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Days: December 2018 Discussion Thread ⌛🎅🎄🎁

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Caught up on nearly 3 weeks worth of DAYS in the last 2 days... I just finished Christmas Day... some lingering thoughts.... 


Yes, Greg Vaughan still needs a shave, haircut, and a reason for living (okay, that's referring to the character). Still the town downer. This show is so obvious at pairing up people right off the bat, I don't even care what "journey" Eric and should-be-50-year-old Sarah go on to get there, we already know the endgame is them becoming a couple. 


If Eric were seedy like caked-on-makeup-drag-queen brother Brady, he'd pretend to fall for Chloe for the sake of raising Holly together... only to fall in love for real, but then Chloe finds out his game. But I don't want to sack our beautiful Chloe with that lump. I'm hoping she'll catch the eyes of someone who's returning in January whom she's already shared intimate screen-time with in the early 2000's... 


I loved the SSH 50th anniversary episode. I wish they had used Kristian Alfonso and Melissa Reeves for that episode, though. Maggie too. But the flashbacks were wonderful, and it was nice for them to pay tribute. 


Thank goodness Kate Mansi is back. There was a fire in Abby's scenes that has been lacking for nearly 3 years. I liked watching the build-up, with some characters knowing Abby was faking, others not. 


I like Sheila and Leo as the comic relief. I'm going to go ahead and ignore the stereotypes on both these roles for the simple reason that the last two comic reliefs were heterosexual white women (Bonnie, Hattie). 


Why do we hear crickets chirping outside in December??? 


Like Sarah, while we're on the subject of legacy children popping out of the woodwork, I still would kinda like to know what Lani's upbringing was like. What was the dealio with her mama and Abe?  The whole 80's backstory was barely touched upon and, again, we don't know her back story. All we know is she's a sub-par actress. 


Camila Banis has definitely improved and I like the character, but after this past year, they've written Gabi into a corner. Unless they go the brain tumor route, she has no excuses and no way to redeem her in the eyes of the citizens of Salem... unless she were a necktie killer. Then a few therapy sessions with the good Doc Evans will cure her. 


I agree with others that peoples' history and current-day connections need to be touched upon better, i.e. Will/Sonny and Gabi and their shared daughter.  Side note DAYS writers: Chad was Will's best friend first, not Sonny. 


Technical notes - Christmas Eve day lasted a few episodes. I thought for sure by the time they had the ornament ceremony, it wouldn't be daylight outside (it gets dark by 5pm afterall). Besides, didn't Sheila officiate the Sonny/Leo wedding after she got off work at 4pm? Yep, sunlight definitely should've been down. 


Not liking this off-camera angst between Abe and Valerie. Any official word on Vanessa Williams...? 


I'm glad I'm not the only one totally annoyed and bothered by Billy Flynn's performances, or lack thereof. If we didn't know the behind-the-scenes drama, I would think Flynn was the one with the drinking problem instead of Tyler. All the bumbling, fumbling, tripping over lines, forgetting lines, lack of reaction, always smirking and smiling during inappropriate times in his scenes... plus, he does that same thing Joshua Morrow does over on Y&R (and I'm one of the few on this board who likes JM on Y&R but he is guilty of this) where the actor knows that his character is oblivious to the secret, so they're acting oblivious but yet smirking or behaving in such a way where you know the person knows what's up but pretending they don't know. You know what I mean? Or is my Saturday night wine getting the better of me? LOL  But anyhow, drives me batty. LOL 


Kayla/Tripp scenes explaining why Steve isn't on the show anymore is strictly fast-forward. 


I like Ciara/Ben. I'm surprised (okay, hoping) Carlivati hasn't given Ben a recycled Cameron storyline. "Need cash? Become a stripper!"


I was pleasantly surprised how they gave a proper sendoff to Lucas. The Lucas/Chloe breakup was good, plus he had final moments with Kate and Will and even a final stroll through HTS.  If Ali is drinking, I'm hoping it's underage, like 17, and that they're not bringing Ali back next year as a 22 year old or something goofy. 


Are Belle & Shawn coming back? 


Where was Bo's ornament?  Agreed on the sad looking Horton tree. It definitely needed to be fuller.   I wouldn't call this Christmas one of their best, but it was decent. As long as you have staples like Hope, Jenn, Julie, Maggie, and Doug, you're golden. 




