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Developing: 90210 Reboot with Original Cast!

Chris B

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I know she liked S 1 and part of S2 but when they pitched the affair she quit and I think they fired Rob Estes but I never bought Kelly would be a high school counselor


I liked her chemistry with Jessica Stoup as Kelly's sister, Silver


Although Garth on WWHL, seems to think she only did like 3 episodes and Tori reminded her no that was me. You did 2 seasons and she was like, what, no

Edited by John
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Same here. In season 1, they teased this Kelly/Brenda/Ryan triangle for weeks which eventually went nowhere and the juiciest part (Brenda hooking up with Ryan) happened off-screen. When Brenda was out of the picture, Kelly finally slept with Ryan, but then the story was dropped and in season 2, Ryan was paired with Naomi's sister Jen (whom I found more interesting than any of the teens except Naomi and Adrianna). Kelly continued appearing as a supporting character in Silver's story but apparently left town without an explanation (and left Silver living in her garage).


But that was 90210's biggest mistake... dropping interesting stories left and right, and repeating the same boring stuff (triangles and more triangles) every other week. The writers really thought their audience was stupid and not able to remember things that happened two episodes ago.

Edited by Huntress
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Exactly this!!! It would have been INTERESTING. Not sure why Garth wanted to do absolutely nothing but hold Silver's hand. At the end of the day the reboot was a lot of wasted and missed potential.


And LMAO at Garth somehow not remembering she was on several seasons ... methinks she was attempting shade or she just has a really really really bad memory.


I guess it would be doing Garth dirty because Garth didn't want Kelly to be a homewrecker. IDK. She needed to get over it and play the damn character.




Again, lots of missed potential and lost opportunity. Same for Melrose. Both reboots make me angry as a fan because I wanted so much more from them. Same for Dallas. What wastes.

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Melrose was [!@#$%^&*], up from the start


The Original Idea was the murder Mystery had Amanda dead in the pool & Violet her kid But Locklear would not sign on. Somehow they got Laura Leighton. Killing Sydney was a dumb ass move and Not having Amanda from the Jump. These producers didnt understand the franchise

Yes she didnt want Kelly to be the cause of a breakup again like with Dylan/Brenda/Kelly. She didnt want to do that anymore. So she walked. Then  EP, Rebecca Sinclair said that no OG's would be in S3 and referred to them as old hat

I wonder if Garth walking caused Estes to quit or f he was fired. Harry's departure was sudden

Edited by John
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I would of just kept Jessica Walters and dumped Lori and Rob from the get go, personally, lol. Kids parents die and they move in with Kooky Grandma.


And yeah, Melrose fucked up from the start. It was a mess. Katie Cassidy and Stephanie Jacobsen were the only good things (though I did think Shaun Sipos and Michael Rady were cute and Nick Zano's Drew had potential). That and seeing the vets wander around lost. All such a missed opportunity. It was always going to be a problem for both 90210 and MP when the showrunners either don't know or don't care. The fact is, CW wanted them in name only. They didn't want the 'baggage' but seemed to bow to including them.

Edited by KMan101
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I thought Lori lasted longer than that but I really don't remember off hand at the moment. I started losing interest around Season 3.


I can't remember about Walters either, was it ever said? My memory is getting really bad, lol. Probably ageist CW or to make room for original 90210 vets like Doherty and Spelling?


These shows just didn't know what they wanted to be and it showed.

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If I remember correctly, Jessica Walter was dumped because she was too expensive. She was supposed to return for guest appearances later on, but that never materialized.


Lori was part of the main cast until the season 3 finale and returned for a single guest appearance in the season 5 premiere where she had like 3 or 4 lines.


I don't remember Ryan claiming to live at Melrose Place – and I watched every single episode of that rotten show

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 He was shown to be living at an apartment complex, but it wasn't Melrose Place.

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