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FX Pose - **Spoliers if you're not up to date**

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I enjoyed this week episode. Loved seeing Candy. I miss her, wish the show did more with her.


Overall, the show is about the AIDS crisis and Ballroom scene, that has always been its focus. When you have two broadway actors, you know they're going to sing and have a showcase episode. The Good Wife did the same thing, Big Little Lies is doing it now with Meryl Streep, and if this helps the show get more recognition then I'm all for it. Billy Porter was excellent. This will definitely be his Emmy tape.


Black McIver is an idiot. Instead of lifting the show he decides to make stupid comments to get attention. This show showcases, black, latino, trans actors in predominant roles with relatively good writing, so of course Blake is going bash it. I'll definitely call the show out on its crap when it's due, but for a show that IMO is breaking so many barriers, I'm not going to find fault in minute things that countless other shows are lauded for.


My hope for season 3 is they go back to being more cohesive, instead of the single character episodes. That's when the show is at its best.


Good article by Billy Porter: http://www.newnownext.com/billy-porter-sounds-off-on-cisgender-white-rich-gay-culture/07/2018/

Edited by StepBack
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Agreed on that. The story arcs seem to get rushed towards the end of each episode. For instance, all that build-up with what Patti LuPone's character was doing behind Blanca's back, and then her reaction when finding out was literally a two-second scene.  Same with Ricky and Damon's quest to make it big, first via Madonna back-up dancers and then on the TV show. It felt very rushed at the end with little reaction among the house family. 


Also, as a result, you have many characters doing basically nothing for multiple episodes until "their" episode comes up. 

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Omg Blanca’s two second reaction to what Patti did drove me [!@#$%^&*] crazy. That was supposed to be a pivotal moment and you literally could’ve blinked and missed it.


I hope we’re done with all the singing. I hate singing on tv so much, and Ryan Murphy loves to fill episodes with full songs just to take up time.

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I couldn't leave without saying this...YES, when one is in a thread there is the potential for spoilers sure. HOWEVER, when we were all watching LOOKING in real time, we all were careful to say what we wanted to say (something big happen) without saying what the big thing is. And when @ChitHappens and I were watching GOT at the same time to get caught up to the last sesason, I didn't see anyone spoil us on events. And we talked so much other people followed.


So I was happy when Season 2 of POSE started to 1) find that someone else watched it and 2) all of you were bingewatching Season 1 at the same time. For that reason, Victoria and I kept our comments vague...though to be fair I don't know how to do spoiler tags and never have.

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  So I am sorry that rather than be considerate enough to read and see clearly that a lot of people were slowly watching Season 1, someone dropped a big spoiler on someone else. While I do see the change in the heading, I hope going forward we can still be somewhat subtle in case someone did not see that week's (or seasons' worth of) episode (s).


That said...I agree that I thought last week was the weak episode of the season. Good moments for sure. But that ending was rushed, the cameo was great, and yep it was raw. But still...weak.


PS. The Solid Gold recreation was SPOT ON. Went back to being a kid again.  

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Hey @Taoboi I'm one of the season 1 bingers and I have no problems with season 2 viewers talking about what you are currently viewing. It is broadcast in real time and it makes sense you would talk about it! If I pick up a spoiler here and there, oh well, it's not the end of the world. I am always behind on my viewing anyway. I appreciate you couching your words and not giving too much away but at some point you are going to want to talk about what you just saw. I'm ok with it. If you feel guilty about it, just say 'SPOILERS AHEAD', drop down a few lines and start writing.

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Spoilers ahead....










Was anyone else uncomfortable with them hinting at something about to start up between Pray Tell and Ricky? Why is Ricky such a ho? And that would be a terrible look for Pray Tell whom I already dislike immensely.


One thing I dislike about this show is that the main cast rarely faces any consequences. They vandalized Frederica's house with a newscrew there and they didn't get arrested and Blanca got her shop back? Like what?


Angel is playing with fire getting into the party scene now, and Ricky is too dumb to be the person to guide her. I feel like they're setting it up for her world to come crashing down as someone is bound to find out she's trans.

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I can't stand Season 2 Pray Tell either. So over the top all the time, trying to dominate every scene. He was much better as a secondary character last year. 


I loved Season 1, but 2 is much darker, despressing and... boring. Several Ryan Murphy things  like guest stars who don't make that much sense (Frederica the cabaret mobster) and everyone turning into a cartoon of themselves start bothering me. It also feels as though TPTB are too busy "making tv history"  that have forgotten writing captivating stories. 

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Agreed. There's chunks of story/explanation missing these days. 


And one thing that bothers me: Why on earth would Blanca own an entire store front boutique for ONE single hairdresser, herself? Don't stylists usually rent booths at existing salons? Realistically, she would be spending A LOT in upkeep of that place (the products she uses; the products she sells, electricity, heat, etc. etc.) that she simply could not afford as one single stylist unless she works morning, noon, and night every single day. 


I'm still enjoying this season, but definitely agree that the first season had a clear vision and story arc to be told over the course of the season. No "agenda" or Emmy-baiting episodes. Just solid story. 



Yeah, I'm not liking what they're hinting at... the "daddy" jokes are one thing, but Ricky was showing lust in his eyes. The preview for this week had Pray Tell saying he's taken on a new lover, and the body shown looked young, firm, and taut much like Ricky.... 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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