his homecoming night by buying an expensive negligee. Arriving at the airport, Mike called Leslie right away. Her line being busy, he called Ann Jeffers and stopped by her apartment to give her the news he collected regarding her son's whereabouts in Alaska. Leslie became more impatient awaiting Mike's return, and questioned why he didn't call her first before going to Ann's apartment - After Mike left, Ann recalled a city in Northern California her husband had mentioned going to, and called Mike to give him the information. Since he hadn't arrived home yet, Leslie took the call, and was told by Ann Mike had stopped by her apartment. - Mike assured her he did call and the line was busy, and a relieved Leslie forgot her resentment and welcomed her husband home!


A client of Mike's, Ben McFarren, was wrongly convicted of a crime and had spent fifteen months in jail already. Mike went to the prison to give Ben the good news that he had been exonerated. Unfortunately, this time in prison had embittered Ben, and he blamed Mike for his being there in the first place.


Love Of Life


Written by: Paul & Margaret Schneider

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


Felicia Lamont was upset that the Rosehill police wouln't believe Arnie Logan had tried to assault her and she shot her husband Charles thinking that it was Arnie on the stairs. But when Arnie's picture appeared in the paper, three women came forward to identify him as the man who raped them after he had stolen their lingerie and harrassed them. Felicia was cleared and charges were preferred against Logan.


Dr. Slater, the specialist, had evaluated all the neurological tests and decided that since Charles' condition is stable - He had a heart attack not long ago. - and the bullet was lodged against the spinal cord, the risk was too great to operate. Dr. Joe Cusack tried to get through to a distraught Charles that many people went on with their lives even though they didn’t have the use of their legs.


Charles refused to face the reality that he was paralyzed and insisted that the pain in his legs woke him. He told Di, his ex-wife, that the feeling was returning and she could tell his grandson Johnny that he would be home in a couple of weeks. Di didn’t want to give Johnny false hopes since he was having trouble coping with the idea that Felicia, whom he had resented from the beginning of Charles' marriage to her, shot his grandfather even if it was an accident. Sarah Caldwell, who had been caring for Johnny while Felicia was at the hospital, had tried to help him, but after he apologized to Felicia, he screamed that he couldn’t forget that she shot his grandfather.


Charles demande that they take the neurological test again because he was sure that the bullet had moved. Felicia was upset that Charles could not accept his paralysis and Johnny still insisted that she was a murderer. Felicia told Eddie that she was resigning her position as art consultant and wanted her paintings removed from Beaver Ridge because she was going to devote herself to Charles.


All Charles’ hopes were dashed when Joe had to tell him that the tests were negative. The feeling he had was wish fulfillment. Bruce tried to tell Charles that Felicia might not want to be treated as the protected child any longer and he had to have the strength to lean on her.


Caroline Aleata was spending extra time at Dr. Joe Cusack's clinic while Rick Latimer was skiing in Vermont with his son Hank. Joe was very concerned about Lynn Henderson, a 16 year-old runaway alcoholic. When Lynn finally showed up very ill, Joe saw how well Cal could handle problem patients who needed reassuring.


Vanessa Sterling, Cal’s aunt, and Edouard Aleata, Cal's step-father, were concerned about Cal's relationship with Rick Latimer, owner of Beaver Ridge and a partner of her mother, Meg Hart. Van and Eddie suspect that Rick was or had been Meg's lover as well. Eddie got no satisfaction out of his confrontation with Meg, but warned Cal that her mother might use her partnership against Rick and to be on her guard.


Meg was planning a big homecoming party at Beaver Ridge knowing that this would take time from Cal. When Rick arrived at Beaver Ridge to check on things Meg brought out the champagne for everyone and managed to get drunk enough for Rick to have to take her home. She made Rick several propositions, some of which he turned down, but she knew that he had his heart set on making Beaver Ridge a complete resort. She offered to put up the money for a ski lodge. Cal's gift from Rick upon his return was a pendant carved from Vermont marble. Rick suggested that they keep her family out of their relationship until they could accept him.


Cal was trying to solicit funds for the clinic from Rick when Meg let the bomb drop that Rick was going to be very busy with their new project. Cal expressed concern over further involvement with Meg, but when Rick explained that he had always had a dream of making it big and Meg seemed to be his last chance, Cal said that she was happy with whatever he wanted.


Diana Lamont had recovered physically from the infection which resulted in the death of her premature son and subsequent hysterectomy, but she was still suffering emotional damage and no one had been able to bring her out of her depressed state. She had devoted herself to her ex-husband's grandson, Johnny Prentiss, and her daily visits to Adam's grave at the cemetery. Jamie Rollins, the dead child's father, came home with the news that his divorce was almost final and they should plan their wedding and the adoption of a baby. Diana refused to acknowledge that she had a future.


Ben Harper was recovering from surgery following a beating by a mobster over a gambling debt owed to Ray Slater. When Ben was allowed visitors, Arlene Lovett, Ben's first and secret wife, managed to be first. She was jealous of Betsy, Ben's acknowledged wife, because she had him all to herself. Ben seemed to be really concerned about Betsy and the baby.


Jamie Rollins hired detectives to un-earth Ben's past and was not surprised when he was told that Ben and Arlene go back a long way. Meg vowed that she would ruin Arlene.


Jamie took some legal papers to Meg's and found Meg's housekeeper, Carrie Johnson - Arlene's mother -, crying. He offered to help her but Carrie wasn't ready to confess what she knew yet. Carrie had lunch with Arlene and suggested that they should have some legal advice because neither of them coyld carry this burden.


Carrie visited Jamie in his office saying she had a friend whose daughter was married to a bigamist. Jamie informed her that the first wife had all the rights of a legal wife, but it changed things when Carrie said she helped him to commit bigamy in order to get money. Jamie suggested that not only was the girl in a lot of trouble, but the friend might be herself.


Arlene was totally smashed when she started a letter to Ben saying she was "his real wife." Ray Slater paid her a visit and pocketted the letter.


Ben talked to his sister Cal about his infamous past and the new person he was trying to become. Cal hoped that he really had changed because she felt that Betsy was so romantic that if she ever found out that he was running around with another woman, it would kill her.


