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Marj Dusay

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I never have watched enough Capitol, but I think she probably saw Myrna as her best. For me it was probably Vanessa on AMC -such an incredibly dark role when she was given the opportunity, and it took full advantage of her chemistry with Vincent Irizarry. I also enjoyed that DID story she had before she left. 


She never really had the chance as Alexandra, but there were select moments - especially the episodes where Alan confronted her over Amanda being his sister and not his daughter, and banished her. A dumb story, but one hell of a performance. 


I'm also glad she was willing to stay to the end and give Alex a decent sendoff. 


One hell of a charismatic actress in an era when actors still seemed unique to each other. I'll miss her.

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She was a great replacement as Alexandra - it would have been difficult for anyone to follow McKinsey.  But Marj did a great job - I watched Capitol from beginning to end and it never should have been canceled.  I've never liked B&B the way I loved Capitol...but then again, I'm Washington DC but it was nice to see a show not centered in a usual middle America town.  This makes me very sad...she was wonderful.  

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Oh no!  I've been watching the 1994 season of Guiding Light with her as Alexandra Spaulding and learning to appreciate Dusay (who had big shoes to fill with McKinsey 's portrayal fresh on most minds) on her own merits.  Of course, I first remember seeing her on Capitol and as Blair Warner's mother on The Facts of Life. R.I.P. 

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