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Closeted (gay) actors formerly on the soaps


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LOL much better. Thank you!  


I see Freddie has indeed moved my way. LOL. Not sure why people love to come to Florida. We are a hot mess. I'd rather have Chandler  (slightly kidding; I like Freddie) but Georgia isn't far  


Do we know what part of Florida Andy Kavovit is in? lol. What is it about Florida?

Edited by KMan101
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It's interesting. The only place in Florida I would want to live in is Miami Beach (which I did for several years) but I know A LOT of people would rather live anywhere in Florida EXCEPT FOR Miami Beach. To each their own. 


I THINK, and I could be completely wrong about this, that Andy Kavovit said he lived in the Tampa area. He said during his interview but it wasn't clear because someone was talking over him (probably Alan). I think that's what I heard but, like I said, I could be completely wrong. 

Edited by Bill Bauer
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Chandler Massey what a hunk. I should move to Georgia.


I'm Ray Charles singing and playing the piano and Chandler on the piano shirtless.

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And I was crucified for Chandler.

Colleen was thrilled to learn he was in Florida since she lives there too and asked Andrew where and Alan cut him off. 

You have good ears because Alan was cutting him off as he said where.

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Notoriously, I have the worst gaydar in the world, but did anyone else just learn that Keith Hamilton Cobb (AMC Noah) came out ten years ago?



@Faulkner 's comment made me look further into the story and the info appears to be false from the actor himself - so I guess my gaydar isn't as far off as I thought - moral of the story, don't believe everything you see on Tiktok

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and from his own blog




Then, a number of emails arrived from young gay men expressing their gratitude for the example I set for them in their lives.  Further investigation revealed that this “article” had metastasized, finding its way onto gay blogs and chat rooms across the net, and even onto Wikipedia!  The young men related stories about their hesitance to make public declarations of their sexuality for fear of being ostracized by family, or society at large, etc.  Because I had ostensibly “come out,” I was now a role model to them of some sort, and they were grateful for the example I had set.  Holy [!@#$%^&*]!  I didn’t know what to say.


But if you’ve made it to the end, here is something that you might like to know about me.  It’s not the sort of thing that IMDb might offer up without my permission, or, say, some poor, repressed soul with a busy mind and too much time on his/her hands might fantasize about.  But it is a thing directly, completely, truthfully from me, because I’d like you to know:

I’m just an actor.




Edited by j swift
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I remember KHC did a stint on Noah’s Arc, but he’s denied being gay.

Unless he’s comes out more recently (this interview is from a few years ago), he denies it around 12:20 of this video:


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