Carrie told Arlene that she had seen this nice lawyer who could help and Arlene was horrified when she heard that it was Jamie - Ben and Arlene blackmailed Jamie with some trumped up photos that eventually felt into Diana's hands and caused her to go into premature labor. Jamie was sure that Ben and Arlene were up to something and he had devoted himself to uncovering it. He knew that Ben and Arlene were married, but Arlene said they were divorced before Ben returned to Rosehill.-


Ray Slater took a copy of Arlene's letter to Jamie and threatened to show it to Betsy, whom Jamie had been trying to protect, if Jamie's client, Meg, didn’t stop harrassing his poker business. Jamie had warned Meg that Slater wasn't a small time mobster; that he had big money and power backing him up.


Carrie was talking to Arlene over the phone when Jamie arrived. The receiver missed the cradle and when Carrie had a pain in her chest, Jamie walked over to hang up the phone and recognized Arlene's voice calling, "Mama? Mama?" He told Carrie that if criminal charges aweever preferred she would be right in the middle. He told Arlene that he recognized her voice and insisted that she come to his office. He showed her the copy of the letter and she explained that she meant "first wife," but was so drunk that she wasn't thinking clearly. He said this was her first mistake, but there would be others and he would prove that she and Ben were trying to defraud Meg. He gave her seven days to come up with a divorce decree.


When Arlene told Ben that Jamie had given her seven days to produce a divorce decree he said she would have to go to Haiti to get a "quickie" divorce and then they could alter the date on the papers. She refused to go because Ben had confessed that sometimes he actually felt happy to be married to Betsy and expecting a child and she felt he was trying to dump her.


When Betsy mentioned that Jamie had been helping Carrie, Ben put things together and when he went through her purse he found identification for Carrie Johnson Lovett. He confronted her accusing her of spying for Arlene. Carrie said she had done nothing, but Betsy would have to be told. Ben decided he had to get rid of Carrie and knowing that Meg couldn’t tolerate servants who drank, he watered down the expensive liquors and put an empty bottle under Carrie's bed. When Meg noticed the missing brandy, Ben suggested they check Carrie's room, turning up the empty bottle. Although Meg found this hard to believe she confronted Carrie. When Carrie vowed no knowledge of all this Meg remembered that Ben used this same stunt to get rid of a strict governess. Carrie suggested Meg ask her son why he wanted her out of the house.


When Ben threatened to expose him, Rick fired Ben. Ray Slater offered Ben help when he needed a divorce paper printed. Ray paid the $2500 and then wanted repaid in the form of a check signed by Meg. Ben took the paper to Jamie who was going to verify it.


Meg was going to turn Slater over to the New Orleans police where he was wanted, but Slater told her that Ben was married to Arlene and needed false divorce papers. Ben's first mistake was to marry Arlene and his second to marry Betsy.


Carrie took the call confirming Ben's reservations to Nice, France and told Arlene, who knew nothing of this.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


When Viki Lord Riley showed Larry Wolek, her brother-in-law, a baby bowl that she had bought and told him that she was sure that the baby she and her husband Joe were expecting would be all right, Larry replied he's "glad you have these special clairvoyant powers." He added: "you have no intention of telling Joe; it's written all over your face." - Viki had been withholding from Joe her knowledge that his and Cathy Craig's infant daughter Megan was the victim of a serious heart ailment inherited from Joe and that though Megan was killed in an automobile accident as Viki was rushing her to the hospital, she would, in any case, not have survived childhood. Viki had told Larry that she intended to wait till the possibility of abortion was ruled out, past the first trimester of her pregnancy, before telling her husband. - When he insisted that she owed it to Joe to tell him the truth she asked "Why? So he can sweat out these next six months?" She asked if it wasn't enough that she had to carry the burden. She added "if I'm wrong there will be plenty of time for him to grieve and be unhappy. What is the point of telling him now?" When Joe came in at this point and asked Viki what was wrong she replied that she was just getting emotional and Larry left.


Pat Kendall had rented the Weaver house next to Jim and Anna Craig for herself and her son Brian. When Brian was upset that some of the kids in school called his father a criminal - Pat's husband, Paul Kendall, a member of a revolutionary group suspected of being implicated in the bombing of a federal building, had been killed in a siege with police in which the building burned. - Pat explained to him that Paul was a loving and peaceful man who thought he could change the people he was involved with. When Pat learned that Tony was on his way to see her she sent Brian back to the Craig house. Pat, learning that Tony had been turned down for a loan, suggested an out-and-out business deal with Victor to help with the financing. Tony told her that the only good thing he had got out of his relationship with his father was the firm conviction that "if I ever have a son I'll never abandon him." - Tony is the illegitimate son of Victor Lord, then acknowledged by, but not reconciled to Victor. He was raised by his mother in poverty. Victor's offer to Tony's mother after seeing that she was ill and in need was rejected as coming too late, and out of fear that the powerful Victor Lord might try to take her son away from her, Tony's mother, although telling Victor of the existence of his son, would not divulge where they were living. Over the years Victor attempted to find them but was unsuccessful until Tony, himself, put the pieces together. –


Tony told Pat that he had been "thinking about us. Wondering what our life together would be." He told her that his wandering days were over. When Pat heard him say "I should have three kids by now, I don't even have one," she thought to herself: "I can't tell him. I just can't tell him that Brian is his son."


