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GENERAL HOSPITAL April 2019 Discussion

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Lynn still has it.  She is playing the same character, just older, and she can still sell every beat.  I’m just really impressed with her.  Of all the barely seen veterans, especially the ones gone for years at a time, she and Kristina Wagner still do a great job of seeming like the characters they played back then.  It’s especially noticeable when you see Jacklyn Zeman in these scenes, because she doesn’t seem to be able to quite find Bobbie anymore.


I also could watch Laura and Leslie in scenes together every week.

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Anytime they do anniversary episodes with a lot of history it just makes me annoyed how they trot the vets out and then they'll be back to cameo appearances. It also reminds me of a time when the show was actually good. It's watchable for the most part but too many pets remain.


Staff Infection leaving is a great thing, but let's not pretend Frank ain't recasting her out of spite. And "story". They should have just taken the easy way out, dumped Nina and the whole daughter story. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! THIS WAS A SIGN. DUMP THE CHARACTER. (I'm not Michelle Stafford's biggest fan, but the out of the blue Gina stans are coming for her, and that's not how it works; Michelle didn't go storming into Y&R demanding Gina be fired (reminds me how the Billy Miller stans railroaded David Tom, like Tom personally fired Miller and took over the role ...). I love how everyone is an "expert" in this, on Twitter. Amusing and annoying to no end. And then the "HOW DARE YOU NOT BE OUTRAGED LIKE I AM!!!!" LOL. SoapTwitter is a toxic trip. But it can also sometimes be hella entertaining. *


* Sorry for the side rant! But you know ... pets ...


I despise Franco as Scott's retcon bastard, but I 'get' him being there (that hair"style" is ridiculous, BTW ... someone must hate him). It still feels like propping. Same for Julian and Sonny. I guess I get Carly, and maybe even Sonny. A 'healing' of sorts? I guess I can look at that way, but they still felt out of place, even Alexis did as well, honestly. But so many fans were NOT here for the pets and I love it. Most of Twitter seems united in hating the pets, yet they continue to soldier on. Frank/Varni are stubborn stubborn stubborn (and petty) men. (On a side note Rafe and Rafe/Hope aren't very popular yet they soldier on too as if they can't be touched ... I don't get it)


I know Kim McC directs now, but since she was sitting at home watching apparently, she wasn't available a month ago to film? Robin would have made more sense for the Stone thing. Maybe they tried and she couldn't? IDK.


Honestly at the end of the day it reminds me what a shell the show kind of is. Yet there are tons of vets just lingering around. It's sad. (And while not quite as bad as ATWT was in it's end, it's reminding me of such ... tons of vets just lingering, doing nothing, several pets no one cares about, tired pairings and couples ...)

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Guess that washed away Karen's drugged up stripper days ...

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It made sense in that regard. But it all still feels forced, and it shouldn't.


SoapTwitter was not here for Scummy and Carly yesterday and I loved it

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The anniversary episode felt wonky and a bit flat. But i guess it's better than nothing. Sonny. Franco, Alexis Carly & Julian all felt out of place. Even through most of them are vets. Scotty & Laura propping up Franco & Sonny. What a waste of time that was. I wished they would've shown flashbacks through out. When they did at the end they were so lackluster. No Gail flashbacks at all. Franco has to be the worse shoehorned character ever.  

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Ugh. Though not greased the hair that way isn't *as* bad as it was. But ... lol


It did feel like propping.


And yeah it was nice they did *something* but it fell a bit flat. 


I get wanting 'the vets' all together, but it felt sort of forced. It doesn't help that most of them get no airtime beyond cameo appearances. I mean, when was the last time Bobbie and Liz even had a scene? Maybe sharing the stage at the Nurse's Ball?? It was nice. But would be nicer if we saw regular interactions  


And flashbacks, I believe, cost the show money to use, depending.


They could do a real special, and have the actors reminiscing and show clips. I don't mind doing it from the characters, but do something different next time ...


They really seem desperate to have Franco and Julian stick around. I just don't get the appeal. At all. Both actors were practically out the door a year or two ago. Sigh.


These two feel like afterthoughts, despite the screentime they receive ... lol


Guess they couldn't find a forced way to insert them, lol

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Of course he does.


But Borg has little to no screentime with the Q's. He often never even feels like one. But it would have made more sense forcing him into it than Julian. Ugh.


But yes he 'deserved' to be there over Julian and Franco ... of course Frank probably doesn't agree. I think he brought Burton back because he could, not because he wanted to. JMO. He bent over backwards to keep deVry and Howarth, yet let's numerous people walk ...


the agenda is clear


Again, I think Jason should have been there but, you know, agendas ... and sorry but I don't care about Stone Cold, most of the time, but I do respect his history on the show

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I guess he has had some nice moments, but they're few and far between (it was about time he actually had a scene with Danny). I do think this regime writes him with a little more heart and I've seen Burton try on a few occasions. His time on Y&R helped. I was just always turned off by Jason's attitude towards the Q's and I feel he never recovered for me. Sorry. There's always been a slight taint on the character but I guess it's slowly softening because we're so devoid of Q's and so devoid of familiar faces sometimes it is nice to see him. But I've never cared for the idea of Stone Cold. Sorry

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 mixed feelings on this one ... I do try and be fair. I don't think he needs to be defended ... 

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