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Does Anyone else Remember WOST?

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I lived for WoST.  It was the site that gave me back the GL disco theme after decades of only being able to hear it in my own head. 


Brian was a super guy and I loved any interactions I had with him. 

I was a fortunate recipient of his 2-disc CD set of ALL the soap themes available at the time. While I was disappointed that it lacked the GL disco theme (Brian said a good copy of it was unavailable; now, that’s no longer the case), I loved all the other themes. I play those discs to this day.  He was also a writer and I enjoyed the supernatural suspense hardcover that he gifted me as well. 

And those interviews!  Sharon!  Jada!  

If he’s reading, I’d love for him to open up the archives...

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Such great memories of such a wonderful place! What really made WoST so unique and special is that people genuinely cared about each other. Circa 2006, our cat Mulder was dealing with major health problems. The support I received got us through a very trying time. I still remember one person even offering to send money to help cover Mulder’s medical bills. I was so touched then. Remembering that person and what a wonderful place WoST was brings a smile to my face all these years later. Oh. I was in contact with Brian a few years ago on Facebook. He was quite happy, married, and enjoying life with his wife, I believe stepchildren, and dogs.

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I *loved* WoST!  I can't remember when I first stumbled upon the site... maybe like 1999? I don't know for sure when it started. It was thanks to the site that someone like myself who became a soap fan in the mid 90's got to hear Guiding Light's 80's themes and others for the very first time. Before YouTube, I could look forward to a new release of full episodes every month. 


Funny, I just randomly watched a bit of the final episode of the short-lived soap, "A World Apart," a couple days ago on YouTube and remember that I originally saw that on WoST as part of Brian's monthly "new releases."  The Christmas episodes extravaganza were always a fun treat, too. I was one that paid for the subscription fee and had no qualms doing so. 


I was sad when "board wars" or whatever was going on on the WoST message boards caused Brian to shut the boards down early (2007 instead of his intended 2009). I can't remember what the issue was re: WoST vs. SON but admittedly I was #TeamWoST.  

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Wow I remember that! Glad Brian is doing well after all these years. 


Lol PS @robbwolff After I had read something in an archived topic I saw just get linked around the time GL was cancelled, if I recall right the real Todd Strasser, who became a successful children's book writer was interviewed by NYT to give his memories of writing GL in the late '80s. 


Too bad WOST never had this story lol: https://www.nytimes.com/1997/10/12/nyregion/for-best-selling-author-what-s-in-a-name.html

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Right around the time GL was cancelled, I connected with the real Todd Strasser on Facebook. He wasn't pleased to find out he had someone steal his identity. I had been in touch with the fake Strasser long after WoST ceased operations. He continued on with his lies for many years. At one point, Fake Strasser claimed to be dating Jeff Branson from AMC and GL. He vanished after I shared with him that I was attending a play reading in NYC featuring Branson. Guess he realized his lies were about to be exposed, so he just disappeared from sight.

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lolol, I miss that delightfully weird cast of characters at WoST. We were quite the island of misfit toys. Though YouTube has given us more than we could have dreamed of back then, between that and social media it does feel like the internet has lost a certain je ne sais quoi.

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Lol! What an odd situation. I think what made it weird was who on earth would go out of there way to pretend to be a one time Soap writer from the late '80s, which is why many folks fell for his fraud. 


The other major drama that went down if I recall right was a poster, Geoffrey?, who was a B&B staffer who had a major diva style feud with TV Guide's Daniel R. Coleridge and couldn't stand Susan Flannery. Apparently Coleridge found out  about the poster's "wonderfully bitchy remarks" about Flannery on the WOST forum second-hand and reported to the B&B higher-ups and got said poster out of a job right before the forums closed up shop. 

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I remember back in the late 90's on the old news group boards James Houghton who was writing for Y&R at the time would post there. At first I was skeptical, but he would tell you stuff that would happen on the show way in advance. He would also answer questions about playing Greg in the early days and referred to William Gray Espy as a bit of a strange fish. He said all Espy really wanted to do really is play golf. A period of time after (about a year) they did an update on Espy in SOD and sure enough he was running a golf course on his hometown of Dothan, Alabama. Houghton was also asked why he decided to leave Knots Landing and he said " I didn't, I was asked to leave"....LOL Someone also asked if he would ever pop in as Greg (this was before the 2003 return) and he said probably not, but maybe do a cameo as a janitor or a computer tech.

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Anyone remember [S.W.S.N.B.N.], who used to post on the WOST message board?  She bragged about writing an episode of DOOL, and everyone thought she was lying.  But I watched on the date she suggested, and her name was right there in the credits.   She was actually very knowledgable about soaps.  Particularly NBC soaps from the 1970s.   

Why is [!@#$%^&*]'s name hidden in my post above?

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