Pat Kendall and Dorian Cramer Lord had both spoken to Tony recommending that he might well mellow somewhat in his attitude toward his father. However each time Dorian encouraged Tony she undermined the possibility of a sympathetic reception by Victor at Llanfair. She told Victor that she had seen Tony, and, giving no details, said - when Victor asked - "it's as though he wanted to make sure that we know that his feelings toward you are unchanged." At one point when Tony tried to see Victor, Dorian persuaded him not to - for reasons of Victor's health - and then Dorian implied that Tony's absence was self-explanatory as Victor was not, after all, all that sick. - True. - Maintaining that she did not want to know the slightest detail of the will changes Victor and his attorney Elliot were preparing, she was ostensibly elsewhere when they were working on it. Dorian, nevertheless, managed to stay informed of developments - even to the point of inclining her ear at the door of Victor's study -. Elliot told Victor that matters pertaining to Victor's will had been considerably complicated by Tony's presence. He reported that the will was "more airtight in the area concerning your son and your recent marriage," the trustfund was iron clad and the bequest to Larry direct and unqualified. When Elliot asked Victor what was disturbing him, Victor replied that there was no earthly way of insuring that Lord Enterprises would continue to prosper. If he had met Dorian ten years ago he could have trained her in the management of his affairs which were quite diverse - paper mill; T.V. station, etc. -. He concluded that she would simply be incapable of managing. He had decided to keep the parent company intact in the hands of the trustees of the Lord Foundation. Dorian heard Victor say, "Of course Victoria was the only logical choice." Later when Victor told Dorian that he had made Viki executrix of his estate, Dorian asked if he had spoken to Viki and said that she might not feel the same way about it as he. Victor insisted that Viki could and would delegate authority and that she had Joe to help her. He talked about his good feelings for his son-in-law and Dorian implied that he had gone overboard saying "Joe Riley is a very charming man" but that she would not describe him - as Victor had - as stable and sturdy. When Victor said that Tony was a logical choice, Dorian characterized him as a "bit of a hustler." Victor joked about investing in Tony's business and mused that there was no harm in asking. Dorian, on guard, speculated that he "might even approach you," and Victor answered that such a course was "not in him" with a mixture of pride and regret. At this Dorian pointed out that Tony could of course affect a change of heart and come to him as the truly repentent son. Victor told Dorian that he had needed reassurance for a long time, "someone I can trust, the way I trust you." Later with Viki at Llanfair agreeing to the proposition, Victor expressed his satisfaction with the new will and Viki's overseeing of it saying to Dorian, "Accidents do happen, my dear."


Jenny Wolek had been at the Craig home recuperating from her illness and injuries suffered when she was working in La Costa as a Religious - Jenny was free to marry Tim Siegel as she had left the Order without having taken her final vows -. Anna asked Larry to talk to Jenny when she doubled over in pain as she suspected that Jenny's symptoms of fatigue and dizziness were not related to her ordeal. Jenny told Larry that she knew that this should be the happiest time of her life but she said she was so frightened and didn’t know what it was. Larry, concerned, said to Jenny, "Sometimes we make demons for ourselves and if we don't talk things out they get bigger," but Jenny said there were no demons. Having agreed to postpone her wedding to Tim until June, Jenny phoned Tim in panic and asked him to come to see her right away. When he arrived she told him that she felt foolish about something, that she had a suggestion that she hoped he would go along with. She told him "I want this very, very much." She explained to a relieved Tim that she wanted to be married without delay, that nothing mattered except that they were together every day, every hour that they could be. They arranged to be married within a week. She told Peter Janssen that she was oppressed by a feeling of impending doom, a feeling that she had to try to get her life in order before it was too late.


At the apartment they had rented, Jenny told Tim that she wished that they could be married "today ... right now." Tim took this to mean that Jenny wanted to make love and opened some champagne and asked if they could be together. Jenny told him that she realized that everyone had to decide for himself what was right, but that she didn’t want to ever feel guilty about them; that she wanted to give herself to him as a gift of joy and perfect love. Tim accepted, but told her that she was making it awfully difficult to leave when they kissed.


Viki bought Jenny her wedding dress as a gift, but when Jenny went upstairs to put it away, Viki asked Anna if Jenny was all right. Anna agreed that a couple of times while they were shopping and Jenny thought nobody was watching her, she looked "so sad and wistful." The following day as Jenny was talking over her feelings of anxiety with the priest who was to perform the wedding ceremony, Vince Wolek, having pressured Eileen Siegel into giving her his permission to speak to Jenny and Tim one last time - his sister Anna had given Vince orders not to appear before the time of the ceremony -, told Tim that it was "not too late to change your mind." Their raised voices created a scene in the cafeteria, and Tim stormed out, followed by Vince who said that he wanted to apologize, but when Tim realized that Vince talked of speaking to Jenny, he warned him not to say anything and went through some doors at the head of a landing. When Vince followed shouting: "Timmy! God'll punish you ... Timmy!" Tim turned and took a swing at Vinnie, missed and fell down the flight of stairs.


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Jillian Coleridge had agreed to represent Seneca Beaulac. She went to see the prosecuting attorney Sam Levine who told her off the record: "If you can get me out of prosecuting this one I'll be grateful." Noting the name, he made the connection between Jill and Roger her brother who wais responsible for the charges having been made against Seneca. Jill tried to convince Mr. Levine that he might be wasting the People's time and money in seeking an indictment but he told her to look at the hard facts. The patient was undoubtedly alive - Nell Beaulac, Seneca's wife -. He would not go into discussing what defined life, but said that Dr. Beaulac had been accused of terminating treatment which resulted in the death of a patient. He told her that her brother Dr. Roger Coleridge had left him no alternative but to prosecute and that Seneca had to face a jury of his Peers.


Roger Coleridge and Delia Ryan had become lovers - Delia, wife of Riverside Councilman Frank Ryan had tried without success to make her marriage to Frank work. Frank had never forgiven her for his accident although he was well on the road to recovery and an appeal by Delia saved his political career. Delia pushed him down some stairs —not public knowledge — during an argument over his affair with Jill Coleridge —the affair had become known and was ostensibly over. - Roger cautioned Delia to be particularly careful not to leave any clues to their affair around the house. He told her he couldn’t risk his position at the hospital - already he had been told by Seneca Beaulac that on his recommendation Roger's contract would not be renewed in June due to his gambling, his attempt to blackmail Frank Ryan, and his theft of $6,000 from Frank's personal effects in the hospital emergency room -. Delia assured Roger that she had been and would be very careful but when she overslept and rushed home from an evening of lovemaking with Roger she was concentrating on her story of being terrorized by someone following her when she went for a walk and having to hide crouched behind a monument in the park till she felt safe to come out and she forgot to remove from her coat a pin in the form of a Shamrock that Roger had given her. When Frank noticed it she told him that it was a present from a friend, "Sheila." Frank told Delia that he was sorry she had such a bad time. When she said she didn't know he cared, he walked away.


