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Non-Hollywood Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment

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Will she even make it to trial?

Prince Andrew's PR is all 'Prince Andrew is befuddled and bewildered' by what US prosecutors are asking of him. They want you to come over for questioning, dumbass. He is going to keep stonewalling and his mother will keep shielding his ass, claiming Royal immunity or some such nonsense.

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For one, and one reason only, would I want her alive. To sing like a canary and implicate Bully Boy Barr and the orange one, not to mention hosts of others. I would love to see their coward asses in jail. Not that it is likely to happen, but a girl can dream.


In answer to you second question, why:

- On behalf of the orange one. We know Putin's got something on him too.

- Ghislaine has got dirt on Barr himself. He's a nasty piece of work generally, not to mention his dad was headmaster of Dalton School and was the one who hired JE, mentored him, and hooked him up with NYC elite.



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Ellen Pao, former CEO at Reddit, decided to say the quiet part out loud - everyone knew and no one did anything.



The photo going around of Maxwell and Kevin Spacey sitting on the throne at Buckingham Palace made me feel sick. It was the perfectly putrid image of everything that has bubbled up over the last 10-20 years fusing together. 


I still have a lot of respect for the Queen, even with the protection she has seemingly given Andrew, but this whole horror show, along with the way Meghan Markle was treated, has eroded any other goodwill I had toward the family. Once she passes away I think it is time to seriously consider whether the monarchy has reached its natural conclusion. 

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