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And I feel slightly guilty for feeling little sympathy for them given the malice and hatred they are spreading around.


Meanwhile I finally had to restock the house and saw waaaaay too many people without masks on here in San Diego. But I warned about this on Monday since the weather this week is in the 80s and 90s...a typical summer day. As if we are not on Lockdown. When things get extended, I don't want to hear A THING and I will be doing online dragging for the heck of it. 


I was thankfully my local grocery store is enforcing the 'no entry without mask' rule. 

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I don't, lol.  If people are stupid enough to follow Trump's advice, then they deserve what's coming to them.



It's just as well.  No one deserves to have any of Andy Cohen flowing through their bodies.

Edited by Khan
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@Khan I think by the end of the day that will be gone, too. I am really THAT upset at all this.


And Andy Cohen needs to STFU. SERIOUSLY OVER HIS SH*t!!! Can't even host a reunion right and yet want let an objective person do a job because he knows someone will do it BETTER. Not even well enough to really be hosting WWHL but his ego really won't let him do the right and practical and keep resting cuz he looks like crap. Just SHUT UP.

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Common sense should tell people not to do something so obviously dangerous, so it's hard to feel sympathy for anyone who ends up doing this.


And an agency in Maryland received over 100 calls about consuming disinfectant https://abcnews.go.com/Health/coronavirus-updates-china-reports-covid-19-deaths-9th/story?id=70324535&fbclid=IwAR0M7vBKPEBSd_pqCjvshsVi0sPj4TDJYdwPunsjj-qs4rRyxB96KsoB_pg

Edited by ReddFoxx
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It's unfortunate that Andy Cohen needed to make it all about himself (again) instead of putting more focus on the blood restrictions that continue for gay and bisexual men, or about the coming rules @victoria foxton mentioned that will allow hospitals and medical professionals to discriminate against lgbt people.  

Edited by DRW50
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If that is true I wonder what the implications will be. If one can get re-infected will it be possible to relax the restrictions which have been implemented before a vaccin is produced? Will concerts be possible, or sporting events? Will theatres be able to re-open?

This could have severe repercussions for a very long time.

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It's very annoying, and typical of the smugness of many on the other side of this argument. Over and over I hear people say that the lockdowns are wrong because there will be no chance to develop immunity. There has been no evidence of immunity in the first place. 


The other thing that annoys me is that while there are many poor and nearly poor people who have suffered from this lockdown, they don't even get a voice. Instead you have rich people speaking for them, pretending to care. I saw that yet again today NYT, the paper that is always so happy to see people die, put out a propaganda column from Bret Stephens, falsely claiming that the public does not approve of lockdown measures. This is something the media desperately wants to be true, and they will do their damndest to make sure it is.



Apparently the governor of Georgia will be reopening theaters next week. I imagine other states will follow suit. For the time being I don't see anyone going to them in large numbers, or the studios putting out new films. 

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