Roger’s younger siter, Dr. Faith Coleridge had told Jillian that she believed that when she disappeared nobody cared. Since his disappearance Kenneth had called Faith at the hospital and sent her flowers. She couldn’t trust her family and friends reassurances or even the fact of a policeman on guard outside her room because previously Kenneth was "leaving me all these signals, giving me warnings" and "nobody took them seriously but me." Clem Moultrie operated on Faith for a Subdural Hemotoma successfully but he told Mary Ryan and Jack Fenelli that he wouldn’t breathe easy till she got through the next couple of days. Investigative reporter Jack Fenelli had a few cracks to make about "New York's Finest" when he learned that when Faith was out of her room in surgery Kenneth gained entrance and attacked the bedclothes and other articles in the room with a scalpel and then disappeared again. Faith had told Mary that she didn’t want to talk about Pat Ryan, Mary's brother, because "I sort of have him mixed up with Kenneth." She told her father that if it weren't for Pat, "I'd be able to see you right now." Ed assured her that he was taking her home, that she would have a private nurse and twenty four hour police guard and that her eyes would be back to normal in a few days - Faith's condition was the result of her ordeal whereby she was kept prisoner in an underground room at Riverside hospital where Kenneth, anxious to protect her from the consequences of her affair with Dr. Pat Ryan, prepared a "sanctuary" for her. - Kenneth learned that Faith had been released and took up a vigil across from her apartment building.


While still a patient at Riverside Hospital, Mary Ryan attempted to draw out her roommate a Mrs. Mills, who had given indications that the rest home for the elderly "Gilcrest Manor" in which she resided was operated in a negligent and possibly dangerous manner. Mrs. Mills was obviously frightened and backtracked saying that she had said too much and that due to her age she might not always know what she was saying. She was visited at the hospital by a Mr. Hugh Sharpe who ran the place and noting that Maeve had given her a cake asked pointedly "why cake, instead of flowers?" - Mrs. Mills appeared to be malnourished and was certainly inordinately hungry. She had told Mary that the Manor did not permit snacking on the food they supplied complaining that the elderly were forgetful and wasteful. - He told Mrs. Mills as Mary pretended to sleep in the adjoining bed that "If you're not happy at Gilcrest Manor, I'm sure you can find some other place. Hector - Mrs. Mills' friend -, would miss you."


Jack Fenelli had given Mary a token, his most cherished possession, a medal of St. John the Baptist given to him by Sister Mary Joel. When Maeve told Johnny Ryan, Mary's father, about the gift and mentioned that they were discussing marriage, Johnny asked Jack at Ryan's to tell him "how serious is serious" and Jack told him to mind his own business. Jack told Mary that he was not going to play doormat just to get along with her family. Mary called Jack after he left but it did no good and finally it was Bob Reid, Delia's brother, who was himself in love with Mary who went to Jack's apartment and told him that if he cared about Mary he would get in touch with her because she wanted to hear from him but that if he had any doubts about his relationship with Mary he should stay far away.


Serena “Renee” Szabo tried unsuccessfully to get a number of people to retrieve a suitcase she left behind in the motel room in Providence when she was stricken and brought to Riverside Hospital by her father Nick Szabo. She offered Sam Crowley $150 to bring her the suitcase unopened and Sam got her to go up to $250 before he declined and said he just wanted to see how far she would bid. He gave her his card and told her he would agree to do it for the larger sum if she would tell him what was in the suitcase. After another refusal she called a Limousine Rental Service and tried to leave the hospital in a wheelchair but was stopped by Bucky. Finally she agreed to tell Sam what was in the suitcase if he would retrieve it for her. He learned that it was a shipment of Marijuana and that she had been dealing at college for $100 a week and all the grass she could smoke. Renee had told her father that she did not intend to return to college that she wanted to have her own apartment but Nick told her that if she refused to go back to finish her education he would cut off her allowance and her credit cards, and that she would have to get a job and make it on her own. As Sam Crowley came into Renee's room with the suitcase, Nick asked Sam to tell Renee the ugly truth. Sam said "O.K. sure will" and Nick left. He told Renee he learned a lot about college and a little about grass. He asked for the key and opened the suitcase to find four packets. Renee explained that the operation she was involved in used the U.S. Post Office, giving customers P.O. Box num-bers and Zip Codes. They could claim that they didn't order it and anyone who might have been charged with possession was on his own. She told Sam she needed a job and he told her he might have something for someone like her a "baby-faced cherub, smart and discrete." He musds: "the more I think about it the more I like it. I might have a little proposition for you Reeneo"


Sam Crowley suggested to Serena that he arrange to hire her as a "Go-for" at Channel R, at $100 a week, supplemented by $500 tax free from him, personally. When she asked if he dealt, he replied "I wholesale" - in Marijuana -. He refered to himself as "Careful Crowley" and said that up to the time that he hired Mary Ryan, he never had to touch the stuff personally - the fabled Stanley was his contact man -. He told Serena that he had been dealing himself, ever since Stanley left, and that he hated it, but that the problem was that there was only one other job at Channel R besides his and that was Mary's. When Serena said "Goodbye Mary," he told her that he needed Mary for a cover and to provide contacts in Riverside. Learning about the Party's plans to back Frank Ryan in a Congressional primary, he told Mary he would try to swing a promotion for her and assign her to cover it. - Mary and Bucky were trying to investigate Gilcrest Manor and Sam had told her that if anything came of the story she would go on the air with it.


After Frank made it clear to Delia that her presence was not required at a meeting of the party movers at Ryan's Place, Delia spent the evening with Roger. She told him that she felt uncomfortable standing outside his apartment and he offered her a key. When she asked which one he went to the door to illustrate and Ed Coleridge was standing there. Roger and Delia were concerned about what Ed might do with his knowledge of their affair, but Ed's first concern was for Faith, and he returned upstairs to reassure her that she was safe.


Kenneth Castle was on the roof of the apartment and deliberately dropped a large can from the roof, luring both Ed and the policeman on duty downstairs to the yard to check on the noise. Using a fire-escape stairway from the roof, he entered the Coleridge apartment. Telling Faith she had been very cruel and that he felt betrayed, he grappled with her and forced a pillow over her face.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


When Amy decided to get her abortion she had to find a place where Steve wouldn't find her. She felt no one would look for her at her old roommate's place. The only problem was that Jennifer Pace Phillips had a date with lawyer John Wyatt. Because John was married they didn’t have to be seen together in town. They decided to meet at a new restaurant outside of town called Separate Tables. Although they saw no one, Janet and Wade Collins saw them and heard him call her "Baby." John told her that he had to go to California on business and asked her to go along. As his wife Eunice packed his suitcase she suggested that she could go with him or follow the next day, but John used every excuse from their daughter to his not having time for her claiming that it would be impractical. John and Jennifer spent many happy hours together not at all concerned that anyone would see them. Eunice could never locate John.


