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OWN picks up Jamey Giddens scripted show!


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I am liking Marilyn so far and her interaction with Stephanie. She's pretty and initially on the surface she seemed like a decent person who had herself together. But then we find out she has this really wild past & a different side of her may come out now that Stephanie is threatening/blackmailing her. I wouldn't be surprised if she were the one who drugged Stephanie and I am interested in seeing what happens with her. 


Also, regarding Amara I think they should tell us more why she cheated on Titus. I don't think they've really said much about that. Titus is very sexy and is loving, I wonder what made her turn to Damian, who is creepy (though she doesn't know about him spying on her). Early on it was mentioned that she got pregnant (but lost the baby) and she believed that is why Titus married her. Titus said he married her because he wanted her. I'm going to guess her first pregnancy was a long time ago, especially considering they have like a 17 year old daughter.


And the cheating with Damian occurred before they came to Atlanta. It seemed like Amara/Titus hadn't seen Stephanie in several years. So even if there were insecurities about him/Stephanie, they hadn't seen her in years. So it's not like she would have been around to trigger anything. So I wonder what caused Amara to cheat on Titus. Maybe if they delve into that, it would help with the development of her character.



Maybe the reruns airing at earlier times like 8pm is introducing new viewers to the show & contributed to the ratings bump.

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To be fair, Will Packer hired Jamey to do a daytime soap. Ambitions was developed as a multi-episode per week daytime soap and Jamey said each family was much larger when he wrote the bible for that format. It was only later in development that it was shifted to a nighttime soap. Also, lets not forget OLTL and AMC both got good ratings on OWN (with no promo), not to mention Hulu. The only reason those two shows went off the air was due to funding. 

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Well, Stephanie Lankcaster, I'm not sure if I'm happy to admit that I'm watching episode 6 now.


Oprah really did give up her hope on "inspirational programming", didn't she? You might say she abandoned her AMBITIONS *bada-boom and drum roll*

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"Being your sister-in-law should've earnt me a honorary degree - in Bitchology"


I can't with the writing.

I like how Stephanie Lankcaster is ok with gay people but not ok with her daughter dating that girl - is this a Romeo and Juliet thing we have going?

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I enjoyed last week's show. It think it was one of the better one of this season. I was glad to see Rondell and Kent get closer. And Greg Peters definitely seems to have a gangster-ish type of family. He did seem protective of Stefanie when he picked her up and carried her up the stairs when his threatening cousin and her goons showed up. And it was nice to see Matt Cedeno (Brandon Walker from Days) again on the show as Ignacio, who looks like he might end up being Bella's love interest. He looked good. 


I think that the show has like 3 more episodes before the mid season finale. 

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