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Strange / Awkward / Random Story Plots

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Yes! At least that's how Marlena transported there. It showed her coffin surrounded in fire like she was going through the earth. My God. LOL. Late-2003 to 2006 was such a clusterfu¿k. 


Speaking of flying objects, we can't forget Spring of 1999 when Carrie and Mike finally made love for the first time, and their Vegas hotel room bed suddenly went flying up into the stratosphere and landing in some lush meadow during their afterglow.  I kid you not. 

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I assume the people of Salem were happy to get rid of Austin and Greta for a while?  Austin was so dumb at this point and all I can recall Greta doing is trying to find out who her father was.  Poor girl still probably doesn't know. 

I always felt we were getting this strange, pseudo religious story due to the actors extremely open religious beliefs.  It rubbed me the wrong way and I have to imagine a lot of other viewers because I think a lot of it was cut.

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Yep. I remember all of that. We've really truly had to sit through some bizarre [!@#$%^&*]!


lol. Greta was fairly pointless. I was always disappointed we never addressed John or Stefano being her father. I would have liked that a lot. I liked Greta because of Julianne Morris but the character always felt pointless, lol (I thought Nicole/Greta/Eric had some potential, I remember enjoying Nicole being a snarky bitch to Greta). And then they wasted Greta and Jack and Jennifer in that "gay Jack" nonsense. No wonder Julianne couldn't wait to leave (although I feel like they dumped her, but I can't remember)


Austin was always a dud under Peck (just Reilly's generic pretty boy who lacked brains that the heroine and schemer fought over). They at least tried when Muldoon was in the role originally, but Austin ... meh. I wish Austin was the one who was crushed by the elevator in 2012 ... #sorrynotsorry

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Julianne Morris was very beautiful and a likeable actress.  I am surprised that she didn't get more work after Days.   I thought for sure John was going to be her father.  I am pretty sure Days dumped her, but we had to hear about her father search for 2 years or so and then nothing?

Austin  was the most dumbed down character on the show by Reilly (John was a close 2nd) and he never recovered.  I never thought Austin was a rocket scientist or anything, but PM's Austin wasn't a complete idiot.

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Seems like the 80s-90s were "let's all write someone being raped". DAYS had Marlena, Kayla, Maggie and Jennifer all raped. Maggie by the hospital rapist, Kayla by Jack, Jennifer by Lawrence and Marlena by Kellam. I believe all different writers though. It seems like a bit much looking back on it, even though some were years and years apart. (And Steve was written very differently when he first came on. I felt Steve had some questionable scenes with Hope and Kayla. They seemed to enjoy having Steve torment them and see them squirm.)

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I hate rape storylines..even Margo on ATWT getting raped which was handled seriously...I know rape happens to strong women in life but enough of it. Brent Lawrence on GL is a good example..he would have been a great long term character but they used him to try to make Lucy rootable by having her raped! Lets not even get into what happened after that..


On Passions I just switched channels and came across a "queeny" guy and a typical Reilly "stud" block of wood jumping in the sack and the stud taking a condom out (close up) and the "queeny" guy (who of course would be the bottom) gleefully turning over and I was so shocked I am sure I was clutching my pearls and said "Oh DEAR!" ala Nancy Hughes. When I recovered from the shock I thought that it was great that the show was not skating around things and that these two guys were getting it on and having fun and thought it was groundbreaking ...until I think one of them was a hermaphadite and also a rapist/killer?


Going back to GL and the topic on hand..remember Conboy and Westons stupid Antimonious storyline and the weird mask in Marah's apartment which, on a Friday cliffhanger, started to have glowing red eyes, and then on Monday..nothing, and it was never seen again. WTF?

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Ah that's nothing, the floating Oz head of Mac Carey chasing Marlena out of the room "Get OUUUTTTT!" (in a house, where they left 90 year old Alice, with the coffin of her family member in the living room, while a killer AND a tiger were loose!) which has been talked about..but then Marlena runs out of the house, and we get a commerical and she saunters back in..as if nothing happened? Its was like someone forgot the scene they wrote just before that?? Everyone involved, including whomever okay using Carey's image in that scene should be locked away on the Evil Madman Island every soap has.

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I will forever be curious what Reilly's original plan was for that entire story.  It clearly was completely changed.  I sincerely thought Marlena was possessed again.  Honestly, to this day,  I am have a hard time remembering the exact end of the story.  Why did Marlena do those things?

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LOL..the baseball diamond..when GL could barely afford toilet paper in the dressing room bathrooms!


All of these things are funny as hell when watching another soap you aren't invested in...(I admit, I LURRRVED the stupidity of the Salem Stalker and kept the scene of Tom Horton's giant head chasing Marlena out of the house. or the "special effect" scene of Marlena falling from her penthouse , with Sammi screaming only to have whats his face John given the wooden play by play..."She's falling, oh no..she hit the lobby canvas entrance..she bounced out of it..and she landed on SAMMI!" Cut to Evans on top of the Sammi actress..LOL) but when it comes to YOUR soap like on GL it hits home! During Conboy I was praying for the clone days!

Not just hypnosis, but the Salem victims all had LOOK-A-LIKES to take their place. Never mind that there could be exact look alikes of all those people, but that means that someone actually had to kill all those people so the murders were real..right? By the time Tony told the whole story the characters and the audience (and the writers) were like.."We don't really care anymore!"

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