Stephanie Collins put together the fact that her friend Jennifer was going to California with the fact that John was going there. Kathy Phillips, John's partner, put together John's vagueness with the fact that he didn't seem eager to have Scott in the office and that Amy had seen John at Jennifers' and came up with a likelihood that John was having an affair with Jennifer, Scott's ex-wife.


Mike Kaslo let it slip on the phone to his brother Steve that the only way their sister Amy could be a donor for the bone marrow transplant, Steve's chance at a cure for his leukemia, was if she gave up the child she was carrying. Steve confronted Dr. Gary Walton and was told Amy had demanded that Steve not know about the abortion. Gary was against it and refused to set up an appointment for her. Dr. Gail Kaplan arranged for Amy's abortion in another town the following day. Steve and Bruce Carson, the father of Amy's baby, whom Amy had excluded because she wouldn’t marry a man who was in love with someone else, asked all the doctors in the hospital if they had talked to Amy. They became suspicious when they questioned Gail, and demanded to know where Amy was.


When Steve walked into her room Amy burst into tears. Steve said he refused to let her go through with it because if it failed - there was a good chance it would fail - they would have wasted two lives and he wouldn’t be responsible for that. Amy insisted that she would have the abortion and only conceded when Steve said it would be for nothing because he refused to have the operation.


Although Steve himself turned down the transplant he held it against his wife Liza that she was always against it. He admitted that he was scared.


Amy told Dr. Luria that she and Steve were sure that his remission would hold and as soon as the baby was born she would be ready for the transplant. Dr. Luria told Gary that the chances were very slim that Steve's remission would hold through her pregnancy.


Steve and Liza went backpacking to the same place they went on their honeymoon. They discussed the wait until Amy's baby was born, the transplant, and their return to this special place. Steve had a dizzy spell, but concealed it from Liza.


Upon their return home, Liza said that her grandfather's statement that you could never go home again was not true because they did it. They went back to work at Hartford House, the inn run by her grandfather, Stu Bergman and Joanne Vincente. Janet Collins, Liza's mother, whose first husband died of leukemia, noticed a bruise on Steve's arm. Gary and Amy also noticed and discussed this as a sign of the end of remission. Steve had a dizzy spell at Hartford House spilling a tray of glasses. Joanne covered for him with Liza. Amy confronted Steve and insisted that he see Gary about starting chemotherapy. He refused to lie in a hospital bed and die. "Being treated as though you're not quite dead is the same as being treated as though you're not quite alive," commented Steve. He said that when the symptoms became obvious he would get enough chemotherapy to keep him alive until the baby was born.


Steve told Liza that there were signs that he was going out of remission and, respecting her wishes, he went to see Gary. After the tests Gary told Liza and Janet that the remission was ending and they had to start chemotherapy.

Upon John’s return, Eunice planned a dinner party inviting the Phillipses and the Collinses. Both Janet and Kathy wanted to stay home, but their husbands insisted that they would only hurt Eunice, not help her. When Eunice brought up Separate Tables, John claimed never to have been there. Eunice noticed the tension in the air. Scott turned down John's offer to join the law firm.


Stephanie visited John at the office to inquire if he had asked Wade to give her a job at the Collins Corporation. She was bored staying at home and didn’t want to return to nursing. She asked John about his trip to California. John was mad when he asked Jennifer why she told Stephanie about their relationship. Jennifer claimed she never mentioned his name. John said it was too risky and things were so bad at home that he wanted to break off their affair. As he opened the door to leave, Bruce arrived.


Bruce Carson kept after Jennifer until she admitted she is having an affair with John. She told Bruce she had only used him to escort her to places where she met John. Bruce said he felt sorry for her because she could only think of herself.


Wade figured out that Stephanie was using the knowledge of John's affair to secure a job with the Collins Corporation and decided to back her up in case the board should refuse her the job.


Eunice overheard Stephanie’s name and answered the office phone when Stephanie called and assumed that John was having an affair with her.


After Steve stopped her from having the abortion, Amy returned to the Phillips' where she had been Eric's live-in babysitter. She told them that her personal problems were solved. She never told them that the reason she became undependable was the tests they were making to see if she could be a donor for Steve's bone marrow transplant. Scott was home most of the day also since he hadn't found a job after becoming disillusioned by the methods in the District Attorney's office. Late one after-noon while Scott and Kathy were talking, Amy went out to fetch Eric from his tree house. Eric had fallen and Amy, being a doctor, called for an ambulance and told them to cover Eric, but not move him. Scott and Kathy felt that the wait for news on Eric at the hospital was more than they could bear. Finally Dr. Rogers explained that Eric had a concussion and compound fractures of both legs. They had to anesthetize him to clean the punctures caused by the bones penetrating the skin and because of his concussion they didn’t want to give him any more anesthetic. When he came out of shock they took him to surgery and set both legs in casts. There was a possibility of permanent damage, but they couldn’t be sure until the casts came off. Eric was terribly afraid that he wouldn’t be able to walk.


After Amy saw that Steve's remission was ending she told Scott and Kathy that she was quitting her job. Her personal problem didn’t seem to be solved and she felt they should hire someone who could devote all their time to Eric's care once he was back home. Kathy was furious. Scott was upset that Amy could leave Eric when he needed her the most without any kind of explanation.


Eric seemed very preoccupied with the fact that he might be an invalid. Knowing that Amy was not going to stay with him on his return home, Eric refused to have a live-in nurse. Scott decided not to look for a job since Eric was so hostile to the idea of being left with a stranger. He was also becoming very dependent on Wendy Wilkins, his playmate, refusing to let her use his wheelchair.


Ellie Harper felt she could no longer stand the competition for Stu Bergman. She confessed to Jo that she should have told Stu long ago how she felt, but it was too late now. Unlike Ellie, Connie Schultz seemed to thrive on competition. Ellie told Jo that she was thinking of quitting her job as secretary of Hartford House and leaving Henderson.


