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Days: November 2019 Discussion Thread🦃

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Except realistic, adult writing which they've managed to avoid like oil to water for the better part of 40 years.



Shoot me now.

Edited by beebs
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Frankly, I think it is disrespectful as all hell to Joe Mascolo's memory to have Stefano back in any other form. So, naturally, Ken Corday and Ron Carlivati will try exactly that. Because they are hacks. I just pray to GOD the rumor of Steve Johnson with Stefano's memories or some schitt isn't true.

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Nah, @beebs, I won't bash the action-adventure '80's.  Perhaps they weren't as...sophisticated as the decade that had come before.  Nevertheless, I loved them for their ability to make me feel something other than boredom or disgust, which is a lot more than I could say for the decades that have come afterward.



IA.  And the truth is, even when Mascolo was still alive, I was more than ready to leave Stefano and the rest of the DiMeras behind.  Between allowing them to continue to wreak havoc in Salem and the systematic destruction of the Horton, Brady and other clans, DAYS is now a soap without a real core.  And without that core, there's nothing to sustain the show even for a little while longer.



Except, I can't really believe (or, I guess, accept) that Kristen is really and truly a nun.  Something else is going on there.


But, if Ron really wanted to "respect history," he would've had Sarah name "her" baby Neil rather than Mickey.



Sadly, I think the rumor is true.  And if Hope can revert back to Gina with a mere snap of the fingers, then chances are Steve can always do the same with "Stefano" whenever the writers get stuck in another rut with him and Kayla.  (Which they will, because they don't know how to write any of DAYS' super-couples from the '80's as anything other than super-couples.)


Like I said, this show just cannot, will not, Move. On.

Edited by Khan
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I mean, I guess it's just not my cup of tea. I find myself rolling my eyes a lot at a good chunk of 80s DAYS, though I genuinely understand its appeal, and love the warmth and heart the show had during that period. But I will agree with you that there is a lot of that warmth that's been missing from the show since the JER era and that has been rarely seen since. 

The only fitting end to Stefano would've been by the monster of his own creation. IMO, Kristen or André, killing him in a highly personal way as their final act of madness, would've really put a nice bow on the whole DiMera ordeal and allowed DAYS to move on properly from this mess of a family. Instead, the Phoenix stays rising over and over in increasingly insulting ways.

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I've always wanted a real, "Empire Strikes Back" moment where Stefano finally, FINALLY tells John who he really, really, REALLY is.  "Search your feelings, Pawn.  You know what he's saying is true."


Then, John beheads his own father and removes the Phoenix ring.


And I truly understand how you (and others) feel about '80's DAYS.  I'm sure I would feel the same way had I watched DAYS before then.  Of course, what little I have seen of '70's DAYS, I've loved as well.  Same goes for AMC, for GL, for ATWT and OLTL, and for a half-dozen (or more) other shows. 


I just love the storytelling from both those eras, period, because it seemed as if the writers were allowed at least some latitude in how they wrote the shows.  It's only when the '80's gave way to the '90's that I felt the networks' and/or sponsors' interference on everything across the board.



JER hated writing for DAYS, and he hated working for Ken Corday, too.  Those who don't believe me can watch the clips again and then decide for themselves.  ("Search your feelings, DAYS fans.  You know what I'm saying is true.")

Edited by Khan
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Wouldn't that be great? If only I could trust that another writer wouldn't swoop in and undo THAT "final final ending" a year later.

I still find it so hard to believe that the same man who write GL in 1991-92 wrote such garbage at DAYS. Now, granted, I see traces of his style in 1992 GL (Eleni's incapability to just spit out the fact she saw a sex worker in Frank's bed in Paris is classic JER nonsense IMO), and acknowledge that his tendencies were tempered by his co-writers. But the fact you can immediately pinpoint when he took over as HW by the severe dumbing down of the dialogue within weeks of his arrival speaks volumes. 

I still felt some of that warmth during JER's first run, at least at first, but I chalk that up to cast cohesion, and to the will of the cast to maintain that sensibility in spite of the writing. The second run was an extended middle-finger to every long-term viewer, without question.

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At least in the 80s/90s the shows actually had some sort of budget to try and pull these action/adventure/sci-fi/supernatural storylines off. Yes, it was cheesy, even at the time, but at least there was money there. That money, obviously, isn't there anymore so why even attempt it?


It makes literally no sense to go in this sci-fi/supernatural route, or to try the action/adventure of the 80s. If anything, going back to a more set-based, non-action oriented storytelling makes sense from a financial point of view.


They couldn't even make Jennifer falling from a balcony look right!

Edited by te.
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Why did Neil use his own sperm to impregnate Maggie? I was watching the 1990 episodes where we found out that he was Sarah's father, but the playlist ended before we found out why. Sounds like he could've lost his medical license for doing that.

That's all what it comes down to. If the show just had a little more money, I believe things would somewhat improve.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I really did post that, and no, I don't know you beyond your posts here on SON, we all know you're hornier than the Boston Pops, but what's ignorant and irresponsible is professing the "hotness" of an addict. I am truly sorry for your loss, I lost my maternal and paternal grandfathers to alcoholism, and full disclosure, my brother and I have struggled with our bloodline. It's real for me too, your reaction just hit a nerve.


No hate Soapsuds, I enjoy you and our mutual love for classic T.V.

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They could've taken the John O'Hara/"Appointment in Samarra" approach: Gina starts to push Jennifer over the railing; everybody's inside when they hear a scream; they rush out and see Jennifer's body on the ground.

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Seemed like a lot of damage done for a fall from the second floor... Couldn't the bistro at least be on the 3rd floor? Oh well. 


Nuns, c'mon... I don't know the process of becoming a nun, but it isn't just something you randomly decide to do and the church just welcomes you without some sort of vetting process and/or intense study program. 


Now Lani, I know pickings are small in Salem, but surely you could've done a Facebook search and found out where Cameron is practicing medicine/stripping these days... 

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