I got you boo...  Happy holidays

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Thanks @Gray Bunny! I’m not a fan of tattoos in general, but I think he has the best body on the show by a considerable margin. A subjective opinion, of course, but he’s rarely discussed as a thirst trap here. Clearly production sees it. He’s nearly naked more often than any other actor on DAYS. I’d love to see him as more than a nude torso, though.

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I don't like tattoos at all but Lamon/Eli is very handsome and has a very nice body. I also like when they let him wear a suit on the show, (though it is rare), like they did for New Year's Eve and Thanksgiving Day.

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I enjoyed Jack's latest return from the dead. Kassie DePaiva was great.  Yet this feels like a rerun of Vivian & Stefan appearing at last yrs NYE bash mixed with Will's return from the dead. Only wish more of the regular cast were at the NYE party. Juxtapositioning Jack's return with boring Elani was stupid.  

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I thought that Eve came across as really petty today. She was for lack of a better phrase, bringing up "old stuff".  She was acting like she was wronged by a bunch of people when she left and that they tried to make her life miserable. In particular she was pretty rude to Chloe who was actually her friend and tried to support her before she left town the last time around.


She also seems pretty bitter about Brady, but she had multiple opportunities to get back with him. Even after the truth of why he lost Tate came out, Brady did make his way back to her. They reconciled and slept together but she found out he messed around with Kirsten and left town and him. And she tried to blame Jen for a lot of things, but she needlessly antagonized and blackmailed Jen, when Jen was struggling to tell Eric the truth about Nicole. Jen ultimately told him the truth but that was because she wanted to do the right thing more than anything, not because she wanted to stick it to Eve.


Eve chose to leave on her own accord and most people didn't care when she left and wouldn't care that she came back, had she not brought Jack with her. (And was trying to have influence over him.) I do think that her interacting with Jack was interesting and I liked how emotional that Jen and JJ were when they were interacting with Jack. I thought those were good scenes.


And I did like after Eve showed up and started going off, Eli/Lani decided to mind their own business and got out of Doug's place quickly, lol.

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I've been watching bits and pieces again the last few weeks, mainly just the stuff with Julie and Gabi which has been real fun. Ron definitely is a better fit at DOOL than he was at GH.


I wanna see Jack and Jennifer but I don't want to get invested only for them to either kill Jack off again in 6 months or rush them both off the show in the same time frame.

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The only reason I thought Eve's return would have been more eventful had the original actress been bought back was because the whole Jack/Jennifer/Eve situation was played out with the original actress (thus we could be treated to flashbacks galore).  And Eve's return could be short-term (since lets face it, the last couple of times Eve's been back.. she hasn't been used properly.. and she seems to play better coming in for short visits than leaving again.. like Kristen) since that was the reason why the original actress didn't come back to begin with.  


As much as I like Kassie as an actress, she isn't playing Eve.. but a slightly less emotionally unhinged Blair.  So when this 'Eve' comes back, I just think of her as a different character altogether.  Just my two cents.

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I'm more than half way done with the show and Eve's and Jack's return has been a complete bust. Having strangers looking at Jack while half of Salem is elsewhere is pathetic....Why is Eve so angry at everyone? That came out of left field.......and do we have to go through another Will 2.0 memory loss again....yawn....with Jack feeling that only Eve is his friend/protector a la Will and Susan?.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I have to say that Matthew A. is still hot as ever. He has aged very well. I know he was on a year ago but it was a 2 or 3 episode arc.

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Heh. It's all fairly plot driven in regards to Eve. She needs to learn how to accept responsibility (lol, I know ... it's a soap). She honestly made her own bed and refuses to lay in it. Cry me a river Eve ...


Matthew Ashford just gets better with age. He's looking really good.



It's honestly way past time for Jenn to grovel and beg for Jack to come back to her instead of the other way around. Jenn has treated him like dirt so many times. The Dr. Pervert [!@#$%^&*] really turned me off to Jennifer for a very long time. I came back around to her as she sat on the backburner, which helped tremendously. I'd love to see Jack keep an edge to him. He shouldn't have ever been made to be comic relief.

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