Christopher Miller, the mysterious writer who had taken up temporary residence at Hartford House while he wrote his book, was attracted to Jo Vincente. At first Christopher was very aloof and then although he would talk to Jo he never put any of himself into their conversations. Then bits and pieces of himself showed through in their discussion of poetry.


David Sloane, drifter turned bartender for Hartford House, cautioned Mr. Miller that he was becoming too close to Mrs. Vincente and in light of the past seven months he had been sent to watch over him. Miller told Sloane to tell "them" that he didn’t need their protection. David suggested that Miller use discretion since he seemed to have picqued Mrs. Vincente's curiosity and it could carry over to others. Sloane was cautious because his last merchandise disappeared and hadn't been found. Bruce Carson asked Miller if he could write a newspaper article on him, but Miller explained that he came to the inn for privacy. Sloane interrupted Christopher embracing Jo and warned him to stay away from Mrs. Vincente.


David Sloane had become involved with Stephanie, but only physically. Christopher brought up Stephanie when David said that Chris' involvement with Jo was dangerous. Jo had begun to notice that David always seemed to materialize when she was alone with Chris. Miller was furious when he found that Sloane had bugged his room, eavesdropping on his intimate conversations with Jo. David had talked to "them" and when Christopher refused to abide by his rules, he told Miller that they were leaving.




Written by: A.J. Russell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Tony Cooper was in Somerset Hospital, recovering from a heart attack that occurred at Vicky Paisley's home. Vicky had gotten Tony into the bedroom before calling the ambulance. Tony's wife Ginger knew the circumstances under which Tony was rescued, but had trouble believing assurances from Vicky and Tony that nothing had happened between them - this time -. Tony finally told Ginger that he had been having an affair with Vicky, but it was all over. Ginger was shattered. With great control, she inquired what he wanted to do about their marriage. Tony left that up to her, but assured her he still loved her and their son, Joey. Ginger then questioned why he told her. He replied that his guilt over the affair was getting in the way of his recovery. He swore he never lied to her or was unfaithful to her before. Ginger was assailed by fears that she would only be a substitute for Vicky, if their marriage resumed, and she couldn’t stand that thought.


Vicky visited Tony. He told her of Ginger's response to their affair. Moved, Vickie assured Tony all was not lost, that Tony took the logical first step towards reestablishing a relationship with Ginger. Vicky noted that he was still in love with Ginger, but Tony insisted it was a different kind of love. Quietly, Vicky responded that it was the only kind of love that lasted, noting he had more than love with Ginger: he had a meaningful life. Vicky told lawyer Tom Conway that Tony's confession was stupid and that she wanted no part in destroying Tony's marriage. Tom asked what Vicky did want. "If I had three wishes? Julian, Julian, Julian."


When Vicky learned from Tony what he was doing, she told him she wouldn’t stand by and see him lose his family. "It's over between us." Tony refused to believe it. Tony told Ginger he was not going home. Ginger, however, had decided to take Tony back because she loved him and because of Joey. Tony didn't expect to hear that. Ginger said the truth was that home wasn't home without him, and asked him to return. He said it wouldn't work. In tears, Ginger asked him not to punish her. Tony was sorry, but he couldn’t go home, even though Ginger and Joey meant everything to him. Too much had changed. Ginger cried that Tony was their whole life and they needed him. She broke down. Tony told her he was going to get an apartment by himself, that he needed to be alone. Ginger, shattered, begged : "What am I going to do without you? I wouldn't want to live. Please don't leave me. I love you! I need you!" Ginger again collapsed in tears.


Vicky visited Tony. He told her of his plans, how he was making his life ready for her. Again Vicky told him it was all over between them. He refused to believe her, saying she just didn’t realize she loved him herself yet. Vicky asked if Tony could give up his son. Joey arrived for a visit. Tony held him very close, unable to tell him definitely that he would not be coming home.


Vicky trapped Ginger and assured her she would leave Tony alone if Ginger would terminate her relationship with Julian. Shocked, Ginger replied there was nothing "like that" between Julian and her. Vicky called Ginger a fool.


Lena Andrews told Ellen her marrying Dale was "sheer madness." Ellen invited Lena to continue. Lena brought up the age difference - Dale is much younger than Ellen, about David's age -. Ellen and Dale had talked that out and had decided it wouldn’t bring any problems they couldn’t handle. Lena next brought up "quality of life" — who would their friends be? Would they be able to keep old friends? How would Ellen fit in with Dale's friends? Ellen replied that they would adjust. Pointedly, Lena asked if Ellen would give Dale a family. Ellen had to admit she had never thought about it, but said they could adopt. However, Lena had given Ellen pause.


Dale taught Jill, a rotten cook, how to make a souffle. They invited Ellen home to join them. After putting it in the oven, they went out to romp in the snow. The souffle burnt, so Dale called Ellen and asked her to lunch at the Hayloft instead. Ellen agreed. Dale assured Jill, at the Hayloft, "Ellen won't mind picking up the tab. She never does. Actually, Ellen and I have an agreement. We share everything." Jill was horrified. She told Dale that she was beginning to believe Dale loved Ellen, but then she felt he had other motives – money - and she didn't like it. Jill left. Dale explained it all to Ellen, who was upset that Dale was so blunt. Jill found a sympathetic cohort in Greg.


Jill again approached Carrie Wheeler about sharing an apartment, saying she could no longer share a house with Dale. She went on that Dale was winning her over with walks and cooking lessons, but she knew then that Dale was only after a meal ticket, someone to pay for school. Carrie pointed out that she and Jill would support husbands through school. Jill said her mother was older and being used. Carrie replied that it sounded like a case of jealousy to her; she thought Jill had a crush on Dale. Jill was aghast. Carrie pointed out that moving out wouldn't help Ellen. Jill was too uncomfortable and felt that moving out would give her perspective on how to break it up. Carrie then pointed out that Ellen was already supporting Dale, so why should he marry her unless he loved her. Jill said it was "so he can have it all." Finally, Jill admitted she was attracted to Dale, and that was why she wanted to move out.


