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Maybe if we post our favorite Soap Opening Credits

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There were always short/long versions of this opening, and the shorter versions were always seen more frequently. Here is a long version of the blue opening from 2006:

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And a short version of the gold opening from 2002

I generally like this opening. The music is really nice, but I can't stand that trend of having the show's title flash at you a million times. It cheapens the climax of having the title appear at the end. I will say that the 80s ATWT opening got that 100% right - you can't beat that slow pull out from the globe as the big letters appear around it.

The video globe - ah. So many mixed feelings. I think the music is great (obviously not including the whooshes), and I love that big build to the part with the videos on the globe, but once again, whyyyyyyyy have your title appear for a second or two THEN act like it's a big finish to simply have the title appear again? The whooshes throughout could have been close-ups of old clips on the globe (instead of flashing the title), and the part with the title card BEFORE the title card could have been more clips as well.


Edited by All My Shadows
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Thanks for those, All My Shadows. Those extra seconds make a huge difference.


While I understand the idea of shortening the open to add more commercial time, I'd rather something else be cut/edited -- such as a character walking across the room or a long pause/look between characters.

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The 3 versions of the 80's closing theme. Mary Ellis-Bunim REALLY tried to bring this show into the 80's, didn't she? LOL, but I love this theme and it's the one I'll always associate with the show and when I started watching.


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My favorite variation of the theme was 86-87 year. By 1988 the theme had changed slightly ..


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Btw to me there were more than 3 variations of on and on from ATWT.


82-84 variation

85 variation

Spring 86 to summer 87 variation

88 version

89-91 version

92-93 version


They had slight tweaks that are noticeable.

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This version has a huge horn blast at the end that the 86-87 and others didn't have. It has more horns present and at 0:42 to 0:46 sound different to me from other years .

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'80s ATWT themes songs always sounded so good when performed by an orchestra.  Remember when the Daytime Emmys could actually afford live music and they would play the show theme songs when the winners would make their way onstage? ATWT was always at its sonic best when musicians played that theme song live.  I think, by the late 80s TPTB tried to smooth out the song a little too much and the electronic elements took over the music, which robbed it of a bit of its soul/bounce.

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Oh and the visual credits for the actors names and characters was horrendous the last two years of on and on.

I thought that late 88 and 89 the theme became very basic. I'm assuming that's what you mean by smoothing it out.


I never cared for the slower theme version from 82-84. I much preferred the up-tempo version in spring 85 right before Marland came in as HW. 

I loved thus version minus the flush. It didn't last long. The rumors were they got rid of it because it was too expensive 

I hated this and the blue version. Loathed the music and the background with ATWT flashing everywhere. It looked so cheap.

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I think I liked ATWT's final real opening when it was on the air, but I like it a lot less now. They never bothered to make different versions with the whole cast represented, and that was a big foul for me.  I did like the music - just didn't think it was the right fit for ATWT at all.

Digging a little farther back into P&G-land, the Lovers and Friends/For Richer, For Poorer theme is one of my favorites. Obviously influenced by Y&R's Nadia's Theme but still a nice piece of brooding soap music.

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That's sort of what I'm saying. By the end of the 80s, the theme had become bland.  All the funkiness of that bass guitar, the harmonies of those strings had been flattened and washed out to this more generic flatter use of electronic instrumentation.  In earlier years, the synthesizers had been put to good use and blended in reasonably well but  toward the end they washed out any semblance of organic sound. Just a flat and overly sanitized sound.

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