Dale and Ellen discussed postponing the wedding. Ellen said Jill had no right to ask her to live her life by her - Jill's - standards. Jill arrived and told them of her plans to move and gave them her blessing. Dale thanked her, but later told Ellen he was afraid Jill was playing another game. Dale, with Ellen's encouragement, offered to help Jill look for an apartment. They were successful, and Dale told Ellen how much fun it was. Dale also told her he and Jill went bowling. When he told her he would have to brush up, Ellen had a chill.


Ellen told Jill that she did a lot of serious thinking before deciding to marry Dale. Ruefully, Ellen observed everyone had reacted pretty much as expected. She asked what Jill really felt about Dale and her, adding she wouldn’t go through with the marriage if it would hurt Jill in any way. Jill told Ellen she would visit often. Jill added she liked Dale. "As a matter of fact, Carrie has suggested I'm becoming emotionally involved with him." Jill explained that when she returned from Hong Kong, she felt "unnecessary," that Ellen was "abandoning" her. She assured Ellen she was not emotionally involved with Dale. She used Carrie's conclusions to try to attract Dale to show Ellen how foolish she was. But then, she had changed her mind. They hugged. Ellen told Dale. Ellen felt Jill had grown up and was proud of her. Dale asked if Ellen had any second thoughts. Ellen said no and asked if he did. Wordlessly, he extended his hand. Ellen wasn't reassured. Lena added to Ellen's doubts about Dale by reminding her of Carrie's observations. Over lunch, Ellen told Dale she was really having second thoughts. He said she was just letting the opinions of others confuse her. Ellen discussed it with Jill, wondering if she was making a mistake in marrying Dale. Jill suggestd she look at it from Dale's angle: Was Dale making a mistake in marrying Ellen? Ellen was stunned.


Ellen Grant took a trip, even though the wedding invitations were ready to go out. Dale didn’t understand. He thought all the gossip and "advice" got to Ellen. Jill told him that Ellen went away to decide her future.


Julian, accompanied by Terri Kurtz, went to visit Kate at a private clinic. Ted told Julian that Kate's chances for recovery weren't very good: she was completely catatonic. She told Julian that when "someone is in full retreat from reality, it's hard to tell how far they'll run." Julian was stunned at Kate's condition.


Andrea Moore, absent owner of the Register, had told Julian Cannell she wanted to sell the paper. Julian was acting as publisher since his ex-wife Kate's nervous breakdown. Greg Mercer, still acting-editor, was chafing to get back to reporting. Carrie showed newly-arrived Dan Brisken around the Register - Dan Brisken was in Somerset to look after his mother, Sarah, who was still recuperating from her last attack by Chris Kirby, the Somerset Mugger. Chris later confessed and was in a mental hospital. Dan was a widower and a retired, millionaire publisher. He had left his worldwide book publishing business, and felt Somerset would be a nice place to settle down. - Dan was interested in getting into the newspaper business. Julian told him the paper might be for sale and encouraged Dan to talk to Tom Conway, Andrea's lawyer.


On her way to see Stan Kurtz, Heather dropped in to see Ellen. She confided to Ellen that she thought she was pregnant, but she didn’t want Jerry to know. Ellen asked about Bobby. Heather said it was only friendship. Heather didn’t want Jerry to know about the baby because she didn’t want the baby to be the reason they reconciled. Heather also didn’t think Jerry would understand that, along with being a mother, she wanted to be a person. Ellen observed that Jerry would be so proud. Heather commented it would also make him more difficult. Jerry dropped in to ask Ellen to see a patient. Ellen fixed it so Jerry and Heather had coffee together. Jerry told her he had been keeping tabs on her, to make sure she was all right. Each had wanted to call the other, but hadn't. Heather said it probably wasn't a good idea for them to console each other during their divorce.


Stan confirmed her pregnancy. She was adamant Jerry not be told, despite Stan and Ted's insistence he had a right to know, and Heather had no right to take this moment from him.


Heather refused to accompany Bobby to San Francisco, on a lark. Jerry arrived. Bobby concluded they had reconciled. Jerry returned a bracelet he found in the cabin, reminiscing about the day they bought the "slave bracelet." Heather asked if he ever thought that was why she left it behind. He told her he was so proud she was his. Broken-hearted, Heather asked him to leave, commenting, she didn’t belong to anyone.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Brad Elliot was told by his brother-in-law Snapper Foster that his condition was stable. The optic nerves were still swollen, but since he had had no headaches he should continue the cortisone. Brad still refused to tell his wife, pianist Leslie Brooks Elliot.


Lance Prentiss, a wealthy industrialist, and Lorie Brooks, found each other arrogant and egotistical, but when Lance needed a date for his trip to London he called Lorie and she accepted. Lance's private jet pilot suggested that Lprie turned him on because she was turned off by him. The same seemed to hold true for Lorie. In London Lorie found it difficult to take orders about details for a party he was giving especially when they included how she should dress and act. When he invited himself into her suite later for a nightcap, Lorie thought they had come to the reason he brought her along, but to her amusement he was going to a poker game. When she suggested that girls had no place in his life except as decoration, he kissed her passionately enough to leave her filled with amazement.


Their last evening in London, Lance and Lorie came to a better understanding of each other. Lorie had considered staying, but had no funds and was shocked that Lance offered her money. He tried to tell her that she should not be jealous of Leslie because she had talent of her own. She said she had a book coming out, but it wouldn’t be published under her own name. She explained that because she was an outgoing child her parents didn't feel that she needed the attention that introvert Leslie did - Lorie had always believed she had existed in her sister, Leslie's shadow. Leslie was married to Brad, the man Lorie wanted, and Leslie, a successful concert pianist, had the fame and recognition Lorie had tried so desperately to achieve. The book, a novel, was based on Leslie's nervous breakdown and recovery, something she was trying to put behind her. –


Lance was a self-made man whose father died a debtor when Lance was six. Lance had a need for success, but said you had to make it happen.


Gwen Sherman, then Sister Magdalene, would soon take her final vows, but as the time drew nearer she became confused. The Reverend Mother wanted to send her to school, but Gwen would rather stay in the settlement house. She found it difficult to accept that nuns were not used where they felt most useful. The Reverend Mother noticed that Sister Magdalene had doubts about herself. She felt that God held her past against her because no one could possibly believe that a prostitute could be pure enough to become a nun. She hadn't found peace in God's love and felt she wouldn’t until she could forget about her past. She found it easy to pray for Greg Foster who was having a hard time fighting for his sister's child - Greg and Gwen were once in love. He helped her get out of the hole in which she found herself. –


Jennifer and Peggy both thought they would have trouble adjusting to Jennifer's move back home, but Peggy found that she could still confide in her mother.


Jack Curtis – real name Johnny Curtzynski - liked Peggy Brooks, but felt he couldn't abandon his wife Joann especially since a lot of her weight problem was due to the secret abortion she had when he told her they couldn't have children until he finished school. Jack had every intention of telling Peggy to see other men, but ended up telling her it would make him jealous.


Joann was trying very hard to lose weight as Johnny knew about the abortion and seemed to care. Peggy had seen Johnny talking to Joann, a waitress at the Allegro, Peggy's sister’s restaurant, and told Joann how wonderful she thought he was. She confided that she was in love with him. Joann had a difficult time concentrating on her lunch tables and ended up spilling a tray. Brock dragged the story out of Joann and then gave her some time off.


Knowing that Chris Foster at Legal Aid was Peggy's sister, Joann dropped by to ask Chris about changing her name legally. She explained that their name was very difficult and her husband went by Jack Curtis at the university. Chris made the connection and told her father Stuart Brooks about it.


Stuart asked Peggy what she knew about Jack and she explained that he was from Pittsburgh and had a cousin in Genoa City. Stuart called Jack asking to see him, leaving Jack wondering how Stuart knew his home phone number.


Explaining that he knew about Jack's wife, Stuart asked how he could have done this to Peggy and what he intended to do about it. He insisted that Jack tell Peggy.


In a later conversation it slipped out that Stuart had talked to Jack, but Stuart couldn’t tell Peggy that Jack was married. Furious, Peg informed her father that if he didn’t stay out of her relationship with Jack she would never forgive him. Chris set her father straight when he assumed that Jack was using Peggy sexually. She said Jack was very protective of Peggy and Peggy's own feelings. Jack asked Stuart for time to let Peggy down easily. The reason he had become so involved was because emotionally Peg was at rock bottom and it was too late when he realized she was in love with him. If she was let down suddenly she might return to the bottom. Stuart agreed and told Brad that he actually thought Jack was a good guy and this was the only way it could be handled without hurting Peggy.


Stuart talked to Joann at the Allegro, letting her know that he was aware of the situation. She told both Stuart and Chris that she didn’t know what she would do without Johnny and that she only needed a second chance and a little time. Chris told Jack that Joann was aware, but in order to save face she didn’t want him to know.


That evening, Peggy apologized for the things she said to her father because she knew that he was only concerned about her. She asked if he was concerned because Jack had not said he loved her yet and she might get hurt if he didn’t. She pushed Stuart into saying, "He's not right for you," and then Peggy listed all the ways he had helped her. When Peggy had him backed into a verbal corner he blurted out, "For God's sake, he's a married man!" Peggy refused to believe this and told him she would prove him wrong by going to Jack. Seeing that she was upset, Jack asked if her problem had anything to do with her family. Peggy said her father had said he was married. When he asked her to sit down rather than denying the accusation, Peggy burst into tears realizing the truth of her father's words. Jack tried to explain that he started to tell her many times, but she begged him to never leave her and, not wanting to hurt her, he kept hoping for a better time to tell her.


After Peggy’s sobs had quieted, she sat in a booth at the Allegro. Seeing her long face Joann told her that she had been through a hurt like that also. Due to some personal problems she had gained weight which caused her husband to become distant. Then another woman had fallen in love with her husband. She gently told Peggy that they were both in love with the same man because Jack Curtis was her husband.


Jack called the Brooks' home and Peggy answered. She hung up and Jack realized that he was in love with Peggy.


Jill Foster asked her brother Snapper to do a blood typing on her son because the hearing for the suit to obtain an inheritance for her on would be the following week. Snapper reminded her that this would show only that Phillip Chancellor could be little Phillip's father. Chris Foster asked her father, newspaper publisher Stuart Brooks, not to publish news of the trial since it could only hurt reputations and not really inform anyone.


Mitchell Sherman, Kay Chancellor's lawyer, asked Kay if she would consider settling out of court, but she intended to see this through. Jill took the baby to Phillip's grave on the Chancellor estate for the first time and was run off by Kay.


The geneticist testified in court that Phillip could be the baby's father, but Brock Reynolds also could be. Sherman said there were other tests which could prove more positively who was the baby's father, but Greg explained that Phillip was in the hospital due to an injury and the blood was not typed that extensively.


Jill testified that Phillip was the only man she was ever intimate with, and then only once. Jill testified to telling Phillip about the baby and his idea of the divorce from Kay and their marriage so that this baby would have his legal name. Sherman brought up the "Dead Man Statute" which said that conversations with a deceased person were not admissable because he couldn’t defend himself. When the judge ruled that the "Dead Man Statute" would be upheld, Jill came close to being held in contempt of court.


Brock substantiated the fact that although he and Jill lived together they were never intimate. Brock testified that his mother, Kay Chancellor, offered to make the family funds available to him if he married Jill. Snapper and Jill thought that this was what he did, but Brock explained he never cashed a check and he got a job to support Jill because he cared what happened to her.


The judge ruled in favor of Kay. Jill emotionally told the judge that he had denied a child a decent life and a man his dying wish.


Brock intended to use the account Kay set up for him when he married Jill to care for the Fosters, but Kay closed it out the day he testified.


Jill arrived at Kay's with a bag over her hand, demanding that Kay admit Phillip loved her and this was his child. Fearing for her life, Kay repeated it. Jill put the sack on a chair saying Kay could do it to herself. The sack contained a bottle of liquor.

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AMC: Brooke's arrival..and Erica before she became Erica

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AW:  Had Jacqueline Courtney not been fired..the equal focus of Rachel and Alice would have continued well beyond this point.


GL:  I like the dual purpose of Rita being a double obstacle with Pam/Tim and Ed/Holly....and the debut of Ben Mcfarren.  Leslie was given huge focus by the Dobson's...had Lynn Adam's not quit..who knows how long Leslie would have been focused on.


Y & R- it seems like Chris was the peacemaker of the Brook sisters.  It's odd lorie felt inferior of Leslie..given how full of life she is

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